Category: life
02/06/09 01:43 - 24ºF - ID#47659
tempted on cheap cable offer
Well, actually, I had it turned off back in 2005 when I realized that I never have time to watch it (I was a few classes into my Masters at that time pkus f/t work), and it was pointless to pay for something I didn't use anymore.
This led me to calling Adelphia, and having them turn it off.
Forward to the cable guy knocking on my door and retrieving the cable box (this was prearranged, since I lived far from drop off station). Before he left, he said something to the effect of, "in case you didn't know, if you hook your cable into the back of the tv, you will continue to have cable until someone comes along and turns it off at the street'.
No, I never would have thought to do that, figuring it would have been cut off immediately.
So I did this.
and had cable.
For like three years.
Until the new TW came along and did their giant neighborhood sweep.
I had called Adelphia on two occasions. Twice to to remind them that I had turned the cable off and I was still receiving cable, and would not accept a bill if one came to me.
Anyway, I did watch more tv once finished with Masters and all that, so when it was finally turned off, I felt the absence; but not enough to do anything about it. I never even bothered to get an antenna (or converter box), because it really doesn't matter whether I have it or not.
...except when I want a little background noise other than music or a movie. So, when an offer from TW came in recently for a basic cable package of $5/mo, I am kind of tempted. Likely a 1 year contract/offer? Do I, don't I? I have to find out more, before I do anything. This is still not a necessity in my life.
but it might be nice.
what is even on tv anymore? I wonder what is considered, "basic"- likely the local channels?
Happy Friday!

Permalink: tempted_on_cheap_cable_offer.html
Words: 353
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: reflection
02/04/09 06:07 - ID#47639
A Life Worth Reading ?
I usually write as I think. Not too concerned with spelling, grammar or flow of thought. My writing is usually for me, even with the awareness that there is an audience somewhere, it isn't enough to edit anything of what or how I write. Only once here do I recall making a post private after ranting, blowing off steam about family and religion. For various reasons, I couldn't keep it "out there" for long. However, most everything else is out there for good, for better or worse in any form that I present it. If I were more conscientious of what I wrote I would either not write at all or I would be more productive and acclaimed. But I am neither, and I just sit somewhere in the middle, fluctuating in my style, voice, content, basic English writing ability and presentation. Often my writing aim is vacillating between the effects of buckshot and that of a sharpshooter.
Only recently have I really wondered about who reads my stuff and more specifically, who among my family and close friends, if any? I never really put it out there where I write, but this past year or so, I have added visible links to some of the places I write or mentioned it in conversations, or showed them something on my laptop. Have they checked it out beyond that? Would I be made to know if they had? Would I care? Do I?
There are a lot of journals out there. Over time, I have written at estrip (obviously), at two of my LiveJournal accounts, two Myspace accounts and a blogspot/blogger account. Facebook format (and all that it is, sorry) annoyed me too much, and the old Friendster format has long been abandoned, although blogs still exist there (I've been lazy in removing them, or bothering to log in). Pen/Paper journals are not included as part of this discuss, but there are many of them, tucked away). Those sites that I listed are the main ones, anyways, for longer random write-ups. Then there are the less regular yet more specific posts at political, art, theater, writing and book oriented sites. It is weird, when on occasion someone has stumbled upon a blog, or when they have intentionally sought it out, to be made aware of it. I used to have estrip distinctly linked to many of the other blog place and/or social network sites- which was good and bad. Good for some readership in general, (and the ensuing comments, private messages etc), bad for the 'stalkerishness' of some readers I came to know about. Due to the increasing of the latter, and the location and familiarization of the context of this blog (and site in general), I took down the link. That was awhile ago, and a lot of those issues have simmered down, respectively. A lot of readers still find me here (via related and unrelated searches), but it is with good intent. Maybe now I can re link again.
I happened to be in a conversation today with my mom that benefited from my showing her some pictures and accompanying write up from a few old posts. This made me realize that she has not been privy to my writing world, well, not my blog world, anyways. Not in the way that reading to her/showing her would allow. So in contemplating all this, it is what brings me to writing this post today. It is one thing to wonder about who reads your stuff quite another to know for sure, and how that makes me feel. It isn't bad nor good, just kind of weird. The known difference between fluid conversation and interaction and those that are electronically 'set in stone' and limited in personal nuance.
The writings in this blog from the past year and a half have been topical; nothing too deep or revealing. It is the first 2 years that has much more depth, reflection and insight into me. Still an insignificant snapshot compared to all that it there, all that I 'contain', but still a view inside nonetheless.
In hindsight, it really doesn't matter who reads what. It is humbling to know that people do, especially those that do so on purpose. (thank you)
I'd like to pull more of my writing into one accessible spot- something that anyone can read, if they choose. Something that is easier for even myself to look back on, refer to, track and make mental notes on.
We do a lot of living 'out there'
but we have a lot of it documented right 'here'.
Happy Wednesday, folks.

