Category: philosopher
02/03/07 06:54 - 15ºF - ID#37990
Old Man Winter
I was fully enjoying the euphoria following my attunement with Michele at her healing sanctuary. I questioned the logic in keeping the appointment with the prospect of plowing on the horizon, but am so glad I followed through. She shared her gifts in channeling energies and Spirit to assist me in releasing minor resistance, or as she called it "fine-tuning" the higher energies at work in my life. I could feel my spine and cranium tingle on several occasions during the 15 minute session. She noted that she too had experienced similar sensations, especially at the end as she concluded the ceremony with laying of her powerful hands upon my shoulders. She was called to apply eagle medicine to various points on my torso, including my shoulders as a gesture of support in helping me shoulder the weight of this profound transformation taking place right down to the re-programming of DNA.
Before meeting up with some of her friends at Brio we enjoyed some delicious Mediterranean cuisine at this cute little joint called Sinbad's in the upscale Park district of Rochester. The hummus is tangy and pungent. Christopher and Julie met up with us shortly after we we're seated as two tables conjoined made possible what had been dinner for two a dinner for four. As per usual custom we laughed heartily with sexual innuendo after innuendo with references to Borat and then more innuendo with original content. Between the four of us there's enough zing potential to re-populate a third world country. I was totally high on life in the spirit of wonderful company. I treated Michele to dinner and drinks in return for her services as we made way departing with hugs for our cohorts who opted to go home rather than continue the evening out on the town.
I also had the pleasure to see a friend I hadn't seen since the summer. Megan was beaming and bright as ever introducing me to her boyfriend Rich, who later shared with me his experience of Buffalo while living there for a period of 9 years, including Bill's season tickets during the Super Bowl years and a love of Ziggy's Taco and Sub on Main. St. A couple more friends arrived to join the circle as we made merry while Jen belted out one cover after another with sheer brilliance. I was getting anxious though and figured I should check my phone. Sure enough Rich had called saying we'd be plowing. I began saying my goodbyes as this chick Amy commented that I have "one of those faces." Megan told me that she was referring to me as Superman. Hmm, if only she knew who I really am.
I noticed of late that I am struggling somewhat with my identity. I know it's coming from ego mainly, but I think my Higher Self is trying to have a say in the matter as well. When people ask what I do I am not particularly excited to tell them that I landscape and snowplow. Often times I will ask people to clarify with the question, "Are you asking what I do to earn money, or what do I do?" It just doesn't seem to do justice to my true nature, but then any defined role will never approach one's Divinity, whether CEO of a Fortune 500 company or janitor makes no difference at the end of the day. However, for the sake of playing the game of life I've been wrestling with new labels, or categories.
Last night I was approached with zest by this woman who was a friend of Jen. She inquired what I do I answered, "I'm a philosopher," to which she immediately responded, "Oh, you're trying to save the world." I was like, "No not really, I keep the focus on Sean," and went on to mention snow removal and being an aspiring writer, etc. But she seemed to have lost interest and shortly thereafter vanished into the masses. I'm glad I tried on the philosopher hat. She showed me what the mainstream interpret such a role to mean, which is not all where I'm coming from. I'd like to say that I am a child of God, or an Instrument of the Light perhaps, but I don't know that it would go over too well in the mainstream. I guess I should just stick with what is for now. I plow snow in the winter and I garden in the summer. Oh yeah, and I write.
On the drive home I chuckled to myself as if I were Clark Kent hurrying to save the day. Negotiating a snow-whipped NYS Thruway at 65 miles per hour while other cars crawled along at 40-50 mph; my white stallion, or pussy magnet as I now call it thanks to Borat, was obviously made precisely with such conditions in mind. The only pickup truck in its class with front-wheel drive proves once again the superior acumen of foreign engineering. My experience driving in adverse weather certainly was a factor, although I give hearty props to Honda, even if they are guilty of messing with odometer readings. I'm quite curious to see what comes of the class action lawsuit. In the meantime, I will continue as an advocate for what I consider to be one of the best designed and best looking automobiles on the road today. And it just so happens to be operated by of the best designed and best looking humans on the planet today.
