Category: family
04/14/11 12:01 - ID#54046
I have to try this...
Daniel Pink on the surprising science of motivation

Permalink: I_have_to_try_this_.html
Words: 72
Last Modified: 04/14/11 12:01
Category: family
07/06/10 12:20 - ID#52111
Hung out with Fernie at the pool at Benderson. Janine came too, she really loves that baby and I think Fern really likes her too. Shy people only like to talk to each other; it's weird… The baby pool was perfect Fern could get in and out by her self and I got some chillax time in the sun. To boot the prices and quality of the concessions at the pool were amazing ($5 for snacks for all, and the chips had flaxseed in em). The hot dog was made out of something I wouldn't be ashamed to say I fed my kid too.
PUBLIC NOTE TO SELF: Always buy the Jewish version of "bad for you" food, it's just better. There's real meat in the hotdogs, real sugar in the Pepsi.... I don't know why they don't do this for other kinds of people, but I'll fake being jewish at bbq's if it'll rid me of some diet guilt.
Got an armband at the carnival for Fern so she could ride everything non stop…and she stopped pretty early. There was a lil baby boy in our entourage and Fern would pet his face like a puppy every once and a while, it was tender. In the middle of everything Fern and I were stranded with all the stuff and she had go to the potty so I had to teach her how to pee "on the side of the road" style between some carnival vehicles. Which must not be easy if you're the girl peeing, and down right scary for a guy trying to teach a girl how to do it for the first time, but we go it done.
Before we got to the carnival in Riverside, Fern and I bought flags and stuff to see the fireworks. We found out that there's no tax on flags, and we kept screaming that at the top of our lungs it while we waved ours. I made sure she really knew what the holiday was for (this time, ask me about Memorial day some time) and i think she really got into it. Man I love that baby and now she loves being an American, I like it that that's what this holiday can be for someone...
And since it was the 4th we stayed up until "are you serious" o'clock until Fern got all "why so serious" on me, but she passed out in the short car ride home so everything was alright.
Went to the beach on Monday with some homies and it was almost a catastrophe but I have sweet assed friends. I did this thing where I get all anxious about something happening without other people there and messaged a ton of humans, then everyone called back at the same time and I didn't want to uninvited anyone. : \ Still I thought the two groups that did want to go might mix well, and i was wrongish. everyone was cool, but clearly some friends didn't have as good a time because the others were there. I gotta be more patient. I'm coming to find this to be a montra that would help me a lot in life.
On the completely up side, being that bereft of clothes for that long was fuuuuuun. Ok, I look a lot better now. I have to say it feels good to be naked in public finally, and being around people who are just as comfortable was key. My friend Josh wore a skin tight american flag man-kini and is blessed by the gods of Wang so I got to see a lot of fun reactions from strange girls. I've decided that flirting is what guys who can't hang their penis' out have to do to convince women sex might be fun. Jokes take a lot to get a girl to giggle the way they do when they spy a fat lazy hamster in his hammock. Just saying.
Later I went to a bbq and grilled what was left of the beach clams and drank really good beer. So even though I missed a few things I was invited to I still had some serious fun.
I guess the thing that stuck with me the most over this weekend is that if you don't take the time to celebrate what is good in things that you have or are all get to have or be is the worst of what's wrong with everything. I felt really American this weekend and I felt good about it coming from a guy like me it's a big step I guess. I think that if everyone would allow them selves to feel good about anything every once in a while, it'd make life a lot brighter...
Ok peeps. Hope you had a fun 4th. We'll chat again soon.

Permalink: NO_TAX_ON_FLAGS_.html
Words: 809
Last Modified: 07/06/10 12:20
Category: family
12/11/08 09:16 - ID#47022

I have a's very toasted

We do this every morning

So, this is a picture of Mya and I at work (that long tall thing)... that long red thing is a bus. Yeah, I'm the one with a buch of lines for hair. She's holding a ballon...or a lollypop or something. The porportions are all off and when was the last time you saw a red bus? Pffft!

Permalink: _baby.html
Words: 91
Category: family
11/18/08 03:34 - ID#46745
Paying the Bills...
Because despite their Monday night loss, they were still more than entertaining to watch, and (e:hodown) wanted to see this lil bay bay up here so... here goes:

Yeah, I really can't get enough of this pic, and yes she's holding a bottle of Gatorade.

Permalink: Paying_the_Bills_.html
Words: 50
Category: family
07/10/08 11:42 - ID#44918
My New Picture
I've been trying to get meg to use Photoshop to touch up her digital images, but I think my zeal has turned her off to using it, but the ohter day she sent me the image that is my pic that she made with Image Ready.
I love burritos... yeah.

Permalink: My_New_Picture.html
Words: 58
Category: family
12/26/07 11:51 - ID#42652
Holiday in Cambodia
Maybe it's cruel or unusual to leave my girlfriend to that mess, but here I am at work waiting for a meeting that no one is going to show up to, but I'm in a state of zen like peace.
This morning in bed with everyone (Mya, Fern, & Meg), Mya looks to me and says in sincerity only expressible by a four-year-old in deepest distress, "Tony, what am I gonna do with all that stuff?" It was kind of priceless... Well Meg's got her parents there to help her clean up a crime I consider them full accomplices of, though I'm sure she'll insist they don't (I think I am, at best, an accessories since Meg did all the shopping. "I don't know where my credit card was officer...") I'm playing house hooky... heh!
I may get going since I just found out about the basement sink clog that started 2 days ago. I'm waiting for my brother to get in touch with me, until then I'll hold down the fort, and only leave in an extreme case.
Merry, Happy, Joyful, Jolly Festivus (WIKIPEDIA - Festivus) to all. May your grievances be heard by loving ears, and bounce off of the hardened hearts of the rest-of-us.