Permalink: A_Life_Worth_Reading_.html
Words: 778
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: silliness
02/02/09 06:20 - 30ºF - ID#47606
Monday Snicker
This guy arrives at the Pearly Gates. He has to wait to be admitted, while St. Peter leafs through his Big Book. He's checking to see if the guy is worthy of entry or not. Saint Peter goes through the books several times, furrows his brow, and says to the guy, "You know, I can't see that you did lots of good in your life but, you never did anything bad either. Tell you what, if you can tell me of one REALLY good deed that you did in your life, you're in."
The guy thinks for a moment and says, "Well, there was this one time when I was drivin' down the highway and I saw a Biker Gang assaulting this poor girl. I slowed down my car to see what was going on, and sure enough, that's what they were doing. There were about 50 of 'em attacking this chick.
Infuriated, I got out my car, grabbed a tire iron from my trunk and walked straight up to the leader of the gang. He was a huge guy with a studded leather jacket and a chain running from his nose to his ear. As I walked up to the leader, the Gang formed a circle all around me.
So I ripped the leader's chain off his face and smashed him over the head with the tire iron. Then I turned around and yelled to the rest of them, 'Leave this poor, innocent girl alone, you slime! You're all a bunch of sick, deranged animals! Go home before I teach you all a lesson in pain!'"
St. Peter, extremely impressed, says, "Really? Wow, when did all this happen?"
"Er.. about two minutes ago."

Permalink: Monday_Snicker.html
Words: 288
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: life
02/01/09 01:46 - ID#47591
Numbered Things
1. Glad to see the sunshine and snow-ice-glops melting. Today feels like a heat wave in comparison to the last couple of weeks or so.
2. We have had plenty of snow. Even Youngstown has been covered in it this whole winter, something I am usually complaining that we don't have.
3. I'm usually in want of snow in my area, just so I can get some good use out of my cross country skiis. They are always ready and waiting, propped up next to my front doors. For the past three years, there has been only about a weeks worth of decent snow in Y-town; usually there is nothing but green.This year, I just haven't made it out. I NEED to before I kick myself in the butt for not taking the XC skiis out for the day.
4. I have several bags of pop bottles to return, and I have been waiting for a nice(r) day to do so. They have been collecting in my car for that very occasion. I just keep tossing full bags of empty cans into my car, thinking that I would have gone already to return them, but not the case. My back seat looks trashed from this. Today would be a good day, if I can muster the enthusiasm to do so.
5. Superbowl today. Sometimes I watch, sometimes not. If I have to choose, I'm for the Arizona Cardinals. My mom has a giant tv, and invited me over, so my bf and I will go over there later this afternoon/early evening to watch.
6. My gym membership ended a month or so ago, and I REALLY need to get back. I need to scrounge up the membership fee somewhere, somehow asap! I actually miss going. so do my jeans.
7. February already. Getting closer to Spring.... yay!
8. There is a gem of a bookstore in Niagara Falls called, The Book Corner. Tons of new and old books in a multi level musty smelling building. My nose itches like crazy while I am there, but its such a cool place and had pretty great prices, too. I am almost never in that area, but I've been wanting to go to that store, but I am not sure if it is still there. Anyone know? I will call around, just thought I would ask...
9. I'm trying to learn more about Blogspot/Blogger- a lot of good reads over there. Technorati helps point the way to various blogs, and I keep ending up over at Blogspot. However, there are a few snafus to sort out. The general help area hasn't been very helpful and navigating random blogs leads me to consistently enter into foreign language blogs. Ok, if it is french, not so great if its swahili. Not many have a translation option, so I often close out and head elsewhere.
10. I'm addicted to the site, I've likely mentioned it before. It isn't all about bluray, even though it is the leading technology. There is just so much fun stuff to learn (and to share knowledge, opinions, etc) about home theater stuff. Also some decent book and movie discussions have been had, a big bonus for me. I've always been a fan, but it is nice to have a bit of a one stop place to go for info and share info. I love my music, and so audio components are important. I don't have much to speak of anymore, but I aim to have a better set up someday. Although I don't watch tv, I do enjoy film- and having a solid system to enhance picture and audio quality is another goal. In the mean time my little (and old) 27" cr-tube will have to do.
11. I haven't had a drink in way too long. I think about it, but never follow through. Last I had was a bottle of cheap champagne on New Years Eve. mmmmmmmmm....
and now, time for some chores; been sitting too long.
have a good one, peeps. Open the curtains and let the sunshine in!

