Category: blah
04/22/06 06:51 - 57ºF - ID#35924
I was tired and not terribly talkative. For those that know me, I am normally chipper and locquacious. I kept yawning even after two full cups of coffee..
A glass of Guiness almost sent me into a coma.. more yawning.
why so tired??
And so today, I fell asleep on my couch for almost three hours...I could keep on sleeping..
I should go outside even if it is a bit dark..
I want to do something but I don't feel like actually going anywhere. Maybe that will change.
I could grab a cup of coffee and hopefully have enough energy to clean/do laundry.
We'll see.., maybe it will just be another quiet night..

Permalink: yawn.html
Words: 120
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: dumbass
04/21/06 11:30 - 61ºF - ID#35923
put the toilet paper on the kitchen counter..
..and the box of Cheerios in the bathroom..

Permalink: misfire.html
Words: 22
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: nerd
04/20/06 02:48 - 52ºF - ID#35922
reach out and touch someone
Hehhehehe I am posting, yay! I am too excited about this...
Last night my internet connection left.. poof, gone, buh bye.
and yeh.. oh shit,.. I have a paper to resaerch and write.
So I find a hot spot (end up at SPot Delaware).. and hang there for a few hours.. do some research-- connection isn't quick enough so it began to annoy me.. and I had to leave.
oh.. and a parking ticket awaited me. Its apparently been awhile, as I noticed the $30 price tag on that little piece of paper stuck under my wipers. Back in the day.. hehe.. they were $10. Yep, i am the resident law breaker. Bad to the bone. arr >:P
OK, so I come home.. still nothing.
I was not sure what to do with myself... I walked around aimlessly.. looking at my computer.. wistfully.. hoping that little green light would appear, telling me those beloved words: "wireless is now connected"
then,instead of bed, I called Verizon, at 1:00 am- girl can't sleep-
and they were HELPFUL.
I was hooked up in no time. They prompted me through a few things, then VOILA, Thee Carey is thee happiest!
Will post later on fun stuff..
Good night and be good!

Permalink: reach_out_and_touch_someone.html
Words: 211
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: holiday
04/17/06 02:37 - 47ºF - ID#35921
Do you realize??
My mom brought me 4 or 5 perrenials that need to be planted and some other gardening stuff, Pier 1 votives and holders, and a vanilla Yankee jar candle, yum.
We went to see The Benchwarmers. I giggled through the whole movie. "I like beef stew" has taken on a whole new meaning. Then we went to the casino and ate a very nice dinner at the Italian restaurant. My friend runs the place...He hooked us up..made sure we were well taken care of. It was an extra nice evening with wine, appetizers, entree, dessert, coffee. I am not so happy with the way my hair smells and eyes burn after walking around the smokey casino. It was particularly bad today.
I think I will spend some time this week working on cleaning up the yard and flower beds. Get out the shovels, rakes, red Radio Flyer wagon, radio and gloves ( I don't mind the dirt, it is my hate of touching insects that propel the need). I should shop for mulch, topsoil and check prices on a gazebo I saw last year. Need somewhere to drink my mojitos (made w/ home grown mint) on those gorgeous hot summer evenings...
Weekend was over too quickly. Good conversation, laughter and music (and a few drinks) was a great way to spend Friday evening. Saturday was spent outdoors, of which I got a little pink on my chest. A couple hours at Spot reading TS Elliot was a catalyst in applying what I read to my life--I jotted notes. Maybe I will get to rounding out my thoughts later in the week. I totally crashed by 8pm that evening and woke around 1am to spend a few hours playing computer games until I was tired enough to fall asleep again. Craziness.
So I racked my brain to figure out what commercial a certain song was in. --Well with a little help with Yahoo-- sorry we don't *always* need to Google something. I have moved on to Yahooing it.-- I figured it out. The song from the Flaming Lips is in the Mitsubishi Gallant commercial. It is also my current user sound.
And so, I leave you with the lyrics. Hope everyone had a safe holiday.
With great affection,
Flaming Lips- Do you Realize
Do You Realize - that you have the most beautiful face
Do You Realize - we're floating in space -
Do You Realize - that happiness makes you cry
Do You Realize - that everyone you know someday will die
And instead of saying all of your goodbyes - let them know
You realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun doesn't go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round
Do You Realize - Oh - Oh - Oh
Do You Realize - that everyone you know
Someday will die -
And instead of saying all of your goodbyes - let them know
You realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun doesn't go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round
Do You Realize - that you have the most beautiful face
Do You Realize

Permalink: Do_you_realize_.html
Words: 638
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: holiday
04/16/06 01:47 - 50ºF - ID#35920
Falling in Chocolate
But the question is.. the marshmallow kind or the (e:strip) kind? ;)
Need to go buy chocolate and jelly beans and see whats goin' on today..
Happy Easter!


