12/10/09 01:41 - 28ºF - ID#50529
Non White Out
Then stepping out into the windy 30 degrees snapped me back to reality.
But after looking at the blustery pic in (e:james,50526) and reading mr:mike's comment, "my street looks like rebel base" in (e:theecarey,50519), and (e:dcoffee)'s chatter comment, "I can't see across the street" (talking about snow, right?..)
I look again out my window...
Ok, really?

a handful of flakes came the other day, for just a few minutes, which melted upon contact has been it so far. (e:theecarey,50495).
I'm not eager for snow, I just feel so out of the loop. heh
even the never super accurate weather report said this area would get some.. hmm
so, until then, The Daily No Snow? Not as colorful as (e:leetees) The Daily Chuck. Just green, and maybe, eventually, white.
plastic on the window in question did pop on the window overnight, likely from the AC not being covered well enough.
Kayla staking her sunny territory even as the plastic bulges towards her face.

Permalink: Non_White_Out.html
Words: 191
Location: Youngstown, NY
12/09/09 11:15 - 35ºF - ID#50519
where is a tauntaun when you need one?

speaking of tauntauns*, ThinkGeek has an adult sized tauntaun sleeping bag** that I have been eying for a couple of months.

pretty snazzy with its internal intestines
(ok, printed internal intestines)
How weird to wake up this morning to thunder and lightening and I continued to hear thunder on and off all day. 50ish down to somewhere in the 20s. Some rain in there as well. For some areas, hail, and then snow earlier in the evening. Nothing but wind so far here. If I recall the news correctly, around 2am a little snow should drop on my area. We'll see.
Either way it will be cooooold.
I finally put plastic up on my windows. How long have I been talking about it? I sure didn't make it pretty, but at least it is up where it it most important.
Especially as I hear the air pushing against the plastic with tonight's wind.
I must not have secured the plastic around the air conditioner, because there is a lot of air pushing the plastic; more than I would expect even with the wind. I mean, my windows aren't that drafty. I wouldn't be surprised to find a tear come morning.
Gah, it sounds pretty wicked out there.
I wonder what I will wake up to?
I wanted to go out, get out and do something, anything, but with no real plans and questionable weather, I thought a night of reading under a pile of blankets sounded better. Reading is so easy to default to. I always have social options but I find myself seeking a good story or interesting subject to absorb myself with instead. The draw is often strong enough to trump most anything. But certainly not everything.
On that note, my fingers, toes and nose are numb with cold. Time to warm up.
Sweet dreams, stay warm & don't blow away.
- tauntaun

- tauntaun sleeping bag

Permalink: where_is_a_tauntaun_when_you_need_one_.html
Words: 368
Location: Youngstown, NY
12/08/09 07:10 - 33ºF - ID#50503
chilly & chili
It was/is a dud of a day. I went to bed just after 4am, tossed around with odd dreams, began my day eight hours later, leaving me with just a few hours of daylight on an already dark gray cloud filled day. Hopefully I won't be doing that again.
Overall, I did get a lot done today, but now I feel like I could really just go back to bed yet it is only just about 7pm. *yawn* There is so much more I need to do but my energy is drained at the moment. maybe I will perk up in a bit.
Tired and cold (despite coffee) is no fun. Now I just heard that come late tomorrow & into Thursday there is some rain-snow-wind storm expected? Oh and the high temps will be in the 20s, let me say that again.. TWENTIES on Thursday. Brrrrr!
Good thing I made chili to help me warm up! After making a squash lentil soup (e:theecarey,50427), I wanted to make a veggie laden soup-chili-stew. Something thick, healthy and hearty that would be awesome to grab a cup or bowl of anytime. Thanks to (e:heidi) who was awesome in posting a veggie chili recipe that I jumped on to make. (e:heidi,50428) Thanks!!!
Other than the V-8 vegetable juice (which I did buy for this), I had all of the ingredients ready to go (yay!).

Getting the veggies started:

I used two cups of texturized vegetable protein (TVP) I had on hand.

Not sure all where this can be found, but if interested in finding some, this was purchased about a year ago from the bulk section at the Lexington Coop. It stored very well in an air tight container.

I wanted to use wheat bulgar, which I have plenty of, but I have been wanting to use the TVP for some time now. How perfect I thought it would be for chili. Bulgar will go into my next creation- whatever it may be.
I used spices to taste (extra cumin and cayenne pepper), but otherwise (loosely) followed the recipe.
end result: colorful, flavorful and hearty.

added sharp cheddar cheese on top for a little bite. Very nice!

Permalink: chilly_amp_chili.html
Words: 394
Location: Youngstown, NY
12/07/09 10:08 - 30ºF - ID#50495
For a few minutes at about 4pm a few white flakes floated down,
but they did not stick.
at all.
tried to capture them:

Permalink: snowflakes_.html
Words: 50
Location: Youngstown, NY
12/06/09 11:58 - 31ºF - ID#50487
a snowflake!

