Category: mini break
06/29/06 12:07 - 67ºF - ID#35968
Lap top on lap and nose in the books as usual; good stuff but very heavy. My short mental breaks are bringing me to (e:strip); a lot. I also notice that when I am on a break/vacation from work, I become a serial (e:strip) poster. I think it has been everyday this week.
In less than two months I will be finished with school, which makes for a busy summer. There are multiple projects, papers, reading and working on thesis/capstone deliverables. You know the deal.
Btw, as promised, here is your weekly *thesis kick*, (e:paul) :)
It is imperative that I chip away at the school projects. This is one time that I can not procrastinate. I have gone as far as setting up a daily framework of expectations. Yeh, sounds silly, but I know that I will otherwise push everything until the last possible moment. Basically what this means is that I am aware of what I need to do and I broke it down into chunks of what should be completed each day. So far, so good; of course I allow for fun and loafing--but not much. This is the approach I intend to use straight through to the end of August.
But by all means, feel free to sway me into taking breaks, having fun, getting out and doing fun stuff (such as Friday bon fire at my pad-s'mores and mojitos, anyone?). I don't want to give up being ME.. I just want to make sure that my normal mode of operation (procrastinate then work fervently just prior to deadline) is not the driving force. If it were just one or two things due, you know I would be pushing it until then... heh.
So, right now I am on a short break from work. It is only Wednesday and I have accomplished a lot so far. My rickety car is an incentive in staying closer to home; sadly, day trips at this point are not an option until I get another (used) car --soon I hope, soon! Just today I took down phone numbers of potential cars.. *crosses fingers*
On the bright side, during this time, I am home catching up on everything I haven't had time for previously; such as laundry, gardening and cleaning out closets.
Oh, and grocery shopping. It is indeed as fabulous as it sounds! :)
On that note, my excursion to Tops- which is morphing into something I like- was entertaining. The store isn't entirely changed yet, but it is incorporating a higher volume of organic, vegetarian and neat-o products that I normally find exclusively at health stores. Hmmm lavender shampoo, vanilla essential oil and all natural face wash... and bulk lentils.
On my walk though, I picked up a jar of Chipotle Sabrosa Spread (basically, a spicy mayonnaise). When I looked at the label to read the ingredients, I noticed there is a "suggested usages" section on the label, which to my amusement (and maybe yours)reads as follows:

"Suggested usages: Spread 'em around! Use on sandwiches, veggies, pasta salad, baked chicken, fish or your spouse. Sabrosa!"
That's funny.
Pasta salad it is.

Permalink: Sabrosa_.html
Words: 531
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: friends
06/28/06 12:59 - 70ºF - ID#35967
On being (very) neighborly
score. lol
My neighbor and his bros came over to invite me over for a drink,
shit. an Irish car bomb at tthat.
Oh and some SoCo and Lime. Dude, they make 100 proof. (e:kangarooboi) we have a date with that when you come home,!!!!hahaha--or before then.. :)
Yeh, so other than my semi ill fated attempt at my first Mojito of the season (jury is still out on whether it was spearamint or catnip)-- which was 12 parts club soda to one part rum (read: not *really* an alcoholic drink).. its been numerous months since I have had an appreciable amount of alcohol. Its really not my thing-- I get bored with all that easily.. but if its there.. yo, so am I.
Normally I leave it.. tonight I take it.
That mixed with my exercise regimine and strict eating habits during the week (it *is* only Tuesday), I was not sure what kind of effect a drink would have on me. As is, I am a light weight in that department. I never really drink much. What I drink in a year can easily be the amount that someone drinks in a weekend.
But it was cool. My brain ached from all of the school work I have been doing--
so why not chill for a bit?
I didn't have much, but again, it was much more than I have had in a long time (and it still wasnt much). The primary effect that occurs when I have some beverages is that I become very lovable, much more than I already am. I am just a relatively happy, laid back person. I am very much still in tune with eveything.. I am just enhanced.. so yeh, I love you man, hehe. kidding.. But yeh, if you ever want to know stuff.. this is when you ask. But only ask what you want to know answers to! ;)
after a couple of drinks, we headed over to the Stone Jug. It was quiet, but the patio was very nice. How great it was to sit in the fresh air (ok, not exactly fresh, as there was a smoker in the vicinity, yuck).. and to overlook the Niagara River. It was sooo nice of a night.
i want to be in a boat. RIGHT NOW!
and my neighbor has a sailboat (which he is selling, darn.. ) and a big motot boat-- which needs some work (yeesh, get it fixed! this girl is jonsing for a boat ride!!) and a very fun jet ski, which I am pumped for going on, the next outing. YAY!
It is really just a consequence of living in this area. It is a big sailboat/ water toy area.. with the river and lake at the end of the street.
Level Regatta is in a few weeks..
Anyway, it was an impromptu fun night.
And since my brain is not ready to fall asleep or dive back into school work, I thought.. why not make a post.
later gators
ps check my last post on (e:sbrugger) 's last ditch attempt to sell his worldy belongs before he heads out to the the other coast. (*still* not buying a couch for my garage, friend)

