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Category: birthdays

09/06/07 12:20 - ID#40964



Happy Birthday, Timika!



I put together a little Virtual Birthday gift for you. Nothing is wrapped, but I think you will enjoy the 'bag' of goodies! :) (Inspired from (e:ladycroft,40935))

1. Some tv shows you may be missing!



2. no less than 32 winks!

3. mmm icy cold, just for you!


5. I can exchange these for a better model if you wish ;)

6. .. he will do as you wish; it is your birthday, afterall!

7. minty fresh!

8. work humor ;)

9. for your new place!

10. dug these up; not that same, I know :(

(soccer and pink hair!)


11. Print it out and use it today! :D

I'm sure you will get together with your new coworkers & friends; I hope you have a wonderful and adventurous day! Wish you were here to celebrate (or me there!!!). *hugs*


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Category: birthdays

08/31/07 11:30 - ID#40855

Happy Birthday Mike!


Mike and Terry,

Party it up like I know you can!

and I expect to see the obligatory de-pantsing pics and other original "Mike Visco" party stories.


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Category: birthdays

01/22/07 07:23 - ID#37822

Happy Birthday


Ready for your spankings, dahling??????????

we know how to spank on (e:strip) hehe

HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I totally stole the naked man pick from google images from a birthday card site. This card reads..

"what do you call a naked man in your back yard?....'ART' -Happy Birthday"

I could think of much more creative and delicious words and phrases to go with that image, so I will leave you to do just that.

again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Love, luck and lots of whipped cream,

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Words: 94

Category: birthdays

09/18/06 11:14 - ID#36043

31 is the new 21 (updated)

thank you all for the (e:strip) birthday wishes:

You guys rock!!!!!!!

(e:mike) Thanks so much for your journal shout out!!
(e:twisted) (I saw the chat! Oh and I hope you are '100% actual' coming to B-Lo soon!!!!!!!!! Otherwise I will have to stow myself away in Paul's luggage!)
(e:libertad) (I lost count of the spankings, haha)

hope I didn't forget anyone..

(hehe, and a later entry, thanks (e:carolinian) and (e:jenks) ; who is correct, she left me a yahoo IM message, which I signed into after posting this. I find YIM to be endlessly amusing!)

Lots of year-31 B-days (e:pyrcedgrrl) , (e:vincent) , (e:ladycroft) , moi .. and I know a few more of you aren't too far behind ;)

I love on going B-day celebrations. I think everyone should enjoy a mandatory three days of celebrating (at the very least-- a week is even better!)

It was a nice weekend. I did not go too crazy- declined having a party for a few reasons- but certainly enjoyed time with a few friends. Its been a whirlwind of a month (summer, really) and I am slowly getting back into a groove; even though so much is still unsettled. The pieces are coming together and then some. And so, a quick run down of my B-day weekend (the bday I almost forgot!)

Friday: came into work with my desk decorated with streamers, a card, a poster and a gift card to Barnes and Noble. Fun.

Friday evening, (e:terry) , (e:paul) and myself finally went to the new sushi place, Kibarashi. We stuffed ourselves on an assorted platter of sashimi, nigiri and maki rolls (my fave). The pile of fish eggs is ALL yours paul, dear. (blech, I just couldn't do it). See one of his recent posts for a picture, haha. I was in the mood for some Sake, but they currently do not have their liquor license- hopefully soon. However, I did buy a bottle afterwards. Not sure if I like semi dry rice wine; it was a bit harsh for my preference. I like all sorts of red (grape) wine, though. Fortunatley I also bought gummi bears and lik-a-maid fun dips to sweeten things up a bit.

I still want to make maki rolls soon!!

I think Friday night was when I had a squirrel jump on my head around 3am. It was hilarious and scary- thought maybe it was the ghost cat.. I ducked my head under the pillows before investigating the darkness, fortunately it was a little flying furball who was out adventuring in the night looking for someone to play with.

Saturday: (e:pyrcedgrrl) and I intended to go to see David Usher at the Niagara Casino, but we got sidetracked over at the strip club instead. The boys have gotten *very* naughty-and that is all I will divulge at this time; its a story in itself.

