Category: nerd
06/11/06 11:26 - 58ºF - ID#35953
which way to parrot bay?
Other than last minute Christmas shopping, it is one of the few times that I purposely set out to be amongst hordes of people. I don't go to eat, drink or buy anthing that the vendors* are selling. In the past, I have enjoyed looking at and thoughtfully thinking about some of the art on display. This year, the creative offerings were scant and the amount of people meandering about were high.
If I wanted a large wooden sign that told me which direction Parrot Bay and Margaritaville were located, then I was in business. For anything else, I had to work my way into the tents and quickly get my visual fill before being edged out back into the masses.
I enjoyed this, I really did. I choose to come each year, and even with this years excess volume, I stayed for a good amount of time. Even so, it was a bit insane at times, with the plethora of baby carriages and piles of conversationalists standing in the center of the already overly crowded walking area.
I thought it would be useful to have the set of water gun-oozies that I contemplated buying at BJs the night before. I entertained the idea of taking people out via a really good super-soaking- yet I would tell them first: "You have been targeted for annihilation" - ok, I admit I said this out loud a few times...
(I am a peaceful person, but I have this creative-fun imagination that makes for an odd combination at times.)
Eventually this thought morphed into the creation of a computer game. I envsioned the art festival as a kung fu fighting SIMS game. (I put in a few practice high kicks for authenticity) I have all of the details in my head and did a fairly good job of expaining my thoughts to (e:pyrcedgrrl) while we were wading through the crowd. If I could just get the ideas that are in my head, out. Oh, I can see the details..
I did see a few (e:peeps) today from a far. (e:zobar) and (e:dragonlady7) were so close, yet so far away! I didn't try to make it five feet over to where the both of you were--I am not sure if I would have made it in time! (e:metalpeter) was spotted as well- I don't have a loud enough voice for you to have heard my 'shout'. Other than that and a few non-peep friends, I was surprised that I didn't encounter more friends than I did.
Before leaving the area, we stopped into the co-op. I was in much need of my beloved french indigo lentils- I havent found them anywhere but the co-op so far. I've either been binging on lentils or my last trip was not the stock piling I made it out to be, as I couldn't find any in my cupboards (indigo variety).
Gleefully I made my way to the bulk section. I made sure to double bag before filling it with two pounds of the dark beans. As I tossed the bag into my cart, I hear the sound of two pounds of lentils cascading onto the floor. I quickly grabbed the torn bag and managed to save approximately a pounds worth. A worker came over and cleaned up the carnage, and I wandered off, wondering if they tossed them in the garbage or tossed them back into the lentil bin?
Not sure if I believe that it is Sunday night already. It felt like the weekend just begun!
Just a reminder that "An Inconvenient Truth" is showing this coming Friday-- (e:theecarey,166)
Good night everyone!
- (Please note that the term, "vendor" has replaced "artist", in that over the past year (and more notably this year), that there is much more of the former than of the latter.)

Permalink: which_way_to_parrot_bay_.html
Words: 655
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: stalkers
06/09/06 07:54 - 63ºF - ID#35952
every breath you take..
I rarely answer my phone if I do not recognize the name or number. In the past month or so, I have received numerous phonecalls from a credit agency.This company never leaves messages and I really have no idea what they would be calling for, unless it is a wrong number, or for another reason that I can't wrap my mind around.
I pay all of my bills on time and I have no outstanding debt other than my student loans. I do have a little sitauation with Blockbuster, but correspondance has been through snail mail. I am banned from the Blockbuster in Lewiston for supposedly not returning some lame ass movie I rented months ago. They can't seem to believe that I returned it with the other movies and that one of their employees must have walked off with it. (I pushed it into drop slot and went on my way.. ) So yeh, once I have time I feel like devoting to this matter, I will write them back, or buy a $5 copy of said lame ass movie and shove up their... movie return slot ;)
anyhow, the credit agency call has perplexed me.
Until I began thinking about it..
I began to feel a little paranoid with where my thought process was taking me..
I have mentioned the so-called stalker in prior posts.
I mentioned that he finally made contact a month or so ago. (e:Theecarey,160)
Then he stopped.
But then this credit agency number has been popping up on my caller id.
And this agency never leaves messages, although I know they call.
Just like this guy who calls.
And so today, I was surprised to hear a message from him.
"Hi Carey, its ******; just calling to say how pretty you are.."
then I thought to check my caller id.
His number didn't show up.
But that credit agency number does.
heh. coincidence?
I think he works for a bill collector now, no?
And bill collectors have fabulous search tools..
k- just thought I would publicly document it while I was thinking about it.
seriously, do you think it is harmless or reason for concern?
I don't feel threatened.. I just think he is infatuated.
Maybe he thinks he is being sweet?
I don't want this to be a reason for concern...
k- off to watch Office Space for the fifth time this week :)