I made it home lickety-split in spite of hazardous road conditions stopping by the nursery to drop off my ride and acquire Big Red. After stopping home to trade in my snazzy attire for work duds I was off to the task at hand. The commercial lots were not bad at all as wind-blown drifts along the borders made for a quick, efficient clean-up. I finished my route and was happily in bed four hours later only to awaken around daybreak to more heavy lake effect snow fall. I started to get revved up, but wanted to get some more sleep before heading out for round 2. I wasn't able to settle down until I masturbated allowing me another hour or so of sleep.
Rich had called signaling that we need to get a move on as I was already out the door. I was met by a stern complaint at one of my commercial properties. This woman in a Mercedes motioned for my attention so I pulled along side her. She proceeded to comment on how unhappy she is with the timing of the service. She was quite abrupt and clearly below the line. I replied by asking her if she was aware of the timing of the last snowfall, to which she made a rather disgruntled face and scoff before responding, "I don't need to put with up this aggravation, what's your name? I'm going to call Rich. I can't even get into my own building and its already noon!" I felt my heart rate escalate, though I did not allow my emotion to dictate the exchange. In so doing I remained above the line and simply remarked to her, "We're doing the best we can, m'am," before she scurried inside.
It's not at all an unusual circumstance for me as I've attracted many such people in similar circumstances over the years. They are typically female and older, lending credence to the theory it has something to do with unresolved mother stories. In any event, I didn't allow it to sully my day in the least and continued on for several more hours providing a most convenient service for my clients. I noticed not one, but on two occasions the appearance of a red-tail hawk flying right over me. It was a pleasant sign that all is well and I'm in the flow. While snowblowing the walks at one property, my face encrusted by wind-driven plumes of propelled snow, I was holding the vision of tropical beaches. I had an understanding on the creative process, i.e. manifestation. The information wasn't (k)new, but the feeling became Truth in that moment. I was thinking and acting in The Certain Way as offered by Wallace D. Wattles in his landmark treatise on metaphysical principles, The Science of Getting Rich. Indeed, I felt the richness that is my essence, my birthright and in that moment of battling the elements I substituted what is for a vision of what shall be.
It appears the lake effect snow bands are moving south to ski country where it is forecast they will remain for the remainder of the weekend. But the damage is done and I will have to go out for a third round in a 24 hour period. I'm totally wiped out and not sure how I'm going to hold up for another run without a full night's sleep. I can smell the ocean and feel the warmth of the tropical sun. It's calling me. Yet what is for right now in the present moment shall remain the best possible reality within the field of infinite possibilities. I am guided by the intention of that which brings me peace and joy. It is only a matter of time before everything I create in this life is in harmony with this intention. Creator, grant me the strength and endurance to honor my word and carry out the tasks I have agreed to complete. I offer gratitude for the many blessings, seen and unseen, as everything contributes to my Highest Good.
One Love
"Philosophers and ploughman, each must know his part, to sew a new mentality, closer the Heart!" Neil Peart
February 3, 2007
Trusting Your Guardians
Libra Daily Horoscope
You may sense that something akin to luck is on your side today, and you will likely recognize the benevolent hand of your many spirit guardians operating in your experience. Mundane acts that typically constitute a normal part of your daily routine can earn you surprising blessings as others acknowledge your hard work and effort. Should you find yourself in situations that feel negative, you may be pleased to discover that you can respond constructively and without resorting to hostility. The moment of recognition in which you see that you are not alone can be the perfect time to express your gratitude for all the blessings your spirit guides have bestowed upon you today.
