Category: wishes
07/26/06 04:57 - 86ºF - ID#35996
a single girl and her dill
Yesterday I gave them all a good drink-- and by 4:30 pm today, they look wilted. I need to get back outside and take care of them, pronto.
My garden spots look like a jungle as everything is overgrown and needs to be divided and replanted. I had hoped to have been able to take care of that a few weeks ago, but now the opportunity is gone-- I need to wait it out a few more weeks before I can clean it up a bit. (e:matthew), when you are finally in your new home and settled-- I will share anything that you want.
I even have half a dozen bush/tree/plants that need to be planted. However, I do not see that happening until the end of summer., either. They are holding up well in their pots so far.
If- When I move, I will be digging a lot of plants out of the ground. I have accumulated so many in the past two summers. I have a knack for growing things outside. Just don't let me near an indoor plant...
My next home, which I would rather be in a position to buy (preferably B-Lo) as opposed to rent-- 'cause my apartment now is great for the rent price, size, privacy, etc.. and as I have too much 'house' stuff to just move into any old place.. I must have a little bit of a yard to plant my jungle. I don't like things to be overly manicured. I like it kinda wild- yet with some planning to it. I make things look nice-- I just don't need or want a cookie cutter look.
I imagine a smallish yard for my secret garden.. er, secret jungle? And a place to sit, read, write, drink wine, socialize and escape into the smells, sight and ambiance of nature.
So although I also wanted to put in a vegetable garden this year and was not able to, I managed to put in an herb garden. I have a bunch of different herbs lining a huge built in flower box that runs the length of my front porch. It great to cook something and just step out the door to snip some fresh herbs. Yum. I have used everything that I have planted so far except the Dill.
Now, What do I do with dill??? besides make a dill dip???
any ideas???????????????????????????????
I am clueless! (e:kara) ?????? help!!!! :)
ooh, while i am thinking about it.. (e:ladycroft) remember-- you must let me know what your schedule looks like in general. :)
I better get back outside and do some watering.. then its school work. surprised? nah, me either.
I'm on top of things though yay!

Permalink: a_single_girl_and_her_dill.html
Words: 480
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: nerd
07/25/06 10:28 - 76ºF - ID#35995
my eyes are buggin'
I used to dislike reading a lot of information from a computer screen. Most of the time I would print it out for the comfort of reading from something in my hands. I am talking about reports, chapters, and other documents of length.
I'd say that the time spent in Grad school changed that along with changing habits and interests. First from necessity and practicality then from an ever increasing love of all things computer related.
Its always been there, now I have found the outlet and know-how.
Ok, so these past two weeks (ok, two years) I have had to read some pretty heavy material. Often I read what I thought I needed to depending on the book. This weekend I started a good size school book that I needed to read in its entirety for an upcoming writen review, analysis and application paper. I thought my eyes were going to fall out of my head! When I turned to the computer screen instead to read, my eyes were happy again.
Before, when I used to print out lengthy sources of information, it was partly due to that reason. It made my eyes feel funky to ready a lot from the computer screen. I find some humor in this change. After a few hours (days?) of reading, I adjusted to reading from a book again. I mean, I read my school books, but I was trying to get this all read in a few days-- which I succeeded (YAY)-- along with the other readings and assignments and such.
Last week, I needed to work my way through a book that, while fascinating-- it was OMG heavy. I loved it-- but that meant I had to try to keep my mind from wandering, or it would take so much longer to get through the material. I guess, my mind wandering serves a purpose. I tend to find myself assimilating and accomodating the information as I read it-- so I pause and think about how it fits into things..
Well, in order to fully grasp and remember the material, I found myself plugging it into mathamatical formulas. I have little equations jotted throughout the book. Now, I am not particularly mathamatically inclined. Heck, I'd consider myself mathamatically challenged. Yet I find myself doing things like this. As I can visualize things after seeing them, I have found this useful- among other styles of notes, etc. Sometimes (ok, often) I figure things out without actually knowing how. I'm picking things up along the way-- it is a normal occurance.
So while my middle school/high school/ college math aptitude was less than stellar-- I would be very much interested in revisiting applications that were once completely lost to me. I learn quick, I tend to 'get' things and I enjoy trying new things-- so why not?!! Whats the point? just to learn.. I wont ever stop.
Ok.. so I am working my way through this book.. when at some point the writer is reiterating a theory and plugs it into a--guess what? --mathamatical formula-- which--- looks like mine. OK, so mine was tweaked and looked even better, imo. I thought, ok, thats cool--I am thinking beyond the material, understanding the relationships, etc-- still a norm for me-- but the math formula thing has been recent (past year). Probably seems elementary to you brilliant mathamaticians!
..but I am humored.
so maybe a math class is in my future? not sure if I can find something like that.. might need to start off with some 7th graders!
Maybe I will dust off the GED book that I accidently bought when I thought I picked up a GRE book!!! HAHA Not sure if I ever told that story.. It had two of the three letters right? so thats 2/3.. hey, I might do alright afterall. hahahaha
Its after 10pm already. Time to get ready for bed and the work day...
be good-- keep learning, questioning and unlearning :)