Permalink: every_breath_you_take_.html
Words: 404
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: simplicity
06/07/06 11:46 - 72ºF - ID#35951
red roses were her favorites
So almost eight years ago these emails were written back and forth between myself and then "boy friend", now special friend of mine, whom I am still in occasional contact with. I wish I had more than what I do, if only for the time frame in which all this occured and that he and I have always had a spectacular rapport--he now married with kid, etc. We simply talked about everything. Although it was deep and multidimensional, it still had that "when I grow up" quality to it.
I havent read through all of them yet, even though I only have a few. It will be interesting to see where I was at in my thinking and observations of life, eight years ago. In the past couple of days, I have pondered the changes that have occured within me not only in the past few years (which have been significant) but those over my lifetime. How easily my life could have taken a few different directions (not for better) and I contemplate which points in my life were the catalysts for change (for the better).
I found a few other random emails and word documents written in a journal entry type fashion. I am always reticent to read old writings. Yet my curiosity of where I have been usually takes over- in which I read, ruminate then eventually write some more.
On that note, I will end this post. I leave you with a.. "poem"? My friend shared it with me so many years ago. At the time, I thought it was sweet, yet it didn't really mean anything to me, and didn't really get why he shared it with me. Funny that despite that, I remembered the first line of the poem over these years. It is only now that I decided to try to find the entire story. What motivated me was that I saw reference to it in one of the emails; and out of curiouslty, I looked for it.
Now I get it.
It is very simple and sappy.. but it made me teary eyed, I admit--which surprises me a bit.
And that is a reminder of the changes within, over time.
Red roses were her favorites, her name was also Rose.
And every year her husband sent them, tied with pretty bows.
The year he died, the roses were delivered to her door.
The card said, "Be my Valentine," like all the years before.
Each year he sent her roses, and the note would always say,
"I love you even more this year, than last year on this day."
"My love for you will always grow, with every passing year."
She knew this was the last time that the roses would appear.
She thought, he ordered roses in advance before this day.
Her loving husband did not know, that he would pass away.
He always liked to do things early, way before the time.
Then, if he got too busy, everything would work out fine.
She trimmed the stems, and placed them in a very special vase.
Then, sat the vase beside the portrait of his smiling face.
She would sit for hours, in her husband's favorite chair.
While staring at his picture, and the roses sitting there.
A year went by, and it was hard to live without her mate.
With loneliness and solitude, that had become her fate.
Then, the very hour, as on Valentines before,
The doorbell rang, and there were roses, sitting by her door.
She brought the roses in, and then just looked at them in shock.
Then, went to get the telephone, to call the florist shop.
The owner answered, and she asked him, if he would explain,
Why would someone do this to her, causing her such pain?
"I know your husband passed away, more than a year ago,"
The owner said, "I knew you'd call, and you would want to know."
"The flowers you received today, were paid for in advance."
"Your husband always planned ahead, he left nothing to chance."
"There is a standing order, that I have on file down here,
And he has paid, well in advance, you'll get them every year.
There also is another thing, that I think you should know,
He wrote a special little card...he did this years ago."
"Then, should ever, I find out that he's no longer here,
That's the card...that should be sent, to you the following year."
She thanked him and hung up the phone, her tears now flowing hard.
Her fingers shaking, as she slowly reached to get the card.
Inside the card, she saw that he had written her a note.
Then, as she stared in total silence, this is what he wrote...
"Hello my love, I know it's been a year since I've been gone,
I hope it hasn't been too hard for you to overcome."
"I know it must be lonely, and the pain is very real.
For if it was the other way, I know how I would feel.
The love we shared made everything so beautiful in life.
I loved you more than words can say, you were the perfect wife."
"You were my friend and lover, you fulfilled my every need.
I know it's only been a year, but please try not to grieve.
I want you to be happy, even when you shed your tears.
That is why the roses will be sent to you for years."
"When you get these roses, think of all the happiness,
That we had together, and how both of us were blessed.
I have always loved you and I know I always will.
But, my love, you must go on, you have some living still."
"Please...try to find happiness, while living out your days.
I know it is not easy, but I hope you find some ways.
The roses will come every year, and they will only stop,
When your door's not answered, when the florist stops to knock."
"He will come five times that day, in case you have gone out.
But after his last visit, he will know without a doubt,
To take the roses to the place, where I've instructed him,
And place the roses where we are, together once again."
-Author Unknown