Permalink: Numbered_Things.html
Words: 711
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: art
01/26/09 10:28 - 18ºF - ID#47526
Book Autopsies- Artist, Brian Dettmer
Link with several pictures from this collection:

Link to wikipedia article on him, bio, art work- short with a few pictures

Permalink: Book_Autopsies_Artist_Brian_Dettmer.html
Words: 144
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: music
01/20/09 11:10 - 13ºF - ID#47469
If anyone has seen the movie, Sunshine (Danny Boyle, sci-fi, 2007), you may have noticed the amazing and beautiful music score throughout the movie.
An official soundtrack never came out much to many fans disappointment.Every time I have seen it, I wished so much that one would be released.
Not too many details as to why, but this was tiny bit of information was readily available (from wiki):
Despite high praise for the score from many fans of the film, a soundtrack for the film was heavily delayed to be released, in part due to 'disputes' between the lawyers of Underworld and Fox Searchlight.[41] Although not released close to the film's debut, a soundtrack was still widely expected to be eventually released, until the film's producer Andrew Macdonald stated in a fansite interview that the soundtrack was "stuck" and that there were "no plans to release" it
Then not that long ago, I heard rumors that the music was going to be released, but not as a hard copy, but through iTunes. Eventually this turned out to be true (only as of the end of this past November). This still upset some fans, but personally, I am grateful that the music made it into any attainable format.
So I spent an iTunes gift card this weekend on purchasing the illustrious soundtrack to, Sunshine. It is awesome.
1. "Welcome to Icarus II" (John Murphy) - 1:59
2. "Avenue of Hope" (I Am Kloot) - 4:34
3. "Capa's Last Transmission Home" (Underworld) - 2:11
4. "Kanada's Death, Pt. 2 (Adagio In D Minor)" (John Murphy) - 2:58
5. "Mercury" (Underworld & John Murphy) - 2:10
6. "Kanada's Death, Pt. 1" (John Murphy) - 6:06
7. "Searle Finds the Crew of Icarus I / Floating Free / Searle's Last Blast" (Underworld & John Murphy) - 3:11
8. "Freezing Outside: Harvey" (John Murphy & Underworld) - 2:54
9. "Trey's Fate" (Underworld) - 2:42
10. "Pinbacker Slashes Capa" (John Murphy & Underworld) - 2:32
11. "Corazon Finds the Seedling" (Underworld) - 1:20
12. "Cassie Searches / Dead Coraz�n" (John Murphy & Underworld) - 2:41
13. "Freezing Inside: Mace" (John Murphy) - 1:51
14. "Capa Suits Up" (John Murphy) - 1:54
15. "Sunshine (Adagio In D Minor)" (John Murphy) - 4:27
16. "Capa's Jump" (John Murphy) - 1:20
17. "Distortions" (Underworld) - 5:40
18. "Capa Meets the Sun (To Heal)" (Underworld) - 2:18
19. "Peggy Sussed" (Underworld) - 2:27
thanks LC!
Trailer to Sunshine:

