05/11/07 03:01 - 53ºF - ID#39238
PSA for a friday night in Buffalo
I know this is really short notice, but if you're wondering what to do this fine Friday night, but there's a free concert at the Albright Knox.
Starts at like 7ish, and I hear there will be some booze perhaps, and fud (not a spelling error it's pronounced fudd like elmer, but it's the stuff you put in your mouth when you're hungry).
I'll be there, so if it's not everything you hoped for you can throw tomatoes at me, or like come and say "hi, where're you been you friggin' abandoner!?", or something.
Later peep-o's

Permalink: PSA_for_a_friday_night_in_Buffalo.html
Words: 104
Location: Buffalo, NY
05/05/07 10:12 - 54ºF - ID#39171
Ants are cool, Spiders are not...anymore
Went to the park today (I know I've been gone for a long time, hey yall), took the midget and my nephew "Squishy".
His momma nicknamed him that when he was in the womb, and it hasn't gone away yet. She was watching "Finding Nemo", you know that scene where the goofy flat fish finds a piece of plankton and coos to it... I figure, if you end up a football dude. You know, on defense, being nicknamed Squishy, or "the Squish" not so bad. If you end up addicted to Wendy's and not quite able to scratch hard to reach places on your on body, not so good. Even if you end up a little tubby.
Both of the kids are about 3-4 and the exact same height, and they like to hang out w/ each other and 2 kids isn't too much. So away we had snacks and one of them dropped a fishy cracker (you know the Pepridge Farm doodles) near a nest of ants and the ant rejoiced!
It was kinda nice giving them a leg up and watching them go to town. We crushed a cracker up and srpinked them and it was gone in minutes. Very very fascinating.
Ants are a lot more fun when they're not in you're cubicle.
We bought this really awsome 10$ kite from target to fly since the day was delightfully windy and went to the watefront to fly it. It was really cool. Didn't take any sticks to get it up and running so it was out of the box and in the air in seconds, and out the grasp of the 3yr old you entrusted it to and into lake Erie in about 45 minutes. Still, I was so impressed that I'm going to go get another one.
In Theaters Now! !

So don't spoil it for your self go see it before you read this
Went Thursday night because I wanted to see it before anyone else because of stupid people like me who'd release news about it before I got to see it. (Sorry if I'm doing that to you, but I did post warning so what ever dude). The woman even came with. She's awfully sweet for those sortsa things. She genuine likes nerdy things when they're put together well. We saw Grindhouse together which I will defend as being a must-see-in-the-cinema masterpiece that challenges the pallet and expertly pays homage to a vein of film that I'm very glad was forgotten and she loved it. A co-worker (you know who you are), confessed to not being able to see since it really is a gross movie, and he's lady fair's gross out factor was too high.
On the other hand. I'm very disappointed in what came of the 3rd installment of Spidey, which as far as I'm concerned was the best nerdy franchise out right now, but I guess after this pieceof crap the only thing that's left that hip and nerdy is the Batman series, correct me if I'm wrong. [Yeah, they may put out another superman, and (e:matthew) will disagree with me, but that movie was dull].
I thought the movie was well paced, but the scenes that would have looked far better on the cutting room floor outweighed the scense that were compelling and fascinating by about 10 to 1 (rough estimate, don't' quote me). There was some really good scenes (ok, only 1 comes to mind, but none of the charm of the previous films made it to the edition, and I can't understand why.
You know that brief manky and uncozy feeling you go when you watched our soon to be Dark Lord of the Sith, now whiny Jedi brat trade love pats with his poo poo on the veranda? Well Rami managed to stretch that feeling out for about a solid 30 minutes near the end of the film.
I heard that McGuire didn't want to do Spidey movies anymore past this one, and that maybe they were killing the series. They wrapped up a lot of live plots by the end of this film, and they could do another, but after seeing that crud I don't' care if they do. Especially after the hot steaming popping on that the best Spidey villain receives be becoming a bad plot device at the end of the film.
Ok, my rant is over. Hopefully I haven't detracted anything from your predestined movie going experience. Sorry it had to come to spoilerish material, but I had to get it out.
I missed you peeps...

