Category: nature
01/16/07 11:54 - 19ºF - ID#37718
stop and listen to the roses.
After placing everything in my car, I stopped to look up into the night. We were under heavy clouds and it appeared that we would soon have snow. Before going inside, I took time to look at my surroundings. As there was some snow on the ground, it made it easier to see things in the darkness. As with everywhere else, the trees and bushes were encased in ice. This is such a beautiful sight! As a child I loved the look of ice on everything, the after effects from an occasional icestorm. It was fun to take a walk out into the woods behind our house. The thick ice held our weight and it was a neat sensation to walk on top of the snow. It was just as fun to break through the weak spots- hearing and feeling the crunch under my feet was very satisfying. Also, an ice storm usually gauranteed a day off from school, providing me special time to luxuriously play outside to my hearts content. It really is so pretty! However, I am even more fond when snow adheres to tree branches. Sometimes we have heavy snow falls with the big fat snowflakes that when combined with still air, they cling tight to everything- building quickly to cover cars, mailboxes, fences, tree branches and bushes. Ah, to stick out the tongue and catch a few. When I look out into a dense forest and see a world of white, the sight it amazing. That I will stop everything for and take pictures of.
I have always wanted to go camping in a remote location during the midst of a heavy tree-sticking snow. I would forgo a tent in preference of a warm log burning cabin. A bottle of wine, pen and paper, good company, conversation and my camera. If nothing else, my camera and a sense of exploration (and sure, that bottle of wine). Whenever I am at an art show and there are photographers who have taken snow scenes, I find myself drawn to those photos. I get lost in my thoughts looking at the snow covered earth. It is visually quiet, clean and serene.
A mental meander.. I do not know of any cabins in the 'midddle of nowhere', but I bet I can locate a rural woodsy landscape- Cattaraugus or Chautauqua county, for sure. Maybe I will chance taking my old car out for a long day drive.. 200,540 miles on that engine- what are a few more? This adventure is something I really want (need?) to do, so why not? Whether alone or with company, it is now a matter if time before this adventure is embarked apon.
Although I was cold while I stood in my driveway looking at my surroundings, it didn't stop me from venturing further down the driveway until I reached the street. The street light illuminated more of the natural pulchritude. Looking up and down the street the ice glistened everywhere. Had it not been for the slippery walking conditions, I would have continued. Instead I slowly made my way back to the warmth of my home all the while looking around, breathing, and listening. Did you hear what I heard? Last nights ice show was more than visually pleasing. If you were outside and the rest of the suroundings were quiet enough, you could hear the sound of the ice on the trees. I listened to the sounds- crackling, whistling, humming vibrations of nature. With focus, the sounds all around were deafening. I stopped at the lilac bush next to the front steps leading to my door, placed my body very close and put my ear to the ice encased branch. And listened.
I am very pleased to have not only stop and smell the 'roses' but also to listen to them. Could this be heard in the city? Not sure if I ever noticed when I lived there full time. I am not sure if I would have known to focus in on one branch if I hadn't somehow tuned in to the beat of the rest of the forest. Either way, so glad that I did.
The past few days have been quiet. A purposeful solitude punctuated by the effects of nature. Today, I will be out. A few errands and some other responsibilities to take care of. I will load all of the new songs d/l the other night onto my iPod. I love to listen to music while driving- two of my favorite activities. Alright, so there a lot of activities that I like, but the combo of driving, music and thinking is simply splendid.
I spent time reflecting of the past year. Made revelations that werent particularly surprising- just in purposeful reflection it helped to clarify previous observations. In short, the beginning of 2006 was a major paradigm shift in my thinking and feeling- which ultimately prepared me for the end of 2006- and cleared the way for my theme for 2007. I had originally thought that the intensity and change of early '06 was dissolving- but it hadn't. What had been 'new' became my standard, so in effect, ofcourse it would seem less intense. Instead it was running deep within. I am very cerebral.. with previous 'mental static' rectified, my focus is intensified- and returned to me. More to come, I am sure.
Coffee with friends- new and old- is on the agenda this week. Any takers?
Snow is falling, sun is shining.. stay warm and safe, peeps!

