Category: photos
08/30/09 07:00 - 63ºF - ID#49661
Technoir on Friday

Well that gives a General sense. my next post hopefully will pictures and the story of the flying Shoe Fly tent at Festival Of The arts. Hopefully I'll try to do it in story form. I'm just a little upset cause I had these pictures uploading to facebook and with like two more pictures it fails that is time I could have used here to at least start my next post and put it in draft. Ok I need a movie before true blood.

Permalink: Technoir_on_Friday.html
Words: 324
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/27/09 07:24 - 69ºF - ID#49642
Friday ?
1. Sleep In, that will feel so good , I hope
2. Try to get a suit, not sure what I like but hoping I see something and it says that is the one
3. Want to get a movie in also I would love to see District 9 and maybe get in a second one also not really sure
4. I Pretty Sure I will Skip Wrestling and Bill Maher. I want to go check out Club Diablo for that TechNoir Fashion show. Going to try and drink and take pictures could get interesting. Not sure how well my camera works in a dark place and how to get good pictures yet.
Oh yeah it is the weekend for me, awesome. By the way this weekend is the Elmwood Festival Of The Arts or what ever it is called, I have to at least go On Saturday for some time, we shall see what goes down on Friday. I at the least have to get a Solar Smoothie oh it was so good last year. Last year I didn't get Lucky and see any great like random dancing come out of no where I think the Year before I caught a bunch of it though. Who knows maybe I'll even buy some art?

Permalink: Friday_.html
Words: 221
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
08/23/09 05:05 - 67ºF - ID#49615
The Fair Animals
Well here are a bunch of pictures from what I saw at the Fair.

Well Just wanted to add that the Nickel City Exotics is I think the best deal. It is $1 and there are all those animals. Granted it isn't a show so you never know they might not be awake. When I first went in the Lemur was just relaxing and so was a couple other animals but they moved around some before I left. The Survle forget about that he or she was very relaxed but I'm pretty sure they hunt at night anyways so and the ring tailed lemur was sleeping to. In any event that part of the fair was pretty cool.

How could I forget the owl Pictures now it is really out of order

Well I'm not sure how that came out until I hit post. I had a good time and it was nice to see a bunch of Animals. I also had a lot of fun last Saturday also. I just wish I could find a way to take a batch of pictures and resize them all but I can't so for now the ones on here from last week will have to do on my other post. Congrats if you made it to the bottom. Double congrats if you make it through my webshots photo album.

Permalink: The_Fair_Animals.html
Words: 665
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
08/23/09 01:57 - 72ºF - ID#49608
On the way to the fair

Permalink: On_the_way_to_the_fair.html
Words: 66
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
08/18/09 08:18 - 77ºF - ID#49571
The Fair and odd software

On a side note this software is strange. I found where It saves the pictures under my pictures but then you have a 2009 folder and then under that it breaks it down by date but then when I save the pictures I edit it puts each picture in its own folder at the same level as 2009, it is very odd. You would think that a camera company would have the software make more sense.
I think I will go back on Saturday and take more pictures and they will be smaller and hopefully I don't have to go through this again.

Permalink: The_Fair_and_odd_software.html
Words: 178
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
08/17/09 08:18 - 84ºF - ID#49561
Tiger Pictures
Well this is a test also to see if the pictures show up there must be a better way of doing it then how it does it to look them up.
Well it stopped responding so lets see what publish brings me

Permalink: Tiger_Pictures.html
Words: 84
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: peterazzi
08/14/09 07:29 - 83ºF - ID#49538
Saturday Peterazzi hits the Fair

Permalink: Saturday_Peterazzi_hits_the_Fair.html
Words: 140
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: peterazzi
08/12/09 08:09 - 78ºF - ID#49518
The Fair?

Permalink: The_Fair_.html
Words: 290
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: drugs
08/11/09 08:41 - 77ºF - ID#49508
War On Drugs?

