03/02/10 12:08 - 32ºF - ID#51093
Busy, Busy

then go to work

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Words: 40
03/01/10 11:00 - 32ºF - ID#51091
Shock and Awe
Lately, the powers that be have really been speeding up the closings, moving units and individuals around. They have made plans for bosses and had them bid on what they want in a community group home. Our boss, Shirley is getting screwed and her theory is if she is, us lowly workers will too. So, she arranged a union meeting for us to find out what is going on. I think there still might be some smoke i am shitting out because of how far up my ass it was blown by the union reps.
Through all of this, the usual monthly set of bids was put up. I have been interested in one particular home for a while, but the last time they had an opening and was on the bid list, it just couldn't be done.
This time, i saw a bid for that home i have been eying, part time, 80% (32 hours/week -- i currently have part time 50%, 20 hours a week). So, i filled out the papers and faxed them in.
Then, i had about 5 days off in a row. When i got back to work on Saturday, a co-worker saw me in the office and congratulated me. Stunned, i hopped onto the intranet to check it out. There it was in black and white, the bid list, the bid i put in and at the bottom beside the word successful bidder was my name. I got my bid. Wow.
Not sure of any of the details as yet. I think i have to call them up and go over there and fill out some papers. But i think within a few weeks my commute will go from 35 minutes down to 5.
P.S. We got our new roof! And now, i have to call them and tell them we have a leak in the new gutters. *frown*
P.P.S. Here are the chucks i plan to wear today.

I also plan to try to reinstate the Daily Chuck.

Permalink: Shock_and_Awe.html
Words: 421
02/16/10 07:36 - 27ºF - ID#51024
Botanical Gardens Day Off

Pond Scum

An Orchid's beautiful flower

Can he smell them?


Hard to capture the feeling of sitting in here....

Yet it just makes me want to go in there more!

I heart succulents!

This fish was nibbling that plant

Permalink: Botanical_Gardens_Day_Off.html
Words: 72
02/10/10 11:59 - 21ºF - ID#50996
Work Just Won't Be The Same Without You
An hour or so later, i got a call asking if i could do an ot shift, which i declined, then asked that co-worker when i start work and was told 5pm.
Within an hour, i got a call from the co-worker i had texted. She asked if i could come in at 3pm, due to a situation with an individual and i said i could.
Then, she let me know that a fellow co-worker who had recently been diagnosed with cancer died. He was a good guy. He found out he was sick when he was on vacation, or that is when he started to feel ill and wasn't able to go camping like he had wanted. Then, testing. Then, the results. Then, the surgery. Then, within a couple of weeks, he died. Start to finish, this all happened in a matter of 4 months, max.
I remember going to a Sabres game at work last winter. Found out last minute i was going. Along with us, several other staff and someone who once worked on our unit, but got transferred out. He and i had some good laughs that night. Watching the drunk girls try to pick up drunk guys, by dancing in the hallways. I did a pretty decent drunk girl imitation, and i will never forget him saying, "Lee, you're alright". An understated kinda guy.
Not long afterwards, he was transferred back to our unit. Everyone, including myself was happy to see him back. He will be missed greatly. 26-2 Campus Team will not be the same without him. RIP

Permalink: Work_Just_Won_t_Be_The_Same_Without_You.html
Words: 278
02/10/10 12:25 - 24ºF - ID#50991
Cleveland, OH February 2010
After sitting in the car for so long, we thought walking would be good, so we headed to the zoo before it closed for the day. A bit chilly, but i found it refreshing and i loved the walk. Most of the non-human animals were sick of the humans, and decided to hide, but it was so neat to see the giraffes at eye level. They can be seen from a window while they are indoors....
Then, we checked into our hotel in Independence.

Next, we thought we would grab some dinner. We looked through the tourist mags and found a place we thought would be great. Melt Bar and Grilled, a place that specializes in grilled cheese and beer!

We ended up at a chain, Qdoba

Friday, we took a quick swim in the indoor pool, then headed into the city to go the market. The West Side Market. Best damn market i have ever been to, and Hamilton has (had?) a great Farmer's Market. This one beats all. The main part is in an old, but clean building....

Fresh, beautiful produce at good or great prices. You would have loved the seafood, (e:Paul). The meats looked like good quality. The ethnic and prepared foods were heavenly. (e:Uncutsaniflush) got himself a sausage with kraut and i got a crepe with pears, caramel, walnuts and dark chocolate. I even braved the balcony to get the pictures (and spill chocolate all over myself!). This guy was nice, but his co-worker must be french since he was very rude!