Permalink: Falling_in_Chocolate.html
Words: 40
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: needs
04/14/06 01:38 - 57ºF - ID#35919
A Well Laid Plan
I think its the general sentiment as of late..
so do I take a look through my "list"..?? make a call.. send an email..
or do I stay commited to my resolve to only get "invloved" with someone who is in love with me (and visa versa) ;)
The day is still young.. I'll think more about it over a cup of tea, Miles Davis and watching the rain fall..

Permalink: A_Well_Laid_Plan.html
Words: 78
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: potpourri
04/12/06 10:56 - ID#35918
from propositions to prepositions
"You, me...(edit)"
I received a post-it from "guest"..
Now thats a propostion I am up for.. if I just knew who it was.. ;)
Call me.
As for other excitement in Thee Careys life:
Washed my dishes. oy.. So not my favorite thing to do.
No class Thursday. So I have mentally vegged all week. It is a nice feeling.
The rain smelled delicious today. You know how I love a warm rain shower..
Ive been quiet this week.. suppose its a good thing. Wouldnt mind engaging in some good converstation..
Party at work tomorrow (Thurs). I should bring something in.. The kiddos go on Spring break and we always have a little celebration with them. Have been invited to Happy Hour after work--if I do that, then maybe stay out and find trouble. Why not?
Might go to a friends rugby game this weekend. Hopefully the weather holds up... not that I havent sat in the rain before. Bring out my tarp... wrap myself in cup of joe and my unibomber hoody. that always works!
heh, someone brought their pet bunny into work yesterday and today. Some of the kiddos loved it. They appropriately played with and pet it. Others were terrified or indifferent. No one tried to bite it.
We work with the kiddos on generalizing skills that they learn into different situations/environments/people and academic material. Got that? ok, forward to..
Music class. The music teacher brought out a small parachute (remember those in school-- everyone would hold onto it, pull it up in the air, sit under it.. Or toss balls into the middle and everyone would shake the material to make "popcorn" and you'd shake it until all the balls went into the hole?)
ok, so in the spirit of Easter (??), the teacher brings out a stuffed bunny and tossed it into the middle of the material. We are supposed to shake it into the hole. "Get the bunny IN the hole" (we work on prepositions as well).
So yeh, I entertained the thought of going back to the classroom and seeing one of the kiddos genralize what they learned from music class and apply it to the real bunny.. Put the bunny in the hole-- I visualize the bunny being bounced around the parachute. So not funny, yet hilarious too. That would be the comic relief element of the job. This wouldnt ever happen..
So get off my ass, PETA
(people eating tasty animals )
Thats about it.

Permalink: from_propositions_to_prepositions.html
Words: 418
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: quickies satisfy
04/11/06 10:17 - ID#35917
Carey, put your pants back on
I do this every year. Last year I got them in with just five minutes to spare. The year before-- within two hours of the deadline.. so why should this year be any different? It was all so much easier back when I went to H&R Mom. haha.
Nice night! After dinner, I ran out the door and headed to Fort Niagara. I sat on a pier along the Niagara River and watched the colors of the sky reflected on the water. Where I sat, I could see where the river empties into Lake Ontario; and this is the point of the gorgeous sunset. The waters were calm, just a slight ripple to be heard and seen. Birds, and other creatures were making their noises. I didn't sit for long, but I enjoyed the time I did spend sitting on my pier.
I had been walking around, going up and down hills and staircases all throughout Fort Niagara. The trek down to the pier was a break to breathe deeply and take in the sounds and sights of nature.
Coming up from the pier, I nearly de pantsed (sp) myself. Ya'll know how hard it is for me to keep my pants on. heh.. not like that, haha.. but as of lately, I am not sure when my undies or pants will just drop off of me. "uh, Carey, why do you have your hands down your pants?"
Not exactly complaining..., but one of these days I could very well set myself up to be mortified! My pants fit (kinda) this morning..
SO yeh, I am running up a staircase and I feel them begin to slip off. As they drag, while I am stepping up, I step on the pant cuff, which further tugs them down-- No one was around-- I was able to just pull them back up and went on with my walk/hike/jog sweat-heavy breathing fest. I love walking up and down all of the hills.. Next time, I wear tighter pants.
Or duct tape them to my ass.
Bed time! I love my sleep..
Later friends!