also, great clip from Sunshine, called, "Mercury". Watch this!!
Now I am in search of a few more pieces of music. Generally, I want a whole album, I want it as a hard copy. If I just want a few songs here and there, then individual iTunes purchasing is good.
I'd like the soundtrack to WALL-E. Really nice music peppered throughout that movie as well.
There is one Enya cd that I do not have. It is from 2005 called, Amarantine. Haven't knowingly heard anything from this album, but I would buy it without listening to it. It is Enya, it can possibly be bad (for Enya fans). I know I simply feel relaxed and loosened up upon hearing the music.
Metric is coming out with some new stuff soon. I purchased a few older tunes to add to my music library. Also a couple of songs from Lady Gaga- yeh, those songs initially annoyed the hell out of me, but then grew on me to the point of liking them.
Also added some Flaming Lips and The Psychedelic Furs. Also burned a few of my older (well purchased with the past year) cds into iTunes, some that I just hadn't gotten around to doing yet such as Gnarles Barkley(The Odd Couple), Robert Plant/Alison Krauss (Raising Sand), Tegan and Sara (The Con), Moby (Last Night) and a few others. I put music on, take it off, but I don't think I had ever had those in my list, so on they went.
I'm never done. New stuff comes out or I remember old stuff that I don't have, and so it is an on going pleasurable chore of the sort.
I don't update my music library that often, as when I do, I'm losing track of time- a good thing, if you've got it to spare. I simply get lost in searching, organizing, adding, listening, etc, that a whole day (weekend!) can pass by much too quickly.
And so, I'm good for a little while.
Stay warm and good night.

Permalink: Sunshine.html
Words: 734
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: reflection
01/19/09 09:36 - 14ºF - ID#47452
A New Birth of Freedom - Inauguration
Inaugural Event Viewing Schedule.

and one of many articles read this evening- a refresher on Lincoln's speech,which the phrase,"A New Birth of Freedom" taken from it is the theme to this inauguration.
The Huffington Post 1/19/09 Nico Pitney

[box]Barack Obama will be sworn in as president just days before the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birth, and his inauguration theme will reflect the timing: "A New Birth Of Freedom," a phrase from the Gettysburg Address.
From Lincoln's speech:
The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
From the press release announcing the theme from Sen. Dianne Feinstein, chair of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies:
"A New Birth of Freedom" commemorates the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birth. The words come from the Gettysburg address, and express Lincoln's hope that the sacrifice of those who died to preserve the nation shall lead to "a new birth of freedom" for our nation.
The inaugural theme, which was selected by Senator Feinstein and the members of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, will be woven through the inaugural ceremonies. The theme is traditionally linked to a major anniversary, and in her announcement Senator Feinstein spoke of the appropriateness of the chosen theme to our present day circumstances, particularly in light of the historic election of Senator Barack Obama.
In addition to Senator Feinstein, the members of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies include: Senator Bob Bennett, Ranking Member of the Senate Rules Committee; Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid; Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi; House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer; and House Republican Leader John Boehner.
"At a time when our country faces major challenges at home and abroad, it is appropriate to revisit the words of President Lincoln, who strived to bring the nation together by appealing to 'the better angels of our nature'," Senator Feinstein said. "It is especially fitting to celebrate the words of Lincoln as we prepare to inaugurate the first African-American president of the United States."
"On January 20, as President-elect Obama takes the oath of office, he will look across the National Mall toward the Lincoln Memorial, where the sixteenth president's immortal words are inscribed. Although some inaugural traditions have changed since Lincoln's time, the swearing-in ceremony continues to symbolize the ideals of renewal, continuity, and unity that he so often expressed."

Permalink: A_New_Birth_of_Freedom_Inauguration.html
Words: 574
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: movies
01/14/09 07:00 - 8ºF - ID#47408
A place to discuss movies?

