Category: paul
06/24/06 03:02 - ID#35963
4 Paul-better late then never--(updated)
1. How did you find out about/why did you become a member of estrip?
I had seen the banner on elmwood- but figured it was something to do with the elmwood initiative (forever elmwood), so I didn't bother to look. I began to see more of this "" and it wasn't until (e:ladycroft) became an avid member of this community did I dedcide to check it out for myself. I lurked for awhile, trying to determine if it was something I wanted to sign up for. Eventually met the Larson brothers, and with the awareness that I was corsorting with more "peeps", I thought it a good move to officially join the strip, August 2005. I was skeptical for awhile even after joining. I joined and stayed because of the sense of community.
2. How "out" are you about having a publicly accessible online journal. Do your friends know? Does your family know? Do your co-workers know? Does your boss know? Do you use your real name? Do you use your real photo?
Out? I am not actively open about the location of my journals. People know that I write and they know that I write online and they even know that I write on a local blog. Some know the name.. but I doubt they would look for the site.
Friends and Family? Some of my friends are on here. My family does not know where to find my journals and I prefer to keep it that way.
Boss? again, people know that I write, but not exactly where I write. I don't have computer access at work..
Name? Part of my real name is my user name. If I had known that the other "carrie" did not maintain their journal, I would most likely have kept it as just my first name, "Carey" However, I thought ahead, assuming this other Carrie was around. I figured that when someone asks me who I am, I wouldnt just say, "carey".. (trying to avoid "carey? which carey?") I would be "Thee Carey", as in, the one and only ;) Some people read it as 'The e- Carey', which totally works for me as well. I like it just as much.
Photo? yeh, I use my own photo. I cycle through a bunch of pictures of myself, haha. That sounds awful..
I also have a picture of Homer Simpson in his undies, beached out on his couch with a beer on his belly... and a few other silly pics that will occasionally make its way on here. Ooh, and one of my favorites, is of (e:paul) , (e:matthew) , (e:terry) , (e:ladycroft) and myself from one night at the Pink. Its cute, it makes me smile.. it was a fun night of cofferr, sushi, darts, beer and laughter. I have been fortunate to have plenty of great interactions.. but something about that night, that picture makes me smile. I know you agree, (e:ladycroft) ! YOu'll see that pic come up once in awhile.
3. How many epeeps have you met real life?
I met a slew at (e:mike) 's birthday gathering at la luna, immediately after joining in AUgust of last year. I remember thinking, should I go to something that no one will know who I am? Will they care that I am there--some stranger? (timika was going, we went together, she introduced me to everyone there) I am glad that I went. It was a good first impression of (e:strip). I think that helped to solidify my intent on using the strip seriously. I was amazed by the warmth, friendliness, intelligence and energy of many of the peeps I met that night. This continued (and continues) to hold true. I love peep gatherings!!
4. How has estrip changed the way that you meet people, on and/or off line?
Well, I like that I am able to get involved in an activity/outing in a more spontaneous manner-- and it doesn't have to be with people I know. I can jump on and toss ideas out there: "who wants to eat, go to movie, art museum, hike.." I like that informal and formal activities have been arranged or suggested through posts and the chatter. I am probably more open to it, although I am thinking that it has more to do with the opportunity being there. In the past, prior to (e:strip), I have occasionally met people online.
With meeting more new people (and sometimes mass quantities at a time)- through here and college--it has helped me to feel less shy. Or if I am, I can get over it quicker-- get into social mode easier.
5. How has estrip affected your love life?
yeh, ok.. it has made an impact. However, it did not, has not, occured in the sense that I was actively seeking something of that manner. As with anything, when you get people together.. there is a possibility that you may meet someone who sparks your interest. That had happened-- but only after meeting the person, there was no serious thought to it prior. I don't troll, and I don't get the sense that many (any?) of us do. I sense a networking, friendship, shared thought, place to rant and laugh sort of feel to it more than a meat market that you may find with other sites, news groups, etc.