Permalink: my_eyes_are_buggin_.html
Words: 667
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: nerd
07/24/06 11:19 - 78ºF - ID#35994
I said, Dont Be Evil
Recently I have done a few searches within the gmail app, using the "search the web" option.
Two fairly recent searches have been on foreign languages and internet dating. The first, for translations and a global perspective, business-wise. The latter, research for an upcoming project (the things that I do!).
I have maintained my gmail account for a few reasons. For one, it is great for keeping spam that ends up in my primary account, yahoo, to a minimum. I have ezine subscriptions, newsletters, research related stuff and a bunch of other email required accounts that have really added up to an excessive amount of email.. so it keeps it all away from my precious yahoo email. xxoo
So naturally, I receive a lot of spam. Gmail pretty much takes care of it. I have around 4000 in the spam box daily. I don't bother deleting as there are just too many to contend with. I also receive some spam in my regular inbox- no surprise considering the purpose for this account is to manage subscriptions and such.
well.. some recent spam that has ended up in my regular account in mass amounts has been in spanish, french or german- and/or has been in the context of international business ('be our foreign financial officer', etc) and I have received a ton of mail pertaining to dating sites of ALL kinds.
"eroticy dating" --'Hot xxx dating' (is it any other way? haha)
"cherish dating" --'Interactive Adult dating'
"single christians" -- 'where Christians meet'
"thirty plus singles" ((im not at the plus yet!!!!!!!!))
"perry suarez- naked dating club- Our members get laid" HAHAHAHA
"real mature singles" 'find love after 50'
oh and the list goes on..
"wealthy men" --this one kinda weirded me out. I thought it was crazy. I posted a link to in in the chat the other day. Anyone set up an account? haha
anyway, seeing how I didn't sign up for anything (I swear its for research-- at least at this point in time. That Perry Suarez seems pretty promising, haha)- I wonder if it is coincidental that I am receiving all of this email after I used the gmail search option.
maybe it is coincidental.
maybe not.
maybe I will try another search. What do you suggest???
maybe i'll take another look at the privacy policy..
or maybe I will send off an email to Sergey, ala (e:twisted) style ;)
(i have a pic of you dressed in drag, man!!!!!)

