Category: music
06/29/07 10:23 - 71ºF - ID#39851
TATS & 90's Music
- Joan Osborne was a pleasure to see at Thursday at the Square; such the lovely voice that I remember. Although I have and really like her cd, Relish (1995), I don't think I have anything else, or have really heard anything else since. With all the unfamiliar songs she sang, I decided to look to see what I have missed over the past decade. Apparently a lot: (album list)
Now I have some music to find!
The other artist.. something Hoge (Will?) was alright. The best part of that performance, was one given by a guy in the audience. He stood nearby, faced the crowd and played his Air Guitar. He was *all* into it- song after song after song. Eventually he managed to form a band. He got someone on Air drums and Air bass. It was really funny. (e:enknot) , (e:pyrcedgrrl) , (e:ladycroft) and (e:frogadelic) know all about it. You do to if you were there, it was hard to miss! haha. I think (e:laurajean) came too late to see all that.
In other mid- 90's music news..
- Spice Girls are getting back together?!?
yes, for a reunion tour- as a 'thank you' to the fans...
the Spice Girls insist they are not back for good. "This is going to be a one-night stand," said Geri.
The girls promised to perform all their classic hits during the show.

While I am not a fan, the Spice Girls are a little bit of an inside joke for me. I've got a little purse, notepad and a few um, *cough cough COUGH* songs on my iPod. ('gifts' from friends) I remember when they appeared on the scene. So not related, but in my music history, it was at the tail end of the grunge phase and just before "alternative" became mainstream. There was a lull in music- everything kinda dark, moody and edgy, even on the otherwise pop hit music stations. Then these ladies emerged and then a slew of lighter, bouncier music followed. Why I remember this, I do not know. I am full of random/useless memories and trivia.
for giggles, I pay homage to the Brit ladies with one of their songs as a user sound.
enjoy ;)

Permalink: TATS_amp_90_s_Music.html
Words: 412
Location: Youngstown, NY
06/28/07 02:13 - 82ºF - ID#39836
Angry Bee Mob :(
The last time that happened, I was probably three, running through my back yard barefoot.. and stepped on one of the little bees that go from tiny flower to tiny flower among the grass.
Considering how much time I spend outdoors, and how often I am planting, raking ,digging, trimming, weeding and anything else that brings me into close contact to bees, I am surprised that it hasn't happened before now.
This booger was a yellow jacket, I think.
I tried to retailiate by busting out a can of wasp and hornet killer, but let me tell you, that only pisses them off more, and no, you really can't out run a bee. I tried. I am sure it was comic to anyone paying attention..
and yes, I know that they should be sprayed in the morning or at dusk when they are least active.. not in the middle of the day when they are flying out looking to get more than a little piece of me (it got my wrist).
So anyway, after running in circles away from a mob of angry bees, I aborted my yard work for the day.
But not all was lost! I went inside to rinse my bee stung wrist, and upon going back outside through the garage, an older gentleman ( a neighbor) was standing at the garage doorway to give me a bag of cherries from his yard. A sweet ending.. Yum!

Permalink: Angry_Bee_Mob_.html
Words: 245
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: movies
06/27/07 01:03 - 77ºF - ID#39821
Live Free or Die Hard
OOOOh, I was pleased when I saw the preview for the fourth Die Hard movie; it plays tomorrow, well, today (Wed). I need to go see it!!
I am not sure what my obsession is...
(e:pyrcedgrrl) has had to put up with my insanity over it on a few occasions.
The one that I recall easily is the blizzardy winter night that she drove me all over WNY so I could rent all three Die Hards in one night. I think I posted about it somewhere..
and recently, when all three came out on DVD in a special little movie pack, she forced me to buy it.
and look, now #4 is here!! wooo!
I think Kevin Smith is in it too
Trailer time!
anyone as sick as I?
I need to find out where its playing..