If someone does strike me as interesting, adventurous, fascinating, intelligent... I am more receptive to checking into it-- and hopefully they are too!!:? At the very least, it has been interesting to read peoples stories about their relationships- the good, bad, ugly.
6. How many of your friends have joined estrip because of your influence?
I have suggested to a few people that they should check out the site. A few have.. only two have stayed on. Yay for (e:pyrcedgrrl) and (e:vincent) ! I kinda like not having my friends (such as co worker and school friends) and family on here.
7. Are you from Buffalo/do you live in Buffalo?
Born and raised in Youngstown. Bounced around Western NY (Lockport, Niagara Falls, Buffalo (linwood!), Hamburg, Town of Niagara..etc) then moved back into Youngstown about three years ago for family reasons. I needed to be in the school distict that my neice goes to school (Lewiston-Porter)-- atleast through graduation, was the deal. I am often in B-Lo.
1. What type of hardware or software purchases have you made as a result of using estrip?
Havent made a direct purchase, although I have looked into, researched and tried new software, versions, betas etc from the knowledge and input shared on this site. It does bring out my techy tendencies. I intend to take a class, play around more in this department, after I am done with school. I prefer taking computers apart and putting them back together.. but I wouldnt mind the challenge of some software learning.
2. Have you used the mobile version of estrip? Why or why not?
I love to figure things out, but I hate reading manuels. They feel like directions. I am the one who will drive around lost and refuse to stop for directions. My old cell phone did nothing more than make the occasional phonecall. So I just purchased a phone that appears to have capability, but havent played around with that aspect of it yet. YET. Time is a factor. If I would just read the manuel, time wouldnt be as much of a factor--(which some manuel are kinda fun-- I just prefer to figure it out on my own!..
I also have to see how this would effect the cost of my bill.. what the increased useage would be, even though I havea media package, I don't want to pay more than I have to.
1. In what way has estrip changed your Internet surfings habits? Describe the amount of time you spend on estrip, when you use it and about how long?
Please don't make me quantify the amount of time I am on the strip!!!n Lets just say, that I log onto the strip on a daily basis- but only after 4:30 pm, as I do not have computer access at work. It might be good that I do not access the site through my phone. I am on the comuter all evening working on school assignments, so it is quite easy for me to meander over to the strip to see what is going on. This repetitive behavior has conditioned me to jump on even when I have no dire need to be on the computer. So regardless, I check in atleast once a day. Some days, it seems I don't ever leave-- I do, but I am never far away.
On the occasions when I am away for a few days, I try to make sure to catch up with as many journals as I can.
1a. How many journals do you usually read per day?
I usually read the latest- I skip some and there are a few journals that I always read.
2. In what ways has estrip changed the way you perceive your local community?
I lenjoy seeing the commonalities and the differences among the (e:strip) members. I like the passion and energy people have for issues, concerns, politics etc. I have learned a lot about peoples perceptions and views. We really are a friendly region..
3. How has journaling about your life affected the way you spend your free time?
I am more aware of what I do and don't do.. and what I should be doing more or less of. Make sense?
4. Has estrip changed your living situation in any way?
5. Do you find that you mediate/document more of your experiences now that you share them with others?
I think there is an increase. I also write in a paper journal, which is more about deeply personal thoughts, feelings and behaviors. I like to write about silly stuff that I do in my online journal- along with some of the deeper stuff.
6. Has publishing on estrip affected the way that write?
I am all over the place in this blog-- how I write and what I write about-I put in a better effort to make sense when I write on here- there is a greater and more diverse readership with the strip than of other blog spots.
7. Do you have other online journals? If so, with what service and has estrip affected your usage of that journal?
Live Journal. Member since 2000. I rarely post in there anymore.