Permalink: Ants_are_cool_Spiders_are_not_anymore.html
Words: 774
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/30/07 10:08 - 53ºF - ID#39103
Some Phone Images

Permalink: Some_Phone_Images.html
Words: 6
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: family
02/24/07 04:22 - 20ºF - ID#38267
Cookie, is that you?
Cookie monster showed up... couldn't find Del anywhere or else I'm sure he'd of gotten a picture with him too. Ok Del is inside the suit! His time inside consisted mainly of freaking out babies except for the cute on in the green shirt) and getting harassed by adults. Yeah I told del that his pic would be on the interweb seconds after he donned that outfit
If I can find it on my data card I)l upload me givin' cookie some luuv..
Oooh the later picks are from Shari Millers party last week at Lasertron. We played a game of Cyber sport which is like hyper lacrosse for parapalegics (sp?) Mario also made an orange anna nichole smit grave site cake... it was saddly delicious

Cute as a button

I wanted to pour a 40 on this cake

Birthday girl

Cookie Luv

Permalink: Cookie_is_that_you_.html
Words: 188
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: nerd
02/22/07 06:13 - 36ºF - ID#38246
So, I hate blogs, which you'd know if you read any of my first few, but um, I like people, so that's why i post here.
I'd never do a blog on my own, but my collegue and good friend Paul has writen some perdy darn sweet bloggin' software that I"m sure you're all aware of, but that's not much news.
I have owned enknot.com and some real server space for quite some time and haven't done anything with it since I was really green at all this stuff when I bought it, but I've been turning over a new leaf.
I plan to do a lot of stuff with the site but I won't flap my jaws until I have something to show, speaking of, I figured if my site was gonna have a blog I would just use this one, so I have. (e:paul) 's got an API up there to the left w/ the turtle and such and I figured I'd pop it on my site for good mesure.
Yeah, seems maybe kinda lazy, and sometimes I feel like he's got too many people riding on his shirt tails, but the way I figure it if he puts something out there to be used, it's for reason. Since I'm back there too I try to be as much of a help as i can, so hopefully someone using this chunk of functionality from his site will be worth while to helping make the site better, and the traffic I generate (if my page and (e:ejtower) 's page ever get done) will add to the fun here too...
If you have your own site and a journal here, help him out and use this api, he wrote it for you! Least that's how I figure it.
Ok the sabers are on in under an hour and there's much preperation to be done.
As Yet Unstyled

Permalink: API.html
Words: 365
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: nerd
02/09/07 08:33 - 14ºF - ID#38085
All My Nerdiness at Once with Zeal!
After watching one of his lil videos I just wanted to find out who composed that Mario Brothers music (cause it's really amazing if you haven't noticed by now, try playing any of it on any kind of instrument you would hurt your self), and I wound up finding about this concert series that is touring the world with the best videogame music of all time played by a real symphonic orchestra.
I'm sort of a band geek from way back as well as a button masher, so this would prolly make my balls explode! Hell one of my favorite albums is the Actraiser soundtrack. If you ask iTunes it'll prolly say I've listend to that record over 200 times.... I mean if you ask me it's perfect programmer music. Most programmers are ex or current button mashers, the music was desinged to play in the background while you did complicated things so you can listen while you program, and it's complex and beautiful, as soon as you get humans to play it it's overwhelmingly ..... oh gawd I'm such a nerd.
and if you liked that you dirty dirty nerd
you get a little more dirty
and a lot more nerdy
for free...
Future Sex Robotz-HOTel cORAL esSEX

Permalink: All_My_Nerdiness_at_Once_with_Zeal_.html
Words: 232
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: baby
02/08/07 09:22 - 18ºF - ID#38076
Message from the Vortex!
I haven't posted in a while.
There's so many new faces around here now too.
And Carolinian finally has a new pic, and I really like it ( on the moooooooooon ).
Hmmm... I have some very fantastic news to report but I can't spoil me and IMK2's bet before she breaks looses big. Still, I'm very tempted to.
My house search has begun, and I've been busier than holy cow.
I have a huge project at work all of a sudden too.
I haven't gone snowboarding this winter yet and (e:iccrus) has been stalkin' me since he and are the only people we know who snowboard around these parts, and we will... soon. I promise my fine feathered birdlike person.
OOh, my vortex! You prolly saw her at (e:pmt)'s new years party or (e:paul)'s bday party. I've meet a girl and she's ultra fantastic. Her name is Megan and she joined the site, but she's no compy so she hasn't posted just yet and cannot add to the funderful drama that is estrip just yet.
She has a munchikin named Mya who's often times more than even I can handle, but that keep things very interesting. Yeah, she's super fun too.
Le MunchinMatt Silfer 2007

