Category: birthdays
09/18/05 09:15 - 70ºF - ID#35793
The After Post-TheeCarey's B-day Part 1
At various points in the night there were approximately thirty people. I am thrilled that (e:leetee), (e:uncutsaniflush), (e:paul), (e:matthew), (e:mike), (e:lilho), (e:drchlorine) and (e:Alison) joined in on the celebration. Thank you all for coming 
Rarely one to plan, this soiree could not have kicked off as well as it did without the generous help of my close pals, (e:pyrcedgrrl), (e:ladycroft), lynn and my mother. The combined efforts of all lent to these various tasks: tackling the challenge of fixing and securing the windblown canapy ("come on, just make it one more day!"), shopping for food, drinks, making yummy dishes (we had choices from vegan to carnivore), setting up tent Huts along with other incidental adventures along the way. Early guests joined in the decorating of the infamous Garage Discotheque: lights, balloons and streamers strewn about like toilet paper, nice job!
(e:pyrcedgrrl) and I have been friends for well over twenty years. This long term friendship has provided us the unique love and affection that can only be best exemplified by teasing and tormenting the hell out of each other every chance we get. The best and meanest acts of affection come during those tender few weeks just before my birthday and just after, when it is her birthday, October 13. During these times we plot.
You can't pull off a gag gift like this with out knowing your target (which would be me):
(E:pyrcedgrrl) has been engaging in random fits of evil giggles for one week. I knew to accept her birthday gift to me with apprehension and horror.
I am handed a box.
Inside a sign reads:
"Billy Bob's Patented, As Seen on TV: "GETTING SOME 10 Step Plan".. guaranteed to get you some.. or your money back!
((Guaranteed?? nice))
Step One- Inspiration: "Sex Everyday in Everyway 2006 calendar
Step Two- Instructions: "Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Dating and Sex" (I think it had something in there about broken nose.. hmm.. )
Step Three- Always Look Your Best: This little box contained a container of travel deodorant, travel mouthwash, extra strength hair removal crème for face, and a bottle of feminine douche. (I hadn't a clue)
Step Four- Find a "Willing" Partner: a container of Grow a Dork (just add water), a fat cucumber, and a Rite Aid prescription bottle with a label made out to Carey, by Dr. Feelgood for Rohypnol. It provided indications and warnings then in bold print, "for date rape use only".
Step five- Set the Mood: a sensually ambient CD; what other than, early 90's hair band, Warrant. Plus a pleasant little tea light and matches.
Step Six- Add Some Spice: A mint tingle condom, cinnamon after hours massage oil, and...nipple clamps.
Step Seven- Play it Safe: A giant strip of condoms and a pair of rubber gloves.
Step Eight- Keep Energy Levels Up: Government issued raisins and a Chocolate Power bar.
Step Nine- Clean Up: Tissues, moist towelettes and a brillo pad. Yes, brillo pad.
Step Ten- The Morning After: two packs of English Breakfast tea, a pack of Orbit gum, and two name tags. One tag has the direction on the back which reads, "in case of good sex, peel here" which would then say, "Hello, my name is Carey". Name tag number two comes with the direction on the back that states, "In case of bad sex, peel here", which then says, "Hi my name is Melissa". A home pregnancy test and a package of mysterious green pills labeled, "RU486" wraps up this delightful gift.
Follow these 10 steps and I am sure to be gettin' some LOL
OK, drum roll please.. Pictures!!
Another creation by (e:pyrcedgrrl), the Dirty Kitty Litter Cake. Imagine my surprise when I took the tin foil off of the container and was expecting a tradition cake. Serve with Pooper Scooper, what else?!

