03/11/11 02:33 - ID#53809
Light a Candle
If it hasn't already been shared here somewhere, please pay a visit to the following link, which has Joshua's obituary with visitation and memorial service information.

The love, support and admiration for the Larson's is profoundly touching, and immensely deserving.
My own thoughts and feelings are a swirl of emotion, of which there is no articulation. I can't fathom the devastation of losing someone so incredibly close. (e:Jason), my heart broke with the news of your brothers passing.
I've remembered this line from the first time I read it. From the poem, Hallowed Ground by Thomas Campbell..
"To live in hearts we leave behind,
Is not to die."
Much love,

Permalink: Light_a_Candle.html
Words: 121
Location: Youngstown, NY
Last Modified: 03/14/11 12:41
11/01/10 01:29 - 34.ºF - ID#53044
insomniac ramblings
I started my weekend early which worked out well since i had some responsibilities over the actual weekend to attend to. I met up with a friend Thursday evening followed by having some company over on Friday night. Originally planned on attending the monthly Drinking Skeptically meet up, but too much was going on and I didn't make it out on time. Too bad since I was looking forward to it and several people had contacted me to see where I was at. I miss them all already, though i knew there would be a handful of regulars missing from the group as some of them headed down to The Rally to Restore Sanity. But there are always new people that are fun to meet and I am curious as to who made it out. Next time, for sure.
I got a bunch of hiking in on Thursday and Friday knowing that I would be cooped up all day on Saturday. Both days were overcast and chilly.
Saturday was sunny and would have been awesome for an outdoor excursion, but again, I was gone all day. I had a CPR and First Aid training that took up a majority of the day. It went fast overall and I had a good time. Small group of people, I was energetic and talkative, and simply enjoyed the session. It had been about 4 years since my last certification, so a lot has changed. The process for CPR is essentially more streamlined, which would hopefully make the need, if it arose, easier to rise to the challenge.
Nothing new in First Aid that I could tell.
I'd like to have more instruction, not sure why exactly. I do well in chaotic situations, though not sure of what it would be like to be at the scene of some freaky accident, though. But something about it makes me want to learn more. If I really wanted to integrate myself into the community more, I could check out the firehall and/or emt services.
Anyway, the instructor was one of the best I have ever had for it. Perhaps because he has a ton of experience directly related to the topics. There are plenty of instructors that haven't had to actually perform CPR or anything on anyone else. It doesn't matter in terms of teaching something, but it helped me in terms of the sort of questions I had. Maybe that is the difference.
Good conversation related to it continued well past the end of the course. Good stuff. With all that, I got home around 9pm, and after not having eaten since before 1 pm, I was equally famished and fatigued. Though,I didn't go to sleep until 4am, so I should have/could have headed out to a party, particularly at the 24...if it only would have occurred to me!
Instead, I played on the computer, worked with some pictures, read a magazine and watched The Exorcist on tv (the original).
I never realized what sort of crazy/funny/ironic lines are said in that movie.
In one scene, the girl masturbating with a crucifix while possessed by the demon, says, "Let Jesus fuck you, let Jesus fuck you. Let him fuck you"
I can't remember everything.. the demon calling the priest a cock sucker, and so on.
at 3 am, it was all crazy to me.
Sunday, I debated on getting together with a friend as I knew he had the day off from work, but I wanted a "me" day to just wander a book store and do a little reading. I enjoyed reading through, "Mad Science" and "Backyard Ballistics" and a couple of other books while sipping coffee. The return trip home had me stopping at the store to pick up a few items to make a chili concoction and corn bread. It turned out yummy. I ate too damn much, though.
I saw a lot of kids and teens out wandering the streets in their halloween get up and pillow cases and bags full of candy. Trick-or-Treating is so cool.
I didn't bother to buy any candy to give out. My end of the street is pretty quiet for that sort of thing, and since I wasnt going to be home anyways, figured it wouldnt be awful to not sit at home with a bowl of candy that I would eventually consume. Maybe another time..
and that brings me to wrapping up this post. My head hurts and my eye lids are droopy, sleep, please come soon.
Monday is here as is November...