Permalink: I_said_Dont_Be_Evil.html
Words: 444
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: food
07/23/06 10:29 - 67ºF - ID#35993
Government Issued.... Peanut Butter
peering into the back shelf: "I didn't know asparagus could ever look like that!"
poking my fingers carefully around the produce drawer: "When bad things happen to (used to be) good mangoes"
and, lets play, 'Name that Bowl of Gook?': "Oh god, I think that used to be lentils and feta.."
brought me to the realization that I need to go grocery shopping.
But not on a Friday.
ok, no date. no parties. no major plans.
But I was not about to go shopping, even if it meant starving. Knowing full well that I wouldnt allow that to happen, I had to defer to my creative side.
I proceeded to the basement, where besides a giant heap of laundry, an assortment of spiders and a ton of empty space, I have a shelf of extra food. My kitchen is small and cupboards are sparse, so I tend to put most of my dry stuff in the basement. I figured I could find something. I stare at the shelves and ponder:
"hmm, what can I do with a bottle of curry sauce?"
"cheerios are my friend..."
"hmm, bamboo shoots.."
"should ketchup be brown?"
"oh, should grapefruit juice be brown???"
"so thats where I put the seaweed, I should make something with that sometime"
peering into a grocery bag, "ahhh, I forgot about my lentil-booty"..
(A month or so ago I purchased a mass amount of lentils, some of which are kept in the kitchen. Normally an option, but nah, I just can't, not after the bowl of 'Formerly Known as Lentil and Feta'. )
I figured I was totally beat, until I checked another shelf-- the rarely touched, Baking Supplies section. Amidst the flour and other, Carey's Cooking Items of Mass Destruction, I located two packages of Ramen Noodles. What is this??
Remnants of undergrad days? (>5 years)
I contemplate and talk myself into thinking that they have a perpetual shelf life. Score!!!
I take my new found treasure upstairs and into the kitchen. I am kind of giddy with curiouslty. Although I have had a recent conversation about Ramen Noodles, and I thought I might have had a package lingering around, it was not until I had the tangible package in my hand that a flood of memories came back.
Its been many years since I have had raman noodles. My friends and I often dined on Raman Noodles and the many variations one could come up with. I usually ate one package with half of the flavoring packet and with just a little bit of broth; not nearly as creative as my friends concoctions. How did you eat your Ramans?
For dessert, we often dove into a box of Little Debbie snacks washed down with a Little Hug drink. Seriously, for a quarter, you had a meal, drink and dessert.
Now, I grew up poor, so coming up with creative cheap meals was a norm. My toys, my hobbies and my imagination were a product of being 'poor'. Not that I really cared even though living in a town of the wealthy had its moments.
In college, it was just a fact of life at that time to be poor. I don't recall exactly how we ended up with government food, but I do recall how freakin' fabulous Government issued Peanut Butter was. Oh, and cheese. Orange Juice was weird..tasted like grapefruit juice. But, oh, that peanut butter was the best!!It came in a large white cardboard cylindrical container with black lettering. For those who have had the opportunity to have it, know it well and probably loved it. It was much different than any other peanut butter out there. I thought it was THE BEST.
Even better?? -- Dunking the Little Debbie chocolate peanut butter wafer bars into the giant vat of that delicious peanuty government goodness. yum. It was kinda sweet and more dry than other butters, and a bunch of us would be piled on a bed, eating, and all of us thinking, man, we should be able to go and by this!
hehe, I wonder if that PB is still made? And can I get me some?? :)
I'm still poor !! :-D
And so I thought of all the foods that were regular staples a decade ago: spagetti, macaroni and (powdered) cheese, very cheap hot dogs, tinas frozen burritos, raman noodles, little debbie snacks, little hugs, PB&J sandwhiches (on white), saltines, Banquet pot pies and potato chips; and Mad Dog 20/20 hahahaha!
I don't think a fruit or vegetable crossed our paths during that time..
Whether is was a time of being broke, a 'strange' food desire, or a lack of culinary skills, what is your fondest (or not so fond) food memory-- even if you still indulge..??
I have decided that I probably won't partake in a raman noodle adventure again anytime soon (maybe the flavoring packets go bad..?!) but I have a craving for some Mad Dog, haha kidding.. Actually, I havent had a toasted PB&J in years. So, no, it wouldnt be government issued PB and it would have to be jam or preserves and it would be on whole wheat..oh and the bread would be toasted in the oven.. not even sure if I have a toaster..
My taste buds werent thrilled with the raman noodles. I had some cheerios instead (the milk was still good!) but I ended up going shopping Saturday evening. In and Out. Fruit, veggies, nothing too complicated. Nothing too exciting, food-wise or social wise. So a trip to the grocery store was my big venture out; and a quick jaunt over to Blockbuster. Rented a french foreign film, Cache (Hidden). When I returned home, I realized I wasnt in the mood to read a movie. I watched part of it then had to stop. I just didn't want to think about what I was watching or try to interpret it by listening. Silly me, what was I thinking?
I bought, Taxi-- that looks fun.
yeesh, I feel like I have been away from everybody lately. I have been a bit elusive due to a major amount of school work. Nothing new there other than it seems to have intensified. About five more weeks to go--and I will be working my ass off every minute of it. I didn't even procrastinate on getting this weeks work done!! I had to start Friday and I have been at it ever since. Was in bed, asleep by 10:30 pm Saturday night! I hope to complete it by tomorrow and begin the following weeks assignments ahead of time. (yes, you have heard it first!)
There is other, more exciting stuff I want to work on..
Cant believe its Sunday night already. Must get ready for the work day.
I will need to get out this coming week/ weekend. Anyone up for 'coffee' ? :)
In the meantime, one day at a time..
and right now.. Good night :)
"Weather forecast for tonight:
-George Carlin