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Words: 736
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: birthdays
09/17/05 12:00 - ID#35792
bithday, family
The funny thing about growing up on your own is that you learn independence from a young age. While generally a positive attribute, it can have a negative impact when it comes to relating to people on a personal level; hence my emotionally reserved and self-sufficient nature. This is a by product of viewing many horrors as child, having people leave and fending for myself in many areas of life. Although this could sound like a caveat to a life story of dissonance and the makings of a lifetime movie, it is more about awareness, appreciation and the perpetual desire to live each day with quality and excitement.
When you are estranged from most of your family, you learn to not talk about them and eventually redefine who and what family is. I cherish my friends and although I do not always demonstrate that sentiment, I consider them my ‘family’.
My sister and I experienced many of the same ordeals during our formative years. How each of us dealt with these issues lent to significantly different lifestyles and perspectives, and eventually our estrangement. I use experience and mistakes as fuel for learning and direction. I will not give in, give up or sit life out when it goes bad. I seek no entitlement or source of blame. My choices, how I deal with things belong to me. My sense of humor and the ability to find the positive in a situation, albeit a bit warped, vulgar and twisted, are some of my best tools in dealing with life.
I have gone many years without so much thought of the family that is scattered throughout the planet. I haven’t seen nor heard from my father in sixteen years, my sister in over two, and the list goes on. It has never been a surface issue, as I focus on the future and rarely dwell on situations I cannot control.
However, a new friend had engaged me in a conversation about family. Most topics are open territory with me, and while this seemed foreign, I felt no major discomfort. We had realized that our lives have many parallels, which led us to talking about family. He had just reunited with his mother and father after many years of zero communication. I thought this was fascinating and had many questions. The idea of reconnecting with some of my family did not seem an immediate possibility but perhaps an eventuality, after I did some research on where they might be. Later that night I logged onto the computer, as we wanted to check something on Map Quest. I also checked my email and found an email from a person that had a vaguely familiar name; usmc67. In opening the email, I was astonished to see that it was from my father. How freaking weird that was. I had not talked about him in many years, and just moments prior had engaged in an in depth discussion about him. I was more weirded out over this than actually receiving the email from him.
And so, in these past three months we have been regularly emailing each other and it is a bit surreal. Today I woke to an inbox of a ton of email from friends and.. family. My father, an architect and web designer, put together a birthday website with pictures of me, along with birthday designs and included a guestbook for people to sign. Apparently he has been compiling a family tree and has sent been in contact with numerous family members. I had people send me messages that I had never knew existed, a few I haven’t seen since I was a child and even one from my sister. I am really not sure how to feel, but it isn’t a bad feeling. But this is was perpetuated this post.
Its been quite a year with gaining entrance and since starting my graduate program, making a slew of new contacts and friends, learning to experience more from an emotional standpoint (but I am still quite skittish) and just being more aware and compassionate.
Alas, I must end this, more on this topic later. Timika just walked in the door, my friend Lynn is here, I am sure my mom, niece and step dad are sure to follow.

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Words: 718
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: 30th
09/13/05 07:56 - 81ºF - ID#35791
Save this Sat the 17 for a Tiki party!
Yes, it is true, I am celebrating my birthday and so, mark your calenders because on Saturday September 17th at my apartment, a fabulous affair is in order.
(e:ladycroft) [inlink]ladycroft,67[/inlink] has already provided a heads up on this festivity. I believe directions have been included.
The low down:
1. Get in a car and enjoy the scenic half hour drive. (e:alison) had a brilliant idea of a bunch of you carpooking. [inlink]alison,70[/inlink] Go for it!
2. Dress in layers, as it will be a gorgeous 70 degree day, but the night will be cool, which brings us to the..
3. Bonfire! I have a yard, plenty of parking and lots of room to move. When was the last time you had an authentic over the fire S'more? yum.
4. Plenty of spots to squat.. fun for all but safety too. Bring a pillow :)
5. A luau, Tiki theme. Although planned for a mid freeze-your-ass off winter party, I bought into the idea for my Birthday instead. Think torches, semi tacky decorations, huts (tents), Hawaiin Punch ;) and ...
6. Food. All kinds and lots of it. Come hungry or come for just munchies.
7. A spot will be arranged for dancing, jumping around and howling.
8. The doors officially open at 6:00 PM, but come earlier or later.. just come! No excuses!!
It would be fabulous to chill with everyone from (e:strip) in my neck of the woods. Mix in a few more friends, classmates, coworkers and we have a very cool gathering for my 30th.
P.S. Should I have cake?
I am open to all ideas and suggestions

Permalink: Save_this_Sat_the_17_for_a_Tiki_party_.html
Words: 301
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: birthdays
09/11/05 06:45 - 78ºF - ID#35790
ten hour birthday party
The process of the illustrious pinata bashing began with a purusal of found objects up and down elmwood. Bicycle pieces, eating utensils, random toys and other questionable material were fair game for said pinata decoration. Can't have a naked pinata, can we?

The body. Never knew how much pinatas pooped, thankfully a used shower curtain served as pinata pooping paper.