Permalink: On_being_very_neighborly.html
Words: 583
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: friends
06/27/06 03:40 - 71ºF - ID#35966
"crazy" doen't even come close
Would someone please buy Austins couch, lol
Otherwise a couch is going to end up on my doorstep, with a bill of sale attached to it... as he insists my garage needs a couch, lol
My garage does not need a couch. It needs to be cleaned. It needs a lot of things.. but it doesn't need a couch.
Seriously though.. there is enough stuff to outfit an apartment!!
Contact him if you are looking for something. Seems he has a little bit of everything. Microwave, table, full bed, couch, fan, (cats!) etc.. You need this stuff, or you know someone who needs this stuff... He's moving and won't be taking it across the continent with him! (and I wont be putting a couch in my garage!! haha)
((while I am at it..I am even selling a refridgerator and stove. I am not going anywhere.. just manage to find myself with extra kitchen appliances?))
I should have a garage sale. I need to clean out.. I think I have enough stuff for a sale. Not really sure... If I decide to pull one together, it would probably be successful, as I live in a prime spot of Y-Town for a sale. Its been years since I have had a garage sale. Maybe someone would like to join in on it with me? I have a big yard, long driveway and the requisite garage...
Anyway..hellp the frazzled guy out.. go to Crazy Austin's Mad Sale..
(e:sbrugger) has enough stuff... buy it all.
the sale ads:

Permalink: _quot_crazy_quot_doen_t_even_come_close.html
Words: 263
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: childhhood
06/25/06 11:24 - 69ºF - ID#35965
playful artifacts
She took me to the part of the basement that stores these fun artifacts. It seems that I have about twenty treasure filled boxes, but we only rummaged through two of them. She has been threatening for years to drop them off where I live (not that I had any extra space). Now that I have ample space to store stuff and that so much time has passed, I am kind of excited about this excavation. I am sure to find toys, school papers, notes to friends, pictures, and all sorts of remnants from my past, until I was 19 years old.
I intend to be selective in what I keep and will toss the rest. I am sentimental at times, but I am not a "pack rat". I think a few good picures and a small sampling will provide plenty for memories in years to come.
I brought home a handful of toys. I never cared much for dolls. Admittedly, I despised them. Instead my favorite toys were stuffed animals, matchbox cars, army men (I called them Marine men, as my dad was in the Marines. I was taught that they were so much cooler than the army dudes), Fisher Price Little People, and anything that I could use to enhance my creativity- house hold items such as boxes, garbage cans, sheets, rope, spoons, etc; things that castles, spaceships and jungles were made of. The large back yard and woods behind it provided me with many hours of imaginative entertainment.
My toys were rarely new as we were pretty poor (I never really felt it though..)Most often they were second hand from family friends or purchased at garage sales. I never knew this or cared. As I reflected upon my absolute favorite toys and moments with them; my mom told how she acquired them. I don't have a lot of those items any longer; but toys that I had as a kid were ones that I had for a long time.
I took very good care of my belongings (unless someone unknowingly gave me a doll.. then,well off with their hair!) and I am surprised that what I do have is in as good of condition that it is.
I hope to find pictures of the items I no longer have.
So what I did find so far..
These were big in the mid 80's. My late friend Mike and I were big Garbage Pail collectors. They really were warped and gross. Wisperin' Woody and his cigarrette butts, and Ronnie Reagan, haha. I have a pile of them, here are a few.. remember these??

