Category: party
09/13/07 12:44 - ID#41073
South of the Border
well, technically, east. But anyhow..
'South of the border' is the theme. Have decided on Tex-Mex food stuffs for my upcoming bonfire, Sat 9/22. Fajitas, beans and rice, guacamole, corn bread and of course, Tequila! OOOH and a pinata! But there seems to be something missing. Like I should have another option as a side or two. Maybe a vegetable? I have no idea! Any suggestions?!!
The foodie sites haven't been that helpful to me!

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Words: 81
Category: party
06/03/07 10:11 - ID#39518
Prosthetic Dreams and Drunkology
I forgot to have a s'more.
- (e:ladycroft) (ofcourse), (e:decoyisryan) , (e:kangarooboi) , (e:Kaerains), (not that she ever post anymore *kicks*) (e:metalpeter) , (e:mrmike) , (e:soma) , (e:paul) , (e:terry) , (e:matthew) , (e:lilho) , (e:mike) , (e:kookcity2000) , (e:vincent) , (e:carolinian) , (e:chico) , I'm sure (e:salvatore) was around somewhere..
Sitting around a bonfire, even if its already plenty toasty out is always a nice atmosphere. Especially when I snag a super comfy lounge chair. Thanks to those who offered to buy a time share even if they did not have cash on hand. ;)
I hope I am finally coming off of a bout of insomnia. Hitting an all night low of exactly one hour of sleep, after several days of close to the same, I finally fell asleep a couple of times this afternoon. I actually dreampt too, which was nice and so very needful. I feel like I could fall back to sleep now...
My apartment has been stuffy too- hanging in at 87 degrees. It would probably bother me more if I was actually able to sleep and the stuffiness was just disruptive, but this is annoyingly straight up insomnia and my brain is way too active. There is a whole process going into and coming out of this stage. ho hum.
Its just after 8pm and I am working on an iced coffee to consume, so that may screw with a decent bedtime, but damn, I don't want to be groggy the rest of the evening- as exciting Sundays tend to be...
heh, forgot to hit "publish".. two hours later..

Permalink: Prosthetic_Dreams_and_Drunkology.html
Words: 329
Category: party
12/10/06 07:08 - ID#36104
feeling much better
I was well humored last night- thanks (e:enknot) !
From what I recall, I did a lot of running..
- Running to people I havent seen in awhile and away from others (just being silly)
- Running to my room a few times- for good conversation, for research (I couldn't refrain myself) and for fresh air--cigarettes are gross. I know it wasnt any of you peeps who were smoking, hmmmm? I know you all read the stories from doctor jenks. Dont smoke- you don't want your jaw chopped off! (love the gross-cool stories, btw)
Great catching up on everything, (e:ladycroft) ! Lots of laughs and the fun that I am used to having- ha!
- Running up and down all of the stairs in the Mansion to find the source of burning plastic smell. Wasnt sure if I was imagining things- so I kept at it until it was figured out-- with help of (e:paul) . I would hate to have had found a fire!-- would have really hated to have had to call the Buffalo Fire Department..MMmmmmm yummy.. ;)
- Running (ok, jogging, skipping, walking) to NY Pizza. It suddenly seemed like a good idea. Boo to being carded at Frizzies. I knew I should have grabbed my ID. Pink was too far away after a drunken run/walk/skip/jog in the cold for pizza. At the Pink you never (rarely) need your card-- you just need to look atleast 12.
btw, shopping carts do not make for successful transportation.
- Running away from the
papparazziPeterazzi --hehe! You do a great job of getting pics of the parties from beginning to end- I just cringe when i see the ones of me! :) I forgot about the banner- so cool that you got a picture of that!! You need your own special party picture blog called The Peterazzi ;)
- Running in front of/jumping into pictures for the Peterazzi. Say what?!?! --when you are buzzed nothing you do needs to actually make any sense..
It had been a long while since I had a drink- or more than one. My grand total was a measly 4 drinks over the course of 5 hours- but it got the job done. Cappuchino with a splash of rum, a can of Sparks that (e:ladycroft) shared with me, and two other rum/coke drinks. Wonder what the coke to rum ratio was? I was thrilled to be feeling much better than what I had on Thursday night/Friday. It never went past being super tired/dizzy-which was enough, but it could have turned into something more. Heck, after last night it just might. Better get back to those Airborne tablets pronto.
I did a tiny bit of Christmas shopping this afternoon. Then I came home to Youngstown and vegged infront of the tv to movie on HBO- "something the lord made" a a fact based drama about the pioneering of heart surgery.
synopsis (this movie moved me):
SOMETHING THE LORD MADE is a moving story of men who defy the rules and start a medical revolution. Their patients are known as the "blue babies" - infants suffering from a congenital heart defect that turns them blue as they slowly suffocate.
Alfred Blalock (Alan Rickman) and Vivien Thomas (Mos Def) make a brilliant team. But even as they race against time to save one particular baby, the two occupy different places in society. Blalock is the white, wealthy head of surgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Thomas is black and poor, a skilled carpenter whose dream of going to college and becoming a doctor was ruined by the Great Depression, although he was naturally gifted with the intuition and dexterity of a great surgeon.
Even as they save lives and invent a whole new field of medicine, social pressures threaten to tear them apart. Ultimately, however, Thomas finds his dreams coming true in unexpected ways.
After that, I put a log on the fire and fell asleep for two hours. Very nice!
It was a nice weekend- in many many ways. I hate to see it over already...
Anyway, I am curious about other pictures that will eventually surface on here. I hope everyone is doing well. Again, Happy 30ish Birthday, birthday boy!