We can move through life with a greater degree of confidence when we believe that there are entities watching over us and protecting us from harm. Simply recognizing that we exist under the stewardship of benevolent beings can sustain our spirits during challenging times and lift our mood when life is sweet. We are better equipped to dispel the negative energy we encounter as a normal part of our day-to-day experience because we are able to funnel it into the strong arms of our guides. Yet the confidence we gain knowing that we are safe and loved also inspires us to take a more active approach to our own happiness as these beings will only come to our aid when called upon to help. You will feel secure today as you recognize the important role your spiritual guardians are playing in your life.
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Words: 2261
Category: think rich
02/06/07 12:06 - 9ºF - ID#37967
Definite Chief Aim
I tell ya the Florida Keys are really calling for me right about now. I got an email from NY Times Getaways and the pictures alone sold me. It's not just as an escape from the bitter howling winds, althought that would be a bonus, but it's an an opportunity to bask in the subtropical sun and bathe in crystal blue surf. What a therapeutic treat for a body from which I demand so much. It would be nice to have a companion along with which to partake in the many pleasures as well. How amazing would it be to spontaneously bounce right now even for just 3 days on Key West? I could so handle that action. I can feel it coming too, maybe not in the very near future, but rest assured by this time next winter I will have such options available to me. In the meantime, I will keep pace with my many devotions and proceed in The Certain Way. Life is such a blessing!
Today's Daily Lesson:

One Love
February 6, 2007
An Attitude Of Expansion
Libra Daily Horoscope
Your kindheartedness will likely serve you well today as you interact with people in the various spheres of your existence. You may find yourself responding especially compassionately to those seeking out your guidance, friendship, or authority because you are excited about meeting new people. If you welcome these connections and treat everyone you encounter today with warmth and friendliness, you can cultivate companionship and business contacts easily. The trust you display when communicating with these individuals will likely touch their hearts and inspire them to open up to you more readily. Consider setting a side a part of your day today to reconnect with those individuals who would like to get to know you better.
In adopting a friendly and welcoming attitude, we do our part to ensure that we have created conditions in which we can attract new acquaintances and associates. When we draw people to our side by projecting an aura of warmth and an upbeat demeanor, our social and business networks expand quickly. Surrounded by individuals who can support us and help us further our goals, we feel ever more secure in ourselves and in our prospects. As our circles grow, we become increasingly aware of the important role that others play in our personal and professional lives. There is little we cannot do when our pursuit of our goals rests on a foundation of kindness and caring. Your freely given kindness and compassion will help you attract a wide variety of like-minded individuals into your sphere of influence today.
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Words: 677
Category: celtic sea salt
02/01/07 11:44 - 24ºF - ID#37950
I laughed my fuckin ass off last night for a solid 90 minutes thanks to Borat. In spite of my headache I figured laughter would be excellent medicine and I was correct. So I acquired a pass at the bargain cinema for $1.50 on a cold, quiet hump day evening. As per custom I attended the movie in solitaire. I had thought to call my friend Beth who expressed interest in hanging out, but I opted instead to keep myself company with a hilarious "documentary" featuring Sasha Cohen. I suppose it would have added a humorous element to the evening had I invited Beth along. Raised in the Jewish tradition I would have been curious to see how she handled the anti-Semitic current throughout the film. But knowing her she would have enjoyed the humor, as grotesque and uncivilized as it may be. Anyone who got their buttons pushed by Borat has some work to do. If you can't laugh at the judgments and stereotypes we hold so dear in this culture you're missing out on the opportunity to experience life more fully. And isn't that why we're here after all, to experience more life? I should hope so.
I'm not quite feeling up to play hockey this morning as my skates remain unsharpened and ready for action. Speaking of action I received in the mail a notice for a class action lawsuit representing all owners of Honda makes and models from 2002-2006 for fraudulent odometer readings. Hmm, not sure what to make of it, but if it results in some sort of windfall in my part I am most open to receive. I have big plans this evening for a fundraiser at Ani's church followed by a visit to take in some live music featuring my boy Stu and his band Babik, including a Valentine's lingerie show. I'm always down for some of that!