Permalink: red_roses_were_her_favorites.html
Words: 1102
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: pranks
06/06/06 07:26 - 83ºF - ID#35950
the devil made me do it
- My sweet, dear, co-worker who has a heart of gold and is someone I truly admire and enjoy working with, mentiond yesterday that she is very superstitious of 666.
heh 06-06-06
(btw, I dig the theme, (e:paul) )
So, like the supportive co worker that I am---
She arrived at work this morning to find her locker plastered with devil horns, upside down crosses and flames. (I work in a school, staff get lockers as well as the kiddos).
We love you Melissa.
I truly fear your retaliation, yet I look forward to it. You only look sweet and innocent :)
- On a related note, I found myself at Walmart yesterday watching Jerry Springer; "Beer Belly Brawlers" had my undivided attention. How does it go..? "Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!" (e:vincent) and (e:pyrcedgrrl) received exclusive texts of this news. Dont be jealous! ;)
To think, that only now do I realize what I have been missing (and in my 30 years, thats ok with me). I never watched it before, although I knew enough about the show to keep me from doing just that. I never watched much day time tv as the talk shows seemed like something that would stress me out. I am not a fan of the explosion of so-called reality tv, either.
How did I happen upon Jerry?
Leaving work I noticed that my front passenger tire had a large bulge. I went to the nearest tire place to have it replaced...
Walmart took my car keys and proceeded to hold my car hostage for two hours. Refusing to use the time to go shopping, I sat in the waiting area and amused myself with reading about the worker qualifications plastered on the wall, tire repair guides, and the rivoting reading of cardboard boxes full of "lounge coffee" placed under the greasy coffee maker. After I was through with that entertainment, I turned to the televison, set to Jerry Springer.
I tried not to look. I really didn't want to.. but I did. At first I just glanced at the tv. Then I began to watch a little more out of the corner of my eye, then I found myself settled into the waiting room chair, watching the show with full attention. I was laughing too much.. people ripping their clothes off, hitting each other, putting each other down, etc. I assume this is classic Jerry? However, this was a one time deal.
Shortly after the show, I found myself wandering the store. I come back with: One fitted sheet, a 74oz water jug and a note pad. (*does not mention 12 seasons of Jerry Springer on DVD* hehe- kidding )
Whatever, I was sucked in to wandering the store. Immediately after the purchase, my car was done. Coincidental?
I said that I wanted to take my tire home with me (I am sentimental..)-- actually, I intend to show my regular car person this sudden bulge. I also mentioned that under no circumstances are they to move my front seat forward, for if they do, I will not be able to re adjust the seat and will have to drive with my knees up on the dashboard (my car is sweet--want to buy it? haha). They took note of that..
Now, of four doors, only two open. Drivers door and rear passenger. I kneeled on the chair and watched through the waiting room window as the mechanic tried to put the tire into my car. From the driver door, he attempted to unlock the back door. When that did not happen, he tried unlocking the back door by reaching into the back seat and playing with the lock. He tried this a few times, before going around to the front passenger side (also permenantly locked) to try to get that door open. After that failed attempt, he opened the trunk. My trunk is already full of stuff (and it looked like something jumped out at him), so there was no room for the tire there. I didn't know what he decided to do next as I was called up to pay my bill.
What I concluded is that he did not try the only remaining option- the rear passenger door, as when I went to retrieve my car, the tire was propped up against my car. I picked it up, went around the side of the car and tossed it into the backseat. At that point I noticed that I had one Nisson hubcap put on my car- I drive a Pontiac. (atleast for a few more days..I am looking into buying another car asap-besides, I need something worthy to place my (e:strip) bumper stickers on!).
I giggled and drove away.
- To unwind after the Walmart Adventure and to replace the Springer visuals that are most likely burned into my retinas, I headed into Fort Niagara. Feeling a little 'tired', I figured a brisk walk would re energize me. There were so many people there, that I felt like my territory had been invaded. After I took note of the high proportion of mini vans, I concluded that the soccer moms and dads were taking home their aspiring little athletes. Soccer and yachting season is big around these parts- I look forward to Level Regatta weekend every year. A weekend of sailboat races towards the end of July. It brings in people from all over the place!
Fortunately the park was clearing out as I headed in. I just have to remind myself that the state park is not mine; that I have to share.. atleast for the summer months :)
As always, the Niagara River was gorgeous! I walked all over the park, up and down hills, viewed the early part of the sunset over Lake Ontario and kept on walking until it became almost too dark to see. I stood on top of the giant sledding hill and enjoyed the warm raindrops. An hour or so later, I headed back home..
Now I wrap up this post and try to muster the mental energy to work on a school project...
Later, peeps

