Category: quickies satisfy
10/04/05 08:28 - 76ºF - ID#35807
Ad signs
This one really cracks me up:

ahh. um.. no comment. :)

'cause i am dirty minded:

I want to make a t-shirt out of this and parade up and down chippewa!?


one more.. If you can't read it, pull down a little on the corners of your eyelids.

Permalink: Ad_signs.html
Words: 77
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: quickies satisfy
10/03/05 07:21 - ID#35806
I am back, feelin' fine.
Taking a study break.. trying to make it quick. We'll see how that goes..
I am feeling quite a bit better, after spending a majority of the weekend asleep. I just felt run down on Friday, then by Saturday I had swollen glands. I kept it low; rented movies, ordered in chinese, and totally vegged.. and drank lots of oj. It is all that I want when I am sick. ((e:metalpeter)), what damage could/would it do to me??!!! Am I going to sprout oranges? Did I give my intestines an acid bath?? ahhhh! Sunday I slept some more. I vaguely recall going outside and twisting some metal ..With my bare hands. Aweee yeah. My neighbor came out and stated that he never wants to make a run in with me when I am mad.. I wish I had pics. I don't claim to be a super hero with super duper powers, but this could be the start of something. I would say that it was delerium, but the evidence is stacked up next to my garage, soon to go out for trash. After that, I was exhausted and slept some more. Sleep is delish.
I think I did well to stay put all weekend. *boring*-- feel out of the loop.
I will be up to some major adventuring come this weekend. Any ideas?
My last post, which I did over the weekend, and I don't remember doing it (was it the effects of mass Orange Juicing?).. referred to the Niagara River and Lake Ontario. ((e:sbrugger)) recalls fond memories of chilling at the piers in Wilson, which totally brought back memories of, well, probably the same piers...ever hang in Olcott? Also lovingly referred to as All Rot, Crotch Rot.. lol. Had to have run into each other somewhere along the way. Lots of fun have been had on the piers from Youngstown to Olcott. I spent a lot of time out on there .. I'll skip the details, but it was always a good place to stay up all night and drink, etc.
Wonder what it would be like now??
- thinking*
- brain cells getting fired up*
I so want to do that now! Grab some beer/wine.. a comfy hoody and stay up all night chilling on the pier.. watch the sun rise (take pics),then go to bed.
OoOOoOooh, and/or I could put up a tent, and have a little bonfire on the beach. Lake Ontario is in the backyard of my mothers house, I doubt she'd mind. Fall camping is the best, anyways..
study breaks are good :)

Permalink: I_am_back_feelin_fine_.html
Words: 436
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: nature
10/01/05 11:10 - 63ºF - ID#35805
smells good
I picked my pumkins. Last year I let a pumkin rot, well, I was too lazy to chuck it into the compost pile at the end of the season.
At the beginning of spring, I saw some funky little leaves pop through the dirt. While I hadn't seen them before, the leaves did not look like weeds, either. As with most things, I waited to see what would develop.
Very quickly the plant grew quite large. I took a measurement mid-summer and figured it was approximately 30 feet wide and fifteen feet deep. I had a jungle of a pumpkin patch growing in my front yard, through other plants and even up and out of the lilac bush; all due to one pumpkin rotting.

I have six all together. They are pretty good size.

I love being out doors. I walk and hike around a lot. I live in a gorgeous area. I love my green space. It does something good for me, mentally. Come winter I will ski, maybe snowboard.. definitely cross country ski. I am going to look for a pair of skiis of my very own soon. I can ski alongside the Niagara River and Lake Ontario. Amazing things to be seen all year long..
I have many sun set pictures. I do not have any sunrises, though, as havent been up to watch one from the lake/river.

Permalink: smells_good.html
Words: 267
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: quickies satisfy
09/30/05 11:40 - 55ºF - ID#35804
mental break
Upon getting home from work, I just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep for awhile. I put in a movie and buried myself under covers, but did not fall asleep. A couple of hours later I got up to get ready to go out.
Instead I did the heap of dirty dishes vomiting over the sink and counter top.
I made dinner.
I had a glass of wine.
And now some red bush tea.
And watching the Simpsons.
I feel fine. I could get in the car; but I just don’t feel compelled to do so, but what I do tomorrow could be another story.
Sometimes, I just don’t care whether I stay in or go out. I am comfortable enough with myself to just spend an evening chilling at home. I moved out of my house at the age of 19. Moved in with a boyfriend for a few years, went our separate ways.. had room mates, ditched them, had some more, realized that wasn't working for me (I consistently pay my bills), and then took to just hacking it alone.. for more than a few years now. I function at warp speed most of the time, and it just feels really good to not do anything. I have a lot of school work due this week, so I must get up early-ish and get started. It is the last week of this particular class, and there is an intimidating exam. I think that is the source of my feeling ‘odd’. I must be stressed. When I am stressed I can be ‘quiet’. Ahhh, I have it all figured out now. Just had to write out my thoughts.
I am certainly not opposed to visitors, though.
Here are a couple of pictures from the Tiki Party that I did not include before. I had wanted to include them in a post well before this, but better late than never. Fire! Fire!

And upon request: the quirky picture of (e:theecarey), (e:ladycroft) and (e:leetee)

Permalink: mental_break.html
Words: 407
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: potpourri
09/29/05 09:41 - 51ºF - ID#35803
moolah and good grades
I totally aced my mid term exam. 99% Looking around, there were many B grades on this in the class, so I am intrigued with this.
I am psyched.
I got my student loan check today!
woo hooooooooooooooooooooo!
This girl can pay the rent and put gas in the car.. not sure what else to do.
I am not in the habit of spending money, since I am not in the habit of having an abundance; but maybe I'll get a little somethin' somethin' for myself.
or not.