Permalink: feeling_much_better.html
Words: 753
Category: party
10/02/06 09:53 - ID#36052
All Male Orgy
Really though..
(e:metalpeter) and (e:leetee) have some really great pics, but they don't have these ones, hehe
Who knew how kinky the muppets could be?

If you could have seen Animals face..

Ariel View of the golden velvet porn bed spread:

Go Gonzo. With that nose and that flexibility.. well, who really does need to leave the house?


Permalink: All_Male_Orgy.html
Words: 75
Category: party
08/27/06 11:06 - ID#36022
you just had to be there
the punch kicked my ass. It was sooooooooo good, and those who had it know what I am talking about. It tasted nice but it was oh so bad. The fruit was delish, vodka soaked and evil. (that may have been my doing.. ) I think it needs to be the official and essential estrip party drink. It went fast..
I'm sure a few pics will surface from someone. Its been awhile since I have taken my camera anywhere with me. I just havent wanted to in quite some time. Now that I have more freedom as to how I spend my free time, I will be getting out to photogragh various things. I should begin looking for another camera, as my current one is unreliable. I am not even sure where to begin looking. I prefer my next camera to have options. I am into photography and would like the picture quality to reflect that. I prefer digitial..
Had a great time talking to quite a few (e:peeps). It is always a good time!!! Had some very interesting conversations with some non epeeps as well. It really was a lot of fun. I can't even describe it. There was just so much going on, so much room to wander around in.. good conversations, gorgeous night, etc.
You just had to be there.
Finally crawled into bed shortly before 7am. shhhhh birdies.
Later on.. Elmwood festival for sustenance. Artichokes smothered in cheese layered ontop of flat bread and a small pile of ribs, (which I have never had) and two bottles of water did the job. Where were the ribs from? fat bobs? fat joes? fat somebodies smoke house... i think.
well, getting ready for bed here... If I have the mental energy, I will curl up in bed to a NON SCHOOL book. seriously, not having any school work is kinda freaking me out at random pioints throughout the day. I get these little mental twitches, thinking that I have to get focused on a project..
then I realize that I don't. very cool..
good night.. hope everyone feels well today and got home safe.