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Words: 804
Location: Youngstown, NY
Last Modified: 11/01/10 01:29
10/24/10 09:10 - 61.ºF - ID#53011
Longboarding 0r Land Paddling
early teens I used to skateboard- mostly tricks, not so much to get around places. Preferred to walk or ride my bike for all that. But I used to do all sorts of fun crazy stuff on my Vision board- scraping myself up regularly; then the boarding interest just faded away at the end of the season after one particularly bad fall hopping from a wall to a kid built ramp. Anyway, haven't really thought about getting back on one of any sort since..
then I saw some longboarding posts over at a snowshoe site I frequent; and I thought, I WANT TO DO THIS!
Do I? I don't know..
but I'd sure give it a go if I had the equipment.

On the plus side, it would provide a killer upper body work out and a great conditioner for water paddling sports.
Yet, without the kick motion of regular skateboarding, one loses out on lower body conditioning.

Permalink: Longboarding_0r_Land_Paddling.html
Words: 176
Location: Youngstown, NY
Last Modified: 10/24/10 09:12
10/18/10 12:36 - 46.ºF - ID#52975
restore backup
A long night of weird dreams, I woke up not wanting to actually get out of bed. This is a great time of year especially when the sun is out and so my natural inclination would be to head outside somewhere and hike all day. However, I just turned on the tv. The Matrix was on, and that kept me entertained most of the day. I was reveling in my funky mood. It simply felt good..
Then the pull outdoors won me over and I got ready to go out for a bit. My foot travels led to car travels and I took care of a couple of errands before stores closed down for the night. Feeling more inclined to be social, I managed to make a quick plan to meet up with a friend over coffee, then I left him to run to another friends house for dinner. It was this encounter that was most recuperative. This small group of friends (5-7 total) are ones I have had for many years. While we don't have much in common for our day to day lives, and due to some lifestyle differences, I don't hang out with them often, but we all share a long history and nothing ever really needs to be said. Literally.
and I like that.
Dinner was made. I chilled out and ate a lot more than I normally could (lasagna and chocolate cake), but it was all part of the course of the weekend mood. Following that, we wandered around the streets near where they live (Riverside), and chatted about good times past and dreams of the future- silly, light weight stuff. Like suped up golf carts, engine rebuilds, off-roading expeditions, camping, motorcycles, mopeds, city living, weekly dinners, etc. I even had the opportunity to punch something repeatedly and that always feels good. I really need a large punching/kicking bag that I can hang in my garage. Got one?
For some reason, as the night came to a close, I just felt less irritable. I was rather reluctant to wrap it up.
On the drive home I realized that I felt a little restored, for which I am grateful.
Equally grateful, and speaking of being restored, is that the "restore backup" feature on here was successful, as my sensitive keyboard skipped back a couple of pages and eliminated what I had written up to a few sentences ago. That feeling of dread worked through me until I saw the restore option and it worked. Phew!
If all things in life were that easy. :)

