Category: potpourri
05/31/07 11:37 - 72ºF - ID#39486
write for the sake of writing
So, a future random dump might just be the idea. thanks!
other tidbits:
It smells really good outside, well, other than outside my front door*. The night temp is really nice right now. I wish that air would make its way into my apartment.
My apartment is really muggy at the moment. I could scrounge up a box fan perhaps, just to get better air flow, but I wont. I'm not hot, its just not as nice feeling as outside right now. The house I grew up in has a full house fan that when the windows are open and you flip the switch, a thing in the ceiling opens up into the attic space and sucks all the air in. Its fabulous. I have never come across this feature in any other house since.
I placed mulch down. It smells like a zoo. Its only mulch as ordered. Unless the truck had remains of manure in the bed. icky. I hope the smell goes away. I have mulch down in the little spot along the front of my porch- not the aroma I wish to have linger into my apartment.
I should be tired, but I am not. I couldn't sleep last night and most of today I felt zombiesque because of it. And that is with taking tylenol pm- not the kind with vanilla. Seriously, I feel like climbing a mountain. I'll try the sleep inducers again shortly..
and play some games on till the zzzzzzzzzs come.
do we still have hangman on here somewhere..?

Permalink: write_for_the_sake_of_writing.html
Words: 359
Location: Youngstown, NY
05/30/07 12:45 - 64ºF - ID#39448
So I open up Internet Explorer. While I have never had any problems with using it, once I tried Firefox, I quickly got used to all the bells and whistles it has to offer.
With the crach of tonights Firefox session, my needing to use IE left me feeling like I was walking blind folded in traffic. mmm, not that i know quite how that is. I suddenly could not remember any of my passwords, my toolbar has things on it that I never use anymore, and what I do need I could barely recall the web address for. I just sat and stared for a moment, fumbling to get to what I need. It just feels weird.
I even had to remember the addy to (e:strip)!!
OK, so that should be the easiest one of all to type in, right?
well, sure..
but my fingers always punch in
damn that dot com.
and whatshisnuts for sitting on it without actually having it in use..
So after the initial accident (shame on me), I find myself trying to remember my password for here. After a few attempts, I got it.
I would write (draw), "I will not forget" 50 times on the chalkboard, but it isn't pulling up in IE. bleh.
So yeh, passwords and trying to remember them until Fireox comes back...goodness, I either need to have IE remember this for me, which would mean accessing it more often (not likely)- writing it down (I'd lose that too)- or committing it all to memory better (not doing too bad so far).
got it. couldn't do it 50 times though...

Permalink: estrip_org.html
Words: 325
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: movies
05/28/07 02:53 - 60ºF - ID#39430
Nick Swardson
It was tonight that we ventured out to the Transit Drive in located in the Lockport- Pendleton area.

We watched Shrek 3 and Blades of Glory. Both had me giggling a lot. I was thrilled that both were playing together. I had really wanted to see 'Blades of Glory' when it came out in theaters back in March, though never did (as with most movies new to the theater). It was a good combo of 'in-your-face' and subtle humor. Will Farrell and Jon Heder made a good comic team.

I also light up over the appearance of characters played by Nick Swardson (In Blades of Glory, he played Hector, stalker of Jimmy, played by Heder). I have seen him in various movies, each of his characters either cracking me up or grossing me out. A creepy, kinky, silly, warped, talented comedian (And actor, writer, producer). Ive seen him in The Benchwarmers, Reno 911, Grandma's Boy and Click, and possibly more. It took me awhile to figure out who he is (I finally paid attention to credits). Recently I saw him doing stand up on Comedy Central; I was quite impressed.

check this video (funny!):
A Normal Day in the Life of Down to Earth Nick Swardson

Reno 911 "Tug Jobs"

On Jimmy Kimmel 4/07

Going to the drive-in was fun. I have spent a lot of time there watching movies and not watching movies. Although the price has gone up since I have last been there, $8 is still a good deal for two flicks.
My niece will leave early in the morning. Although we had arranged a way for her to extend her stay awhile longer, her friend whom she drove up with did not want to make the return trip on their own. Bummer. I respect that--even though we would like her to be here longer.
Its late, time for bed, don't want to sleep the day away. My official Memorial day post will come later. My father had sent me pics of family members, and some excerpts from books, memorandums and a web site he maintains pertaining to Veterans of various wars, primarily the one he and his buddies were in, the Vietnam War. Fascinating, interesting, disturbing and inspirational stuff. I try to place my mind in theirs.. its truly daunting to try to wrap my mind around.
Signing off..