I split my head open when I was two years old. Obviously I had to go to the hospital for some plastic surgery. I was annoyed with the doctors that they made me lay at the end of the bed, as opposed to the "pregnant ladies" side of the bed, where all the pillows were at. I was tired and just wanted to go to sleep. I couldn't understand why no one would let me doze off--either in the car ride to the hospital or while I was lying on the bed. Ofcourse, I know it was to keep me from slipping into a coma.
Later that day, just before being released from the hospital, my parents bought me Mongo, this thumb sucking monkey, as I was quite fond of my thumb as well-- and for many many years to come. I loved Mongo dearly. He now resides with me, sitting on a shelf in my office/exercise room.

CO2 wooden car we made in 7th grade shop class. Very cool.. mine kicked butt in the end of project race.

My beloved kitty, given to me at about two years of age. I still have it on my bed, next to my infamous stuffed turtle, Bob.

Mom made this horse for me, as a Christmas gift. I think I was around four years old. I believe it was a popular type of toy back then, and she decided to make on for me as opposed to buying somehting. I played with this a lot. It is in great condition! I brought that home with me as well.

This is a Whooly Woo. What exactly is a Whooly Woo? Well it was fluffy and cute, and all I needed to love it.

This little poker game machine predated my time, but I always played with it.

hmm, thought I had pictures of the little people and a few other items.. must be saved to the other computer.
Now, I must ask..
What was your first gaming machine?
I had an Odyssey 2. It had two contollers and a flat keyboard. Played games such as KC Munchkins Crazy Chase (just like Pac-Man, but more fun and cute looking. Odyssey was sued for this uncanny similarity), Helicopter Rescue, Wall Street (yawn!), Crypto Logic (a word scrambler. You put in the word, the system scrambled it, your opponent tried to figure it out-- it kept tally of guesses. Imagine all the dirty things we came up with..) and a really cool car race game. Not bad for the early eighties..
Then I skipped to (original) Nintendo.. and a few others. I still have the Nintendo. The Odyssey was tossed out or stolen when my car/apartment/car port was broken into a few years ago. The other systems are no longer around as well. I wouldnt mind something to play on, but I like playing on the PC.. who knows, maybe I will find something. Yeesh, there are so many toys and gadgets I want..
I am stil very much in tune with my playful, creative adventurous side. It comprises much of who I am and how I deal with things. Some of my interests are expensive, but mostly I am able to do a lot with very little. It just takes a little imagination.. a sense of humor.. and the wonderment of exploring life.