Permalink: restore_backup.html
Words: 749
Location: Youngstown, NY
Last Modified: 10/18/10 12:36
10/03/10 04:19 - 49.ºF - ID#52891
A lot to catch up on around here
So... I'm going to sum up the last 9-10 months..
- Spent A LOT of time snow shoeing- by myself and with an activity partner. We would break trails and hike for hours. It did a mind and body good. My shoes are still propped against my front door ready for the season to start again. My XC skiis were used but a couple of times.. likely will do the same this winter. Snowshoes are just make for a more versatile experience. I hope to get some of you out there with me! Some places rent for cheap, but if you think you will go more often, then I highly recommend a purchase. Don't need to spend much. When the time becomes more relevant, I'll be sure to hammer out an article on equipment and what to expect as a newbie and a seasoned hiker.
- Spent a good deal of time in kickboxing classes, dance classes, weight lifting & strength training along with my usual assortment of hiking and other physical activities. Just needed to amp it up, ya know? Come spring I started jogging, then got away from that all summer.. I intend to start that back up again soon. Still dealing with an Achilles Tendon issue, but I manage alright. I know when to rest it and when to press on.
- Joined, "Drinking Skeptically" meet-up group and easily made a slew of new friends. Good people, conversations and thought experiments.
- Attending lectures regularly at, The Center for Inquiry. Been long time meaning to be more involved in that, but it wasn't until this year that I made the effort. Works out as there is much overlap socially and intellectually with the Drinking Skeptically crew. Also, the same with UB Freethinkers and Buffalo Freethought. The latter joins up at Spot on Sundays at 6pm. I attend when I can..
- Besides my usual mash of self initiated work projects, I am also now a sub for a local after school program. I would prefer it to be a regular thing, as the hours and location rock, but time will tell. Essentially, the assistant director would need to quit for me to be regularly employed. So right now, it is only an occasional gig. Given that, I'd like to find more work projects or more regular part time work to add to my schedule. For various reasons, my work load dropped dramatically this summer and it put me in a bad, tight place budget-wise. I don't mind sharing that, as I see it as a temporary glitch and just an obstacle to overcome. I pay my bills as far in advance as I can, but this caught up with me quick. Not fun at all. Though I haven't gone out as much, i have still managed to have a good time- socially, intellectually, and so on. But being broke still had an impact.
- Birthday was a couple of weeks ago. Didn't have specific plans to celebrate (see above) but then a friend a few days or so before hand planned something through Facebook. Just a simple get together, nothing formal. Fat Bobs for dinner followed by drinks and conversation at Scarlet. Had I put more thought into it, I would have mentioned it over here. I put the word out a little bit over at FB. I know, I know..
- Went on several hikes at Devils Hole Niagara Gorge through the spring and summer. Recently went at dusk, with the return trip being in the dark. Usually I go alone or with one other person, but this time it was with a group. The night time hike was awesome.
- Ever hear of or try "letter boxing"? oh, I know some of you know just what that is ;) Well, that is a new hobby, started back in the very early spring. It is a bit of a treasure hunt (low tech, no tech geo cache) where one looks for boxes that contain stamps through the use of clues to find each box hidden in the woods or wherever. By summer, the over growth and the bugs made some areas impenetrable. Hope to pick it up again come late fall and early winter.
There is so much more.. but that is what has come to mind and I do aim to post more. Whether I say a little or a lot, whether it is clear or obscure, it is tiny part of my history, and I like having bits of it documented. Looking back on it is a trigger for other memories or for simple reflection. There was a time I wrote a lot.. and that hasn't been the case now for the past couple of years. Gotta work on that in one way or another. Maybe I need to haul out the old pen and paper?
Speaking of writing, I also aim to gat back to NaNoWriMo. Whether pick up where I left off last year or start something new, I am not sure. It is a nice way to get the writing creativity flowing.. and that starts Nov 1st.
ok, catch ya later.
should change my profile pic eventually..

Permalink: A_lot_to_catch_up_on_around_here.html
Words: 1015
Location: Youngstown, NY
Last Modified: 10/03/10 04:19
01/19/10 08:18 - 30ºF - ID#50859
semi rant and winter activities
The tv was still on when I left at 4:30 pm, I come home to some inane "celebrity" show. I did not realize something like this was on right away, as I got immediately busy grabbing myself a drink, listening to phone messages, feeding my cats dinner, catching my breath after the kickass workout I had tonight, etc. But eventually I could hear it.
I don't watch much tv, but even if I did I would not be able to stomach a whole show like this (Access Hollywood, I think?--but there are others). I hate how the "information" seeps into my head and that I come out knowing much more than I ever will give a damn about any "celebrity" out there... especially "Heidi and Spencer" and her inability to move her face due to the "spiritual and physical transformation" from plastic surgery. ACK! Honestly, this is from me NOT paying attention and actively avoiding such sources of information. I can't imagine being a devote follower of all things.. "celebrity". Ugh.
Mindless entertainment for some, that's cool, I guess. But I truly feel my irritation rise, so that is why it is bad for me.
End Rant. Enough about that. Yeh, the tv was turned off and all is right with my world again.
Now onto the more positive "winter activities":
So back to my little workout. I'm taking a kickboxing class. The concentrated strength and cardio work is fun and kicks my ass. I needed more options in physical activity during the winter months. I cross country ski, but haven't done it regularly enough to feel like this has been an active winter. Either no snow or freeeeezing tamps creating bad snow quality. So when not at the gym, I hit up a local class. As for outdoor activities, I am going to switch to snowshoeing as my main outdoor winter activity as that is more versatile in many ways:
--Easy to store and transport "equipment"
--As long as there is a little snow, regardless of quality, snowshoeing is an option.
--easier to navigate through various terrain and traverse hills.
--more conducive to taking in ones surroundings, wander off to take pictures, etc.
--good for those that aren't keen on skiing but want to enjoy the outdoors during the winter months, "if you can walk, you can snowshoe"
--it is fun.
--it is a good workout especially if using poles, which I think everyone should anyways for stability and extra body movement.
So if anyone is interested in snowshoeing this winter, lets plan an excursion out. Some areas have snowshoe rentals. To buy new, the range is typically $80-$300 depending on what you plan to do with them (racers cost more than casual hikers, larger sizes cost more, variations among brands, etc).