Permalink: Live_Free_or_Die_Hard.html
Words: 163
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: buffalo
06/24/07 11:43 - 83ºF - ID#39801
Week in Review
- Earlier in the week, time spent with a few (e:peeps) at my home was entertaining and enlightening. Mojitos and Car Bombs (aka Bus Bombs, in this case) paved the way to a relaxing afternoon and strange evening. I never get used to going to bed as the sun comes up..
- Stopped at a landscaping nursery. There were a few older kittens roaming about. I was spotted by them and they came up to me for loving. I did not hesitate in their request. I went at it for awhile and then we eventually wondered off. A short while later, I sat down on a bench, waiting for some information. As I waited, one of the kitties came back over to me and jumped up on my lap and proceeded to immediately fall asleep. This little fur blob passed out and didn't have a care in the world. The bench was uncomfortable, but I couldn't disturb the little guy. Then his brother came over and joined us. He plopped down partially on me, and partially on his sleeping brother. He didn't want a nap, but demanded attention from my hand instead. He kept biting my fingers to remind me of this. I'm not sure how long I sat there, but it was quite awhile before I got up. I wanted to itch my face off and I coughed a bit, but as usual, it was all worth it.
- All this past week was spent 'purging' again- just simplifying my belongings, giving things away to people who need them, and doing a little handy work here and there. So much to learn..
- well, bummer that this weeks episode of 'Confessions of a Matchmaker' did not have (e:inspiraysean) in it. He was misinformed and is trying to find out the exact date from productions. I got a kick out of the two episodes I caught last night. Hilarious and informative! For anyone who saw it, Angela looks/sounds familiar-- do *we* know her??? (e:angelal) maybe? Anyway, once I know his airing- I'll pass it on.
- Saw this advertised- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Wii video game. Looks like fun!!

- I've been re-doing spaces. By that, I mean, I was asked by various people lately, to help in ideas in the areas of decorating and landscaping. At two places I took items from their homes and put elements together to create totally new and fresh rooms- without buying a thing. Very fun! I guess its more about composition and an eye for design. As for the landscaping- I assisted in creating a layout for plants, trees, bushes etc. --All pro bono-- just came in handy for a creative fix. Although I really enjoyed helping out in those projects..
- Speaking of which, been working on several of my own. This weekend I primed and painted a basement room and began putting it together for use as a spare bedroom. Another room in the basement will be rearranged/cleared out as an 'active project' room. There were a bunch of other- 'this must be done before this can be done, but this has to be done before that can be done" sort of chores/mini projects. So this has been an entertaining week of getting all of those things done. I had help from a friend with priming/painting/laying out carpeting project. I totally score on cheap re-do's!
- and in all of these things, it would have made sense to take before and after pics. Why oh why did I not do this?
- Went to a bike rally today. It was the " Ruben Brown Motorcycle Run" My friend Damian represented there under his company, "Radioactive Cycles". It isn't a scene I normally wander through, but it was entertaining to view the bikes and listen and talk to people who are really into it. It was also for charity. Nice day to be out mingling..
Excerpt from Buffalo News

[box] The seventh annual Ruben Brown Motorcycle Run, a two-day benefit for the Buffalo Salvation Army, will take place this weekend.
Festivities start Saturday night with a prerun party in the Lafayette Tap Room, 391 Washington St., which will include music, auctions and raffles. A door donation of $10 is requested. The event begins at 6 p.m.
Sunday, motorcyclists will ride from West Seneca to Niagara Falls, with one stop in Wilson. The run ends at Seneca Niagara Casino & Hotel, where riders and spectators are to take part in bike displays, live music and more. Registration for the ride takes place before the event between 9 and 11 a.m. Sunday at Certo Brothers Distributing Co., 2500 North American Drive, West Seneca.
The benefit was founded by Ruben Brown while he played for the Buffalo Bills. [/box]
Radioactive Cycles of Tonawanda website:

A new week is upon us.. my best to all!

Permalink: Week_in_Review.html
Words: 828
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: friends
06/22/07 09:38 - 61ºF - ID#39775
epeep debut! Confessions of a Matchmaker
so tune in Saturday June 23 at 10pm on channel A&E for the begining of,
" Confessions of a Matchmaker "
It sounds fun from everything I have been told.
[box]This is no ordinary dating show and she is no ordinary matchmaker. For the past six years, matchmaker Patti Novak has been warming up the lonely hearts of Buffalo - a city with one of the highest populations of singles per capita - with her no-nonsense style of tough love. Now, she is letting cameras into her sessions and on dates with her clients...sharing the secrets of her success with the world.[/box]
here is a link for more info!

and Sean, I have a feeling, I will be giggling a whole lot. Charmers know how to push just the right buttons ;)