Permalink: stop_and_listen_to_the_roses_.html
Words: 999
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: quickies satisfy
01/15/07 08:19 - 29ºF - ID#37708
good news in the news

Joan Diver was the most recent victim ('o6), prior to that there were two others. One name alludes me, but the other was Linda Yalem ('90).
When I was at UB, I remember always hearing about Linda Yalem, one of Sanchez's victims. There were regular commemorative activities, the most widely known being the annual 5K Safety run/walk. Imagine, now almost 17 years later- the family was not hopeful to find the murderer.
Here is a longer detailed article that fries me and makes me feel ill. There were multiple assults, but the statute of limitations have run out on that. Ofcourse, there is no such statute on murder- and he is pegged for three of them. Which is why such elation of the most recent news of finding the scumbag.

- breathe*
On another positive note, wasn't it just last week that a recently kidnapped kiddo and another one from years back were located in Missouri? Whether working together or serendipity, it is certainly good stuff to hear about.
Tides are turning!

Permalink: good_news_in_the_news.html
Words: 269
Location: Youngstown, NY
01/14/07 02:25 - 31ºF - ID#37682
carey likes shoes?
on another note.. does gesso ever go bad? I have some canvas I would like to prep. suppose I could just try it to find out?

Permalink: carey_likes_shoes_.html
Words: 53
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: sabbatical
01/14/07 04:01 - 29ºF - ID#37678
catching up, purging, excavating
During my home-purge, I placed the nicer belongings to the side with thoughts of giving these items to this particular friend. To my surprise, she showed up at my door this morning. We caught up on life as she went through the boxes of my purging efforts. She fondly laughed at my surroundings, observing the newly formed chaos- and remarked, "Care, you always get into and have fun with your projects." Sure do. I like hands-on, I like to see progress and to use my creativity and energy whenever possible. Something as simple as re organizing,re adjusting, re evaluating and re establishing my environment embodies all of that with an immediate pay off.
I am impressed with how much I have parted with. I am not at all a 'pack rat'- I prefer to keep it simple, so I guess I was impressed that I had that much to give away and still had plenty for myself. I had her pegged as the recipient of all the extra stuff as I knew that anything that she or her husband couldn't use, she could pass on to her cousin, someone I prefer to not be in contact with yet am considerate of. Other specific items will go to friends that I know could use/want/desire them. The remaining will be donated.
To bring in some extra cash, I thought of selling locally or on ebay. I am taking another look at my budget and making changes-as I prefer the comfort of operating in the plus rather than the fear of the red. However, I first want to just give things away-- simply to just get my environment fully cleaned out- top to bottom, inside and out. It is more symbolic than anything else.
Eventually I will revisit the eBay option. It could be fun, right?
The hours passed quickly. My mom stopped over in the early evening and they had a chance to chat as I went through my shelves of books. I parted with a few of those as well- with ones that I knew I would never read and ones that I know certain people will. I'd rather see them enjoyed and shared rather than collect dust.
During this past week, I now have approximately 20 extra dollars in total from found change, singles and one ten dollar bill. There are books in my collection that were pushed out of sight yet are VERY specific to my return to 'me'. There are old letters and memos that remind me of where I have been and where I am going, pictures have surfaced that reminded me of the same, a high level of energy, excitement and lightness continues- a natural and normal part of me yet had been stifled for so long. So all this has not been simply a purging as I first suspected but also an excavation. I am humbled by the experience and opportunity.
After updating and catching up on the important stuff, my friend asks, "this is so cool, what now?"
I am not sure if I am able to articulate that quite yet. I have a sense- something that I can not verbalize, but am working on, gravitating towards. I fumble to explain- explaining what I am rather than what i am not. Standing tall, gesticulating with energy, my right hand is present and future, my left hand depicting the past. I converse with passion, humor and conviction.
I am able to state what I want to learn more about, what I want to try, what I want to get back in to and that whatever I do will embrace my values, needs and essential parts of me.
I am my own organization- I do not want to be owned by any other. I have known this for a long time. However, it during this time that I have the freedom and ability to acheive this outcome. To collaborate and create something of value and fascination is vital. That is me. I do not have the malleable behaviors that are expected from certain mental models. You want someone to maintain the status quo, think inside the box, and nit pick/micro manage? You will not find it here.- it is not a natural state for me to be in. And all that I am, I will not be able to find there/with you. Passion, creativity, honest voice, genuine support and inspiration are a few of my operating standards. Neither mindset/ideal/set of behaviors/attitude are better than the other, they are just different..simply certain things are a better fit respectively- and each must find what works best. If they clash to the detriment of one or the either (or both), then decision have to be made. In a specific situations (still maintaining blog vagueness) I have allowed myself the necessessary time to learn, to try something new, to try to understand and to stand my ground- but not at the price of losing me in the process or at the price of de moralizing others. I wont and can't ever be what they want. Again, gratitude prevails- for so many things on so many levels.
The same qualities are applied to my frienships, romantic relationships, life interests and pursuits.
Unlike here, I stand before my friend and continue in detail, jumping around yet completing the picture. She gets it, as she 'gets' me. And with a knowing smile, concludes that "you know who you are" then suggests that I might get into landscaping.
where did that come from? I don't have all those skills, but I do have a knack for working with my hands, endurance and getting dirty; And for some reason, can grow amazing things outside- not so great indoors :/
Actually, she knows someone who could use 'someone like (me)'. I'm flattered. So many possibilities..
its funny how in reflection some things just make sense.
I look forward to a hike later (Sunday)- so tempted to take my XC skiis propped next to the door out for a snow quality test. Yes, Y-Town has a light layer of white fluff!!! Perhaps if I were to venture further south.. I'll find(or make) a trail. Yeesh, didn't make it out much last year if I recall correctly; not enough snow! My first time out after such a long time will be hilarious. I still havent mastered how to get up after I fall. I think that was the beginning of the end for my digital camera. Ofcourse I had to take a picture of my 'I've fallen and I can't get my ass up' - then fall again (on the camera) while trying to get up and imbed it with snow- (e:theecarey,59) Then there was that time I jumped in the freezing lake with it.. haha- (e:theecarey,52)
I should have invested in a waterproof carey resistant camera. I'll try to behave. But oh, the best (fun) pics are the most compromising ones! Hmm, as I look at the long nordic skiis, I notice a small bunch of mistletoe hanging off of the adjacent door hinge.
Well, is it now approaching 4am. I should have been in bed hours ago. I'm in the mood to engage in some creative expression- dig out the ole crayons. or pencils. or vine charcoal. or finger paint :)
but alas it is time to try for sleep and will have to wait for later.
Good night, stay warm and sweet dreams..