I received guidance to compose a poem today, but before I do so I'd like to comment on one more item. The more I grow on this path of unconditional love, peace, joy and prosperity the less I find I am in "touch" with the mainstream. I do my part to remain abreast of the major political developments locally, regionally and internationally; however, I do nothing more than skim the daily news to do so. Most of humanity lives in an extreme climate of fear. It never ceases to amaze me how "below the line" people choose to think, feel and ultimately live. In the paper today a woman complains of the statute of limitations on non-homicide prosecution in the wake of the infamous bike path rapist. Apparently she was the victim of rape 20 some years ago and says she still wakes up "screaming" on occasion. Somehow she thinks that if this man in custody can be tried for one more count on rape that it will vindicate her. In reality, it is up to her to release this pain that she is holding onto, which has nothing to do with the accused. Yet, she has received a great deal of attention over the years following her victimization and her spirit knows that such tribulation brings with it this gift. And she has every right to continue holding onto this fear, even though it robs her of precious life. There is a gift in allowing on this path of life that I continue to practice and master. It matters not what others choose. My only business is my own. Yet I can not help but to desire for others what I desire for myself. So I continue to keep the focus on Sean, and if peeps are so inclined to inquire I am delighted to impart the wisdom I've gathered over the years. In the meantime, let it be...
Ode To Imbolc
Be not fooled by the cold wind blows,
hark, lest we in our folly fables,
fail to heed great utterings
upon bustling boughs in frozen forests!
The incandescence illumines the darkest of nights,
so shall we wander guided by the inner solstice,
when days of dancing gayly around bonfires have faded,
only to return in a toast with friends aside the flames!
Be not afraid during these quiet times,
tis a gift immense in value we behold,
for within each Heart is the glow of Gold,
whilst enchanted dreams arouse the Soul!
One Love
Looking for the gift in a situation, SEAN, typically means there's a belief that the situation's outcome could have been better.
And thinking that an outcome could have been better, only happens when there's a belief that one's joy could have been greater had there been a different outcome.
And thinking that one's joy hinges on the outcome of any time-space occurrence, almost always means that some cool cat somewhere, has ever so briefly forgotten not to interpret events with their physical senses alone, that all the elements, then and now, are lining up in their favor, and that their own happy feet needn't have missed a beat.
Bust a move -
The Universe
February 1, 2007
Doing What It Takes
Libra Daily Horoscope
Your expectations can become the inspiration that keeps you motivated today if you regard success as something that is inevitable. The optimism that develops naturally as you visualize the triumphant realization of the dreams you wish to achieve will likely bolster your spirits as you face the difficulties that are an unavoidable element of the goal-realization process. Should you find yourself up against a seemingly insurmountable obstacle today, you can call upon your anticipation for encouragement and comfort. The sustenance you glean from your positive vision of the future will likely become the strong foundation from which you reach upward toward the brilliant light of your ambition.
When we think of our eventual success in terms of when we will reach it, rather than if, we are more apt to recognize and take advantage of those opportunities that have the potential to help us achieve our ambitions. We are willing to do whatever it takes-not because we fear failure, but because we are looking forward to the day we will realize the dreams we hold dear. As a result, our minds are filled with positive, happy thoughts regardless of the nature of the events unfolding around us. When we face challenges, we choose to think constructively about the roadblocks before us rather than to become mired in the temporarily distressing and demoralizing aspects of the paths we have chosen. The anticipation you harbor in your thoughts today will empower you to stay optimistic while facing the ups and downs of the goal-realization process.