Permalink: you_just_had_to_be_there.html
Words: 361
Category: party
02/15/06 09:28 - ID#35881
motorcycle tubing
Friday is supposed to be wicked windy, cold and snowy. Not like I will see it in Youngstown. I am sure it will be sunny and warm, with a light breeze.
But, I am not sure if it is a go, this Friday. I have a house party on the lake to attend. Atleast, I think I do. Sometimes I can be persuaded otherwise.. However, i want to go for a couple of hours.. ha, this reminds me:
My friend gave me directions to her house. Well, she doesn't live there.. its more of a party-summer house right on the lake; they live in Buffalo. I was there before they built this really cool house. When she showed me the lot a few years ago, I couldn't imagine that it would turn out as cool as it has a gorgeous view! It was just a shack before it was torn down.
Anyhow, she handed out directions to everyone, except for me. People asked in a puzzled tone of voice, "whats this about, 'turn at the motorcycle with the blow up doll on it". Heh... the party is in Wilson. I think on Harwood. Hardwood.. Harding?something that sounds like that. Doll on a motorcylce, sure.. thats sounding kind of normal to me. So, we explained..
There is a little store nearby.. and in the lot there is a motorcyle suspended up high, with a female mannequin sitting on it. There is no reason why.. it just is. The immediate area is quite a lil fishing hot spot. I have been looking at this motorcycle for years.. I pretty much forgot about it. Whoever owns the store property will dress this doll... at halloween it is in costume, but it is primarily dressed in the Wilson football team-er- school colors--cheerleader outfit. I wonder if she is dressed for this cold weather?
So getting back to the tubing, I have never done it. It seems like it would be fun. Although the last few times I went sledding, I flipped, skidded down the remainder of the hill face first.. sometimes doing backwards somersaults (sp)..aching and not laughing as much as I normally would when I wipe out..
but hey, I'll try just about anything once...

Permalink: motorcycle_tubing.html
Words: 428
Category: party
12/18/05 10:44 - ID#35840
one day at a time
For the past couple of months I have been enjoying Sunday mornings. I had been introduced to the simple pleasure of making a pot of coffee and sitting down to read the paper-watch some tv(sports, news, random channel flipping); which always happens to be a sunday morning and so an association has been made. Besides it is a very nice, normal, serene way to break into the day.
I had intended to do that this morning followed by some skiing and then baking.
Today was not such a day. I woke up entirely too late in the day to warrant lazy morning activities. It was mid afternoon and I had a pounding headache from sleeping in. In total it was a respectable amount of sleeping hours, but I just did not want to get out of bed. I was warm and comfy and not quite ready to face the day. I slipped in and out of dreams. The really juicy ones were especially hard to let go of, so in a way I forced myself back into sleep; they were really good :) I could have kept going if it weren't for the headache. Not that a headache would ever really stop me..
I did get to the baking part of my itinerary. Which wholly suprises me. I am not sure what has gotten into me. Baking. From scratch. On purpose. Without the proper cooking utensils. I pretty much guessed on everything. I remembered to use pot holders!
I did buy parchment paper, thanks to (e:kara). That stuff is pretty cool. And I will be making Kara Kanes© [inlink]kara,2[/inlink] (for recipe)
Ooh, what a mess I have made. This will be atleast a two day deal. I only got to cooking one of the recipes. I did prep the various sugar cookie doughs. Next will be cut outs, baking then decorating. I really needed pictures of myself. I was covered in cookie dough guts, flour and other squishy baking remnants.

So many parties this weekend, but the Snow Party was priority!
It is always a pleasure to chill with the [search]typeHere[/search] peeps. Many familiar faces and a few new ones. Nice :)
I had my camera, but I only took a few pictures. The real Christmas tree was quite attractive with its shiny bulbs, tinsel and star trek ornaments. That would be Capatin Bacard at the top.

"Dont get tinsel all over the place"

(e:ladycroft) [inlink]ladycroft,146[/inlink] has a bunch of pics, included a nice one of her and I. And my fishnet stocking mishap. haha.

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Words: 456
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mmmm, I think making salsa is a great idea, (e:leetee). Maybe a sweeter one. Lets see what I can come up with.
(e:ladycroft), believe me, I already thought that :( Its weird to imagine you not present at one of my bonfires!
(e:mrmike), agreed!
(e:janelle), thats fantastic that you had a themed wedding! very cool. I love to hear about people really making that day their own. I love the Sombrero idea. I need to find a party store! Corona is a sure thing and probably margaritas. I will also need to find plastic margarita cups.
(e:james) hehe, yeh, hopefully after the tequila, peoples belly stay full; or whatever is inside stays inside. Guacamole is a sure thing. I LOVE it. I'll make some for everyone else too :)
You could make veggie tamales, but after the tequila and the belly full of delicious food I don't think anyone will notice the lack of dark leafy greens ^_^
Sombreros for everyone to wear or for decoration.
Pitchers of Sangria
Bottles of Corona
Go to a mexican grocer and buy lots of mexican candy to stuff the pinata with.
hmm... i think that's all i can come up with right now.