The Above link leads to a story on Yahoo about re looking at the war on drugs. I think at the least everyone can agree that the war on drugs isn't working. If any of you read my previous post one of the points that I made is that I don't think when it comes to drug Policy anyone in politics can be honest about what should really be done about drugs. I think in our country we all ways fight things the wrong way. People think that having sex with women on the street for money is wrong so they lock up Hookers and Johns and Pimps. Well here is an Idea why not help people so that when something is wrong in there relationship they can talk to their partner instead of trolling the street for pussy. Or if they are single why not work on making meeting people real instead of everyone playing games. If you made it so no one needed to buy sex on the street, guess what it would go away and the same thing can be said with drugs. But see if you taught people that then no one would buy Beer, Cigs, or scrips for mood or behavior altering drugs and those companies would also never let that happen. But maybe I'm wrong maybe when people re look at this then they will figure out some answers and be honest and move in a new direction.
Well here is the story for those that don't want to follow the link.
By Rafael Pardo and Juan Gabriel Tokatlian Rafael Pardo And Juan Gabriel Tokatlian - Tue Aug 11, 5:00 am ET
Bogotá, Colombia; and Buenos Aires - On Monday, President Obama restated his support for Mexican President Felipe Calderón's aggressive tactics in the fight against drug trafficking. He also reiterated his support for a drug security plan with Mexico that is similar to the failed drug plans of past administrations.
Before Washington ramps up yet another losing war on drugs, it should take a clear-eyed look at how its current strategies are affecting the supply and demand of drugs. Congressman Eliot Engel (D) of New York has introduced a bill to do just that.
Washington would be wise to back Congressman Engel's initiative because there has not been a thorough, frank evaluation of the fight against drugs in decades. The drug czar office's annual report is not enough. Recommendations by an independent commission, however, could generate the consensus and strategy we sorely need.
The cornerstone of US drug policy at home and abroad is to reduce the drug supply (from crop eradication to border seizures) in order to increase the domestic price of drugs. The idea is to deter both potential consumers and producers from entering the drug market.
It hasn't.
Since May 1971, when President Richard Nixon proclaimed a "war on drugs," Washington and the Western Hemisphere have been unable to win it. Every claimed victory has turned out to be, in the end, a fiasco.
Consider Mexico and Jamaica in the 1970s and early '80s. Mexico cracked down on marijuana production. But that simply shifted production to Colombia and then to the US, while allowing heroin production and cocaine trafficking to rise. Jamaica's effort against marijuana similarly backfired and today, drug-related violence is at a high.
Colombia has been the most high-profile, high-stakes test case of the hemisphere's struggle against drugs.
A decade ago, the Clinton administration launched the multiyear, billion-dollar Plan Colombia.
The Bush administration then expanded Plan Colombia and provided even more funding.
With those funds, Bogotá has spent the past 10 years eradicating illicit crops over an area that is 2-1/2 times the size of the state of Delaware. It has extradited more than 600 Colombian nationals to the United States. It has dismantled the large, brutal, Medellín and Cali cartels; has criminalized all the phases of this illicit business; and has launched an attack on both guerrillas and paramilitary-linked drug emporiums.
And yet, after all that, production of cocaine in Colombia actually increased, and the drug network remains intact.
So why is the Obama administration extending a similar plan - the Mérida Initiative - for Mexico?
Plan Colombia didn't work for a number of reasons. It was based on a lopsided policy of shared responsibility that did not work in this case. The emphasis was on supply control and not on demand reduction. Wwhat good does cutting back on cocoa leaf production do if there are still people addicted and willing to pay high sums for cocaine? It relied too heavily on short-term benchmarks instead of long term implications. Then there were the negative effects on human rights, civil-military relations, the environment, and the rule of law - all very fragile in Latin America.
If Mr. Obama intends to avoid a potentially catastrophic scenario in a bordering country, then he should support Engel's initiative. The establishment of a Western Hemisphere Commission could be a rather inexpensive, short study. The commission would be required to submit recommendations on future US drug policy to Congress, the secretary of State, and the director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy 12 months after its first meeting.
Gathering the reports and analysis and putting the minds together of leading experts from the Americas, nongovernmental organizations, policymakers, and the media would produce a more nuanced understanding of the situation. It is only by analyzing our current and past problems that we can make true progress now.
Rafael Pardo is a former Colombian senator and defense minister. He is the current Liberal party nominee for president in the 2010 election. Juan Gabriel Tokatlian is a professor of international relations at the Universidad Di Tella in Argentina.