Wandering the neighbourhood, we happened upon the Great Lakes Brewing Gift Shop and pub. Got a 6 pack of... gee, i don't remember, something that you can only get there.
Then, out to University Circle. We went to the Cleveland Botanical Gardens

The latter was huge and we were there for a couple of hours... and i think we breezed through the 1916 building and the older collections.
We had heard the news, we heard the big snow was coming. Although the news that the heaviest snow falls would be to the south of us, we decided to have a night in. We headed to the Giant Eagle for supplies, grabbed a pizza and back to the hotel room for the night.
Saturday was a bit more low key. Breakfast, a swim, then off to Melt Bar and Grilled for lunch.

Unlike Thursday night's 60 to 90 minute anticipated wait, this time, less than an hour after opening their doors, we had to wait about 40 minutes. And, sadly, it was not worth the wait. Service was ok, grilled cheese had way to much bread. I got the simple grilled cheese, their "Kindergarten", but they use that thick texas toast stuff. I understand it for the bacon egg cheese giant sandwich, but for a simple, basic grilled cheese, it's just way too much bread. So, for a place that brags on grilled cheese, it kinda sucked.
Then, on to the History Museum... which had some very interesting cultural exhibits, some of which brought a tear to my eye.
We decided to drive through the city and take the long way home. After some initial wrong turns, we got ourselves in the right direction. Almost immediately, we began to head uphilll and drove through Little Italy, a cool small strip of Italian shops and restaurants. Then, up into Shaker Heights, a very upscale looking 'burb, then down south through so many different neighbourhoods, from country to upscale to upper middle class, to low income and back again. Very interesting drive.
For dinner that night, we went to Tommy's

The next morning, we had to leave. I don't want to get back to real life and return to work....

Permalink: Cleveland_OH_February_2010.html
Words: 814
02/02/10 10:35 - 22ºF - ID#50958
(e:Uncutsaniflush) are thinking a few days elsewhere will be in order. We are thinking of continuing the theme of least likely places to go on holidays, following Detroit last May with Cleveland in February. There's some logic there, isn't there? I mean, we did move to Buffalo...
I think i am going to join the JCC so i can swim. I kinda hate exercising, but i love to swim, so, it makes sense to do what i like to get the ole heart pumping, right? Plus, they have a promo going on, and i might as well take advantage. Only one small issue....
I got my nose pierced about 2 hours ago, and they tell you not to swim for a couple of months. Opps. But, i can still go as long as i don't dunk my face, or nose.
Today, i decided to take advantage of a coupon i got in the mail and go shopping for bras. It really is torture. Or at least used to be for me. I know they say you really should get yourself measured regularly, but i have a brand and style i like, so i think i am just gonna keep doing what i did this time -- bring a tag into the store (in this case, Lane Bryant) with the name and size and ask what colours they have. This time, they have new ones with lace, so i got a bright pink and orange one. And a purple one. And 3 black ones and a beige one. Hey, buy 1, get one 50% off, plus a coupon for $25 off if you spend $75. Plus i got one of their charge cards and got another 15% off (yeah, i will like only use it once, maybe twice and then pay it all off!) Plus, i got some panties... i am a sucker for anything orange!!!
Then, while we were in the mall, we walked around. And ended up in DSW. And i saw a pair of chucks for cheaper than at the outlet store. And i have a $10 off coupon for joining their rewards program thingie a year or so ago. So, (e:Uncutsaniflush) got me a pair of sparkly lowcut chucks as an early birthday pressie!

Which makes me totally spoiled since he already got me this obnoxiously bright green backpack purse i bonded with at Marshals yesterday.

And when i got home from work and decided to put all my stuff into it, there was a wrapped pressie inside -- the new Yeah Yeah Yeahs cd i wanted! Wow... and yay!
Then, this morning, i opened up the wooden box i keep all my hair brushes and bibs and bobs for my hair so i can get a brush, and there is ANOTHER wrapped pressie! Another cd, this time an old Death Cab for Cutie i should have gotten when it came out.
I'm so spoiled!!

Permalink: VACATION_.html
Words: 512
01/28/10 10:55 - 23ºF - ID#50921
A Bit Depressing, Sorry....
When i pulled into the parking lot at work, i listened to my mom's message. They had just gotten home from the vet after having had to put their dog, Ralphie, to sleep. Poor old dog. He hadn't been doing well lately, either. My dad, not surprisingly, is not taking this very well at all... in fact, i am surprised he agreed to put him to sleep.
I have been saying for about 10 years now that my parents have been staying together for the dog. They sure as hell would not have stayed together for us kids.... but, i wish they hadn't. In fact, i hope they can be there for each other when they are sad, but that so not very likely. I just hope they finally decide they do not make each other happy... and know they no longer have to stay together for the sake Ralph.
Here's a pic of the little mop, doing one of his favorite things: laying on my dad while my dad's feet are up on his lazyboy.
RIP lil bro....