Permalink: Nick_Swardson.html
Words: 490
Location: Youngstown, NY
05/26/07 06:27 - 65ºF - ID#39418
Good Bad etc
So I havent seen her since last June. I have always considered her to be my little sis and have missed her greatly. I'm very pleased that she is here. We did a lot of catching up yesterday, which was most excellent!
Bad: Havent driven my car; really do not want to seeing as I am not able to get it officially checked out yet. I'm working on finding another now. Not sure when that will happen. Also don't know when I will be able to get car into shop. Hmm, lots of problem solving to do surrounding this issue. bleh
Good: Local (Y-Town) book sale is happening soon. I go to that every year. I try to be very selective, but I always leave with more than I really need. I usually have a game plan. Last year is was locating pieces of work written prior 20th century. Other times the search was for particular authors. Sometimes certain knowledge/subject books. I have nothing specific in mind for this years book sale. Toni Morrison and Chuck Palaniuck are two I usually keep an eye open for. I had been recently recommended the author, Evanovich (?) for light brainless summer reading- little sleuth novels from what i have been told. Perhaps I will look for old copies. The books are insanely cheap- .10 to 1.00 if I recall correctly. I know I typically walk out with several bags for a grand total of less than $20. I'll limit myself to $5 this time around.
Bad: Phone rang at 7:53 this morning. Caller Id tells me it is J*, guy I deemed in previous posts as 'Stalker'. It is really limited to phone calls, that I never answer. But it has gone on for over 2.5 years. I did answer once in the past year to tell him to stop calling and to claim that I am not available for any sort of relations with him. That seemed fruitful until this morning. I write about it in here to track the calls/documentation purposes. There are prior posts of this nature.
Amusing: (e:pyrcedgrrl) stopped by for awhile earlier. I have talked her into going camping this year with me. There is a local party in the woods coming up that I have invited her to. Since there will be the typical camping set up, I figured this would be a good introduction to the whole experience. Later on in the season and/or fall, I'd like to really pack it up and head out somewhere to set up camp/hiking excursion.
In college, I was part of an Outdoor Adventures club. It was a lot of fun to plan and participate in activities with a whole bunch of other students. Horseback riding, hiking and camping were my favorites. I also remember sledding, skiing, iceskating and snowman building. There were frequent outings- all of which were fun. The best was just making new friends- hanging out with people with similar interests. It might be fun to have a slew of people go camping again or having more activities planned. perhaps an e peep adventure club!
well, while the sun is still shining, my automobile-less butt will now go back outside and do something semi-productive. Maybe read, draw and/or chat it up with my neighbors. Nights wide open!

Permalink: Good_Bad_etc.html
Words: 592
Location: Youngstown, NY
05/25/07 12:39 - 77ºF - ID#39409
today's ten
1a. '99' schnapps in any flavor will most certainly be en joyed. yums
2. car is acting ill. Have the issues somewhat pegged, like I am some sort of car whisperer. I think its time for a different car. Ive been saying that for a year. I'll drive it today to see what happens, but I just might have to go without until I save up for another beater. gah.
3. niece is visiting for a few days. I haven't seen her since she left about a year ago. I miss her, and we haven't kept in contact like we should. I wish she would stay here, or be here more often.
4. Its that time of year that hookups seem particularly appealing. Applications are now being accepted, lol.
5. Lilacs do not last long enough. They have an amazing fragrance. There is a bush outside my bedroom window, which the smell works its way through. It seems like they just bloomed and they die already.
6. I've dug up and relocated 42 plants and shrubs in my yard. I do nice work. I'm glad to have gotten most of that done prior to the heat. I love the temps, but I can't imagine doing all that digging, raking, etc. Well, I'd have done it anyways..
7. Lots of parties coming up. I have two that I intend to go to, even if I have to borrow a car.
8. Mojitos. One (or two) would taste good today. I have everything I need for them too!
9. big nasty spiders are everywhere. I hate when I find them in my car while driving. yuck.
10. Jennifer Lancaster's 2nd book will be out any second. The titles are insanely long, so I'm not writing it out. She cracks me up and I can relate on so many levels. Good stuff. Cant wait!

Permalink: today_s_ten.html
Words: 329
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: drugs
05/21/07 11:53 - 54ºF - ID#39371
Tylenol PM Caplets with Vanilla ?
After opening the bottle, I noticed that the caplets smell. Well, they smell good. I then actually looked at the bottle and noticed that it is labeled as, Tylenol PM Vanilla Caplets.
Why the vanilla? I didn't really care, so I popped two in my mouth and swallowed with a good chug of cool water. There was a slight vanilla taste before the swallow. I still wondered why a caplet has a vanilla flavor- it isn't in the mouth long enough to need to be flavored. Never thought the caplets needed flavoring before.
I am about set to get to sleep, when the vanilla in questions gnaws at my brain enough to need to look it up.
My questioned isn't answered (I originally wrote, "my answer isn't questioned" caps are kicking in, vanilla flavor or not), but I did dig up some dirt.
Tylenol makes a liquid version; Tylenol PM Liquid Crack. Ok, so the company doesn't call it crack, but the reviews of the product say otherwise. I found this blog entry to describe it best:

It must taste super yummy and work really well. People can't seem to put the bottle down. lol, I should have written this before the pill popping, there is so much to be said. I am tempted to suck on a caplet to get a good taste of the coveted sleep enhancer.
Just wait till all the pre teens get wind of this. They can toss the ill flavored Nyquil for a must tastier loopy buzz.
I still don't get why vanilla caplets. Vanilla isn't even listed as an ingredient, just the random term of "flavor".
but whatever, now Im intrigued enough to want to go buy a bottle of the Tylenol PM Liquid.
maybe thats exactly Tylenol's point in making the caps with vanilla flavor- make yo want to know, make you want to try the liquid and become an addict. I can see it.
I'll be buying mine tomorrow.
get your 2$ coupon here, haha

nighty night

Permalink: Tylenol_PM_Caplets_with_Vanilla_.html
Words: 436
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: music
05/18/07 03:33 - 44ºF - ID#39329
Thurday at the Square line up
Thursday at the Square!! YAY!

wow, come to think of it, I have not been in attendance in two summers. I always had a class on Thursday evenings.

Permalink: Thurday_at_the_Square_line_up.html
Words: 50
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: travel
05/16/07 01:07 - 66ºF - ID#39299
Cabin in the woods
The cabin has a generator if electricity is needed for anything. it is full of antiques and other neat things. We didn't sleep inside, instead opting for tents, bonfire pit, coolers and all the other good stuff pertaining to a camp out. Although the entire weekend was nice and sunny, the nights were clear and very cold. I had on bra, t-shirt, long sleeve shirt, another t-shirt, a sweater, a thin hooded sweater and my ever present uni bomber hoody. It worked, although sleeping was a challenge.. under all of those layers and a ton of blankets.
I primarily took pics of the surroundings- I didn't get everybody who was there. To my amusement, one girl took off upon realizing my attendance. Its funny to be someones nemesis.
In short, it was a lot of fun, lots of great conversation and bonding. Bugs left me alone. I ate a ton of junk food. It was fun! I was beat by the time monday rolled around, and pretty much slept the day away. I want to re do some of the shots with my better camera.
and so, without any organization or commentary- here are some pics of this past weekend. Yeh, there's a lot..

roughing it with coordination

my little home

tree frog! :)

crispy tree frog :(

offerings to the cheesy poof god

Permalink: Cabin_in_the_woods.html
Words: 410
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: weekend
05/15/07 06:49 - 67ºF - ID#39292
camping, storms, sleeping
camping/party this weekend was fun- returned yesterday. Fell asleep early last night and slept in this morning- hence my day of non-function. All screwed up. And when I read (e:mrmike) 's earlier post that ended with, "happy hump day".. I panicked for a moment, thinking I slept for a full day.
well, what i saw and felt through my windows was a really warm and sunny day. *sigh*
finally around four, I got dressed and found my way to some nearby trails. I decided on the spot that the sneaks I wore are no good for anything but smooth terrain. Bummer. They got me through approximately two hours of exploration, thankfully. I need day hikers that can take a beating yet not weigh ten pounds.
well, the dark scary clouds are over my head- a few flashes and increasing rumbles are my cue to exit. and ever since being hit while in my car, I am feeling rather freaked out by the impending storm. I like them a lot when I am with someone, not so much all alone- now I shall go huddle in the corner. ;)
bunch of pics to come sooner or later- so much to catch up on.

Permalink: camping_storms_sleeping.html
Words: 259
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: nature
05/09/07 05:03 - 78ºF - ID#39212
I dont like you in that way dot com

site cracks me up. Nothing like a little sarcasm to bring about a good snicker.
ok, so..
Gorgeous the past few days- sunshine, warmth, cut grass, thoughts of summer. Pretty much good stuff.
but the May flies have got to go. Gross. Little blackish beasts that hang out in swarms. Cousin to the sand flies. Live a day and die. They can skip straight to the latter. Closer to the water, the thicker the patches become. gross; and there is no escaping them, well, other than staying home- venturing away from the water.
so I did.
The treadmill isn't as scenic, but it always helps to decrease my insane energy levels. To get my nature fix with out the flying beasts, I simply head into another direction. Today it wasnt so bad. I was able to cover quite a bit of ground and hills before walking into them. They can't be shooed away. They are so dainty they squish on contact- a good thing if there is one. Not so great when there are a million to replace it. all i could do is walk with my eyes shut, holding my breath and hope to not have too many nestled into my hair, ears, clothes and cleavage. gah, can't imagine what is in my hair.

bugs. It takes me awhile to get over their existence every year. Bees, various flies, spiders, carpenter ants and other wildly large creatures of unidentifiable bug origin find me. gross.
The terror eventually resides considerably- replaced with eeks and other pathetic mutterings. And my taking pictures to share with all of you, mwhahahahha!
who knew there is May Fly humor?

Permalink: I_dont_like_you_in_that_way_dot_com.html
Words: 292
Location: Youngstown, NY
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