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Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Ego vs. Excellence
Category: Travel and Places
There is no daily lesson today as it is the 31st of the month and there are only 30 lessons in the Effortless Prosperity practice. However, it does instruct those following the program to "do something special for themselves" on this day. I've been wondering what I might do with ideas ranging from a walk outdoors somewhere I've never been before to a trip to the happy ending spa to see Wendy and enjoy her gifted hands upon my body. It's already noon as I slept in til 9 and been a slow start. I have this sharp, piercing pain in my upper abdomen, perhaps a strained ribcage muscle while out plowing? I don't know, but it hurts to take a deep breath. I wanted to participate in the skate and shoot over at the local rec center, but I think it best to rest and repair. If it feels better tomorrow maybe I'll go play. I tried on a pair of Reebok ice skates yesterday at Great Skate and they felt awesome. The sales clerk said the 2007 line will be coming out in a couple of months so I might hold off. We're already rounding the turn in this winter season (Imbolc) so perhaps I'll upgrade my gear in time for next season. In the meantime, I'm gathering information about organizing a team for an in-line hockey league starting at the end of February.
When I awoke this morning I had this revelation about ego, specifically discerning what voice is that of ego and what is that of our Higher Self. Most people have it backwards in this consciousness. For instance, we think the voice telling us how great, talented, beautiful, amazing and absolutely magnificent we are is that of ego. This couldn't be further from the Truth! This is our Higher Self speaking and here we let ego allow us to believe to the contrary with notions such as, "I'm not worthy," or "I have to earn it," or "Nobody's perfect," hogwash! We are excellent by virtue of our existence! To the degree we can manage our ego, honor it with a simple response such as, "Thanks for sharing," and go about the business of living effortlessly is a measure of success. Do you have any friggin clue how special, fantastic and utterly beautiful you are? I thought so!
So here I am on this "special" day, as if everyday were not special. My mother invited me to dinner and following that I will be gathering with friends to continue our vision boarding project. Oprah will be featuring people from the movie The Secret later today. The Law of Attraction continues to gain notoriety as it penetrates mainstream consciousness. It is such an exciting time to be in the world. A few years ago when I started out on this path of self-discovery awakening to who I truly am I wasn't so sure I made the best choice. Well, if my life now is any indication I made a most wise and brilliant choice. More and more people are getting on board and it is only a matter of when, not if, that we co-create a culture of peace, harmony and prosperity for all! I'm honored and thrilled to be fulfilling my role at this most amazing juncture in human evolution. This is the age of mind over matter as duality fades steadfast into the anals of outdated philosophical doctrine. I am both the cause and effect in my reality. There is nothing so liberating as knowing this to be true. I can't wait to see what miracle is coming into my life next!
One Love
ps- surf's up in Cancun July 2007, see banner in blog below!
January 31, 2007
No Mountain Too High
Libra Daily Horoscope
You may feel cleverer than usual today, and primed to utilize your creativity in the completion of your everyday duties. This unexpected bout of resourcefulness can lead you to apply your imaginative talents in unexpected ways throughout the day. Whether you choose to beautify a professional report or to devise a more efficient system of organization in your home, you will likely find yourself taking on more ambitious projects as you are encouraged by each new creative success. Should you find yourself facing obstacles today, you can quell your initial fears by recalling all that you have accomplished thus far. You can derive encouragement from the strong feelings of self-confidence already established in your soul.
We can surmount almost any obstacle the universe chooses to put in our paths when we believe in our ability to cope with and adapt to changing circumstances. Because we have faith in the value of our innate cleverness, we are more apt to make use of our intellectual resources when faced with challenges that seem impossibly difficult. Situations in which there is no chance of traversing a straight path energize us because we relish the opportunity to make use of our creativity in the discovery of offbeat solutions. Every resource available to us, whether physical or cerebral, is put into play as we explore the possibilities open to us, no matter how oblique or fantastic they may seem at first. No single challenge will interfere with your resolve today because you know that you are capable of besting anything.