Permalink: Carey_put_your_pants_back_on.html
Words: 375
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: stalkers
04/10/06 11:20 - ID#35916
Please leave a message
Ok, so I figured I have paid off any majorly wrong doings on my part, especially from anything revolving around a guy I dated awhile back. Think: the basic idea of Karma. Or, what comes around goes around. Yeh, thats fun.
Believe me, I have paid. And I have learned. I have moved on. I have gravitated towards better things, better choices, better people..
So, gettign back-- It wasnt what I wanted and I told the guy this. He was adament about trying to work things out.. trying to convince me that we should be together, blah blah blah. Ok, maybe a really good supporting argument could sway my decision, however, this was not the case. Especially since he really knew nothing about me. And...
I just wasn't into him.
Simple as that. And as much as he thought he knew and liked about me, he knew very very little. He wasn't part of my life in any significant way and it was never going to be any different. I began to back off once I realized that he was getting deeper than anything I could offer. I was mystified. Instead of fading away, I chose to confront the situation. I chose to lay it all out there. Basically, "No way, not happening, so sorry, too bad- are you sad?" yeh. I thought being honest was good. But being an asshole, well, just wasnt. I don't intend to start off that way.. but I couldn't shake him. So thats when I began to say stuff more crass and ignore his calls etc.
I had been in these situations too many times. That one happened a long long time ago.
Little background: I wasnt an open person. I was a stranger to the emotional side of things. Reserved, skeptical, aloof, greatly independent. Not interested. No one got in.
Then stuff changed.
You have been part of the process- or atleast have been witness to it. It began, atleast with some awareness and effort just over a year ago. Funny, that the desire to change, do thinsg differently occured around the time of this this dating situation. After all that, I decided to just back off from guys. Not at all because I felt there was anything wrong with them--on the contrary, I felt that there was something wrong with me; and I didn't want to hurt anyone, anymore.. I atleast recognized that it wsnt fair and that i wasnt benefiting from any of it either. So I took time off to get a better grasp on who I am, what I want, etc. I chose not to get involved unless I could say for certain that I was interested and was willing to share who I am--on a deeper level. I didn't even want to get involved with any "in the meantime guys/sex" because in a moment of clarity, I thought it a good choice. Forward to meeting someone I could connect with. Funny how unpprepared I was for that--again, on many levels. Had no idea what I was doing. It may have been the undoing. I learned a lot from that, and continue to..
Yeh, so.. I feel like I am talking about a stranger when I am talking about myself from that earlier period.
Anyway, back to the point.. every once in awhile I get a phone call from this guy. I don't answer and he doesn't leave messages. Ever. WTF? Why why why do that?
I have no idea why he bothers..
I also recently realized that I have not seen nor spoken to him in 19 months. 19 MONTHS!! ... and he's still calling?
Why oh why do the phone calls continue? and never ever a message??? I might just pick up next time.. or just call and ask WHY? I was tempted when he called just a few hours ago. However, my mom was over and I didn't want to get into anything in front of her.
He is officially in my stalker category.
He tries to find my friends (and sometimes succeeds *shivers*)
He called hourly at first, then weekly, then monthly- then nothing at all for awhile.. then just these past few months, has begun calling again. Even on St. Valentines Day. I havent answered a call from him in over 19 months. Come on!
Leave a fucking message.
For all I know, he is a lurker on the strip.. *more shivers*
As far as I know, he doesn't know where I live (I told ya I used to be reserved-unavailable, blah blah blah A good thing in this case.. could be wrong, though. Anything is possible.. )
Its funny though, how we are all bitching about people not being interested in us.. yet I am pretty damn confident that someone is.. What we are really bitching about is that the person(s) that we are interested in are not interested in us.. or soemthing like that. Feel me?
Focus on your friends, family,life interests.. cherish those who are in your life. Keep 'em close.
I am beat. I exercised like 900 calories off this evening. My hair was soaking wet.. took a hot shower, attempted a quick post and now its about time for bed. Get my assup early and do it all again.
So yeh, I like to write. Cant ever make it short.. Now I sleep. mmm dream time. Good night, be good..