I've been working on putting up a few decorations.
sometimes I decorate, but often I don't.
My duplex neighbor has some lights along his front porch, so I decided to go out and buy something similar. I think I like his better (he has colorful little tree shapes) but mine "twinkle" and with the clear lights and snowflake shape, if I really wanted to, I could extend the use of them outside of "christmas".
I just put them out and need to see what they look like from the road and neighbors perspective. Do the lights really twinkle or are they more likely to induce a seizure. That is tomorrows objective.
More pictures to come, my camera batteries died which was just as well since running around my front yard at 11:30 pm in my pink bathrobe and using a camera is likely a social faux pas of some sort. haha

Permalink: a_snowflake_.html
Words: 170
Location: Youngstown, NY
12/06/09 01:31 - ID#50478
extended fall
I've continued to enjoy the extended fall weather and daily sunshine. I like being outdoors any time of year, so this is a given. The following are pictures taken with my ancient cellphone, so images are vague.
wandering along the beach

The sun to my back, I am heading off into the woods along the lake.

Kicking my way through leaves on a trail in the woods. Soon enough it will be snow.

Bundled up in several layers, scarf, hat, hood and gloves, as long as I keep moving, 36 degrees feels toasty. Capturing a picture of myself on the trail ahead of me:

everything smelled so good. mmmmm.
On the trail, off the trail and along the black top walkways, these chestnut casings are everywhere. There is a gratifying crunch and pop sensation when walking over these.

One lonely little red berry-esque vegetation. I appreciate random color and texture composition. A clear picture was not possible using the phone. Idea is there, though.

Looking back at the trail behind me. The sun will set in that direction.

A teeny tiny narrow trail between thick bushes to the left and cliff down to the lake on the right.

I decided to sit my ass down and dangle my feet over. It was peaceful until my over active imagination took on the thought of some crazy woodman coming up behind me and shoving me off the ledge. Then I kept "hearing things".. (was that you, (e:tinypliny)??hmmm?? haha) so I got up and continued to wander around.

Getting out of the woods before dark, A little while later on the return trip

Pretty much back to where I started, instead of the beach, I point my phone/camera to the sky

Permalink: extended_fall.html
Words: 331
Location: Youngstown, NY
12/04/09 01:51 - 35ºF - ID#50461
no show snow take two
Makes 36 degree fall day bearable.
Naturally, one feline was already occupying the best sun spot. Move over furball.
A quick picture like that in (e:theecarey,50422)
Just snapping pictures of sunny days while I can. We'll have enough gray over the next few months that I might need to look back over these posts to remember what a sunny day looks like!

I'll head out for a walk shortly, hopefully the sun will still be shining.
A crappy phone pic or two will likely follow.
stay warm!

Permalink: no_show_snow_take_two.html
Words: 116
Location: Youngstown, NY
12/02/09 06:53 - 45ºF - ID#50440
(updated) driving me nuts- high anxiety
I ordered a movie that needed to be picked up at Barnes & Noble (Mel Brooks, "High Anxiety", 1977). *
(sorta ironic**)
I made sure to head out early, as there is NO WAY I wanted to deal with late afternoon/early evening traffic. Seriously, I used to work in that general direction and I know that from now until the holidays are over, that area (well, pretty much everywhere), will be insane, traffic-wise. GAH!
I managed to find other items to look at, ran a few more errands and was fearful to look at the clock after somehow losing track of time. Books and music does that to me every time.
5:15 pm. oh man...
and sure enough, the blvd was packed. Saw three smashed fender bender accidents within a quarter mile.
Jumped on the 290. Traffic was at a crawl.
Jumped OFF at Colvin, figuring that I would never make it the Grand Island bridge (and that would be likely just as bad or worse).
Twin City Highway was a traffic mess.
(saw such insane driving that I expected to be in an accident or see yet another one.)
Jumped off at some random nameless street and decided to make an adventure of navigating through unknown territory. This was actually quite fun.
Didn't know where I was going but I am sure I looked like I did, as I made my way home without further issue.
However, saw two more car crack ups along the way. WTF?
anyway.... glad to be home. :)
- more on the movie, "High Anxiety"

This scene makes me laugh SO HARD.

OK, here is the scene, just a few minutes long. Cracks me up to no end!
- but really, I was peaceful. Annoyed to some degree, but you know how that goes..