8. Have you ever gotten in trouble for using estrip at work? n/a
9. If you have stopped using estrip, why? n/a
Good night, peeps. Hope all is well :)
1. How did you find out about/why did you become a member of estrip?
I had seen the banner on elmwood- but figured it was something to do with the elmwood initiative (forever elmwood), so I didn't bother to look. I began to see more of this "" and it wasn't until (e:ladycroft) became an avid member of this community did I dedcide to check it out for myself. I lurked for awhile, trying to determine if it was something I wanted to sign up for. Eventually met the Larson brothers, and with the awareness that I was corsorting with more "peeps", I thought it a good move to officially join the strip, August 2005. I was skeptical for awhile even after joining. I joined and stayed because of the sense of community.
2. How "out" are you about having a publicly accessible online journal. Do your friends know? Does your family know? Do your co-workers know? Does your boss know? Do you use your real name? Do you use your real photo?
Out? I am not actively open about the location of my journals. People know that I write and they know that I write online and they even know that I write on a local blog. Some know the name.. but I doubt they would look for the site.
Friends and Family? Some of my friends are on here. My family does not know where to find my journals and I prefer to keep it that way.
Boss? again, people know that I write, but not exactly where I write. I don't have computer access at work..
Name? Part of my real name is my user name. If I had known that the other "carrie" did not maintain their journal, I would most likely have kept it as just my first name, "Carey" However, I thought ahead, assuming this other Carrie was around. I figured that when someone asks me who I am, I wouldnt just say, "carey".. (trying to avoid "carey? which carey?") I would be "Thee Carey", as in, the one and only ;) Some people read it as 'The e- Carey', which totally works for me as well. I like it just as much.
Photo? yeh, I use my own photo. I cycle through a bunch of pictures of myself, haha. That sounds awful..
I also have a picture of Homer Simpson in his undies, beached out on his couch with a beer on his belly... and a few other silly pics that will occasionally make its way on here. Ooh, and one of my favorites, is of (e:paul) , (e:matthew) , (e:terry) , (e:ladycroft) and myself from one night at the Pink. Its cute, it makes me smile.. it was a fun night of cofferr, sushi, darts, beer and laughter. I have been fortunate to have plenty of great interactions.. but something about that night, that picture makes me smile. I know you agree, (e:ladycroft) ! YOu'll see that pic come up once in awhile.
3. How many epeeps have you met real life?
I met a slew at (e:mike) 's birthday gathering at la luna, immediately after joining in AUgust of last year. I remember thinking, should I go to something that no one will know who I am? Will they care that I am there--some stranger? (timika was going, we went together, she introduced me to everyone there) I am glad that I went. It was a good first impression of (e:strip). I think that helped to solidify my intent on using the strip seriously. I was amazed by the warmth, friendliness, intelligence and energy of many of the peeps I met that night. This continued (and continues) to hold true. I love peep gatherings!!
4. How has estrip changed the way that you meet people, on and/or off line?
Well, I like that I am able to get involved in an activity/outing in a more spontaneous manner-- and it doesn't have to be with people I know. I can jump on and toss ideas out there: "who wants to eat, go to movie, art museum, hike.." I like that informal and formal activities have been arranged or suggested through posts and the chatter. I am probably more open to it, although I am thinking that it has more to do with the opportunity being there. In the past, prior to (e:strip), I have occasionally met people online.
With meeting more new people (and sometimes mass quantities at a time)- through here and college--it has helped me to feel less shy. Or if I am, I can get over it quicker-- get into social mode easier.
5. How has estrip affected your love life?
yeh, ok.. it has made an impact. However, it did not, has not, occured in the sense that I was actively seeking something of that manner. As with anything, when you get people together.. there is a possibility that you may meet someone who sparks your interest. That had happened-- but only after meeting the person, there was no serious thought to it prior. I don't troll, and I don't get the sense that many (any?) of us do. I sense a networking, friendship, shared thought, place to rant and laugh sort of feel to it more than a meat market that you may find with other sites, news groups, etc.
