Category: birthdays
09/05/08 10:18 - ID#45585
A day early, a big b-day shout out to..
Happy HAPPY HAPPY 33rd Birthday! woOooOoOOooO!

Hope you have a wonderful day my friend! miss you!
- hugs*
And a few added thoughts on Chrome since last post:
Some of the things people like about Chrome, I find highly displeasing. I don't want snapshots of recently closed tabs to be displayed and listed on another page. I don't want a list of where I have recently been listed on a page. I don't want my bookmarks nor my browsing history to be used to autofill or suggest where I may want to go next in my browsing experience. Clearing history and browsing data is one thing, in terms of privacy, but having to look at, navigate around all that in a current session is visually annoying. Google also makes "suggestions" within the address bar outside of history and bookmarks, another visual annoyance. This is similar with Firefox, yet, I had used "about:config" to alter things to my liking with it. I am sure at some point, after the Beta version, Chrome will be configurable. Right now, there is little to be found (for this purpose) in the DLLs.
However, there is the option to use an "incognito window".. which does not keep track of anything privacy-wise. Google's auto suggest prevails in the address bar though.
"You've gone incognito. Pages you view in this window won't appear in your browser history or search history, and they won't leave other traces, like cookies, on your computer after you close the incognito window. Any files you download or bookmarks you create will be preserved, however."

Permalink: A_day_early_a_big_b_day_shout_out_to_.html
Words: 268
Category: birthdays
09/26/07 05:28 - ID#41345
House of Horrors ,The Maize,Bonfire Pics
Its open until 9pm S-Th, until 11pm Fri and Sat. Cost is $7 Bring a flashlight and a couple of hours to spare. We arrived around 7:45 and finished around 9:30.

On Sunday, we had gone out to the House of Horrors and Haunted Catacombs located on George Urban Blvd (near Dick Rd). We pretty much had the place to ourselves. I loved it!!
[box]General Admission $20
Includes Admission To All Monstrous Attractions:The House Of Horrors, Haunted Catacombs, and The all New Psycho Therapy and City Of the Dead In 3-D.
$3 Off Coupons Available at: Burger King, FYE, Mighty Taco, Best Buy, Blockbuster Video, Delta Sonic, Subway, Dunn Tire, Cold Stone Creamery, Verizon Wireless, Fantastic Sam's, and Tanning Bed Locations[/box]
This was insanely cool and not for the faint of heart. I mean you, (e:mike)! It will make you cry, lol. (e:ladycroft)- you would LOVE it. Why did we never venture out and explore all the halloween activities before? ok, it really does all add up. This one is $20 but TOTALLY worth it. I would do it all over again. Get your $3 discount at the above locations or print one out on the website.
Anyway, very sensory oriented- not for the claustrophobic! Some stinky stuff, some very unexpected things to have to do, fun actors, great props, awesome atmosphere. Honestly it was a turn on.
I can't get into it, because you just have to go an experience it and not know what to expect before hand. The hours run late-- seem to close the earliest at 10pm.. and some nights 1am. FUN!!
There are a lot more things going on-- I want to hit up as many as possible. It may seem a bit early, but some things I want to experience without a mass of people around me; which is sure to occur the closer to Halloween it gets.
On to the b-day photo dump. A LOT of pics ahead. Bonfire was fun- good food, drink and friends. Didnt keep track fully, but--I was very tickled to see (e:libertad), (e:mike), (e:paul), (e:terry), (e:jim), (e:james), (e:metalpeter), (e:zobar), (e:dragonlady7), (e:pyrcedgrrl), (e:vincent) also all my buds, Lynn, Damian, Shawn, AJ, Solomon, Shawn(girl), Rainy, Katie, Steve, (e:soma) was missed! Lishy, Barry, Rhonny, and others will get a kick in the ass!). I snagged a bunch of (e:metalpeter,41296) to add to my picture folder, so I hope not to accidentally add any of his here. Also a few pcitures from a b-day night out at Diablo are included.

JIGGLY FACE montage:
this was really entertaining- it was hard for me to keep from laughing, as you will see..

Permalink: House_of_Horrors_The_Maize_Bonfire_Pics.html
Words: 748
Category: birthdays
09/24/07 01:49 - ID#41281
I vaguely recall some ass shaking.
...more when I get some quality sleep.