Permalink: the_devil_made_me_do_it.html
Words: 1016
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: potpourri
06/04/06 07:15 - 69ºF - ID#35949
Online Bill Playing
I left a comment in (e:carolinian,3) post regarding Niagara Mohawk, er, excuse me.. National Grid online payment services. National Grid has been fine so far. I wote about my observation that the site is not user friendly and is not conucive to making a quick and easy payment; something that is beneficial to both the company (they get their money) and the customer (you get it out of the way and don't have to search for or steal stamps from friends 'cause you are too lazy to go to the PO.)
How am I mistaken?
Well, I just went online to pay my National Fuel bill. It is their site that is the enigma. It is kind of like a treasure hunt (something I would normally really like), however as you navigate the site (take a guess as to where you pay your bill), that once you finally arrive and have 13 pages across the bottom of your browser, the prize is that you get to pay your bill. Not quite what I expect from a treasure hunt. I should atleast be presented with a balloon and maybe some words of wisdom. Or some ibuprofen.
Or a view of an on going log of how much time it takes me to find my bill each time. Customers could try to beat their own score. oh, make it a competition across all customers! Highlight reel score, baby! There can be month end commentary on the strategies used to get to the bill paying portion of the site. And for some, a support group.
hmmm, I am thinking that we could write a book, a users manual of the sort, well, better yet, a playbook.
Official Strategy Guide for Paying Your Bills Online: National Fuel and National Grid. heh, they're both four letter words

Permalink: Online_Bill_Playing.html
Words: 305
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: childhood
06/03/06 03:01 - 64ºF - ID#35948
I want candy
I remember chewing Bazooka bubble gum

and reading the comics contained inside the wrapper.

Does anyone remember opening the wrapper and having, instead of a comic, a note that said "help, i am trapped in a bubble gum factory" ??
hehe, I hope it was a joke..
And then remember these... How I LOVED candy cigarettes

I never saw this.. crazy!

heh, and I really wanted to be a smoker. No one in my family smoked, but my mom had a couple of friends who did. I would watch them and then imitate their smoking by using a straw. It was extra special and fun when I could go buy a pack of candy cigarettes or a "carton" (six boxes wrapped together). I would puff on them with no control. An open pack of candy cigarettes were quickly "smoked". At like, 4 years of age how cool did I think I was..
Fortunately, I realized by the time I was 12 that real second hand cigarette smoke maked me ill. I get nauseaus, irritated, red eyed, and over all ill feeling when i am around it. 98% of the time it has this effect on me. Fortunate that it kept me from smoking. Not fortunate in that it can be annoying to not be able to handle being around smokers for long. I guess that isn't a bad thing either.. just makes it difficult to ignore, and difficult when people think you are looney for getting headaches around cig smoke.
Anyway, I am a non smoker and always have been, but really wanted to when I was a kid.
I am sure these are still made..
Fun Dip. Straight to the point, I like it!