Permalink: Government_Issued_Peanut_Butter.html
Words: 1233
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: estrip
07/19/06 07:54 - 86ºF - ID#35992
random stripping
To counter this, I have taken to clicking on the 'search' tab to check to see what people are saying about what. How interesting (and fun) to read peeps views and reactions on just about everything! This too is where I can see what entries I may have missed. Reading other peoples comments gives me a new perspective on the original post. Sometimes I misinterpret or overlook an aspect of the original content. Sometimes I learn something entirely new or my interest in the subject matter propels me to do a little research on my own; and sometimes I am just nosey. ;)
Whatever the case, coming to (e:strip) is a part of my day. I am sure there are a few of you who can relate, no?
Some days, when I just need to read more, I click on "random journal", which brings me to just about anyone who has written on (e:strip). Some people have only one or two journals posted, others, well, have over 2000 ;) But most of us fall somewhere in between.
(e:libertad) added to tonights chatter, a link to another journal. As he referred to it, " random journal finding". I don't remember the username to the link he provided, but it made me think of a recent "random journal" that I read and found entertaining and had thought about sharing-and had since forgotten to do. This reminder leads me to posting a link to "my random journal finding" --> (e:lowercase,1) titled, "the evolution of my palette" This user has not posted since. I wonder what became of them? of any of them? But here they are, here we are, intertwined among the written lives of all the (e:strip) members.
Its a long read, but in my opinion, a good one. It took me by surprise a little bit..
Enjoy the evening everyone.. the weekend is almost here!

Permalink: random_stripping.html
Words: 362
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: p:mobl
07/18/06 01:31 - ID#35991

Permalink: oxymoron.html
Words: 35
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: monday
07/17/06 07:11 - 76ºF - ID#35990
What, Monday? what happened to Sat & Sun
I'm not so sure about this early morning stuff- ya know, rising with the sun when I would rather sleep for a few more hours, tucked snuggly under my pillows and blankets. hmmm. I have been doing it for over three years, but it is never easy.
I just got off the treadmill and feel positive about this week being fully back into routine. Last week was to figure out how to sleep, this week is to exercise in the morning like I normally do. Then evenings I can do recreational activities.
Quick shower time, just jumped off one treadmill to get on another-
I have fun at work, I enjoy the environment, the challenges and it is rewarding on some level, but I know that I am not going anywhere, professionally. That is a realization that I must face, accept and plan to move on from.
I think it will be fully liberating when I allow myself to move on.
anyhow, I have to leave for work in a few minutes.. Have a great day everyone :)

Permalink: What_Monday_what_happened_to_Sat_amp_Sun.html
Words: 184
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: silliness
07/15/06 06:00 - 81ºF - ID#35989
summer sustenance
and what better to enjoy the day than a big bowl of
hot soup.
say what you must. Me, my soup and legwarmers are gonna go catch some rays in the chaise.
Have soup envy :)
I'm baaAAAaaAaaaAaack

Permalink: summer_sustenance.html
Words: 42
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: stuff
07/14/06 11:16 - 82ºF - ID#35988
weekend of local festivals
I wonder what I will do when I am done. I don't mean necessarily career-wise (thats a given), but I am referring more to all the stuff that I havent been involved in while in school the past two years. Something like reading a book- for fun- mindless fun, even! eek, I have a stack of magazines I have yet to read. Or doing all of my laundry, haha or going away/traveling without concern as to how I will get something done. Oooh the possibilities!! maybe I can resume dance classes! art classes! database classes! global domination! I am sure to delve into all sorts of projects, adventures and anything else that intrigues me.
Wait, I kinda do that already. I try to incorporate some elements when I can. Balance, happiness, accomplishment and experience is imprtant to me, so while I write a lot about work and school, there is so much more that I do. I suppose it is the constraints that I am looking forward to shaking off. Well, it will certainly give me the time to do all the icky stuff that I have put on the backburner for about two years; sadly, no more excuses for not doing the dishes :(
I managed to get through the week, somewhat in a blur, but I survived none the less. I must resume all that I was doing prior to this "5 day funk". I wasn't in a bad mood nor really in a blah mood, other than knowing that I wasnt functioning at an optimal "me". I'm not sure if I know how to do a seriously bad mood. I try, but it never seems to work, grrr :)
Really, it was just getting back into routine after a work-break. Sleep was difficult all week, ate crap food that made me feel like what I ate, worked on school stuff in a daze and barely moved my body once I returned home from work. Not fun, not me, not a good feeling. 5 days. I allowed it, so it all comes back on me. Now, I return back to "normal" come Saturday morning. I insist.. and I look forward to it.
I'm home bound this evening--I need to pick up my car from the shop. Although I feel like I am vegging, it is in a clear headed- energetic manner. I am working on a project and feel like I am accomplishing something. I will make a cup of my crazy bed time tea, and hopefully drift off to sleep by 1am.
I am sure I will get out at some point-- need to.. just not sure where, what, with who, etc. I think some major quality time with my treadmill, bike, weights and anything in nature is in order. Bah, still gotta do those dishes..
When I am looking for something to do, I usually start by checking to see what is going on around the region- arts, museums, hiking, and festivals.. ofcourse, check to see what the peeps are up to and other friends, neighbors, family. Ooh, maybe go swimming..
This link is usually helpful:

I didn't know that there were so many festivals going on this weekend. Was that strategic or poor planning? The local news highlighted the Polish, Peurto Rican and Italian festivals.
MEDITERRANEAN FESTIVAL: With ethnic food, cultural entertainment, a Kids' Village, ethnic dancing and more, 5 to 11 p.m., St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, 1073 Saunders Settlement Road, Lewiston. Continues 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday and noon to 7 p.m. Sunday.
Fri. Jun 16 to Wed. Aug 23
Nightly entertainment and daily youth activities along the banks of the Old Erie Canal. With food concessions, amusement rides and midway, noon to 11 p.m., downtown North Tonawanda on Sweeney and Webster streets.
Erie Canal Banks
Tonawanda, N.Y. 14150
Fri. Jul 14 to Sun. Jul 16
Enjoy and partake of Polish and American heritages together. h/c access
Cheektowaga Town Park
Mon. Jul 17
10 a.m.-5 p.m.
h/c access
Amherst Museum
3755 Tonawanda Creek Rd., Amherst, N.Y.
See Map
Thu. Jul 13 to Sun. Jul 16
A celebration of Italian food and culture. Something for everybody. h/c access
Hertel Avenue
Fri. Jul 14 to Sun. Jul 16
Celebrating Puerto Rican heritage and culture. h/c access
Augustin Olivencia Center
hmm, well, thats a start. I think I am in an art mood. I want nothing to do with food. I need to fast/purge/detox my body-- I feel gross. Literally, unhealthy gross not self esteem gross. Yogurt, tea, fruit and veggies is it for a few days. Might check out some kayak rental prices-- thats a must this summer.
Level regatta is next weekend, I think. (e:vincent) , confirm?
Anyone who wants to come out, watch some sailboat racing, people, street parties, and perhaps put up a pop up tent in my yard and chill next to a bonfire, maybe we can set something up..
Alright, thats it..
later gators,

Permalink: weekend_of_local_festivals.html
Words: 904
Location: Youngstown, NY
07/13/06 01:39 - ID#35987
have it your way