Permalink: playful_artifacts.html
Words: 1073
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: paul
06/24/06 03:02 - 64ºF - ID#35963
4 Paul-better late then never--(updated)
1. How did you find out about/why did you become a member of estrip?
I had seen the banner on elmwood- but figured it was something to do with the elmwood initiative (forever elmwood), so I didn't bother to look. I began to see more of this "" and it wasn't until (e:ladycroft) became an avid member of this community did I dedcide to check it out for myself. I lurked for awhile, trying to determine if it was something I wanted to sign up for. Eventually met the Larson brothers, and with the awareness that I was corsorting with more "peeps", I thought it a good move to officially join the strip, August 2005. I was skeptical for awhile even after joining. I joined and stayed because of the sense of community.
2. How "out" are you about having a publicly accessible online journal. Do your friends know? Does your family know? Do your co-workers know? Does your boss know? Do you use your real name? Do you use your real photo?
Out? I am not actively open about the location of my journals. People know that I write and they know that I write online and they even know that I write on a local blog. Some know the name.. but I doubt they would look for the site.
Friends and Family? Some of my friends are on here. My family does not know where to find my journals and I prefer to keep it that way.
Boss? again, people know that I write, but not exactly where I write. I don't have computer access at work..
Name? Part of my real name is my user name. If I had known that the other "carrie" did not maintain their journal, I would most likely have kept it as just my first name, "Carey" However, I thought ahead, assuming this other Carrie was around. I figured that when someone asks me who I am, I wouldnt just say, "carey".. (trying to avoid "carey? which carey?") I would be "Thee Carey", as in, the one and only ;) Some people read it as 'The e- Carey', which totally works for me as well. I like it just as much.
Photo? yeh, I use my own photo. I cycle through a bunch of pictures of myself, haha. That sounds awful..
I also have a picture of Homer Simpson in his undies, beached out on his couch with a beer on his belly... and a few other silly pics that will occasionally make its way on here. Ooh, and one of my favorites, is of (e:paul) , (e:matthew) , (e:terry) , (e:ladycroft) and myself from one night at the Pink. Its cute, it makes me smile.. it was a fun night of cofferr, sushi, darts, beer and laughter. I have been fortunate to have plenty of great interactions.. but something about that night, that picture makes me smile. I know you agree, (e:ladycroft) ! YOu'll see that pic come up once in awhile.
3. How many epeeps have you met real life?
I met a slew at (e:mike) 's birthday gathering at la luna, immediately after joining in AUgust of last year. I remember thinking, should I go to something that no one will know who I am? Will they care that I am there--some stranger? (timika was going, we went together, she introduced me to everyone there) I am glad that I went. It was a good first impression of (e:strip). I think that helped to solidify my intent on using the strip seriously. I was amazed by the warmth, friendliness, intelligence and energy of many of the peeps I met that night. This continued (and continues) to hold true. I love peep gatherings!!
4. How has estrip changed the way that you meet people, on and/or off line?
Well, I like that I am able to get involved in an activity/outing in a more spontaneous manner-- and it doesn't have to be with people I know. I can jump on and toss ideas out there: "who wants to eat, go to movie, art museum, hike.." I like that informal and formal activities have been arranged or suggested through posts and the chatter. I am probably more open to it, although I am thinking that it has more to do with the opportunity being there. In the past, prior to (e:strip), I have occasionally met people online.
With meeting more new people (and sometimes mass quantities at a time)- through here and college--it has helped me to feel less shy. Or if I am, I can get over it quicker-- get into social mode easier.
5. How has estrip affected your love life?
yeh, ok.. it has made an impact. However, it did not, has not, occured in the sense that I was actively seeking something of that manner. As with anything, when you get people together.. there is a possibility that you may meet someone who sparks your interest. That had happened-- but only after meeting the person, there was no serious thought to it prior. I don't troll, and I don't get the sense that many (any?) of us do. I sense a networking, friendship, shared thought, place to rant and laugh sort of feel to it more than a meat market that you may find with other sites, news groups, etc.