Permalink: semi_rant_and_winter_activities.html
Words: 466
Location: Youngstown, NY
01/10/10 01:01 - 4ºF - ID#50787
hobby groups inquiry
I keep my heat down, as it is only me in a good sized apartment. However, I make use of a nice portable heater in whatever room I am primarily hanging out in that day.
But tonight I just feel so cold..
I'm wearing a hat and several layers without much help. *sigh*
I haven't wanted to leave the house this weekend. I did leave for a few super quick jaunts, but other than that, I've been home entertaining myself this weekend with a swirl of thoughts, writing, movies, music, cleaning, playing with the cats, backing up my picture and music files, and other non social activities. I'm itching to get out but not feeling like bundling up to do so. Tomorrow (Sunday) I have to get out and run some errands, maybe I can pair it with a social call or two.
Oh hey, I have a question...
I have a lot of interests and hobbies but I usually go at them alone or with friends when there is time; mostly on the whim. I think this year I would like to have more structure and socialization to my interests/hobbies. Which hobbies? I don't know yet. Actually, I'd like to know what all is available out there for me to choose from; maybe pick up a new interest or hobby. So given this, I'm curious as to what hobby groups/organizations there are in WNY and where do I find a list or source of information on this, or how to go about getting this information? If there is even such a thing.. but there has to be.
I've never been good at committing to an organized interest and I'm going to change that. I would like to build on an interest, a talent, meet others who share in that, and learn something new and/or add to what I already know.
But where to start?
Again, 3 degrees! Brrrrr.. time to find some warmth.

Permalink: hobby_groups_inquiry.html
Words: 333
Location: Youngstown, NY
01/07/10 07:32 - 26ºF - ID#50766
growing snow blob
My "Stalactite" last night..


Not My Stalactite
(but a real one)

What my imagination thinks is out there right outside my front door:

Permalink: growing_snow_blob.html
Words: 46
Location: Youngstown, NY
01/06/10 07:19 - ID#50759
Quantum Physics Recommended Reading List
As with (e:tinypliny), my recommendation for entrance into reading about quantum physics is, "Alice in Quantumland". It reads as a story (as it is an allegory). I wrote a little bit about it here: (e:theecarey,46113).
All of my recommendations include a link to more information on the book. For continuity, I included links only to Amazon. On that note,
Amazon link to the book:

Furthermore, I recommend all books by Robert Gilmore.
A quick list of his books:
* Alice in Quantumland
* Scrooges Cryptic Carol
* Wizard of Quarks
* Once Upon A Universe
The stories makes exploring the material more colorful and less dry than some, stories such as, Edwin Abbott Abbott's, "Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions". (which addresses dimensions. Interesting book, I haven't read it in a long time and I vaguely remember it; so it is on my reread list.)