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Words: 2210
Last Modified: 01/15/16 01:35
Category: gnocchi
01/30/07 03:13 - 24ºF - ID#37924
High Society
Incidentally, I have a job interview scheduled Friday morning for what appears on paper as a major career advancement opportunity. The position as regional manager would put me in charge of 7 stores and require travel up to 3 days per week, including Syracuse and Albany. Compensation for the position would more than double my current annual income at 70K, not to mention full benefits, which I haven't had since 2000 while employed at Medaille College. I was hanging out with my friend Tara picking out a birthday gift for our friends' 1 year-old, Navah Rain, when my phone rang. It was Brigette from Good Feet explaining that they had recieved "a large response" from the job post on-line and that they are most interested in meeting with me. So I'll get all shined up in my biz-nass suit, enjoy a discussion with the individual conducting the interview and likely charm the pants off of her. Hey, even if I don't get the job plan B is to get laid. Of course plan Z is to get the job offer and get laid. Count it!
Yesterday was one of those days where one lovely encounter flowed into the next. I met up with my boy Jason, aka Shizzol, for a trip to the Indian buffet on Elmwood. I had invited his girl Sasha, but she declined in favor of staying home to rest her body pregnant with their soon-to-be first born child. My Indian princess who had served us the night before last was not on shift, much to my disappointment, although it really wasn't a letdown. Shiz and I caught up on what's going on in our lives and enjoyed our usual conversation like old friends keeping in touch. He knows he's in for a major life change once he becomes a daddy in a few months. He and Sasha have a couple "differences" brewing that will ultimately lead to some difficult choices, including possible relocation out of state, if not out of town. He's a middle class boy who grew up in the suburbs and has grown fond of living in da hood, while his girl Sasha, born in Africa and raised in da hood of Kansas City wants to live in the 'burbs. She gave him a 2 year ultimatum for relocation and so if my boy stays true to his girl and skips town I'll sure miss that kat. It was my pleasure to pick up the tab for lunch as he offered to treat next time as per custom. But who knows really, there may never be a next time? Tomorrow is always a mystery and we do have today, a gift, which is why we call it the present.
Following lunch I returned a phone call from Tara who had noticed my truck parked on Forest Ave. She shared me with the story of how she came to notice the white stallion as a municpal plow truck pulled along side just as she happened to be watching. Funny how the mind makes such associations and even more amazing how we are directed to notice that which is on our mind. It's nice to be thought of and I imagine for the most part my friends and family think highly of me. If not, that's okay by me. I keep inner peace by saying "Om!" and the outer peace is maintained by "Fuck Om!" All kidding aside, my life is immensely peaceful and quite often filled with experiences of joy. Visiting with loved ones is one of life's simple pleasures for me. After acquiring a bday gift at the Tree House Tara and I migrated to Spot Coffee for a chat. We were delighted to cross paths with Christopher who had taken up residence upon one of the sofas in the rear of the hip, bustling cafe burning copies of the demo CD we recorded on his iMac. He joined us as we sat three abreast on a cozy sofa sipping various hot beverages and sharing a tahini cookie drizzled in honey that I purchased from the Lex co-op. It was utterly tantalizing as Tara commented on the sweet delicacy. The conversation touched upon very personal and intimate revelations and insights, as it often does in such luminous company. The sun shone in through the glass as we bathed in its warming light. The time passed effortlessly as we bid one another adieu and went off on our separate, but equal paths. I was stoked on caffeine and feel good vibes.
Upon arriving home I considered how I might spend the remainder of my evening with the prospect of plowing in the early pre-dawn ahead. Plans suddenly erupted as my friend Colleen sent me an IM inviting me to dinner at either Mother's or Tempo. I was feeling Tempo as I'd never been and she agreed offering to treat, her only request that I dress nice and look "hot." I replied that "hot" is my natural state of being and so it would be effortless. We met up at the Buffalo Club where she parked and hopped into my ride for the shuttle up Delaware Ave. She looked lovely clothed in business attire from the engagements earlier in the day allowing for such a spontaneous flow into a fine dining setting. We checked our coats with a stunning dark woman at the door before being seated a couple tables away from Ryan Miller, the much maligned Buffalo Sabres netminder. He was enjoying dinner with Sabres' top official Larry Quinn together with Bob Rich and his wife Mindy I believe is her name. I wouldn't have known the identity of Ryan's company if not for Coll who is quite entrenched in such prolific circles of local celebs and the affluent. It makes no difference to me if I'm kicking it with the rich and famous or the poor and unfamiliar. It's all holy to me.