If someone does strike me as interesting, adventurous, fascinating, intelligent... I am more receptive to checking into it-- and hopefully they are too!!:? At the very least, it has been interesting to read peoples stories about their relationships- the good, bad, ugly.
6. How many of your friends have joined estrip because of your influence?
I have suggested to a few people that they should check out the site. A few have.. only two have stayed on. Yay for (e:pyrcedgrrl) and (e:vincent) ! I kinda like not having my friends (such as co worker and school friends) and family on here.
7. Are you from Buffalo/do you live in Buffalo?
Born and raised in Youngstown. Bounced around Western NY (Lockport, Niagara Falls, Buffalo (linwood!), Hamburg, Town of Niagara..etc) then moved back into Youngstown about three years ago for family reasons. I needed to be in the school distict that my neice goes to school (Lewiston-Porter)-- atleast through graduation, was the deal. I am often in B-Lo.
1. What type of hardware or software purchases have you made as a result of using estrip?
Havent made a direct purchase, although I have looked into, researched and tried new software, versions, betas etc from the knowledge and input shared on this site. It does bring out my techy tendencies. I intend to take a class, play around more in this department, after I am done with school. I prefer taking computers apart and putting them back together.. but I wouldnt mind the challenge of some software learning.
2. Have you used the mobile version of estrip? Why or why not?
I love to figure things out, but I hate reading manuels. They feel like directions. I am the one who will drive around lost and refuse to stop for directions. My old cell phone did nothing more than make the occasional phonecall. So I just purchased a phone that appears to have capability, but havent played around with that aspect of it yet. YET. Time is a factor. If I would just read the manuel, time wouldnt be as much of a factor--(which some manuel are kinda fun-- I just prefer to figure it out on my own!..
I also have to see how this would effect the cost of my bill.. what the increased useage would be, even though I havea media package, I don't want to pay more than I have to.
1. In what way has estrip changed your Internet surfings habits? Describe the amount of time you spend on estrip, when you use it and about how long?
Please don't make me quantify the amount of time I am on the strip!!!n Lets just say, that I log onto the strip on a daily basis- but only after 4:30 pm, as I do not have computer access at work. It might be good that I do not access the site through my phone. I am on the comuter all evening working on school assignments, so it is quite easy for me to meander over to the strip to see what is going on. This repetitive behavior has conditioned me to jump on even when I have no dire need to be on the computer. So regardless, I check in atleast once a day. Some days, it seems I don't ever leave-- I do, but I am never far away.
On the occasions when I am away for a few days, I try to make sure to catch up with as many journals as I can.
1a. How many journals do you usually read per day?
I usually read the latest- I skip some and there are a few journals that I always read.
2. In what ways has estrip changed the way you perceive your local community?
I lenjoy seeing the commonalities and the differences among the (e:strip) members. I like the passion and energy people have for issues, concerns, politics etc. I have learned a lot about peoples perceptions and views. We really are a friendly region..
3. How has journaling about your life affected the way you spend your free time?
I am more aware of what I do and don't do.. and what I should be doing more or less of. Make sense?
4. Has estrip changed your living situation in any way?
5. Do you find that you mediate/document more of your experiences now that you share them with others?
I think there is an increase. I also write in a paper journal, which is more about deeply personal thoughts, feelings and behaviors. I like to write about silly stuff that I do in my online journal- along with some of the deeper stuff.
6. Has publishing on estrip affected the way that write?
I am all over the place in this blog-- how I write and what I write about-I put in a better effort to make sense when I write on here- there is a greater and more diverse readership with the strip than of other blog spots.
7. Do you have other online journals? If so, with what service and has estrip affected your usage of that journal?
Live Journal. Member since 2000. I rarely post in there anymore.
8. Have you ever gotten in trouble for using estrip at work? n/a
9. If you have stopped using estrip, why? n/a
Good night, peeps. Hope all is well :)