I love electronics and technology, and with all of my viewing and auditory experience over the past 1.5 years with blu-ray amongst various home theater equipment, it was a pleasure to be introduced to It is replete with information about upcoming movie (theater, dvd, blu-ray)" releases, news, guides, and forums covering Blu-ray movies, players, recorders, drives, media, software and much more". It is within the forums that I have spent much of my time reading and contributing my thoughts. Depending on the forum topic, the information is wise and learn-worthy or a bunch of artificial fluff. Plenty to sift through, but seems like there is something for everyone.
Outside of equipment, I'm keen on reading about movies. I would like to discuss movies outside of PQ and AQ, but I've yet to find something deeply and cerebral-ly engaging. Well, I am delightfully able to discuss movies with my boyfriend to various depths, and so that makes the film experience that much better in my opinion, but I would like to find that among a bunch of strangers online, in a forum or something along those lines as well. Something that I can contribute to whether it is writing my thoughts or simply reading others. I know where to go for book analysis and reviews, but what about movies, of varying genre and subtleties? I don't want it to be restricted to "she's hot, he's hot" etc (much like my last post about Top Gun, ha). I want to probe deeper..
In short, I fondly recall the various film classes I took in college. It was great to think critically about movies, the production, cinematography, style and story elements, etc. We'd talk about it, write about it, work on projects that emphasized these thoughts.
and that is what I want to recapture...
any thoughts?
Ok, peeps, stay warm, start your cars, check your furnace and water pipes and cuddle close under blankets with your SO and/or pets (my kitties!!!).brrrrrr!
PS. Anyone else perpetually amused that the temps are logged within each post header? anyone? haha :)

Permalink: A_place_to_discuss_movies_.html
Words: 372
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: predatory
01/11/09 10:56 - 19ºF - ID#47373
Top Gun, no really
I just watched, Top Gun. Probably the first time since it came out in the mid eighties.
My memory of it was that I thought it was total cheese.
and yeh, to a degree, it still is. The first half for sure.
But it is also sooooo much better that I remember. Particularly with the right video/picture and audio quality. Particularly with all the eye candy-- all the yummy men. Oh so rare for a flick. Rare that the girls have something to really gawk at. I was but ten years old when it came out. Not that I didn't appreciate a cute boy/guy in life or in a movie, but I can finally appreciate what all the elder woman folk were drooling about. Volleyball scene, anybody? Locker room? Man in towel with well outlined man-bits? Haha.
Not one for Tom Cruise, but he was looking nice as well as all the other half, (1/3 ?) dressed fellas. Val Kilmer too.
The second half of the movie had me tense and excited at times. I was squeezing my BFs hand through some of the flight shots.
Gotta love the sound track too, woo!
That is all.

Permalink: Top_Gun_no_really.html
Words: 197
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: life
01/05/09 10:51 - ID#47296
Humidity Levels- Shocking!
I have a humidifier but I somehow lost a part, so I'll be looking to buy another one if only just for my bedroom - likely a warm air vaporizer this time. I had a larger cool mist one, but I brought it over to my bf's recently and I'm likely going to keep it there. Thought I'd make everywhere I hang out comfortable!
Other ideas include placing bowls of water around the house to allow evaporation. My felines will enjoy having several water choices. Also, boiling a pot of water on the stove then turning it way down and allow the steam to fill the air is another. Some people hang up their fresh washed clothes around the room to dry hence adding moisture to the air. Not sure if I am that motivated or patient enough to look at the clutter. My laundry area is in the basement and although I often hang stuff up to dry, it is visually out of the way. I'd have to bring the load upstairs and find somewhere to hang everything. Looking at it might drive me crazy, yet for a sizable boost on my hydrometer read out, it may well be worth it.
Was else? What more ideas are there to boost the humidity levels in a house? Keep shower water in bathtub for awhile? I'm really curious about new and creative ways to boost humidity levels- to feel more comfortable and to help the house. Not only does this help the area feel warmer it is important for the health of your furniture and house structure. Keeps wood healthy.
alright.. off to figure all this out. Stay warm! :)

Permalink: Humidity_Levels_Shocking_.html
Words: 321
Location: Youngstown, NY
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