I used to buy Dinosaur eggs. They came in a package of two and were pretty big, I think (I was five years old, ofcourse they were big!). They had a gobbstopper type of texture. I always purchased them at a small store in St. Catherines and not sure if I ever bought them anywhere else. I couldn't find any pictures as I hoped.
And thats about it. What are you childhood candy memories?
Actually, my original post was a comment to (e:metalpeter,654) who I began writing quite a bit in his comment section, then decided to trasnfer it to a post, but then my computer froze and everything disappeared. So now that I have no functioning brain cells at this point in the night, I wont be getting back to those thoughts! Definitely later..
heh, I think I spelled every other word wrong.
Bed time.
Good night peeps :)

Permalink: I_want_candy.html
Words: 487
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: smokin'
05/31/06 11:36 - 84ºF - ID#35947
just do it
Most days of the week I go for a walk or bike ride. My walks usually include going up and down hills and hidden staircases. When I am feeling rather ambitious, I will run up the hills, some of which are fairly steep. Now that I am at that point, I will start carrying my back pack with a small amount of weight and systematically increase the weight over time. This is to increase the challenge and also to have me better prepared for longer day-overnight hikes, where I will be carrying more gear. I can run up and down hills all I want, but if I am not able to maintain energy and endurance with the added weight, then it is not conducive to the more hard core activities I intend to engage in this summer and fall.
For the past couple of months I have been spending less time out at night (unless star gazing) and more time out during the day. I have ventured out to many places, locally and within a two hour drive. Usually it revolves around being outdoors; however, I like to incorporate a museum, art gallery, or other creative facet into my jaunt. Often I head out with no destination in mind other than somewhere that I can hike and think. I usually go alone, although I am always meeting people on my excursions.
One recent weekend, I walked/hiked/jogged along the canal for eight plus miles and at some point paced myself with gentlemen out on a kayak. We chatted for about a mile before I needed to resume my brisk speed. I thought that I should start jotting down notes from the conversations that I have been part of and/or observations about the people I have met. It is fascinating to talk to people and know that that is probably the only time I will ever talk or see them again. I never make an attempt to carry it beyond that moment. I enjoy these situations for what they are: transitory, momentary connections, information seeking, sharing and energetic.
I find myself in seemingly random encounters with people in all sorts of settings. Such as nature trails, store aisles, restaurant waiting areas, bathrooms, wherever two people passing might occur; male female, young, old.
When I know I want to do something, I just go out and do it. It would be nice to be accompanied on some of my excursions, yet it does not stop me from doing the things I want to do. Having a friend join me is a bonus to the experience not a prerequisite. Due to my spontaneous behavior, I often head out without seeing if anyone wants to go with me. My free time, outside of work and school responsibilities, I seek to experience, learn (unlearn) and live. I am pretty much open to anything; why not give something a try? Or do more of what I like to do?
Such as: canoeing, kayaking, climbing, hiking, biking, camping, anything with balls, day trips, longer road trips, orienteering, museums, art galleries, drawing, writing, problem solving, conversations, cross country skiing, swimming, playing, music, movies, lunches, etc..
I have found that over the past few years (+) that I have tried new activities and have been progressing back to my old self (with some major improvements), since the injury. It is deeply satisfying to recall how I went from a state of being unable to get through regular daily activities and the complete psychological darkness that surrounded that time, to the ability to do everything that I have done before plus so much more. Support, tenacity and the refusal to settle for what was, fueled my perseverance in getting better, stronger and back to normal. I am pretty much better all the way around. I am strong again, I am feeling rather fit in regards to grip strength, flexibility, lung capacity, endurance and energy. I gained a lot, weight wise, during the recovery phase and have since removed a large portion of that. (I have mentioned a little about this in previous entries)I am 75% of the way there-- that is an amazing feat in itself. I have to try to keep a positive attitude. These days I get a little irked with myself and so I just can't allow that. I keep on nourishing my body and being active, and the rest will take care of itself.
I think that time in my life really tweaked my attitude and gave me a great sense of calm on many matters in life. Getting through that situation, along with my current place of employment (first job after the injury), my grad school program and all the people I have had the fortune to meet have directly impacted the person who I have become, and am becoming. It is strange to look back and know what has changed within yourself. At times I feel very vulnerable but it reminds me that I am human; someone who makes mistakes says the wrong thing, says too much, has 'off' days, feels things, gets hurt, yet is strong, laughs, is passionate about life and truly cherishes the people within my life, even if I don't always say it or show it ( I am still learning, friends).
So, get out and try new things. Perhaps try something outside of your comfort zone?
Maybe it is taking a long evening walk, hiking the continental divide (who's with me?), or looking at something in a different perspective.
Maybe it will be taking a different route home from work.
Or having a cup of green tea instead of coffee.
Or listening to unfamiliar music.
Or letting the dirty dishes go until the next day (or for me, doing the dirty dishes the same night!)
Or relaxing with friends on a hot Memorial Day, eating ice cream cones and sipping cold soda. Pop. Sodapop. I interchange them, but I grew up saying "pop". What do you call it?
For those that are familiar with the northern Niagara region will know about Brownies, an ice cream stand out in Wilson. Not sure if it has had other names, but everyone knows where it is at. I remember going there as a kid, and occasionally I still stop for custard. I met up with a few friends this past Monday at Brownies. It was nice to sit and relax after a long hot day.
Well, we had a few toasty days. I think it is supposed to drop 20 degrees on Thursday, which will feel cold, haha. I don't care what the weather is, as it rarely stops me from doing what I want to do (e:theecarey,169) Although I am more inclined to kick back on a hot sweaty day rather than engage in a major sweatfest. No thats not true,lol. I tackled some crazy projects Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.. almost lost a finger, but thats another story :)
I think this picture will load. I had a bit of trouble re sizing it. Right now, it is the only picture from my grad ceremony that I have loaded to this computer.
It might turn out to be super tiny. I am sure you can figure out which one is me--long brown kinda straight/wavy hair.

