Category: nature
02/27/07 10:24 - 30ºF - ID#38301
winter day
ok. I'm feeling it (going outside to play), even if just for a few minutes. I can catch up on sleep later.
I fulfilled both 'tasks' as evidenced by a few pictures of some of the time spent outside. It really was nice to go out and not be frozen! Afterward trudging through knee deep snow, I spent the remaining moments of daylight looking out the bay window for a view of the side and part of the back yard. Joey joins me in watching the snowflakes fall before succumbing to my lap followed by my succumbing to his purring. I was only up for less than a few more hours before I fully fell asleep- straight through the morning. Weird yet enjoyable dreams were had.

these pics are so much cooler big, some of the details are lost at this size.

Permalink: winter_day.html
Words: 165
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: hair
02/26/07 03:38 - 32ºF - ID#38285
where to find bamboo
It is really pretty outside. This is the ideal part of winter that I like. The temps are above freezing, the air is still and the snow sticks to everything but the streets. It's quite pleasant to be outside.
Which I would like to do now. I am debating on whether I am 'feeling it' or not.
I slept hard last night. I am generally a light sleeper and despite that, i am normally well rested. I spent several hours on the floor of my room listening to Moby, sipping Poland Spring sparkly water and smooshing together charcoal and chalk art medium. I was very intent on the messy renderings; lost and comfortable in my own little world.
Afterwards I began a new book. I lost track of time and I am not sure what time I finally fell asleep, but I noticed that I got through more than half the book in one sitting. My dreams picked up on thoughts pertaining to the book and the prior art session. I was in a deep sleep that I was aware of while I was sleeping. I was plunged deep into the swirls of dreams and when I wanted to wake up, it took longer to come to the surface. I pulled myself out of the dream state, not that there was anything bad happening, it was just so weird to be that deeply removed from the world. After that, I tossed and turned and was a bit physical in my sleep. I thought I heard things in the house and this warped my perception of reality and dreaming. At some point I wacked my bed side clock on the floor and knocked a bunch of other stuff over. Although I am a light sleeper, I rarely move much during that time. This was a strange night- not sue how much sleep I actually got.
But I woke with energy and got moving on the day.
A haircut and a few errands later, I return home feeling ready to cozy up with a blanket and pillow.
But I look outside and wish to go back out into the fat snowflakes.
ok. I'm feeling it, even if just for a few minutes. I can catch up on sleep later. Look at all the big fat snowflakes! (If it was freezing out, my ass would be buried under that blanket already!)

Permalink: where_to_find_bamboo.html
Words: 443
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: photoshoot pt 2
02/24/07 10:28 - 17ºF - ID#38270
cherish the canvas
"Cherish your visions. Cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, for out of them will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment; of these, if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built." ~James Allen (1855-1942)

Permalink: cherish_the_canvas.html
Words: 77
Location: Youngstown, NY
02/23/07 11:14 - 15ºF - ID#38262
beware: XXX Harry P XXX
real? fake??? can't tell..
who cares :X
though i do wonder.
feels so scandalous posting this pic..

Permalink: beware_XXX_Harry_P_XXX.html
Words: 45
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: photoshoot pt 1
02/22/07 04:25 - 34ºF - ID#38245
Taking Flight