Permalink: epeep_debut_Confessions_of_a_Matchmaker.html
Words: 196
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: adventure
06/16/07 11:49 - 70ºF - ID#39700
Shakespeare in Park/ Carey in Woods
Kinda bored, feeling a little down or something. Not exactly sure why- although I have some tid bits to mull over.
Been a very busy social week considering I havent driven anywhere in quite some time. Super short jaunts is it. Mostly my friends have come to see me or come to pick my ass up. Hell, even (e:ladycroft) has swung by to pick me up, haha. Poor little beastly car- hanging in there.. still need to get it into the shop.
This has been a quiet weekend overall, but its not over yet! This time last week, I was chillin with a bunch of friends. No major drama, just eating, playing, laughing, chatting and having a simple-good time. Bonfire camp outs are always a lot of fun for me. Its really the company more than anything else. There is a lot of history among most of the friends I keep. Its nice to just.. Be.
and to be looked after, and to look after my friends...
After everyone crawled into their tents to go to sleep, B* and I continued to sit around the bonfire for more conversation and bacardi. Sometime in the night he suggested we take on the wilderness. Always up for some adventure, I was eager to go at it- to explore the unknown. Armed with just a flashlight, we headed away from the bonfire and into the dense woods, further away from everybody- and without direction. Perfect.
Fox, coyote, deer and other creatures reside in the woods we were entering. It was creepy, the land was wet with dew. The sky was clear, full of bright stars, and half a moon helped light the way.
Our imaginations ran as wild as the animals in the woods. We thought we saw things, we thought we heard things.. and quite possibly we did- but with a flick of a switch to the super bright 1 million candle power flashlight, we didn't really see anything.
We kept going, winding through grasses, brush, trees and vines. Up hills and down/around trenches. We ventures further and further- until we were so deep into the woods, that we no longer could hear anything at all. Not a sound from an insect. We could no longer see the stars in the sky-- or any of the sky for that matter. The air was entirely still. We crept along, our breathing and footsteps the only sound to be heard. We stopped and looked around. Breathed. Nothing. So dark, so still, so far away..
a little nervous, but excited by our adventure, we continued until we could go no longer. We hit a swamp..
and our flashlight died..
If we could have gone further without the flashlight, I think we may have tried-- probably neither one of us wanting to chicken out.
.. but since we were at an impasse with the swamp, our only option was to turn back, and embark on the adventure of returning-- first through almost total darkness.
It was a slow go, but we eventually made it back to being under the stars. My legs wet up to my crotch, feet totally soaked, & head moist with dew.
and probably a big smile on my face.
we returned to what was left of the bonfire.. a pile of sizzling embers. We worked on building the fire back up, as neither one of us were ready for sleep. It felt good to warm up and to know that we returned safely.
yet our imaginations and senses were still heightened..
and the coyotes were heard getting closer..
and everyone else were alseep in their tents..
and the whole night was still ours..
We finally went to bed just as the sun began to rise.
Camping out is fun!

Permalink: Shakespeare_in_Park_Carey_in_Woods.html
Words: 647
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: animals
06/12/07 01:24 - 68ºF - ID#39621
cutenss ahead: visit #2 with animals
A few of us went in to pet and play with the animals. I think the kitties were done with me before I was done with them- it helped to have extra hands to go around. I brought my camera this time, although somehow I missed taking any of the piles of kittens (insanely cute). I snapped a few of my new found furry friends- and not so furry friends.

Randall. He had an ear infection that crinkled down his ears.

my buddy, Jasmine. She is the little lover who climbed me from foot to shoulder to get some attention. It worked.

hehe so cute!!

miniature rat terrier. spring loaded!

geese and ducks and babies, oh my!

Permalink: cutenss_ahead_visit_2_with_animals.html
Words: 224
Location: Youngstown, NY
06/07/07 12:16 - 58ºF - ID#39562
Cat House (well, animal shelter)
I visited a farm house that takes in various animals. A bit of a safe house for domestic and wild animals. These people take care of an assortment of sick, feral or unwanted animals. I was able to play with a few super lovable dogs, a plethora of cats, ducks, gosslings and goats.
The ducks were crazy cute with their little fluffy yellow mohawks. Not as soft as I remembered, perhaps it was chicks I have played with before?
I wanted to itch my face off petting all of the kitties. I am borderline allergic. (e:paul) would have died instantly. One furball climbed my body. Another sat on my shoulder and nibbled on my neck. Yet another insisted to be held the entire time, all the while a bunch of others wrapped themselves around my feet. I was covered; can't say I didn't like it. The feral ones stayed in their little spots. Then I was taken to a room of kittens. Oh dear, I about melted on the spot. They were so happy to see me- such little people oriented fluffballs. Tiny mewings, wide eyes, ears on the side of their heads because they are still so young. cute!
I'm not sure what the dogs are. One is a pitbull- a gorgeous brindle. Then there was a jack russell looking dog yet with more of a body shape to that of a miniature pinscher. Then mutts. All cute, loving attention, licking my hands, following me to look at the kittens (oh, tiny kitten hisses are too cute!), licking the adult cats.
Just one great big love-fest!
I didn't have my camera. I would have loved a pic of the cat climbing me from foot to shoulder.
and one of the pitbull. She had these big floppy ears- not sure where she got those from.
They are always looking for people to help socialize the animals. I wouldnt mind taking a visit once in awhile. I am not sure if they are an organization or simply a household who dearly loves animals. The house and property is gigantic, so I am not sure how many animals reside there. The animals have excellent provisions and are obviously well taken care of.
I am going to inquire if they can use any supplies..