Sunday: went out with family. My mom helped pay for my new Pocket PC-- she now has my razr, so she made totally made out on this. I am stoked-- and basking in the glow of geek. ahhhh..
I went and bought myself some nerdy books after a good meal at Roadhouse Grill. I had been there for lunch before, but never for dinner. I was pleased. We were going to do Thai (yum) but then decided on this at the last moment. Good choice as everything was really yummy and the service was very good.

Unlike (e:mike) who seemed to have half a dozen birthday cakes, I did not have a single one! If I assert my right to a week long birthday celebration, then (e:pyrcedgrrl) still has time to make me a cake and babaganoush. hooker. :p xxoo (we've been friends for 20+ years if no one could tell.. )

dammit, now I want cake.


and I want to go bowling. Anyone up for some bowling soon??

shit- somehow I deleted my journal, yet had a backup (which I updated), was able to repost-- and see that I totally lost the comments from (e:mrmike) and (e:jenks) !!

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Category: birthdays

09/15/06 05:57 - ID#36035

My Birthday

I am not exactly sure when or where..

but Birthday Celebration this weekend :)

How about some Laser tag? hehe YESSS!

or comedy club?

rock wall climbing??

Go carts??

or good ole Drunkin' Bowling??? ..always amusing

wine and cheese?

any other ideas??

I want to go tonight. So do you!!

Who's in???

Lets GO!!

I'll be home soon...

716 622 6639


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Words: 58

Category: birthdays

09/13/06 09:27 - ID#36034


oh my

It seemed so far away,

until today, reading (e:pyrcedgrrl) 's post who reminded me that my birthday is in 4 days.

I havent thought about it.

Other than in a sense that it still seemed so far away. I don't think I realize it is September yet..
and that September 17 is coming up in a few days.

wtf? where have I been????????

and what the heck am I going to do about it? hahaha Its this freakin' weekend!!!

hahha and I was just thinking earlier that it might be a good weekend to clean out my garage and clean up the outside.

I am just sitting here shaking my head.


has my brain suddenly turned to mush or is it just maxed out at the moment?

I'm hanging a sign, "temporarily out of order"

or maybe I'll just write it on a post it and stick it to my forhead :)

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Words: 153

Category: birthdays

08/28/06 02:21 - ID#36023

Is there something special on the 28th??

yup, there sure is:



Have a great day..

check my User sound-- got a little Frank Sinatra Birthday song for you!

Enjoy your day!

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Category: birthdays

10/13/05 08:26 - ID#35814


so many birthdays this month..

Allow me a Birthday shout out to

(e:lilho), (e:southernyankee), (e:tina), (e:terry)'s dad and....

(e:pyrcedgrrl) wo000000000000000!

[size=xl]Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/size]

hope I didn't miss anyone :)




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Category: birthdays

09/19/05 07:54 - ID#35794

Ladycroft and the Devil Cakes™

If anyone missed how Devil Cakes™ came to be.. here is the process in its entirety, rather than following inks.

In a freedom chat session, (e:theecarey), (e:leetee), (e:ladycroft), (e:pyrcedgrrl), and (e:mike) had been discussing whether I should have a birthday cake. (e:pyrcedgrrl) stated that she has that taken care of (see previous post of dirty kitty litter cake). (e:ladycroft) wanted to contribute her cone cakes, yet (e:mike) was adament against it.
(e:pyrcedgrrl) also had a bit of fun with using to create some silly signs pertaining to my party, the cone cakes and the brotherly bonding with cone cakes.

And so the story goes..



  • edited (read: truncated and put in order) freedom chat explaining the signs. :D

ladycroft 00:11: ladycroft makes world famous cone cakes
theecarey 00:12: hmm lets have cone cakes too then,
ladycroft 00:12: people pay a dollar a piece for those bad boys
ladycroft 00:12: i was a bake sale money making machine at tamu-cc
leetee 00:12: cone cakes? ok... sound good to me
ladycroft 00:12: since i didn't make them for my birthday and all...i can let you have the honors
ladycroft 00:13: basically it's a cupcake inside an icecream cone
mike 00:15: ooh cone cakes are so gross
mike 00:15: everyone used to love them but me and my friend marykate always despised them
theecarey 00:15: hey mike!
leetee 00:16: i have never had a cone cake. i have lived a sheltered life
ladycroft 00:17: cone cakes are not gross!!
mike 00:17: um i'm sorry cone cakes are the devil
pyrcedgrrl 00:17: what the heck is a cone cake?
leetee 00:18: devil cakes... yyyummmmmmm
--posted by pyrcedgrrl @ 01:08:13 on 09/14/05