Another unknown fact not listed in the Official Guide to Caring for Your Pinata, is that they are pissy little creatures that plot nefarious schemes when neglected. This picture taken moments before the traumatizing blood bath/poop slinging began. Documentation of such events were left out of this post; the images alone would entice deep psychosis. I read somewhere about Axis 1 Pervasive Post Pinata Production Disorder. (I still wake up screaming, laughing hysterically, drooling.. whether any correlation here, well thats still being analyzed).

This Kamakazi Pinata was dressed and ready for a beating. Bets were that it would crumble with one wack, but the super poop that (e:ladycroft) used to hold this creature together proved us all wrong. More than a dozen e-peeps, at various stages of debauchery, took turns wacking at it with a stick.

(e:terry) creatively securing the rope

Ahhh, busted at last. The inside of the stubborn pinata full of tasty delights, including the now infamous, Intense Sensation condoms. Those barely hit the ground before everyone pounced on them! Don't let them expire, kiddies. (that would be 2010 and sad),
Or something may happen much like what is depicted in the giant poster in the really cool room at (e:pmt). Such horrors should be kept in the basement that which it was found! (babies, spider monkeys and clowns scare me)

Plenty of evidence, I mean, pics depicting the adventures of (e:ladycroft), the total on (e:theecarey) camera hitting close to 150. I know (e:paul) had quite a few as well. A few more to wrap it up:

cheers! (e:ladycroft) and (e:paul)

chillin: (e:ladycroft) and (e:alison)

(e:ladycroft) with my favorite casanova (e:terry) (memories of dancing to the key of goat)

SWAK! Birthday girl and (e:drchlorine)

not in jail (yet): (e:ladycroft) and (e:theecarey)
Good times for all..Even the odd delay inwhich we, (e:ladycroft) and (e:theecarey) stationed ourselves at various points along elmwood (one of which included my doning a grass skirt in front of Kunis) and Timika down the street hanging on the street corner. The looks we suffered through.. so funny.
Eventuallywrapped it up after 6am. Hope we didn't make too much of a mess. Thanks for coming, little things mean so much, ya know :) A special shout out to (e:pmt) for making it happen!
Hope all is well!

Permalink: ten_hour_birthday_party.html
Words: 530
Location: Youngstown, NY
09/11/05 12:48 - 73ºF - ID#35789

Permalink: pondering.html
Words: 0
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: question for you
09/08/05 08:47 - 69ºF - ID#35788
me too, me too

Permalink: me_too_me_too.html
Words: 15
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: quickies satisfy
09/07/05 10:37 - 76ºF - ID#35787
just a quicky
I absolutely must fiinsh up an assignment tonight; but right after this, as this is why my assignment is not quite complete:
Immediatelyt after work I engaged in a meeting of the minds with (e:ladycroft), in which we devilishy developed a fantastic adventure for her continued birthday celebration. Which takes place this Saturday..
I also engaged in an extensive game of bee dodging. This would be round two. Fortunately, just as the game was favoring the flying beast, an unknown bee slayer successfully decapitated the yellow and black monster. I fear round three.. I think the cantankerous creatures are calling in back up. Got the Crips and the Yellow Jackets, beeotch.
Back to the festivities; plan to disrobe, I mean, plan to bare your inquisitive, playful side. Laughter and fun is an order.
- yawn* W00! I am yawning before 2 am. Just as i get my sleep schedule back in order, it will be the weekend. Oh wonderful weekend...
take care

Permalink: just_a_quicky.html
Words: 207
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: birthdays
09/06/05 08:22 - 77ºF - ID#35786
birthday plans? well, it Depends
Today was a 'staff development day', which means that the students were not in attendance. They return tomorrow; which means I need to dust off my lacross outfit that doubles as protective gear. I am not quite ready to get my ass kicked. rarely do I get to break into the work week, it is more like being shoved. Good times!
I need to sick my teeth into something creative and challenging. I am bored.
The end of August starts off the birthday season for everyone in my family and friends, non stop through December. (e:ladycroft) is today. Happy 30th :)
Mine is trailing quick behind.. Sat Sept 17
(e:pyrcedgrrl) b-day is a few weeks later, and in that time I can expect to be tormented with sweet endearments such as "don't break a hip, ya old bitch".
Love you too my dear friend :)
Need to plan something.. maybe a hot night of bingo? denture tossing? Pin the 'Depends' on the geriatric? j/k i am full of it tonight ;)
Hope all is well with everyone!