Permalink: catching_up_purging_excavating.html
Words: 1302
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: p:mobl
01/12/07 07:09 - 47ºF - ID#37664
a look inside
Terry in front of me, LC to my right,
(e:terry) , (e:ladycroft) and myself worked individually in our respective corners of the taped together drawing paper.
an unplanned design, I played
with colored pencils of dark and light purples,greens and a pink.
pocket pc photos to follow..
(e:terry) 's eyeballs, triscuit and hoof-hand

(e:ladycroft) 's collage of self expression

mine- not sure what or why- I picked up the pencils and just began..

a view of it all together

it was fun

Permalink: a_look_inside.html
Words: 108
Location: Youngstown, NY
01/11/07 06:59 - 43ºF - ID#37649
the feel of sand under my shoes, and between my fingers, a walk along woodlawn beach at dusk was refreshing.
a few pocket pc pics to follow..

Permalink: treasures.html
Words: 51
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: potpourri
01/10/07 05:21 - 26ºF - ID#37629
bits of me
- Going to start an art project tonight- intensly personal- a living journal. Not sure how I am starting or where it is going, but it is mine mine mine. I believe it will take on a more primal element- more authentic with it being hands on, heart on.
- JOe is trying his hardest to get between me and the computer screen. He desperetly wants a rub down. And by Joe, I mean my cat and not (e:pyrcedgrrl) 's father. I've have quickly learned to make that distiction when writing ;)
- Went for a nice long walk through Y-Town and into Fort Niagara yesterday. It was cold, windy and I never fully felt warmed up on my 5 mile trek, but it was none the less refreshing. Watching the waves, listening to the wind and breathing in the icey air helped me feel centered. I felt like the world was mine. I returned well after the sun went down.
- My laptop will be back in my posession soon. It was minor stuff and so I may resume my other business projects, which wany aspects were on hiatus since the lappy went down. Good to be able to go forward again with that. YAY! I intend to immediately back everything up.. this situation freaked me out a bit.
- Had a slew of errends to do today- most were in Lewiston. I just parked my car and walked to all of them. It is blissful to not have to rush.
- feeling good, feeling energized- feeling confident overall. Have had some moments, but they were quickly rationalized and redirected.
time to get moving..
be well,