Also, the Gilmore books make a great primer for further reading exploration.
My recommended reading list continues with (all from my collection- I also recommend acquiring books so you have them to refer back to, or reread in my case):
--- "Quantum: A Guide for the Perplexed" by Jim Al Khalili
This book reads like a text, but is really well done. The implication of the experiments within are amazing and will leave you with much to contemplate. Great color pictures to illustrate the material.

--- Quantum Physics: A Beginners Guide by Alastair I.M. Rae.
Well organized "overview"; includes black print diagrams and summaries.

The following two or more specific- contemplates String Theory, aka The Theory of Everything (TOE), aka The Quantum Theory.
--- "The Elegant Universe" by Brian Greene (string theorist- great stuff)http://www.amazon.com/Elegant-Universe-Superstrings-Dimensions-Ultimate/dp/0375708111
--- "The Fabric of the Cosmos" by Brian Greene (ok, so i have a little intellectual crush on this guy- seriously though, good stuff!)

Want more?
Oh yeh, go here:
--- "The Fabric of Reality" by David Deutsch
one word: "MULTIVERSES!!" sweet sweet stuff.

---"A Different Universe: Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Down" (I love some of these titles) by Robert Laughlin
Thought provoking, but not well written. Good information to extrapolate and apply to your knowledge base.

---A must read at some point- Stephen Hawkings, "A Brief History of Time". Black holes, the singularity, radiation.. So much of what we hear or read has a basis in the work of Mr. Hawking. Read the wiki article:

--- "The Quantum World"- by Kenneth Ford
Not a book to start with, but has enough strengths to make it onto my recommended reading list.

When enough time passes in between reading this material, I quickly lose what I had learned. All of the information learned becomes relegated to retrieving in the manner of, "oh, it is on the tip of my tongue!". Yet, when I have reengaged the learning process, all of the connections come flooding back. Not sure if that is a defect of my mind or a natural occurrence with "learning' this subject matter. I recall reading somewhere that "if you think you understand quantum physics, you don't understand it at all".
So expect a mental workout and enjoy the process.
--- Another recommendation is a, let me say, "curious read", is "What the Bleep Do We Know?!" (again, the book)
Read the information and reviews..

This book fell literally jumped out at me one afternoon in an old bookstore in old Kingston, NY. I bought it on a whim and enjoyed it on many levels.
and if you like that sort of thing, I have more books to recommend..
Alright. so.. whatcha gone read first?
anyone have any books, sources, etc to add?
and anyone else enjoy diving into this subject matter? I know I would retain more if I had more opportunities (any opportunity) to discuss it.

Permalink: Quantum_Physics_Recommended_Reading_List.html
Words: 710
Location: Youngstown, NY
01/06/10 12:08 - 21ºF - ID#50752
If I didn't miss any, which I may have, I believe my book total for 2009 was 54. I'm not sure if I am pleased with that number or not. It is higher than the "average" adult

More is not better as all of our reading speeds and comprehension varies, (especially based on type of book read) but I just wish I knew my average. I had only started to formally keep track as of last year, (e:theecarey,47667).
I read.. well, anything.
My book list from last year is the usual mix of good fiction, crappy fiction, memoirs, information books pertaining to health, business, sciences (especially quantum physics), politics and writing. Most fiction I "speed-read" through and most everything else I take more time to absorb.
I know last year there were stretches of time that I did not read from books but had focused working through a growing pile of magazine subscriptions (Scientific American, Scientific American Mind, Discover, Fast Company and Home Theater). Come to think of it, that will likely occur again as I have yet another pile of mags to catch up on.
I will have to use 2009 "data" as my "baseline", and see how 2010 will pan out against it.
In addition to book count, maybe I should keep track of pages read as well? Anyone else keep track of their reading habits or have a "goal"?
hmm, what can I say, I love to read.

Permalink: reading.html
Words: 262
Location: Youngstown, NY
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2. (e:leetee) thanks for the update. I'm glad to hear (e:Jason) is doing well... I may be wrong about this but I all ways kinda had this feeling that even though Josh was his Twin Brother that it was more then that and they where more then friends or Buddies there isn't really a word for that maybe like best friends or something.... So I'm glad he is handling it ......