Permalink: Holiday_in_Cambodia.html
Words: 283
Category: family
12/19/07 07:22 - ID#42580
Life as a Cocoon
I'm up at 6:44 am, and I've been up since 5.
Fern can be a tiny terrorist sometimes. She got hungry and decided to set off all of her alarms at once and we went from green to yellow alert in the blink of an eye.
Lots of screaming and 3.5 ounces of Target brand formula later and she's back to her usual curious self. Twisting around in my arms to see what I'm looking at while I try to check out some awful thing that I followed from digg to entertain me while my spawn feeds.
"Eeeh... she's a baby, she won't remember this. Hell, she don't even know she's got feet!" Well, that's what I tell my self right before my fatigue settles in and I get into a serious discussion with a 2 month old. "You have to go back to bed! You can't watch this..."
Hmm... the baby's growing. I didn't even realize how much until I looked at my estrip pic of her. She used to look like a bogger compared to how she looks now. She's heavier too. She's seriously half the height and just under half the weight of her 4 year old sister, Mya. I joke with Mya and tell her that I'm half troll (I use my crooked pinky finger as proof), but the way this baby is growing I'm starting to believe me.
There's other things in my life though. I swear. Um, I think. The baby has changed so much about what I can do, that it's almost like she's changed who I am. Though I know that's not true or fair. Hmm, I'm sure this paragraph might be misconstrued as a regret, but it's not... It's really just an observance. I'm still me in here. I just have my priorities arranged differently.
That's one of Meg's biggest gripes too. She hates being stuck in the house. Sometimes she goes out of her way to get outta here and I don't blame her. I love my house too, but if I felt like I could never leave it I think I'd rather burn it down than be in it one more minute, but isn't that what this period is all about? Living in a cocoon like state until the babys big enough...? I hope so. I need to find out. The one thing that I always defer to after banging my head on the wall is "Maybe I'm wrong about this, maybe I need some new insight".
All in all the baby's too young to leave with a stranger. Sometimes I fee like she's too little to leave with anyone. I had my mom babysit a few times. Each time leaving her with the kids for more and more time until things got a little wobbly. My mom's great, and she's no freak. She raised me...ok, I understand that that doesn't really support my argument, so just believe me, kay? The last time I left her with the kids Meg and I went to see Beowulf at the IMAX 3D and then did some skippin' around the town with my friend Jeremy,. When we got back my mom was passed out on the couch (not the air mattress we set up for her) in a (prescribed) drug induced stupor while the baby wailed on the monitor.
In my moms defense, she needs the drugs. She's missing a vertebrae. Some kinda freak accident involving a mentally retarded character with the PC label of "consumer", her spine, and a clock radio. Every time I hear the story it sounds more and more like something Rob Zombie would have directed. Anyway, I guess she needs help sleeping. I wish I'd of put 2 and 2 together before that night, but everyone is fine and we had a good time.
As the baby struggles to sit up on her own, and with news like "..your baby held her own bottle for like 20 seonds... it was cute, sorry I just had to call you..." the shell on this cocoon is getting more and more brittle.
I don't know I have friends that have kids and understanding friends that don't but I want more of a life for my self... I think, maybe. I don't know.
I'm doing a band with Nick Vega from work. We have a show January 4th at Neitchez, and the set list looks kinda tight. Mostly covers some orginals too though. I haven't been on stage in and age, but after a couple of practices we'll see if it's worth coming out to see this old goat do some tricks for the fair going proletariat again.
Till then...this is muja signing off from inside the cocoon.

Permalink: Life_as_a_Cocoon.html
Words: 782
Category: family
09/26/07 02:31 - ID#41333

Permalink: Bamm_.html
Words: 15
Category: family
09/26/07 01:11 - ID#41332
They doped her up right before she started serious laborso she can't feel a thing, which is nice cause shes no good with pain and bad cause she don't know when shes doing well.
We've been at this since early this morning when I sent a text message to a few peeps. I didn't sleep last night, I was sent out by the meg to enjoy myself on HaloHoliday know the final hour was nigh. Halos great this babys even better..what a great bunch of days. Now if only that house would close.
I saw the babies head for a second a while ago and got a lil teary eyed. Didn't think I had that in me. We have the bday cam and lil phone cam handy so U peeps will be the first to know what she looks like.. ok my break is ending to to go help this baby finish her trip...
wish us all luck.
and pray.
cast a spell.
do a jinx...

Permalink: Push.html
Words: 181
Category: family
02/24/07 04:22 - ID#38267
Cookie, is that you?
Cookie monster showed up... couldn't find Del anywhere or else I'm sure he'd of gotten a picture with him too. Ok Del is inside the suit! His time inside consisted mainly of freaking out babies except for the cute on in the green shirt) and getting harassed by adults. Yeah I told del that his pic would be on the interweb seconds after he donned that outfit
If I can find it on my data card I)l upload me givin' cookie some luuv..
Oooh the later picks are from Shari Millers party last week at Lasertron. We played a game of Cyber sport which is like hyper lacrosse for parapalegics (sp?) Mario also made an orange anna nichole smit grave site cake... it was saddly delicious

Cute as a button

I wanted to pour a 40 on this cake

Birthday girl

Cookie Luv

Permalink: Cookie_is_that_you_.html
Words: 188
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