I observed the appearance of water fowl all along the lake and adjacent forest. They too were stretching their legs eager to shake off the previous deep freeze. With camera in hand, I thought of a story I have heard on occasion, that which the message stayed with me. This is the Lessons of the Geese, perhaps you have heard it to. Take away from it whatever feels right. It is all about interpretation..
[box]In the fall when you see geese heading south for the winter flying along in the "V" formation, you might be interested in knowing what science has discovered about why they fly that way. It has been learned that as each bird flaps its wings, it creates uplift for the bird immediately following. By flying in a "V" formation, the whole flock adds at least 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own. Quite similar to people who are part of a team and share a common direction get where they are going quicker and easier, because they are traveling on the trust of one another and lift each other up along the way. Whenever a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go through it alone, and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the power of the flock. If we have as much sense as a goose, we will stay in formation and share information with those who are headed in the same way that we are going. When the lead goose gets tired, he rotates back in the wings and another goose takes over.
It pays to share leadership and take turns doing hard jobs. The geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep their speed. Words of support and inspiration help energize those on the front line, helping them to keep pace in spite of the day-to-day pressures and fatigue. It is important that our honking be encouraging.
Otherwise it's just ... well ... honking! Finally, when a goose gets sick or is wounded and falls out, two geese fall out of the formation and follow the injured one down to help and protect him. They stay with him until he is either able to fly or until he is dead, then they launch out with another formation to catch up with their group. When one of us is down, it's up to the others to stand by us in our time of trouble. If we have the sense of a goose, we will stand by each other when things get rough ...We will stay in formation with those headed where we want to go.The next time you see a formation of geese, remember their message that:
"It is indeed a reward, a challenge and a privilege to be a contributing member of a team.
Author: Dr. Robert McNeish, 1972,[/box]
My story, my lesson learned through the eye of the camera..
A dozen or more geese were sitting in the sun along a hill leading down to the lake. Two of the geese situated themselves closer to the water, looking out with expectancy. I watched them for awhile, having always been fond of geese. A deep humming sound, like that of a swarm of bees with out the frightening association, caught my attention and that of the two geese along the waters edge. They were shouting and carrying on.

These two looked up into the sky and excitedly began to call out to both the gaggle behind them located further up on the hill and also out to the birds in flight, the origination of the deep humming sound. It was the vibration of their mighty wings in flight that I could hear with clarity. The call of the two geese sent the other grounded group into a frenzy. They quickly assembled themselves and began to run down the hill, to meet up with the two alert communicators.

one by one..

reaching the others...

waiting in anticipation..

In moments the geese in flight made their way into view. They were as excited as the ones awaiting their arrival on the ground. Sharing in the joy and beauty of their arrival, I stand quietly in awe. Here they come..

Finally together now, it is a peaceful reunion. The geese walk around, nibble from the earth and simply exist in the present moment. Whether interaction with one another or embracing solitude, it is evident that they are all connected.

These two lovely creatures continue to station themselves near the water, standing close to one another, looking out across the vast lake and into the sky. They appear to still be waiting all the while watching the departure of their kindred. They are patient yet determined; I wonder what their story is? Perhaps this is not their time to fly or the direction they seek to go.

For the rest, it is their time.. and again, I am afforded the gift of watching them taking flight, soaring across the water and back up high into the brightly lit sky.

There are beautiful moments all around us- it is particularly nice when shared..

Permalink: Taking_Flight.html
Words: 959
Location: Youngstown, NY
02/20/07 10:35 - 38ºF - ID#38226
dial up
Anyone remember AOL's DSL circa 1999? That was my first taste of dsl. I have Verizon now. There were a few years that I was rarely on line (feels weird to even type that!). If need be, there is cable and satellite- at least I have the option.
Anyway, the point to all this, is that I spent an evening on a dial-up connection at a friends house (helping out with some stuff), who does not have any options at this time. I think Satellite is a possibility and perhaps cable.. but then there are the costs. If Verizon doesn't get into these areas, everyone will automatically use cable/satellite. Come on Verizon.. get to it!! It isn't that people don't want it. I know a handful easily..
Then my mom just got a computer, something she has no idea how to use- and it must be frustrating to have the first experience on the internet be with dial-up. This hasn't been good for her at all, lol. I intend to give her a primer at my place, and then show her some stuff on her computer..
but oh, that dial up.
People could strip their browsing to the bare minimum, but who wants to do that?
so, when a file says that it may take a minute or two to load and I am feeling antsy, I will remember the little message on my dial-up friends computer that displayed the "this will take approximately 7 hours".
All this techiness is feeding my desire for a new desk top and lap top. I said that my next desk top will be something i build... fun fun

Permalink: dial_up.html
Words: 353
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: quickies satisfy
02/20/07 12:36 - 28ºF - ID#38214
magnetic poetry
Friday was especially socially busy, time with wonderful friends but it continued straight through the weekend. I need a quiet day, which today was for the most part. Other than a quick visit by my mom and an impromptu run to Sam's club for printer ink- and dinner. Its already past midnight.. I have so much energy to burn. If the temps are indeed toastier, I am heading out again to XC ski. Its been weeks..
And perhaps a visit to Spot. So, I share a few pics..
My mom is silly. I heard her giggling in my kitchen on a recent visit. Thought maybe Joey was up to something, as he is always cracking us up. Not sure, but later, I find this created out of the magnetic poetry on my fridge..

