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Category: animals

10/22/07 12:02 - ID#41741

Dwarf Hamster bedding - what kind?


I've commandeered the cutest dwarf hamster ever from my new friend/activity partner, "T". Every time I go over to his place, I am loving on his hamster, George. The little critter and I bonded quickly, eventually leading me to take him home forever more to keep. YAY!

So, although I was provided a little bit of bedding and food, I will need to buy some more very soon. Who knew there are so many types of bedding to choose from?! Hamster bedding/litter sold in the store is usually pine or cedar shavings. I have also noticed, "alpine" shavings as well. Which do I get?

In reading about cedar/pine shavings, it is reported that the use of it in cages is actually quite toxic and can contribute to respiratory illness among other ones. Cedar seems to be particularly bad; also happens to be the option I liked most, at the time, not that I have used it yet.

Alpine, according to the various literature, is considered non-toxic. I may purchase that.

However, I would like to consider the options-- and see what others opinions are on this. Does anyone know of alternatives that would be appropriate, environmentally friendly and super safe for a russian dwarf hamster? I am open to anything..

Thanks in advance!

I'm really disturbed that the cedar and pine shavings are packaged for use as bedding/litter for these creatures, when in actuality they are toxic and can greatly reduce their already short life span.

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Words: 251

Category: animals

06/12/07 01:24 - ID#39621

cutenss ahead: visit #2 with animals

took another venture out to the animal house. Handling the animals is always appreciated and needful; and it feels good on my part to be around them. Thinking of looking to see what more can and should be done for them. Usually there are a few volunteers who come to clean, feed and handle the animals. I know that they are down one person. Not sure how long or how often they visit.

A few of us went in to pet and play with the animals. I think the kitties were done with me before I was done with them- it helped to have extra hands to go around. I brought my camera this time, although somehow I missed taking any of the piles of kittens (insanely cute). I snapped a few of my new found furry friends- and not so furry friends.



Randall. He had an ear infection that crinkled down his ears.

my buddy, Jasmine. She is the little lover who climbed me from foot to shoulder to get some attention. It worked.









hehe so cute!!

miniature rat terrier. spring loaded!

geese and ducks and babies, oh my!



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Words: 224

Category: animals

03/13/07 09:15 - ID#38446


Recently, I heard Joey giving one of his toys a pretty fair beating. He is a busy cat and I swear he sleeps only at night. Well, ever curious as to what he found to amuse himself, I looked in on his playtime. And I grabbed the camera of course :)





I do believe he was making a bit of a political statement...

and I will spare you the other 500 pictures I took, haha

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Words: 81

Category: animals

03/01/07 11:40 - ID#38317


I'm at the zoo! I bought a membership. I want to cuddle with the grizzly bears!!
Its hailing now..time to buy my 'i love elephants' (i really do!) support bracelet and be on my way.
thanks for the incentive, lee :)





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Words: 49

Category: animals

12/17/06 10:43 - ID#36109

scaredy socks

Earlier I wacked my little crooked pinky finger- don't recall exactly how I did it-- but it got cut and bruised. Bruised! It takes a lot for me to bruise, so i must have got it pretty hard. It is directly on the knuckle, ouchy!

I still havent gone down to my basement yet. I would have if it had been still light outside when I needed to go down there. Even though I can turn on lights and stuff, I am still super creeped out. It is like there are monsters under my bed.. and boogy men in my closet and EVIL CLOWNS, MONKIES AND BABIES in my basement!!!!!!!!!!

or not.

OR mayber there is..

SO I grabbbed some clothes before heading back into B-Lo. I had everything I needed except for socks. I had lots of socks inthe basement, where all of my clean clothes are.

I was not going down there, when its dark outside and my imagination is running rampant.

so I left the apartment without socks,

and I stopped at Target and bought two nice pairs of black dress socks.

My imagination may keep me from going into my basement, but it wont keep me from keeping my tootsies warms.

AH, WHile I was there.. I keep forgetting to buy a blush brush.

My cat Joe is fascinated with blush brushes. I may have mentioned this once or ten times before. He has managed to steal quite a few throughout his existence. He occasionally receives them now as gifts. Traditional cat toys? not him. SO over the weekend, I washed my large nice one- and I put it up and away and did not think he would be able to get to it-- or even know to look for it.

but he found it.

and now it is gone-- can't find it anywhere-- and its a long handled floofy brush.

booger. I better hope my fresh pink cheeked complexion returns by morning. I continue to feel better, btw-- still had not tuned into anything.If I begin to feel sick at work again and get progressively worse by the weeks end (like last weeks progression), then I will have to wonder if I am not just sick of work ;)

work allergies, thats real, right?

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Words: 379

Category: animals

08/08/06 09:54 - ID#36008

Help the Puppies!!!!!!!

Figured this would be better than leaving a comment in the original post.

In response to (e:jenks,208)

Well, you haven't failed them by trying and by writing about their plight, you are spreading the word :) Funny thing about these blogs-- there is built in readership and messages can be spread fast- especially in a community strong site. I am sure each one of us on (e:strip) can tell this story to at least one person tomorrow during the work day. Who knows?

Kudos to you for trying to make it happen. Its nice to get excited about something especially when its for a good cause.

Kind readers-- Perhaps one person can open their home to a Mom and her fuzzy pups, or know someone who can..

So, from what I gather from the post:

1. Mom and (5) pups need temporary home.
2. Is a few weeks, literally three weeks.. or is this in undetermined amount of time?
3. Rescue boy will provide food, and other needs..

Link to Mom and Babies: Jot it down on a (paper) post-it and pass it out if anyone decides to share the story.

Something to think about: if the time commitment is a problem, or if it seems too daunting.. perhaps one family could take in pups for a week, then another family can take over, etc.. until the time is fulfilled and the pups are ready to move on. Not sure how this would effect (positive or negative) their socializing or stress factor-- but it seems we are talking about puppies being put down... so anything is a 'go' at this point.

anyway, just a thought.

But I am crazy like that..

or is that passionate? :)

Best of luck to the new family..

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Words: 297

Category: animals

07/07/06 05:06 - ID#35979

I know you're salivating

It kinda freaks me out to hear the coyotes howling when I pull into my driveway at 4am. Its so dark and creepy out at that hour. Of course, I didn't leave any lights on for myself. So I walk up the dark driveway thinking that something is going to try to eat me. Licking its lips, waiting to pounce.

I say, you stay on your side of the woods..

and I will say on mine.

yeesh, now the birds are chirping.. good night er, morining..

you know what I mean :)

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Permalink: I_know_you_re_salivating.html
Words: 91

Category: animals

05/30/06 07:23 - ID#35946

handful of cuteness

Cute, huh?

baby porcupines

One more.. The hippo loves its tortoise dad/friend.

for more pics and the story of how Owen and Mzee came to be:


warning: site holds numerous inter-species families. Very cute.

all pics snagged from Google images.

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Permalink: handful_of_cuteness.html
Words: 106



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