Permalink: moolah_and_good_grades.html
Words: 90
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: potpourri
09/28/05 11:14 - 67ºF - ID#35802
not in kansas anymore, just my tents
[inlink]theecarey,22[/inlink] , in an interview of all places. Go Me.
I am not sure if I wrote it out as I should. I take artistic licsense in this one. Once I got started, I found I was having too much fun with it. I like it, so why change it?? We'll see if it is acceptable or not. I am young, have no major responsibilities, I do my own thing and take care of myself.. so I just go forward with what feels right. I have moxy..
this chick is not scared of anything.
OK, the wind is freaking me out a bit. It has picked up and I haven't taken the Sin Tents down which (e:drchlorine) affectionately refers to them as. I hope they don't blow away. But its supposed to be mad windy. I'd go outside to get them, but its dark and scary out there. There are hairy beasts lurking.. they'll eat me or something. I have a wild imagination, and can't bring myself to do it..
(e:joshua) if you see my tents out there in KC, bring 'em home for me, k?
I need bed. Dream land. I can't write coherently any longer.
good night

Permalink: not_in_kansas_anymore_just_my_tents.html
Words: 266
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: potpourri
09/27/05 09:45 - 65ºF - ID#35801
Try this:
Can you raed tihs? Olny srmat poelpe can.I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs psas it on !!

Permalink: Try_this_.html
Words: 135
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: systems thinking
09/26/05 08:32 - 69ºF - ID#35800
Move up or move on...
Partially on curiosity, partially by peer influence, and mostly out of a need for a new challenge, I applied for an internal position. I did not prepare or even think about the interview. I went in and answered questions, encouraged discussion and candidly explained my professional game plan.
Really, who was interviewing who?
When asked why I want this position, I recall using an analogy. I compared the organization to a bus; a bus that is need of the right people in the right seats. I claimed that I am on the right bus, but not the right seat. Not only does a bus need to fill itself with the right people in the right seats, but to have those people stay on the bus no matter what direction it takes. Sometimes you get onboard based only on the destination. However, most destinations take many turns. This is where people are separated by the right people. I have been through a few twists and turns with this organization, I have seen it head in a different direction than I originally anticipated, and I have persevered.
I am tenacious.
I am driven.
My code of conduct is simple. It revolves around the desire to work hard, learn beyond the obvious, take action, think big, make changes, and most importantly: serve the clients to the highest capacity; to prepare each and every child with a developmental disability to lead a full and productive life. My value is compassion and respect towards others; animals, family, friends, consumers. That’s also quite a turn on, too.
I am impressed with and gravitate towards positive, compassionate people that make me think, make me laugh and make me want to know more. Again, pretty simple stuff. In the employment arena, I find myself not recognizing relationship boundaries. I enjoy a good rapport with my fellow coworkers and supervisors. There is no line as far as I am concerned. I tend to befriend those that I respect as workers, those that fit into the aforementioned criteria. This also holds true to my interactions with people outside of the workplace, both in who I gravitate towards and perceived boundaries. I like who I like.. it is often no more than that.. and then, sometimes it is...
Anyhow, the interview lasted about an hour. I sat at a large conference table with a bunch of others from various positions, who each asked me numerous questions. I was totally calm cool and confident. Nothing tripped me up, and although I could have elaborated on any one topic (and said so), I kept it to a minimum. However, there were areas that I elaborated on and even pulled the interviewers into a discussion. They know me, they know what I have done and what I can do.. and they know what I want.
Quantitative skills and job specifics can be taught and learned; not so much with attitude and other qualitative abilities. Organizations would do well to hire and promote based more on attitude than on specific skills. I have said all along that there are qualities and attributes an individual has that can not be formally learned.
I was asked where I saw myself in five years. I asked, “Well, what’s Steve (CEO) going to be up to?”
This further prompted an interesting discussion on my career path, being a leader, being impressed with my abilities both in skill and attitude.. etc. One individual kept piping up with impressive comments. Never one to consciously need a pat on the back, it sure felt good for everyone to verbalize their opinions of me… seeing as they were good ;)
Now I wait.

Permalink: Move_up_or_move_on_.html
Words: 670
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: adventure
09/27/05 12:36 - 78ºF - ID#35799
Saturday night objectives completed
Geographical points of interest: Kunis, Spot, Allen Hardware, Cathode Ray, The Pink (can't ever call it anything else!)
People of interest: (e:paul), (e:terry), (e:matthew), (e:mike), (e:jason), (e:joshua), (e:keith), and (e:ladycroft) (and moi!)

I loOooOOoOooOOove this picture! Aweeee..makes me feel all warm and fuzzy

(e:ladycroft) and (e:carey) having fun in Pinks bathroom. Here are a few more..

ahh, like a cherry on top, a suprise visit by the super cute and delicious Larson brothers ;)

Permalink: Saturday_night_objectives_completed.html
Words: 118
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: potpourri
09/24/05 04:08 - 72ºF - ID#35798
You come. Yes you. Dont be scared..
the tenative itinerary is as follows:
Shushied up- Kunis
Coffeeied up- SPOT
Liquered up- pearl street brewery or alternative brews on sheriden
and later..Liquered down ;)
(I insist on grammatical and spelling license-- see carey to english dictionary)
Any takers, give me a call 622-6639
the more the merrier.. always up for good oral intercourse
thats conversation, my dear pervs.

Permalink: You_come_Yes_you_Dont_be_scared_.html
Words: 88
Location: Youngstown, NY
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