Then at the party, not sure how the real story goes, but (e:paul) and (e:mike) battled each other in a Devil Cake ™ attack, which encouraged another sign created by (e:pyrcedgrrl). Oh the gore! Confetti frosting and cake guts slewn everywhere. I though I did a nice job of cleaning the boys up ;)






and one I couldn't resist adding, as it had me in yet another fit of giggles:


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Words: 359

Category: birthdays

09/18/05 09:15 - ID#35793

The After Post-TheeCarey's B-day Part 1

[search]typeHere[/search]The Great 30th Tiki Birthday Party was hilarious and filling!

At various points in the night there were approximately thirty people. I am thrilled that (e:leetee), (e:uncutsaniflush), (e:paul), (e:matthew), (e:mike), (e:lilho), (e:drchlorine) and (e:Alison) joined in on the celebration. Thank you all for coming 

Rarely one to plan, this soiree could not have kicked off as well as it did without the generous help of my close pals, (e:pyrcedgrrl), (e:ladycroft), lynn and my mother. The combined efforts of all lent to these various tasks: tackling the challenge of fixing and securing the windblown canapy ("come on, just make it one more day!"), shopping for food, drinks, making yummy dishes (we had choices from vegan to carnivore), setting up tent Huts along with other incidental adventures along the way. Early guests joined in the decorating of the infamous Garage Discotheque: lights, balloons and streamers strewn about like toilet paper, nice job!

(e:pyrcedgrrl) and I have been friends for well over twenty years. This long term friendship has provided us the unique love and affection that can only be best exemplified by teasing and tormenting the hell out of each other every chance we get. The best and meanest acts of affection come during those tender few weeks just before my birthday and just after, when it is her birthday, October 13. During these times we plot.

You can't pull off a gag gift like this with out knowing your target (which would be me):
(E:pyrcedgrrl) has been engaging in random fits of evil giggles for one week. I knew to accept her birthday gift to me with apprehension and horror.

I am handed a box.

Inside a sign reads:
"Billy Bob's Patented, As Seen on TV: "GETTING SOME 10 Step Plan".. guaranteed to get you some.. or your money back!

((Guaranteed?? nice))

Step One- Inspiration: "Sex Everyday in Everyway 2006 calendar

Step Two- Instructions: "Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Dating and Sex" (I think it had something in there about broken nose.. hmm.. )

Step Three- Always Look Your Best: This little box contained a container of travel deodorant, travel mouthwash, extra strength hair removal crème for face, and a bottle of feminine douche. (I hadn't a clue)

Step Four- Find a "Willing" Partner: a container of Grow a Dork (just add water), a fat cucumber, and a Rite Aid prescription bottle with a label made out to Carey, by Dr. Feelgood for Rohypnol. It provided indications and warnings then in bold print, "for date rape use only".
Step five- Set the Mood: a sensually ambient CD; what other than, early 90's hair band, Warrant. Plus a pleasant little tea light and matches.

Step Six- Add Some Spice: A mint tingle condom, cinnamon after hours massage oil, and...nipple clamps.

Step Seven- Play it Safe: A giant strip of condoms and a pair of rubber gloves.

Step Eight- Keep Energy Levels Up: Government issued raisins and a Chocolate Power bar.

Step Nine- Clean Up: Tissues, moist towelettes and a brillo pad. Yes, brillo pad.

Step Ten- The Morning After: two packs of English Breakfast tea, a pack of Orbit gum, and two name tags. One tag has the direction on the back which reads, "in case of good sex, peel here" which would then say, "Hello, my name is Carey". Name tag number two comes with the direction on the back that states, "In case of bad sex, peel here", which then says, "Hi my name is Melissa". A home pregnancy test and a package of mysterious green pills labeled, "RU486" wraps up this delightful gift.

Follow these 10 steps and I am sure to be gettin' some LOL

OK, drum roll please.. Pictures!!

Another creation by (e:pyrcedgrrl), the Dirty Kitty Litter Cake. Imagine my surprise when I took the tin foil off of the container and was expecting a tradition cake. Serve with Pooper Scooper, what else?!






























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