My buddy Lynn was over this weekend..

My furbuddy, Joe..

creating a masterpiece.. ;)

Permalink: magnetic_poetry.html
Words: 161
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: adventure
02/18/07 12:04 - 19ºF - ID#38200
heat wave, baby
Maybe build a snowman as well.
Like this:

"first she says go out, then she says come in.."

"snow sharks" haha!

"wow it really snowed last night.."
"its like having a white sheet of paper to draw on"
"a day of possibilities.."
"its a magical world.. lets go exploring!"

hmmm.. it does feel like that..
Feel the adventure! :)

Permalink: heat_wave_baby.html
Words: 101
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: present
02/15/07 11:55 - 14ºF - ID#38175
Although groggily awake at this point, it was still too early for me to rise. Instead I remained in the soft warmth- feeling that special bliss that comes from being partially awake yet knowing there was no need to get up- until I drifted back to sleep. When I eventually woke for the day, pleased to have such a joyful disposition, I rubbed my eyes, stretched, then rubbed Kayla's belly before placing my feet on the floor.
Every morning I walk to the curtains hanging from my front picture window to let the light of the day permeate the residual darkness. I was surprised to see that the roads, cars and bushes were buried under snow. A look out at my driveway proved the same sight*. Hadn't someone just been in my driveway clearing the snow away?, I pondered.
I proceeded to call my step-dad to ask him if he had been out snow blowing this morning. Indeed he had. I retorted that, "I wouldn't know it." This was not at all in complaint, but in amusement and wonderment at the amount of snow that fell in just a few short hours. He agreed and said that he thought that that might be the case, but since he was getting home shortly before most people would be getting up to leave for work, that he would take care of their driveways at least for that time. He had seen his neighbor to the left beginning to shovel away at her driveway, which prompted him to get started. He does this for fun and to be helpful. I am grateful to have such thoughtful neighbors (and family!) He again went over some of our driveways shortly before dusk.
Playing in the snow is usually a great pastime of mine, however, the single digits are a bit much for me.If I am out, I am fine in it, but if I have the choice-- I don't want to leave my front porch. Gratefully I have a very comfortable apartment with all sorts of activities to amuse myself with. I do want to get outside for a walk and to take pictures-- its the nature aspect of my life that I am missing. Until then, I find other elements to delight me.
I refreshed my oil and acrylics and even purchased a few new brushes. I dusted off my easels and have begun to think about what I want to create. Perhaps a 'happy little tree' or maybe a splatter job like that of jackson pollock. Not sure yet, but the main thing is to just get started. Its been so long..
I have a few books that I am eager to buy along with some new music that I have been recently introduced to. The artist is Seay (pronounced, Say) and has a calming effect such that of Enya. If you like her, you will be pleased with Seay. Two CDs have been released by her of which just one I have been able to locate to order (short of ordering from her site). So, I was able to special order the one- and to my pleasure, the cd is available for pick up. I might just do that tomorrow. The other release will come along at a later time.
Today was great- each day has been really neat- finding things, figuring things out, things coming to me.. I'm really at a loss for words- not that I need them. Its just an amazing time and I am loving it. I am open to anything..
And so, I wrap up my day with reading a little from one of the many books that I am reading. Sometimes I don't make it far before feeling the deep pull into sleep. Whichever happens, both is nice.
stay warm , be well, snuggle when you can!
- I find myself frequently writing "site" for "sight"- sometimes I catch it, i am sure often I don't.

Permalink: yesterday.html
Words: 727
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: love
02/13/07 04:06 - 10ºF - ID#38132
be mine...?
express your love with jewels..? nah
express your love with chocolate..? nah
express your love with flowers and dinner..? nah
express your, um devotion with...
duct tape!! hehe ;)

Permalink: be_mine_.html
Words: 41
Location: Youngstown, NY
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