Permalink: weekend.html
Words: 15
Category: birthdays
09/20/07 06:50 - ID#41205
Happy Birthday, e:lizabeth!

Love the September B-days!!

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Words: 9
Category: birthdays
09/17/07 03:01 - ID#41156
Party City
Anyway, I made my way out to Diablo Friday night, for the 2nd annual RIP Continental party. I don't get out there that often and it was nice to make specific plans to meet up with a bunch of friends for celebratory debauchary. Thanks for the birthday drink, (e:soma)! Tattoo Rum and Coke is too yummy.Great to hang, its been awhile! It was also a pleasure to chill with (e:pyrcedgrrl), (e:redletterweek), (e:vincent), and our other buds- Harry, Katie, Rainy, Shawn, & Solomon.
Yesterday was dinner and a movie. A very nice evening. I finally got to see, Balls of Fury. Funny, but not as hilarious as I think it could have been. However, Christopher Walken and the sex slaves made me giggle endlessly. I need to see, Superbad. And scrumptious Clive Owen on the big screen in, 'Shoot 'em up'.
Today at some point, my mom will be over. She hasn't been feeling well, which I hate to hear. I'm not sure if its a quick visit or if there are plans for dinner or something. My step-dad called me today as well, wondering what i am up to. I think he will come over when my mom does. This actual birthday evening will most likely be free for me.
Then, the celebrations will wrap up this Saturday with my South of the Border bonfire. Come on out!
and (e:ladycroft) it feels TOO WEIRD not to have you here. OY!
I hope someone will be taking lots of pics.
I just love this picture of (e:soma) and I.

Good and Evil:

There were a lot more from that night, but I'll wait and eventually do a b-day photo purge on here; keep it all together.
So, I'm beginning to prep for the Bonfire. Weather is supposed to be perfect. As always, I will plan on having something set up in case the weather isn't so great. Set up my garage for shelter along with access to the apartment-- give people options.
Right now I am looking for inexpensive margarita glasses; preferably plastic, reusable and again, CHEAP. Does not matter what they look like. Party City was ridiculous on cup prices- because it had a little design they go for 3-5 bucks a piece. Um, no. I'll buy a bag of colorful plastic cups instead.
I found a pinata at Party City that was reasonable and that will provide a perfect medium for drunk people to be blindfolded and given a bat. While it isn't a good idea, it certainly is a fun one. :D
I saw a bunch of party decorating stuff that would be fun to have, but decided against. I think I will keep it simple. I think-- I still have till Saturday to figure it out. Anyway, an inflatable colorful sombrero that is used as a cooler by lining the outer part of the hat with ice and sticking bottles of beer in the brim. Its cute; I kinda want it, but not sure- I don't want to go crazy on stuff like that.
and I want Sombreros too, thanks to (e:janelle)'s idea.
Again, I will give myself a few more days to really think about it. The main thing is good food, drink and company. PARTAY!

Permalink: Party_City.html
Words: 609
Category: birthdays
09/06/07 12:20 - ID#40964

Happy Birthday, Timika!

I put together a little Virtual Birthday gift for you. Nothing is wrapped, but I think you will enjoy the 'bag' of goodies! :) (Inspired from (e:ladycroft,40935))
1. Some tv shows you may be missing!

2. no less than 32 winks!

3. mmm icy cold, just for you!


5. I can exchange these for a better model if you wish ;)

6. .. he will do as you wish; it is your birthday, afterall!

7. minty fresh!

8. work humor ;)

9. for your new place!

10. dug these up; not that same, I know :(

(soccer and pink hair!)

11. Print it out and use it today! :D

I'm sure you will get together with your new coworkers & friends; I hope you have a wonderful and adventurous day! Wish you were here to celebrate (or me there!!!). *hugs*

Permalink: HAPPY_BIRTHDAY_LC_.html
Words: 186
Category: birthdays
08/31/07 11:30 - ID#40855
Happy Birthday Mike!

Mike and Terry,
Party it up like I know you can!
and I expect to see the obligatory de-pantsing pics and other original "Mike Visco" party stories.