I was a wee bit intimidated by the menu with a bunch of Italiano terms like Pesce and Carpoccio, but I rolled with it as the waiter introduced us to the wine list. I made it clear to Coll that red wine is off-limits for me as memories from a night of debauchery many weeks ago linger still. She went with a Pinot Grigio, which was rather refreshing. I joked that now I'm like my mother drinking white wine after always having been a fan of the rouge. Hey, change is the only constant. So I went with the seared yellow-fin tuna in a tangy soy glaze. We shared an appetizer of Gnocchi, still not sure how to pronounce that one, but damn it was good. We had many laughs as we delighted in the fancy feast, followed with a dessert fit for royalty. I ordered creme brulee along with sumatra served in a French press and poured at the table. Coll kicked it up a notch requesting a sweet liquer to add to the coffee along with steamed milk. I was in heaven and had I not the call of duty in the back of my mind I might have taken her up on an offer to grab a beer for a nightcap. Three hours and $200 plus later we completed our high society interlude. We made tentative plans to get tix for an upcoming Sabres' game. Tempo is no doubt a swanky joint where peeps are likely as much drawn to be seen as they are by the sumptuous fare. Without question the food is prepared first class. Coll assured me that her friend Paul, Executive Chef and part-owner, is the best in Buffalo. I wouldn't argue with her based on my experience. C'est magnifique! I know that's Francais, but forgive my lack of Italiano background. Hey, we can always head to Starbuck's an order up some Fritaliano concoction.
One Love
January 30, 2007
Equilibrium in Time
Libra Daily Horoscope
Your obligations can easily overwhelm you today if you focus the entirety of your energy on the fulfillment of your myriad duties. As you may be laboring under the weight of a great number of responsibilities, you will likely try to do as much as possible in a relatively short time. However, your dedication to the tasks on your agenda can work against you today if you do not afford yourself ample time for personal renewal. You can avoid becoming over-extended by learning to say no to the requests others make of you and taking frequent breaks throughout the day. If you feel relaxed while pursuing your objectives, you will likely find that you are able to work harder as well as faster.
Successfully pursuing balance in our professional and personal lives is most often a matter of first comprehending the nature of our limitations, accepting that our strengths are by no means boundless, and then making time for renewal. When we attempt to push ourselves to and beyond the point of physical and mental exhaustion, our minds and our bodies send us signals indicating that we need to slow down. Heeding these messages is as simple as honoring our individual rhythms by respecting the fact that rest and rejuvenation are vital aspects of the goal-realization process. We need not feel guilty about temporarily putting aside our responsibilities when we have written periods of refreshment into our schedules. The fatigue you feel will gradually disappear today as you bring your life into balance using effective time management.
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Words: 1863
Category: income tax
01/29/07 11:13 - 13ºF - ID#37908
Guided by Spirit
There is enough snow on hard surfaces to warrant a clean-up, but nothing that approaches hazardous or even inconvenient conditions for the commuter. I do feel a sense of lingering obligation to provide the snowplow service for my customers. But this is from above the line as I consider the joy it brings from a job well done, not to mention the satisfaction for the client. I fully anticipate that we will be out this evening clearing the light fluffy build-up, at least for our commercial accounts if not residential. Rich has sent us out for less, hence my mild shock that I have not yet heard from him. I suppose it is worthy of miracle status that I was able to enjoy a much needed full night's slumber. In fact, everything falls into "miracle" category when you think about it. It's a miracle to breath, to feel, taste, smell, hear and see. It's a miracle to move the bowels, to smile, to laugh, to cry and to have thoughts. Life is one continues stream of miracles, if only we awaken to its grandeur and beauty.