Permalink: A_Bit_Depressing_Sorry_.html
Words: 255
01/15/10 04:10 - 35ºF - ID#50821
Do You Have A Blue Bin?!?!
First, i did a simple google search and ended up with a government page.

I called City Hall. It rang until my phone hung up. I called again. I was told, "i don't know... uhm... we don't have any" by a very impatient woman on the phone. So, i will not waste my time to go downtown and try to find parking, pay for it and try to find the right room in city hall and have them be out of bins.....
I called this place:COPS International Market 283 Grant Street 884-782 and was told yes, they have some. Cool. I go, and the storefront is a closed up shop. I call again... and i am told, "oh, yeah, we moved" before getting hung up on.
Time to try next place: Parkside Community Association 2318 Main Street 851-4324 I passed it, then turned around, found parking, got out and found the wee store front. The woman would not unlock the door. She shouted "WHAT!?!" from her desk and when i would not go away and asked over and over "Do you have any blue bins?", she came to the door, would not open it and spoke to me through the crack between the door and its frame. Yeah, well, you know, mid-morning and overweight middle aged white women are both very risky. I was told "we ain't got none!" and she sent me to a store "a few up", pointing vaguely northward.
That place was a bodega and the clerk looked at me like i really was a risk, or crazy, and told me to go to "Gloria Parks". When i asked who that was, a street corner bin supplier?, he did not laugh, but said, "it's up there" and pointed north.
After passing it a couple of times, not realizing it was a community center and was indeed on my list (COPS [WTF does COPS mean?] Gloria Parks 3242 Main Street 851-4112), i found yet another parking spot, walked to it and tried to get in. I buzzed a buzzer and was told i was buzzing the wrong one. I was eventually let into the building and asked the question i wanted to ask after i was searched and had to show i.d. and sign in. I was told they were "all out" and it was suggested i "go to flare". "Where is that?, i ask. "Leroy" was the answer.
I consulted my list to see that yes, that place, too, is on my list, (FLARE 302 Leroy Ave 838-6740) so i called and got voicemail. I left a message and drove there, since i didn't think it was too far away. When i got to what looked like an abandoned firehall, the doors were, of course, locked. I tried to find a buzzer but could not. I tried to open the front door and knocked, and when someone came nearish the door that woman just waved me away. When i said, "DO YOU HAVE BLUE BINS?" through the door, she walked away. I waited for a few minutes and went back to my car.
Next nearest place: Ken-Bailey NHS [WTF is NHS?] 995 Kensington Ave 836-3600. I drove the wrong way, then by it 2 times, not only because, at that point i was half expecting some dude in a van, but because i didn't even think it would be a Habitat for Humanity. It was. And it even had a parking lot... with available spaces! Gasp! I park. Go to the front door. Yep, locked. I buzz the first buzzer. Nothing. Second one. Someone comes and i ask, "Do you have any blue recycling bins?" through the closed glass doors and i am told to try the other buzzer. I try the other one and wait. Nothing. Yes, in that location, there are 4 buzzers. On the last buzz, someone comes to the door. I take a deep breath and ask that question of the day. And i get.... "yes, we do.". And i almost fell to her feet to kiss them. I am asked if i mind being searched and showing i.d., and my reply is, "no, i do not mind, but only if you really do have a blue bin for me". Puzzled, but polite, she searches me, my purse, inspects my i.d. and watches as i sign in. She asks me to sit and she will get me one. I sigh and thank her and tell her that recycling in Buffalo is hard earned and give her the whole story. She comes back with 2 bins "for all your effort". Nice woman. Or maybe i just think that because she had my coveted blue bins.
So, what i thought would take 30 minutes took over 2 hours. I still sorta hate Buffalo... and i think if these 2 ever break, i will send someone else to get them, or just stop recycling. Yeah, i am that annoyed.

Permalink: Do_You_Have_A_Blue_Bin_.html
Words: 891
12/13/09 01:39 - 35ºF - ID#50547
Today, Yesterday and The Day Before That
I've been lazy. I worked 7am - 11pm on Friday and then 3pm - 11pm yesterday and i am going in for 3pm - 11pm today.
So, here are the chucks for today, yesterday and the day before that... guess which is which?

Permalink: Today_Yesterday_and_The_Day_Before_That.html
Words: 73
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