Permalink: just_do_it.html
Words: 1285
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: animals
05/30/06 07:23 - 88ºF - ID#35946
handful of cuteness

baby porcupines
One more.. The hippo loves its tortoise dad/friend.
for more pics and the story of how Owen and Mzee came to be:

warning: site holds numerous inter-species families. Very cute.
all pics snagged from Google images.

Permalink: handful_of_cuteness.html
Words: 106
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: restorative
05/27/06 04:55 - 70ºF - ID#35945
a tale of two girls
The Mystery Adventure (TM) proved to be an exciting jaunt, as are all "Mica Mic and Kee Wee Mac" excursions.
hehe, those are our old nicknames. We have always been a pair of super sleuth adventurism extraordinaires. Our resume of experience and adventure goes way back.
So, Friday began with loading my iPod with select songs downloaded from LimeWire the night before and jotting down a few directions. The music was intentional. I knew we'd be laughing hysterically over it. I made sure not to listen to any of it until we were well on our way.
Music: check
Gas: check
Money: check
Nutritious lunch packed in cooler: check
Camera: check
Car ride munchies: check
Dr. Pepper for Timika: check
Anything else we could possibly need is in the trunk of my car. It is always prepared for adventure, or Armageddon, whichever happens first.
I was well aware of the weather a head of time. The rain was not a hindrance, and in fact (as predicted) is added to the quality of the trip. We ventured off to unknown territory (and it truly was unknown for Timika as all she knew of the day was that I was picking her up around noon and that all she needed was to wear clothes for being outside)
A delightful "wrong" turn here and there provided us an opportunity to see all sorts of fun things. Signs such as "Meat Raffle", "Humming Alpaca's" miniature McDonalds signs, "Posted" signs were everywhere; we were afraid of being shot when we jumped out and rummage through someone's garbage. Timika scored on a pair of super cool retro chairs. I am partial to their red color. We made a pact that I have visiting rights and that if she is no longer able to take care of them, then they would come live with me :)
Eventually we were on the "right" path. I place the words, 'wrong' and 'right' in quotes as I perceive getting a little lost and going off plan adds to the experience and does not take away from it. Be forewarned, if ever in the car with me, I never stop for directions. You can, but not if I am driving.
First place to explore is the Griffis Sculpture Park out in Springville (Ashford).