Permalink: Please_leave_a_message.html
Words: 900
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: comedy
04/09/06 11:25 - 36ºF - ID#35915
Full Monty Python
In the chat earlier, (e:vincent) mentioned he was going to the show (I expect a full report!). I had just listened to, "You can keep your hat on", which can be found on the delightful soundtrack to The Full Monty--all 70s music. Fun Fun. I love that movie! I pulled out my VHS tape and noticed that it has been out since 1997. Wow, doesn't seem that long. Then again, I should have known as I looked through my obscenely large collection of VHS movies. I was going to watch it today, but then got busy doing other stuff. Like staring at the ceiling. No really, I really did that..
And so, for those who have not seen it:
The movie takes place in Sheffield, England. A bunch of guys find themselves unemployed from a steel plant that closed down. Desperate to make some money, they get the idea of stripping to make money. A group of men assemble and practice for their big night on stage. Unlike the Chippendales, who don't take it all off, they decide to go the full monty. The characters are fun--the guys are young, old, thin, chunky tall, short-- and my favorite line, "I need anti fat bastard cream"- they are just a group of real guys who need to make some cash. The movie is about the process of practicing and getting ready for the big night.
I learned that The Full Monty was also a Broadway show that ran from 2000-2003.
The movie is based in Britain, the humor is neither dark nor satirical; but it is witty and just makes me giggle the entire time. I am a big fan of comedy. (ooh, let us peeps go to a comedy show at Comix Cafe or Funny Bone, sometime soon, k?!?)
I enjoy the British humor found in such shows as The Benny Hill show and Monty Python. Both have been kicking around for a long time. I am quite sure that I was watching Benny Hill long before I really knew what any of the subject matter meant. If it were not for those laugh tracks..
As for Monty Python, well that just has a cult following. I recall sitting among a group of friends watching episodes on tv well before it began to run movie length versions.
So yeh, my delighfully warperd imagination morphed the Full Monty with Monty Python ala Benny Hill Style. Can we have some Full Monty Python?! ;)
Also, the peeps within (e:chatter) proudly presents: The Tuna Loins and Education in Pornography-- two new bands without band members, instruments or a genre of music to play. But they are cool and are totally groupie worthy; even if they only exist in our imagination. Move over Warped Tour, these bands are exclusive to
other highlights from a day in the life of Thee Carey:
- stared at the ceiling. I told you I did. It was wonderful. It was part of my life choice/life direction rumination. No writing, just thinking. The ceiling in the red room (fireplace, comfy leather, one giant red wall, books, no tv,) is made of knotty pine. It is visually pleasing and adds depth and warmth to the room. The variations in the wood is apparently interesting to look at, as I got lost in my thoughts staring up at the ceiling, wrapped in a soft blanket and my cat Joe purring on my chest.
- grocery shopping. Pad Thai noodles (rice flour and water) $5.27 OR Japenese rice sticks (same size, shape, rice flour and water) $1.47. Guess which package I bought. hehe, Guess what this girl is making sometime this week ;)
- cleaned out the front seat of my car. It is a typical Sunday chore. It will be trashd by Tuesday.I am gifted like that.
- Busy/fun weekend but managed to carve out some serious veg time. Check this out: I watched a lot of tv over the weekend. I didn't put any thought in selecting a show to watch. It was entirely random and I found myself too lazy to apply pressure to the remote control. I was humored by this "lack of motication, I will just watch endless hours of tv" ('cause I rarely do it) but I am now feeling the brain sludge of over consumption of cable programs, even if they were entertaining: Trading Spouses, Pepper Dennis, My Name is Earl, Myth Busters, How Do I Look?, Evening News, Fear Factor Couples, Sex in the City, and a few others, I am sure..
- Gas prices are up again. Even the prices at the Res sucks. Bah.
Thats about it. This is going to be a great week. I insist.
Off to read before bed..
Be good..

Permalink: Full_Monty_Python.html
Words: 831
Location: Youngstown, NY
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hmm, all this coffee talk, think I will go make a cup :)