Permalink: _updated_driving_me_nuts_high_anxiety.html
Words: 340
Location: Youngstown, NY
12/01/09 06:19 - 42ºF - ID#50427
squashtacular ...makings of soup
My favorite is the buttercup variety (yum!). It is, in my opinion, perfect 'as is'.It is very sweet and cooks into a very creamy mash; I can eat it every day (and I have been, mmm!). If you are looking for a consistent taste and texture, this is the squash to select. Other squash varieties can be inconsistent with their taste and texture, namely the Acorn squash mentioned below.
on my counter, a few small buttercup squash:

Next favorite is the butternut variety. More firm in post cook texture and not as sweet as the buttercup, but it still has a delicious rich, mostly sweet flavor. Sections of it can be a little stringy, but for the most part, it can cook into a stiff mash.
butternut stock pic:

Acorn squash by comparison (visually smaller then the other varieties) is savory to almost bitter in taste. There are wonderfully sweet acorn squash to be found, but this is where the inconsistency I mentioned appears. When it is good it can be real good, and when it isn't.. well, douse it with lots of butter and brown sugar, I guess. But I prefer to consume the other varieties and add nothing to have to enhance the flavor and texture. I have one on my counter now that I need to cook up. Hope it is a good one!
acorn stock pic:

So soup and chili sounds really good about now. I had begun thinking about making a vegetable stew/chili/soup concoction after pining for a bowl of of (e:leetee)'s veggie creation in (e:leetee,50206)
Knowing that I desperately wanted to use squash in my cooking project, I was given new direction with (e:tinypliny)'s squash soup post, (e:tinypliny,50375) Actually, I was slightly derailed with that one. Now I knew I would have to make two separate pots of cold weather vittles.
I have had super creamy and smooth squash soup before. It is good, but I want something more "chunky" and packed with veggies. I decided that whatever ingredients I selected, I would run them through the food processor to create a consistent texture throughout yet keep it chunky as well. It is a mouth feel thing.
Squash, lentils, carrots, mushroom, celery, cumin and cayenne pepper pretty much make up this super thick "soup"
end product:

like (e:tinypliny), I refuse to throw vegetables away just to make stock, and I rarely use store bought stock (chicken or vegetable) as it is so loaded with insane amounts of sodium. Even the lower sodium varieties are just too high, in my opinion. Insane! So I make own broth by just not tossing the vegetable that are used. Why waste? All the flavors "marry" at some point. Works for me, anyways.
However, in this case, I did not make a brothy soup.I wanted it super thick and any excess liquid kept getting soaked up anyways.
In short:
-Onions added to pan. Followed by:
-chopped carrots, celery, mushrooms, coriander, black pepper, salt, balsamic vinegar and water. While all that cooked/simmered..
-I cooked squash, scooped out the good stuff and tossed it in a bowl.
-I cooked lentils then ran them through the food processor before adding them to squash bowl.
-Scooped veggies out of "broth" and ran them them through food processor. Tossed in with squash & lentils bowl.
-Stirred it all together then ran all of it (in batches) through the food processor.
-Tossed this mixture (and "broth") into a large pot, added cumin, salt and cayenne pepper and simmered for an hour. Added a little extra water on occasion; those lentils are thirsty buggers!
Seriously delicious..
sweet with the added depth that cumin provides. A little bit of cayenne gives it a little kick without scorching your mouth. If you like that, then dump it in and add one of the fresh hot peppers from the produce section to really fire it up.
I will make this again, so here it is lest I forget what I used to create this pot of yumminess (amounts used are mostly a guess):
1 small Buttercup squash
1 small Butternut squash
2 cups Green Lentils (use pink/lighter color to maintain vibrant yellow-orange of the squash)
1/2 onion
12 oz chopped mushroom
2 celery stalks
2-3 carrots, finely chopped
cumin to taste
cayenne pepper to taste
salt to taste
black pepper to taste
coriander (1/2 tsp added to vegetable "stock")
balsamic rice vinegar (1/4 cup added to vegetable "stock")
water (4 cups added to the makings of vegetable "stock")
everything purchased between local farm market, Lexington Co-op and Wegmans.
My NEXT creation, as I had made a large vegetable purchase for this purpose, is to create a veggie chili/stew. I always have an assortment of beans, wheatberries, lentils, and barley on hand, so I'm not sure which I will go with yet. The base will be tomato and so far I plan to use cauliflower (inspired by (e:leetee) picture post) along with spinach (very easy to blend into anything), carrot, celery...and whatever else I have in the fridge. Meat or no meat, I'm not sure. Likely not, though. I'm sure I can sneak in some squash, too. Vegan, vegetarian, chock full of flesh, I don't care as long as it tastes good! It is a matter of coming up with making a cohesive flavor.. With this I might seek the help and direction from suggestions on the internet.
..or (e:peeps)! :)

Permalink: squashtacular_makings_of_soup.html
Words: 931
Location: Youngstown, NY
12/01/09 12:33 - 42ºF - ID#50422
first no show snow
this is what I woke up to

I want to see what the first snow looks like. If you've got pics, get to posting them!

Permalink: first_no_show_snow.html
Words: 28
Location: Youngstown, NY
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That wind was nuts last night - it kept waking me up and then made me have nightmares *boohoo*