And so to be guided by Spirit is to remain fully immersed in the present moment. There is nothing so holy as living in the present. I considered during my meditation on the daily lesson where I might go from here were I indeed to actually lose my job. I felt a brief wave of anxiety pour over me followed by complete peace. I do not know where I'd go, but I trust that I would be guided to the next open door if one were to close behind me. I thought back to many years ago when I used to take hikes on a regular basis. I remember wandering in the woods, sometimes aimlessly with no particular destination or outcome in mind. I was never afraid of getting lost or disoriented. There were times of uncertainty, but I just kept moving along and sooner or later I always found my way. I recall specifically a time when my brother and I were hiking in Zoar Valley. Along the trail we encountered a nudist colony enjoying a warm summer afternoon by the riverside. We were uncomfortable at the prospect of our fellow citizens, all of them male and some holding hands. We continued on our way and came to the end of the trail. We had two choices, either turn around and pass by the nudist colony or trudge uphill off the beaten path. We of course listened to our homophobic egos, chose the latter and wound up lost for hours. But we never panicked, despite the expansive sprawl of the 3,000 plus acre forest. We ended up on a road and paid a visit to a home. The woman gladly directed us down the road as we were less than a mile from our vehicle. Even when we listen to our ego we can always tune it out, go above the line and find guidance from Spirit.
It is only a matter of time before I take complete charge of my life and fire my boss. For now I give thanks for all the gifts it brings, not the least of which a steady paycheck with which to pay the bills and bestow blessings upon loved ones. In a couple hours I will be meeting up with friends and treat them to lunch. It brings me such joy to do so. I just updated my list of things-to-do with "taxes" written in large capital letters. I trust that everything will be completed in a timel fashion in way that brings peace and joy. Computing my income tax refund has always been an effortless process for me. I am feeling some resistance this year as for the first time I have income to report that has yet to have taxes deducted, vis 1099 form. I kept an extensive file of my expenses with receipts and hope that I can write off most, if not all of the figure. But I'm really not sure exactly how to proceed as this is new for me. I put it out there that whatever the result it will be completed effortlessly. So whether that means finding the joy in tallying all my business-related expenses and entering the data into an on-line tax service, or perhaps that I attract an accountant who will accomplish the task for a fair trade in return, is incidental. I proceed guided by Spirit today and offer thanks to God!
One Love
Did you know, SEAN, that the average person looks 793.7% more attractive when they smile? Not to mention healthier, wiser, slimmer, richer, and cooler.
They do.
And smiles "become things" too -
The Universe
January 29, 2007
Pushing Your Limits
Libra Daily Horoscope
A rush of energy can inspire you to challenge yourself today, prompting you to participate in activities that test your stamina, strength, or intelligence. You may discover upon entering into such battles of skill, sport, and wit that you are invigorated by the difficulties inherent in competition-whether you are pitting yourself against a rival or against yourself. Should these pursuits require you to broaden your horizons through practice or education, you will likely eagerly explore new worlds of experience. Your efforts can introduce you to aspects of your talents and skills that you never knew existed, and the resultant revelations can persuade you to continue to pursue achievement in unfamiliar quarters. Today may be the day you realize that your potential is greater than you had ever dreamed possible.
We discover that our individual limitations reach far beyond the boundaries we had previously assigned to ourselves when we immerse ourselves vigorously in the activities that energize and excite us. It is when we participate in pursuits we enjoy that we are most willing to extend ourselves physically, emotionally, and intellectually. Because we have little fear of failure-as we recognize that mistakes and mishaps are natural aspects of individual growth-we dedicate our bodies, minds, and souls to the challenges before us. We feel good knowing that we are reaching past the borders of our comfort zones with some degree of success, and are thus encouraged to continue our explorations. You will feel strong and accomplished today as you push yourself past the arbitrary limits that once held sway over your conduct.
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Taken to wrestling with labels? They are simply for others to come to a conclusion based on a word or two, and usually under the premise of where you get your income. Go with what feels right. "CEO of SeanInc" sound about right?