Permalink: bits_of_me.html
Words: 271
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: simplicity
01/09/07 11:05 - 28ºF - ID#37622
secret garden
There must be a water element as well..
so the visual textures of the Botanical Gardens- not sure how these will turn out- will bring my nifty new-ish camera next time (software is stuck in comp)

Permalink: secret_garden.html
Words: 130
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: simplicity
01/09/07 12:29 - 31ºF - ID#37606
importance of living
I am still contemplating that one.
Anyone ever read, The Importance of Living" written by Lin Yutang? I have an amber paged- musty smelling copy circa 1937. I picked it up awhile ago and had then set it down, only to return to it several months later. The overall message is a reminder to savor life's simple pleasures.
I love the smell of old books. The pages and binding are well intact- and does not appear to be fragile. I will begin to read a few chapters. I enjoy reading to understand others thoughts. In this case a book written in the 30's by a Chinese writer. There are both cultural and generation differences- yet how much is the same? There are common themes across time and places that connect us more than separate us.
I prefer connection.
"Only those who take leisurely what the people of the world are busy about can be busy about what the people of the world take leisurely"
-Chang Ch'ao
enjoy the sunshine..
and as my Moroccan friend always tells me, "don't forget your smile".

Permalink: importance_of_living.html
Words: 192
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: adventure
01/07/07 11:29 - 35ºF - ID#37583
Bird Pier Island- My turn
nothing surprising there, I suppose. I have lost track of how often I have mentioned (and completed) that wish. Yet I have been far off course these last few months, so feeling it yesterday was decidedly a delicate mix of both novel and familiar.
I began with continuing to work on domestic tasks- purging, organizing, cleansing. I am making a mess, disrupting my current 'system', but in a short period of time, it will all come back together. I may very well be the only person who notices- as everything is normally clean and has a relaxing ambiance. But I am getting into the details- it is a bit of a purge on a few levels.
Eventually I made my way to (e:ladycroft) where our outdoor adventure led us to Bird Pier Island. I still wanted very much to breathe in the woods, but time needed to be factored in. I suggested finding the pier as I had yet to go out on it, although I drive by it regularly. We set out not knowing quite where we were going. Thats ok, it is all part of the experience. Well, it was closing in on dusk by the time we parked. perfect.
The breeze was chilly and rain drops began to fall. As always the weather is not a deterent. I was quite pleased with the weather- it felt perfect to me. The darkness came slowly as we made our way to the pier; talking, thinking, laughing sharing ideas. Occasionally we stopped to look at the water- calm along the canal side, rough rushing waves along the river, ourselves making our way inbetween.
I relished the sound of the water crashing upon the boulders.
I ran my fingers lightly over the cool metal cable lining the pier- guiding me as my focus was rarely straight ahead.
Geese, ducks and seagulls delighted me.. "GEESIES!!" "DUCKIES!!", I exclaimed.
In the distance, water crashed over the break wall.
The sky held multiple layers of grey and blue clouds, with deep pink peeking through. The greatest darkness was further into the distance- where the vastness of lake erie held me mesmorized. The combination of breeze, rushing water and birds engolfed me in a sense of the surreal. Breathing in, the air maintained a surprising freshness. Inhaling deeply, it smelt like a summer night in July. LC concurred.
Reaching the furthest point we could go, I was a bit disappointed that it was time to turn back around. We stood and talked a bit longer contemplating the purpose of a structure in the distance that looked like a pirate ship, a magic one at that. Discussion of lake surfing, rafting and stealth missions ensued. The return walk was just as visually pleasing but in a less dramatic and surreal way.
Darkness now apparent, the evening lights of Buffalo and Canada reflected off the water, encouraging color selection for a painting palette. "so many colors in the water right now" with the ducks swimming by, making endless ripples. The structures of downtown were seen from a refreshing persective- a future trek will include my camera.
(e:mrmike,224) we too considered the fate of Fred and Christina :) and that abandoned black sweater proved to be a vital element in hiding LC's secret treasure. I am pleased to have finally located the pier (thanks, (e:pyrcedgrrl) ) and to have shared this experience with (e:ldaycroft) - who is equally up for a spontaneous outing. The remainder of the evening included making a yummy dinner, playing Simons Quest and munching on apples for dessert.
Today, I spent time outside getting my hands dirty.
damn, that felt good.

Permalink: Bird_Pier_Island_My_turn.html
Words: 620
Location: Youngstown, NY
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