Permalink: Cat_House_well_animal_shelter_.html
Words: 394
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: thinking
06/05/07 01:21 - 68ºF - ID#39529
a light traveler
I thought of past times-- insanely long bike rides as only means of transportation, being chased by wild dogs, hitchhiking during some of those times, owning trucks for the purpose of off-roading and "mudding" with other friends with trucks, racing cars, living 'poor' even with bank accounts, living richly without a dime, a time of meeting strangers and making fast friends of them- sharing in that days adventure. Always carrying a tent and setting up whenever and wherever as needed. Following train tracks for miles on foot, exploring dilapidated buildings and warehouses (think floors broken through), scaling dangerous hillsides (one later killed a friend), breaking into abandoned houses when tenting was not an option, eating what we could find, "cleaning up" in public bathrooms, embracing the darkness without fear. We had jobs and/or college- but that was the extent of responsibility. All free time was our time. Life is to be explored. Risks to be taken. Nights to be wasted drinking bad coffee at Dennys. Drawing, painting, writing, flirting with all that life had to offer. Other times were spent dressing to the nines, trying neat restaurants, dancing the night away in gay clubs. Sometimes gothic, sometimes, techno, sometimes country, sometimes "Chippewa", but always whatever and wherever we felt like. No stone in our life left unturned- other than those pertaining to the expectations of others.
"You don't have to like it" becoming the motto and told to those who didn't understand or approve. Why can't we have it all, have anything we want? We, adventurous, life educated, responsible young men and ladies- having fun, living, experiencing, learning, unlearning, creating our realities as we saw fit. Living a multitude of juxtapositions. Oh such fun!
Most of us broke away from that intense life exploring freedom- or so it seemed at the time. Significant others came into the picture, jobs and school took us across the country, effects of 'defining who we are in relation to everyone else' taking their toll. All of that included myself; focused on school, lived with boyfriend long term, friends moved far away, after college job responsibilities soon followed. Yet it is really just all part of life- the different paths we chose to take- you need to explore to figure out who you are and to remember who you are. Sometimes you need to experience things you truly dislike to appreciate all that you do. Meet people that are toxic to you to cherish those that compliment you.
Overall, distance and time have little effect on the foundation that we all came from. I've seen that with my closest friends- so many maintaining their wondrous ways, while others who had been fumbling toward it, finally finding it. I never wandered far away from my core-being; the adventurous, passionate, playful, loyal, upbeat, deep thinking little girl, young lady, woman. When I have wandered, its been a great learning experience, something to add to the life 'tool box'.
Ive done so many things in my life and there is plenty more to explore! I mean being open to new situations and environments. Doing what feels good, feels right. Being honest, and confident in abiltiies- and comfortable with outcomes, knowing that I had a direct effect on it. Letting people in. Loving others without grand, unrealistic, unfair expectations. Withholding as much judgment as possible, allowing people to be. Being considerate. Laughing at myself, dusting myself off when I trip, lending a hand to those who can use the boost. Taking other peoples hand to help me up. Dropping the ego (when I can!), Living by, 'its all about me' - because by doing that, it will be all about you too. Cant do anhything for anyone, really be there for anyone else until you know, love and have a bit of an understanding about yourself, right? (hehe, I love me)- Accepting my faults (oh my dearest 'sarcasm', I'll never let you go- I accept you with open arms!) acknowledging my strengths, understanding my weaknesses (don't do eveything above at all times, but best intentions exist) etc. So, "exploring" to me, means so many things- and those listed above may sound cliche, but its what Ive got.
I don't live in the past, yet Ive learned from it. I try not to fret over the future, as the present moment too easily passes by. With this, Ive spent time integrating the many facets of my life. Sometimes on purpose, other times by accident. Like today, the trek on the four wheeler was something I entirely forgot about. The friends, lifestyle, interests and generally where I was at at that point of life came rushing back. Its something to think about. Some of those things were part of what felt like a really old chapter in my life, and as they creep back in, as I allow them back in, I find myself curious of why I let it out of my life to begin with. I know that was a different time. I know on many levels things were different. I am comfortable and confident in who I am. I have my moments, but thats just it.. life moments. Times to question and reflect- but not in anyway a summation of life baggage. You know, the baggage that keeps people so weighed down that they are paralyzed from moving- they just can't get past a moment in time- and it effects everything and everyone? Well, I never quite understood that, and thats ok. Guess I'm a bit of a light traveler- I pack only what I need- what will enhance the adventure. ;)
I think about how tweaking my perspective (thats the systems thinker in me) will effect future choices. I think too much, yet not enough. *sigh*
As I returned with my friend from the 4-wheeling adventure, we began figuring out what we need to do before this coming weekends campout/gathering. I have been seriously looking forward to since the last one, just a short month ago. That was a weekend spent talking animatedly about how we always created our realities and continue to do so. For some it seems that life is random, but for our experience, we created and continue to create much of it. There was something we wanted, needed, thought about, we got it. It was simply the expectation that something is real and it easily materialized (manifested). Perhaps it is (was) drive, determination. Maybe its all relation rather than being exclusive. Funny to know all this and to hear more and more about it in the media. The lot of us were always on to something and it was nice to talk about it. I think about this subject often (creating reality).. not much opportunity to talk about it... And during that weekend, we decided that another camp out was in order. We played a lot of Ski-Bo too.
So after my buddy picked me up and after the 4 wheeling, we went out to her cabin/wooded area that the campout will take place. There is a little bit of pre work to be done before hand, which I will gladly participate in ie; mowing, spray land to kill off mosquitoes, retrieve and set up camping/party gear and chop wood. Well, not sure if I trust myself with either an axe or a chainsaw, but I've used both in the past for short projects- though not full on weekend supply of wood chop fest. My little tent is ready to go..
So the itch to just head out somewhere with no particular destination is getting stronger. I need to fulfill a camping excursion that includes some hiking, fishing, nature exploring, and thinking. Or hop in a car (just not mine, ok?) and head out somewhere.. no map- just a good attitude and a desire to relax, laugh.. have a good time.
No fishing required..'cause really, I don't fish much as I don't know what to do with it once caught, other than toss 'em back- and I don't know how to get the hook out-- but I like the idea of it. Sitting in a stream, cooler attached to chair to keep from floating away, thinking, relaxing and not paying any mind to what the time is. The position of the sun is all that is needed to figure that out (and Ive got skills in that). Not much of a planner- rather much more spontaneous. I'm and 'ideas' person and will gladly leave the detailed planning and prep to someone else; not that I don't do a good job of it. I just like to focus on my strengths when I can :)