Once off the main road, we turned onto a street that made me gasp. Suddenly there was a steep hill ahead. That in itself isn't what made me feel in awe, it was the turning onto the street and the sudden visual of this road that just keeps going up.
Here I am trying to take a picture of the road behind us, backwards, while driving and while paying attention to the narrow winding road. Yeh, that's just a picture of my face. At least I look as amused as I felt.

Ahh, there we go: the descent of the road. Taking a picture of us going uphill didn't really look like much.

Eventually we turned onto a road that gave clear indication that we were getting close to the park. We were fascinated with the change in scenery. Giant metal sculptures intertwined with nature. My sense of awe heightened to jubilation as more and more sculptures appeared, of all shapes, sizes and locations. There were sculptures in the middle of a clear field along with ones that skirted the edge of the woods.
A small sampling of what we saw. For the rest, you will just need to take the trek out there :)

At one point, I pulled over, jumped out of the car, hopped over a ditch and gleefully bounded through the tall wet grass to find out what the enormous and shiny object was off in the distance. I began the journey early on with wet feet and jeans up to the knees. Wet jeans make it hard to keep them from sliding down the body. I was hiking them up all day.
spider with a beak? no thanks..

heh, this would be a nightmare come true. Eww..

Timika and I had the same sentiment at seeing this large pond; to float on a raft and relax (for me, daydream..). I can envision taking a paddle boat through that water, or a canoe, or an inner tube, or wood planks tied together!!

Whatever it was.. I climbed it. Anything that looked like it could and should be climbed, I did.
This one I really wanted to take home with me. I need one in my back yard. Forget clothes lines and birdbaths, I want a freaky metal thing to climb into!!

Like Mork and Mindy, "nanu nanu"


Who knew NY has smurfs??
More smurf sightings..

Um, this is a classic picture. Totally priceless and I will tell you why. I am afraid of heights. Yet I am the first one climbing a tree and heading up into crazy metal sculptures. I try not to think about my fear that much. I don't like to be in the way of myself. If something is hindering me, I will work at overcoming whatever it is. And so, I proceed to climb stuff as usual. However, with the continual rain, it made for dangerous climbing. The metal was slippery and i could sense the level of fear increasing the further I went up. I was actually doind fine until the sculpture shook a little. Then that overwhelming tremble took over my brain and body. I couldn't move. I stood a few rungs from the top and internally freaked out. Had I known that the sculpture shook a little (I didn't think to ask LC) then I would have been able to prepare my brain for movement. So as I stood inside the sculpture, I willed myself to go up two more rungs. I figured I had three to go, so just going up two more was quite a compromise. I was proud of my tenacity despite the shaking fear. I leaned over to look out and Timika snapped a picture. Priceless. hahaha

sha! this is nothing..

Lasted more than 8 seconds. woo!

Meet my new friend.

rainy and sweaty (e:ladycroft)

(e:theecarey) and her 30lb back pack. Just the essentials: 4 16.9 oz bottles of water, camera, two sweat shirts, latex gloves, red hood, box of crackers, bag of assorted nature munchies, trashbag, roll of toilet paper, two umbrellas, first aid kit, flashlight and bug lotion.
And don't forget the GIANT walking stick. LC had one, so I had to have one too :)

Sometimes it sprinkled, or a gentle rain and even a couple of down pours. Either way, this hair wont be dry anytime soon. I stand and take pics, as I climbed another scultpture. Timika went up one more level.

hehe, I love these pics of her:
Crazy girl locked away at the top of the castle.

Or, the regal queen up in her tower looking down upon her minions.

The metal maze. Oh no! I can see you, Timika, but how do I get to you??

What is this?! A random pile of rocks? I must climb you. (whats the deal with the large white spot?)

(yeh, that was quite a few of pretty much the same pic)
Another friend..

such a dream-like and surreal quality to the excursion. Fog rolling in, the Amazons in the bathing pond and not a single person besides Timika and I during the entire time we were at the park, which happened to be 5+ hours!