Permalink: birthday_plans_well_it_Depends.html
Words: 267
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: semi rant
09/05/05 02:54 - 57ºF - ID#35785
Getting nowhere fast on an empty tank
I could get a job within walking distance around where I live, make less than minimum wage and still fare better. I compared prices at $2.50 and $3.50 per gallon (I like rounded off numbers) and the effects of such a price jump make quite a difference. No suprise there, but I wanted quanitiative data to support my jaded outlook :)
Over the course of the year I intend to move into another position. Not sure where or even doing what, but it will be something that further challenges me. I am stagnating where I am at now. I need to move on..when the learning stops, i move on.
I am also looking forward to taking on something that provides me with better means to support myself. ya know.. not living pay check to pay check. Besides rent and utilities, I have things to do, place to travel.. adventures to be sought. And school loans to pay *wants to hide*
I don't want to quit my job and take on just anything. Nothing wrong with flipping burgers, but it is not the resume builder I am looking for. Where I am at now has provided me with a plethora of good stuff: professional, multidimensional in nature and consistent experience. As I will have my degree this time next year, I have begun the process of searching companies that I might like to work for. Finding a better position is meant to be a calculated move, hence the one year time frame. However, if gas prices continue to be out of control, I may need to reconsider my plan. I just don't want it to bite me in the ass. It's one thing to blow my cash on joy rides to see friends, quite another to have to shave a commited amount off the paycheck just to get to work.
Although a bit of a rant, it is situations like this that light a fire under my ass and help clarify the need to take action, set my direction. To take lemons and make ...sushi.
ok, to take what is in front of you and turning into something that is your, something that you want.
And what do I want??
stay tuned...
- yawn* good night everyone. be safe..

Permalink: Getting_nowhere_fast_on_an_empty_tank.html
Words: 425
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: adventure
09/02/05 10:24 - 68ºF - ID#35784
A day in the life of Thee Carey
The phone screamed and I scrambled to find it, as the message on the answering machine came out loud and clear "Caaaarrreeeeeyyyyy, are you there???? I need your help!!!". It was such a pathetic plea, my dear friend and fellow adventure commrade (e:ladycroft) was in turmoil. Finding the phone, I unsuccessfully poked at the talk button.
Return phone call stat.
In a cool panic, "what's up?"
(e:ladycroft), "I have to go shopping."
(e:theecarey), "SHOPPING??? OH, the HORRORS, not SHOPPING!"
(e:ladycroft), in a serious summation of the issue: "I need help"
I solemnly accepted this mission "OK, lets go, uh, hem, Shopping" *shivers*
background on me.. shopping gives me that dirty feeling, and not the good kind. I had to suffer through the mall last week, and felt like I had a build up of mall residue. I was in those stores.. those, oh, I just can't talk about it! So, to be asked by anyone to purposely go shopping, is someone who does not know me that well. However, such not the case with Miss LadyCroft. She needed a fellow anti shopper to suffer through the agony and dig deep to find the enjoyment related to consumer swarms; as though they functioned in retail droves.
For her, I could do it. (you owe me big, lady). I am capable of finding the positive and humor in just about anything. This would be a challenge, but I love a good challenge.
And so, I lent her my support and we hopped in the Green Mouse to travel WNY in search of residence hall supplies.
Now, I do find some good fun in stores such as party city, computer stores, books, music, off beat merchandise.. so there was a good balance. I just felt the overwhelming urge to hit the mountains when we went into a local super discount store. Not quite like the mall, but close..
We fueled up at India Gate and energized at SPOT. We scoured the earth to find a damn Dollar Tree and wanted to terrorize the numerous associates with bad customer service. This girl cashier was openly condescending to the guy cashier next to her. He had on the "sales associate in training" tag. I wanted to give him a hug and kick her. The section on supporting the new hire must have been omitted from the employee handbook.
And so now we wrap up the evening with an eventual trek over to "Off the Wall". My friend Christopher is DJing, thought it would be nice to go.
Off to mingle with the kiddies at the residence hall..

Permalink: A_day_in_the_life_of_Thee_Carey.html
Words: 476
Location: Youngstown, NY
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Oh, and glad you were as amused w/ the "gift" as I was while making it. ;)