Permalink: a_light_traveler.html
Words: 1539
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: party
06/03/07 10:11 - 70ºF - ID#39518
Prosthetic Dreams and Drunkology
I forgot to have a s'more.
- (e:ladycroft) (ofcourse), (e:decoyisryan) , (e:kangarooboi) , (e:Kaerains), (not that she ever post anymore *kicks*) (e:metalpeter) , (e:mrmike) , (e:soma) , (e:paul) , (e:terry) , (e:matthew) , (e:lilho) , (e:mike) , (e:kookcity2000) , (e:vincent) , (e:carolinian) , (e:chico) , I'm sure (e:salvatore) was around somewhere..
Sitting around a bonfire, even if its already plenty toasty out is always a nice atmosphere. Especially when I snag a super comfy lounge chair. Thanks to those who offered to buy a time share even if they did not have cash on hand. ;)
I hope I am finally coming off of a bout of insomnia. Hitting an all night low of exactly one hour of sleep, after several days of close to the same, I finally fell asleep a couple of times this afternoon. I actually dreampt too, which was nice and so very needful. I feel like I could fall back to sleep now...
My apartment has been stuffy too- hanging in at 87 degrees. It would probably bother me more if I was actually able to sleep and the stuffiness was just disruptive, but this is annoyingly straight up insomnia and my brain is way too active. There is a whole process going into and coming out of this stage. ho hum.
Its just after 8pm and I am working on an iced coffee to consume, so that may screw with a decent bedtime, but damn, I don't want to be groggy the rest of the evening- as exciting Sundays tend to be...
heh, forgot to hit "publish".. two hours later..

Permalink: Prosthetic_Dreams_and_Drunkology.html
Words: 329
Location: Youngstown, NY
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In terms of Joan Osborne I thought she was really good. I think I knew about 3 of her songs. I didn't see any of the airguitar, that would have been interesting.