Permalink: War_On_Drugs_.html
Words: 962
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: politics
08/09/09 03:02 - ID#49490
The Crime Soloution
Stealing stuff is common in these tough economic times. I think that getting rid of that would be pretty tough. But I think one way to reduce that is to have cops who walk the street. I think that when Cops know everyone in there little area it does deter some crime. Hey if I'm a cop and see someone On Joe's bike then there is going to be a problem, but if everyone knows that I know what Joe's bike is no one is going to take it and if they trade it for drugs then the local dealers know that I know it is Joe's bike so they aren't taking it for drugs. What it also does it makes it a tough sell to anyone else. But the other thing that having cops walk is that if they know everyone then there is more sense of community.
Murder I can admit that maybe there is a little bit of killing over a girl or maybe a boy. But most of it has to do with Robbery (often for drug money) or drugs and gangs. Now some of them aren't directly because of a gang but that violence may cause a more violent atmosphere. But the question is how do you stop the gang violence and just normal shootings and beatings and what have you.
In this country we often do things backwards. We take a problem and and try and fix the problem instead of preventing it. For example we lock of drug dealers and all kinds of other people. We do it as a punishment. Yes for some it works but for most it just makes them more criminal, how can you get a good job after being locked up? If you could get a good one then why did you do something to get locked up? So What I'm saying is we need to do stuff to prevent crime.
Well In Buffalo is the Mayor even doing anything? I say he isn't. But would you if you had one person you where running against and no one on the republican side? But even if he did do something what could Brown do?
Ok here is an idea he could Hire more cops. Oh wait that is right we don't have the money to. Oh wait there are federal funds. Oh but wait we didn't get those because we don't have enough minorities so we don't qualify. This fucking pisses me off. Yes I get that there is racism and you have to make sure everyone gets a fair chance. But if you don't have enough qualified people who try to join the force you shouldn't be penalized for that.
How about programs to give people stuff to do after school. I think sports is nice but not only sports. How about computer classes and other classes that aren't about getting a grade, that are about learning a skill. There used to be , is there still now a Mayor summer Youth Program why not extend that and have be jobs that clean up places after school for a couple hours or shovel snow for people who are old and can't. I'm not saying I have all the answers but it is an idea.
What bothers me about what Brown has done these last few days is he has shown up to clean up and called the media. Here's an idea go out and don't call the media work all day with the people. Call them together and tell them that they are the ones who has to take back their neighborhoods. That is how you fix the problem by hard work getting your hands dirty and bringing the community together, so many people don't know the people who live around them nowadays .
But here is where things get tough because other then that there isn't much you can do really. It is up to people that when they see something they snitch or call the cops. But there is another reason why what I'm writing gets tough, politics is a nasty game and it hurts everyone.
It costs a lot of money to run for office. Not just in Buffalo but anywhere. Politics is so much about the money that no one can be completely honest. Hey you say the truth and someone will want your head. If you do what is right often some one will think it isn't fair. Oh and say something that is controversial and you are out of office. Then of course there are your supporters who you owe stuff to. All of this stops people from doing what should be done and putting on a show. I think there is a great way to stop crime but it will never happen because no one has the balls to say it, well at least not when they run.
I have all ready said that I think Most crime is gang or drug related. Yes having more DEA guys would be great and they could get a lot of drugs off the street. But sorry guys it will all ways be on the street since there are people who want it. We as a society have to look at why people need drugs. Why some people can smoke weed and are fine and why some people need other drugs and need to break into houses to support there habit. In other words use vs. abuse and addiction that is problematic and functional. For example some people get drunk on the weekends only and don't hurt anyone. But then some people can't show up to work or classes on time ever. There should be a way for people to deal with life other then turn to drugs. But this will never happens because the people who sell the legal drugs need that same culture to sell their drugs. Hey when a kid can't sit still in class because he can't run around out side and can't play like he should don't put him on pills. Someone really needs to come up with a life coping skills class it could end the illegal drug trade or put a big dent in it and make life for everyone so much better.
But if you can't stop the want for drugs then no drug war will ever win. Not to mention to lock someone up because they like to get high is silly. For them robbing someone that is different. But what they need is help not to be locked up. One way to do that is to get more rehab places and get more experts to help people who are addicted to drugs and a danger to other people. The best way to fund this is with taxes. (if anyone is still reading this I think you know where I'm going).
So how does one get drugs taxed and away from the streets. You tax it and legalize it. Anything crossing a boarder is taxed. Would people still smuggle some in to avoid taxes yes. But I'm sure these people could make more money selling drugs legit and working for one of those companies. When ever land is sold there has to be a reason if it is to grow weed or to make a meth lab and you don't disclose that then the government could take it over and keep all the profits. In terms of how the drugs would be sold. Is they would be in special stores like maybe say rite aids. You would get multiple needles with the product or maybe spoons for crack or what ever. Some places could even have a room where you could go get high and then when you where done leave. Every store would have a needle thing so you can throw them out. You would have to be 16 to buy drugs. Lets face it teens want weed and maybe some other stuff to make the age 18 would fuel an underground drug scene and you don't want that. Anyone who opened up one of these drug places would pay taxes and that money they make would be right back into the economy as opposed who knows what happens with drug dealers. Also there sure would be a lot more tax money flowing into the economy. Not sure what the right percentage is but lets say 15% of the tax revenue would go directly to rehab places and a bit of that would be used for education and prevention for the use of drugs.
I know what some people would say, that making drugs legal would be saying it is ok. That would get more people do to them. If people come into work messed up there is no way to fire them since it is legal. All that is false. Legally with alcohol you can't be fired right away your employer must give you the chance to get help that would be the same here. In terms of saying drugs are ok, the government does do that they just call them prescriptions yes most are for medical conditions but a lot of them are for behavior and mood, and stress. It also wouldn't be saying that doing meth is ok it just says it isn't a crime. For example the law doesn't say abortion is good and that young women should use it as birth control it just says that it is legal. Drugs being legal wouldn't cause more people to do them. Well maybe it could because some people getting in trouble is what makes them want to quit. But most people who want to do a drug don't care if it is legal or not, just look back at Prohibition and how that didn't work. If you are looking at that all see how that caused more crime.
If anyone is still reading this my main point is that politics is what causes most of these murders. Until the system is changed it won't stop anywhere. The reason is prevention and talking honestly about how to get people not to need drugs will never happen. If that could happen then legalizing drugs wouldn't be an issue because no one would buy them. If you mention that maybe you should look into legalizing drugs you done. I also blame this on the Media some what. Everyone wants to have these quick points and no detail and no honest debate and no thinking just stuff to get ratings and sell ads. So for that reason they will never be legalized. Ok that is the end of my rant.

Permalink: The_Crime_Soloution.html
Words: 1859
Location: Buffalo, NY
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