Permalink: have_it_your_way.html
Words: 53
Location: Youngstown, NY
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I found a bunch of recipies. I tried the forst one and added peas and capers and it was really yummy.
Buttered Noodles with Fresh Dill
1/2 pound egg noodles
1/4 cup melted butter
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
2 tablespoons snipped dill
2 tablespoon freshly grated Parmesan Cheese
Salt and pepper
Cook noodles according to package instructions. In a large bowl, toss noodles with melted butter, parsley, dill, Parmesan cheese and salt and pepper to taste.
Creamy Dijon-Dill Potato Salad
3 pounds Yukon gold potatoes, peeled
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 stalks celery
1 cup mayonnaise
1 small red onion, finely chopped (about 1/2 cup)
1/4 cup tightly packed chopped fresh dill
1 to 2 tablespoons vinegar
1/2 lemon, juiced
1 tablespoon grainy or regular Dijon mustard
Put the potatoes in a big pot with enough water to cover by 1-inch. Season with salt and
bring the water to a boil. Cook just until the potatoes are tender when pierced with a fork, about 25 minutes.
Drain the potatoes and return them to the uncovered pot off the heat. Let them sit until almost room temperature.
(Cooling them in the warm pot will get rid of any excess water in the potatoes, and that's good.)
Meanwhile, cut the white parts off the ends of the celery stalks. Cut the stalks in half lengthwise, then across into
1/4-inch slices. Stir the celery, 3/4 teaspoon salt, and the remaining ingredients together in a serving bowl large
enough to hold all the potatoes.
When they're cool, cut the potatoes into 1-inch pieces, add them to the bowl as you go. Stir gently until all the
potatoes are coated with dressing. You can make the salad up to a couple of hours in advance. Keep covered at room
temperature. Don't refrigerate or the potatoes will lose their rich, smooth texture.
Dill Dip in a Bread Bowl
1 cup mayonnaise
1 cup sour cream
1 garlic clove, minced
1 tablespoon dill weed
1 tablespoon shallot, minced
1 tablespoon minced fresh parsley leaves
1 tablespoon beau monde (seasoning salt), optional
2 round bread loaves (preferably a dill/onion bread)
Mix all of the ingredients together in a medium bowl. Cut out the center of 1 bread round
Grilled Corn on the Cob with Dill Butter
12 ears corn, silks removed, husks left on, and soaked in cold water for
20 minutes
1/2 pound unsalted butter, slightly softened
1/2 cup chopped fresh dill
Salt and pepper
Heat grill to high. Remove corn from water and place on the grill. Close
cover and grill until just cooked through, about 20 minutes. While corn is grilling, combine butter
and dill in a food processor until smooth. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. Remove husk and
slather with dill butter.
Lemon-Dill Shrimp
1 1/2 pounds medium-large shrimp, shelled, deveined and patted dry with a towel
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
4 teaspoons unsalted butter
1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 tablespoon minced fresh dill
Divide the shrimp between two 8- or 9-inch pie pans and pat them completely dry with a paper towel. Arrange the shrimp so they lay flat and are evenly spaced in the pans.
Heat 2 large skillets over medium heat. Season the shrimp with salt and pepper; add a teaspoon of butter to one of the pans and turn the heat to high. When the foam subsides, invert a pan of shrimp over the skillet so they fall into the pan all at once. Repeat with the other shrimp. Cook the shrimp, without moving them, until they turn golden brown on the bottom, about 2 minutes. Add a remaining teaspoon of butter to each pan and turn off the heat. Turn the shrimp over with tongs and cook for 1 minute in the residual heat of the pans. Add half the zest, juice, and dill to each pan, and shake the pan to combine.
Divide the shrimp among 4 plates or arrange on a platter. Serve hot or at room temperature.
Cucumber, Grape Tomato and Dill Salad
1 large shallot, finely minced
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
3/4 cup olive oil
1 seedless, skinless, cucumber, halved lengthwise and cut into 1/4 inch half moons
1 bunch fresh dill, trimmed and minced
Lightly toasted fennel seeds
1 serrano chile, seeded and chopped
1 pint grape tomatoes
Put shallot, mustard, and vinegar in a blender, and blend. With the
motor running, slowly drizzle in oil. Toss cucumber and dill in the vinaigrette with fennel seeds
and chile. Fold in the tomatoes.
Dill is also good on creamy noodle dishes. ON lazy days, i make those lipton noodle side dish thingies and throw in some dried dill... makes me feel less lazy.
And i found this recipe that sounds good...
Mushroom Dill Soup
1/4 cup butter
1 medium onion, chopped
12 oz. mushrooms, sliced
1/2 cup dry white wine
1 Tbsp. chopped dill
1 Tbsp. soy sauce
1 tsp. paprika
3 cups chicken or vegetable stock
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup sour cream
snipped dill for garnish
In a medium saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Add onion and cook 5 minutes, or until softened. Add mushrooms, wine, dill, soy and paprika. Cover and simmer 15 minutes, or until mushrooms are softened. Add stock, bring to a boil and season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve garnished with a dollop of sour cream and snipped dill.
Happy dilling. :O)
A guy I know was going to cook dinner and told me the veggies in his "dill crock" were ready. I'm still not entirely sure what that means, but cukes + dill crock = pickles. No idea how you do it, but he had cukes, beans, green tomatoes and... i forget what else... in there, and it was delish.
Set 1 c plain yogurt (lo-fat is ok) in a coffee filter in a colander over a bowl. This lets all the nasty runny watery stuff drip out, and makes your dip creamier. Leave it in the fridge like that overnight, or on the counter for an hour or two.
Finely chop one large cucumber. Set it in a colander. Sprinkle it with salt. Let sit 20 minutes over a bowl, likewise to get the runny excess water out.
Grate/chop/crush two cloves of garlic with some salt. Mash around. Mince 2 T each dill and mint. Combine with the garlic.
Squeeze excess water from diced cukes with a paper towel. Dump into bowl/container with yogurt. Add garlic/mint/dill. Mix thoroughly.
Use as veggie dip, potato chip dip, as a sauce for your grilled skewers of assorted meats and vegetables (wrap all in a pita), etc. It's the best thing ever and I eat it all the time. Feel free to mod the proportions of spices, to taste.
Another good thing to make with dill is poached salmon. If you're in the mood.
Much of my dill has gone to seed already-- I've started another crop. You can never have too much dill!!!
But my basil sux this year.
- Z