If someone does strike me as interesting, adventurous, fascinating, intelligent... I am more receptive to checking into it-- and hopefully they are too!!:? At the very least, it has been interesting to read peoples stories about their relationships- the good, bad, ugly.
6. How many of your friends have joined estrip because of your influence?
I have suggested to a few people that they should check out the site. A few have.. only two have stayed on. Yay for (e:pyrcedgrrl) and (e:vincent) ! I kinda like not having my friends (such as co worker and school friends) and family on here.
7. Are you from Buffalo/do you live in Buffalo?
Born and raised in Youngstown. Bounced around Western NY (Lockport, Niagara Falls, Buffalo (linwood!), Hamburg, Town of Niagara..etc) then moved back into Youngstown about three years ago for family reasons. I needed to be in the school distict that my neice goes to school (Lewiston-Porter)-- atleast through graduation, was the deal. I am often in B-Lo.
1. What type of hardware or software purchases have you made as a result of using estrip?
Havent made a direct purchase, although I have looked into, researched and tried new software, versions, betas etc from the knowledge and input shared on this site. It does bring out my techy tendencies. I intend to take a class, play around more in this department, after I am done with school. I prefer taking computers apart and putting them back together.. but I wouldnt mind the challenge of some software learning.
2. Have you used the mobile version of estrip? Why or why not?
I love to figure things out, but I hate reading manuels. They feel like directions. I am the one who will drive around lost and refuse to stop for directions. My old cell phone did nothing more than make the occasional phonecall. So I just purchased a phone that appears to have capability, but havent played around with that aspect of it yet. YET. Time is a factor. If I would just read the manuel, time wouldnt be as much of a factor--(which some manuel are kinda fun-- I just prefer to figure it out on my own!..
I also have to see how this would effect the cost of my bill.. what the increased useage would be, even though I havea media package, I don't want to pay more than I have to.
1. In what way has estrip changed your Internet surfings habits? Describe the amount of time you spend on estrip, when you use it and about how long?
Please don't make me quantify the amount of time I am on the strip!!!n Lets just say, that I log onto the strip on a daily basis- but only after 4:30 pm, as I do not have computer access at work. It might be good that I do not access the site through my phone. I am on the comuter all evening working on school assignments, so it is quite easy for me to meander over to the strip to see what is going on. This repetitive behavior has conditioned me to jump on even when I have no dire need to be on the computer. So regardless, I check in atleast once a day. Some days, it seems I don't ever leave-- I do, but I am never far away.
On the occasions when I am away for a few days, I try to make sure to catch up with as many journals as I can.
1a. How many journals do you usually read per day?
I usually read the latest- I skip some and there are a few journals that I always read.
2. In what ways has estrip changed the way you perceive your local community?
I lenjoy seeing the commonalities and the differences among the (e:strip) members. I like the passion and energy people have for issues, concerns, politics etc. I have learned a lot about peoples perceptions and views. We really are a friendly region..
3. How has journaling about your life affected the way you spend your free time?
I am more aware of what I do and don't do.. and what I should be doing more or less of. Make sense?
4. Has estrip changed your living situation in any way?
5. Do you find that you mediate/document more of your experiences now that you share them with others?
I think there is an increase. I also write in a paper journal, which is more about deeply personal thoughts, feelings and behaviors. I like to write about silly stuff that I do in my online journal- along with some of the deeper stuff.
6. Has publishing on estrip affected the way that write?
I am all over the place in this blog-- how I write and what I write about-I put in a better effort to make sense when I write on here- there is a greater and more diverse readership with the strip than of other blog spots.
7. Do you have other online journals? If so, with what service and has estrip affected your usage of that journal?
Live Journal. Member since 2000. I rarely post in there anymore.
8. Have you ever gotten in trouble for using estrip at work? n/a
9. If you have stopped using estrip, why? n/a
Good night, peeps. Hope all is well :)

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