Permalink: Happy_Birthday_Mike_.html
Words: 28
Category: birthdays
01/22/07 07:23 - ID#37822
Happy Birthday
Ready for your spankings, dahling??????????
we know how to spank on (e:strip) hehe
HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I totally stole the naked man pick from google images from a birthday card site. This card reads..
"what do you call a naked man in your back yard?....'ART' -Happy Birthday"
I could think of much more creative and delicious words and phrases to go with that image, so I will leave you to do just that.
again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Love, luck and lots of whipped cream,

Permalink: Happy_Birthday.html
Words: 94
Category: birthdays
09/18/06 11:14 - ID#36043
31 is the new 21 (updated)
You guys rock!!!!!!!
(e:mike) Thanks so much for your journal shout out!!
(e:twisted) (I saw the chat! Oh and I hope you are '100% actual' coming to B-Lo soon!!!!!!!!! Otherwise I will have to stow myself away in Paul's luggage!)
(e:libertad) (I lost count of the spankings, haha)
hope I didn't forget anyone..
(hehe, and a later entry, thanks (e:carolinian) and (e:jenks) ; who is correct, she left me a yahoo IM message, which I signed into after posting this. I find YIM to be endlessly amusing!)
Lots of year-31 B-days (e:pyrcedgrrl) , (e:vincent) , (e:ladycroft) , moi .. and I know a few more of you aren't too far behind ;)
I love on going B-day celebrations. I think everyone should enjoy a mandatory three days of celebrating (at the very least-- a week is even better!)
It was a nice weekend. I did not go too crazy- declined having a party for a few reasons- but certainly enjoyed time with a few friends. Its been a whirlwind of a month (summer, really) and I am slowly getting back into a groove; even though so much is still unsettled. The pieces are coming together and then some. And so, a quick run down of my B-day weekend (the bday I almost forgot!)
Friday: came into work with my desk decorated with streamers, a card, a poster and a gift card to Barnes and Noble. Fun.
Friday evening, (e:terry) , (e:paul) and myself finally went to the new sushi place, Kibarashi. We stuffed ourselves on an assorted platter of sashimi, nigiri and maki rolls (my fave). The pile of fish eggs is ALL yours paul, dear. (blech, I just couldn't do it). See one of his recent posts for a picture, haha. I was in the mood for some Sake, but they currently do not have their liquor license- hopefully soon. However, I did buy a bottle afterwards. Not sure if I like semi dry rice wine; it was a bit harsh for my preference. I like all sorts of red (grape) wine, though. Fortunatley I also bought gummi bears and lik-a-maid fun dips to sweeten things up a bit.
I still want to make maki rolls soon!!
I think Friday night was when I had a squirrel jump on my head around 3am. It was hilarious and scary- thought maybe it was the ghost cat.. I ducked my head under the pillows before investigating the darkness, fortunately it was a little flying furball who was out adventuring in the night looking for someone to play with.
Saturday: (e:pyrcedgrrl) and I intended to go to see David Usher at the Niagara Casino, but we got sidetracked over at the strip club instead. The boys have gotten *very* naughty-and that is all I will divulge at this time; its a story in itself.
Sunday: went out with family. My mom helped pay for my new Pocket PC-- she now has my razr, so she made totally made out on this. I am stoked-- and basking in the glow of geek. ahhhh..
I went and bought myself some nerdy books after a good meal at Roadhouse Grill. I had been there for lunch before, but never for dinner. I was pleased. We were going to do Thai (yum) but then decided on this at the last moment. Good choice as everything was really yummy and the service was very good.
Unlike (e:mike) who seemed to have half a dozen birthday cakes, I did not have a single one! If I assert my right to a week long birthday celebration, then (e:pyrcedgrrl) still has time to make me a cake and babaganoush. hooker. :p xxoo (we've been friends for 20+ years if no one could tell.. )
dammit, now I want cake.
and I want to go bowling. Anyone up for some bowling soon??
shit- somehow I deleted my journal, yet had a backup (which I updated), was able to repost-- and see that I totally lost the comments from (e:mrmike) and (e:jenks) !!

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Words: 703
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And an awesome year ahead!!!! :)
\m/ Go (e:LaDYcRoFT)! \m/
Also (e:theecarey) glad to see that you are posting again. Hey only around a Month or two till Blogtobberfest!!!!!!!!!, kidding but that was interesting last year, and did turn into a good time.