Taking a break on the picnic tables to breathe in the heavy air, listen to the birds, frogs, rain, and cows. Yes. cows. And I say they go,"moo" ;) (see LC post)

(e:ladycroft) looking and feeling worn out, but in a very good way!

This sign cracked us up.

Not bad for an out house.

We sat on a rock and dined in the misty rain. LC admist the pile of food. Hmmmm egg salad, wheat pitas, fruit (mangos, strawberries, kiwis, apple), wheat pasta/red lentil combo, swiss cheese from the laughing cow- not the mad mooing cows we saw on the hillside, green tea and some chips. Dig in!

My oversized walking stick not suprisingly did not fit in my car. Sadly, it had to be left behind. On a cool note, you can see the chairs we picked up on the side of the road in the back seat, well kind of.. just need to look closely :)

And so, we wrapped up the day. Another point in the days adventure would have included a hot air balloon ride, however, all of our fun at the Sculpture park left us with little daylight and I am sure the balloon rides would have been way over by the time we got there. So we drove around the area some more, getting a little lost (yay) and enjoying the strange look of the incoming darkness, fog, zero people sightings and random cows.
hehe, our use of Timikas compass was a nice taste of Orienteering.
A few of the sculptures reminded me of the game MYST, as they are somethng I am sure I would come across in that game.
A fun day. I wouldnt have changed a thing!!
moral of todays post?
Dont wait for so called perfect weather to get out an explore. Half of the fun is just to see how things can be experienced and perceived in the light of changing weather. Good friends, provisions, curiosity and a sense of mystery makes for a great day.
PS-- leave your watch at home.
oh and bring extra socks, shoes and pants... or a trip to Super Wally World will be a pit stop on your way back. :)
Later gators!

Permalink: a_tale_of_two_girls.html
Words: 1730
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: potpourri
05/25/06 11:44 - 71ºF - ID#35944
unfit for (indoor) plant care taking
- Co workers consumed left over cookies. yay!
- A few co workers saw me graduate as they were there for people they knew. It was strange being congratulated a few times this week as I only told my immediate team of co workers. So I would hear from people that I havent really spoken to all year: "Congrats, Carey" me, "for what?" Then they proceeded to tell me that they were at the ceremony.
- Made an interesting whole wheat pasta (elbows) and red lentil concotion. I havent tried it yet; the fresh herbs and seasonings need to blend for a few hours.
- I love hearing from friends, especially when I was just thinking about them. Too bad it didn't work out that way more often...
- Working on downloading more music. Some of which I would rather not admit to at this time, haha. I could use some suggestions!
I could very well be up all night although I am tired already. I also have a couple of assignments that need to be handed in asap. What are my priorities?
Right. Music ;)
- I am definitely going for a bike ride this weekend and spending time cleaning up the yard. One must get ready for BONFIRES! This is usually the weekend I spend digging, raking, turning over dirt, planting and getting everything looking super fabulous. I love my outdoor "room" that I create. What I really want is a sense of a "secret garden". But what I have right now isn't so secret when my former middle school math teacher/neighbor is always outside chatting with me.
- If you type estrip into a search instead of (e:strip), what comes up is "estrip poker lesbian". (ok, (e:strip) comes up as well.. first as a matter of fact, then estrip poker lesbian haha)
- My Boston fern is about to die. I am a terrible indoor plant care taker. I do really well with the outdoor jungle. But inside is an entirely different matter. I was going to post a pic of the pathetic looking fern..its awful! I am hoping to resuscitate the poor thing. I should have given it to my mom when I first got it a couple of months ago. She predicited, "you are just going to kill it.. " bah!!
Well, thats about all the random tidbits I have to share at this time...
later gators

Permalink: unfit_for_indoor_plant_care_taking.html
Words: 401
Location: Youngstown, NY
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There are a lot of artists in my family. I have a few paintings and sculptures on display. I have one large red wall that is awaiting some artwork. I will have to nudge my artsy family members or find my muse and do one myself. Ive had a artistic mental block for quite some time now.. hmmm..
(e:metalpeter) - That is great that you have found artists that you enjoy enough to purchase their work. Who are they? Is there a certain style you like, or does it vary?