Permalink: 4_Paul_better_late_then_never_updated_.html
Words: 1796
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: family
06/23/06 04:46 - 76ºF - ID#35962
family in town
After a three year absence, I saw her today. She pulled into the driveway right after I returned from a garden shopping excursionn (I love my jungle-garden).
I hugged her and didn't want to let go.
No time to really talk, as my bro in law, two other nieces and his parents werent far behind (admittedly a bit overwhelming) but thats fine for now.. I think her and I will be ok, from here on out...
((we seem to be ready to work on being sisters))
I hope my mom and sister can work things out. I am not sure if my mom will be around this evening to see any of them. My mom is terribly stubborn. She is awesome, intelligent, capable of fixing and building anything, but stubborn.
Anyhow, I hope to get a few pics before my sister leaves. We will meet up this evening at Art Park for the graduation of my oldest neice, Ashley. Then they are heading back to NC; wish they could stay longer. I plan to visit for a weekend in the fall-- after school is over for me.
Yep, gonna keep positive about this..

Permalink: family_in_town.html
Words: 197
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: non political
06/21/06 09:25 - 74ºF - ID#35961
je suis francais
I am not sure what I enjoy more- the answers or the questions. I am fascinated with Presidnet Bush, Chancellor Shussel and President Barrosso's responses and reactions to audience questioning; both verbal and non-verbal.
And I will leave it at that, for now.
well, and this..
Check out the Summit in written form:

Wolfgang Shussel:

Chancellor of Austria, President of European Council
Jose Manuel Barosso:

President of European Commision
You know the other guy, the Bushmeister:

hehe, now my mental voice has a french accent. My spoken words have an accent and I am interjecting a few french words. Monsieur Shussel brings out the french in moi. I could listen to him for hours.
So, I must brush up on my foreign languages. A true Marquis will have a better grasp of the french language. I have been slacking severely on this.. I miss conversing in (broken) french and polish.
a bientot, mon amies!

Permalink: je_suis_francais.html
Words: 216
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: learning
06/19/06 05:44 - 75ºF - ID#35959
I wasn't expecting to see it, and now I feel ill. Not sure what to make of the lump in my throat.
I understand plenty..I am not ignorant to the various world religion rituals and practices--but I didn't expect them to *show* it-- the horse being held on the ground.. blinking its eyes, looking around. The sharpening of the blade..
I spare you the rest.
You can see it for yourself on the History Channel, Voodoo Secrets
Show description:
A cult of magic spells, diabolical curses, satanic worship, human sacrifice, zombies, and dolls stuck with pins? Experts explain how, over the past few centuries, the ancient religion of Voodoo has been systematically maligned, persecuted, and nearly wiped out. To uncover the truth behind Voodoo, we travel to where it began at least 5,000 years ago on the central west coast of Africa. In the tiny nation of Benin, Voodoo is practiced today as it has been for thousands of years. Our cameras captured a rarely-seen event--an African Voodoo ceremony with animal sacrifice. We also investigate grisly events blamed on Voodoo, such as: the sinking of a ferry in Haiti that killed 200 people and was blamed on a Voodoo curse; death of Robert Tallant, author of the 1947 bestseller Voodoo in New Orleans; and how Marie Laveau, the "Queen of Voodoo" in New Orleans, saved two men from the gallows in 1850. Could these tales be true? Michael Dorn narrates

Permalink: bah.html
Words: 244
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: tasteful adventure
06/17/06 09:29 - 89ºF - ID#35958
catnip juleps?
However, a refreshing mojito sounded nice. I invited (e:pyrcedgrrl) to come over and have one with me.
I made sure that I had everything I needed: Bacardi, limes, sugar, club soda, ice and mint.
I grow mint in my garden, so ofcourse I choose to use those fresh leaves instead of a store bought variety ( or syrup, gasp!)
As I am mashing the mint, I begin to wonder if my sense of smell is off today. It smells minty.. yet it doesn't.
Asking (e:pyrcedgrrl) what she thinks is not fruitful, as she is just coming off a cold and can't smell much.
So I proceed to make the drink and everything appears fine. It even tastes fine.. but not quite like the mojitos I made in the past.
Then I wonder what exactly I picked from my garden...
and I wonder.. did I make a mojito using spearamint?
or catnip??? hahaha
It still tasted good whatever it was I used.

Permalink: catnip_juleps_.html
Words: 218
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: weather
06/16/06 10:07 - 76ºF - ID#35957
air stagnation advisory?
Anyway, be careful of breathing during the hours of 5am and 11pm tomorrow..
btw, I missed An Unconvenient Truth (e:theecarey,166) it slipped my mind, then I dozed off.. Anyone get out to see it?
I think the Buffalo Zoo field trip may have kicked my butt?? The day was very enjoyable-- gorgeous weather, noted progress in my autistic student ("Care, was it the grisly bear or the polar bear he tried to join last year?" heh, the bear may be ferocious, but my money is on the kid!) -- oh, and lots of fun with my co worker/friends.
I am still groggy from my nap. I have residual effects of the dream that I had. It was so real... whats going on?
Now the moment you have been waiting for: onto the official lung pollution report..
THE TOLL FREE NUMBER IS: 1 800 5 3 5 1 3 4 5.
Have a great night. Breathe now while you can!

Permalink: air_stagnation_advisory_.html
Words: 343
Location: Youngstown, NY
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