Rob finger just got a mac lappy and it's super fantastic amazing and everything I thought it would be. It runs pretty fancy windows stuff really well. I'm gettin' one, no questions. I want it bad like a junkie....
There is a potential that we might get work lappys (a nice mac lappy) which would be just perfect since all I'm going to do on the thing is work on work stuff after hours anywho. (Hey not all of us have an estrip to bounce on our knees, but I'll figure something out).
Ok (e:peeps) I missed reading ya and getting feed back. I'll not stay away so long next time,and I'll keep you posted.

Permalink: Message_from_the_Vortex_.html
Words: 327
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: humanist
01/15/07 10:43 - 32ºF - ID#37695
Milk Day
Here's some mild controversy for you (e:peeps).
I'm at work. Cause I forgot about MLK day. Which is kinda sad, but maybe not. JayZee's here too...I mean Jon Zhang, but I don't assume he's much for any American holiday.
I'm a bit driven lately. I just want to get good work done. Plus I have no phone, which honestly is like my other brain. It keeps track of everything for me. I love it. I love it so much. (OK I'm not going to start that again).
I guess I can't blame this on the phone, or my on-again-off-again over consuming drive either. So, I should be excited that it's MLK day, right? Right?
I think that the spirit of MLK day and a part of what MLK stood for is challenging the status quo for the betterment of his people (and I by that I mean Americans. Who doesn't want to live in peace?).
I think it's a challenge to be a driven and contributing member of society being from the demographic I am from. (Check the photo. I'm a black dude). I've grown up around people who I know could and should have been much better off than they ended up. I won't start listing the reasons why, the obvious not withstanding. This is not to say that they're lives are lesser because of where they ended up, but it's sad all the same to see anything not reach it's full potential, needless to say half of it's potential for too many reasons. When someone dosn't become as amazing as they should have been we all loose. What if they were the ones that were going to invent the internet, or a wheel, or hot pockets?
Ok one example. My grammie, Jimmie Hardison (yeah her name is Jimmie), was a math and memory monster. She could total a grocery bill including tax an coupons as she shopped, often corrected the check out personnel, and told her where she made her mistakes. She was also artistically astute, but because of how she grew up she ended up being a housewife/baby-factory for a dude who was born with a speech impediment, a mean spirit, and who had general sense of nastiness about him. It was all she could do with her life. Nine kids sealed the deal (yeah 8 aunts and uncles and that's just on the moms side). I noticed all of her wonderful traits as her grandson and inherited some of them (thank the maker) to my chagrin, since I knew she was always held back from becoming the beacon of human excellence she was able to become. Weather it was because of my mean grampa, or because of what she was a Black, Irish, & Native American woman in 1920's - 40's USA leaves enough to be said. Still, it's sad one way or another.
I think I'm doing better than I ever thought I could, and I'm really glad for it. Not just because of the direct benefit of being compensated for my work, but for the example I set for my immediate family members, the next generation of humans, and anyone else who may happen to meet me who had a preconstructed idea of who I might be. Even if I'm not a millionaire or even a thousandaire, I'm really happy, and my work makes their world a better place, so at least I feel like I'm giving back to humanity in many ways (I hope... I think), and I don't think I could have been able to accomplish any of these things as easily and maybe at all without Dr. Kings life coming before mine. Hopefully someone in the future will be able to say that about something that occurred in my life.
So me ending up at work on MLK day cause I want to get some good work out or even that I forgot I was off because of the same reasons I guess ain't so bad, to me at least. I'm sure he's smiling down on me from where ever he is...
You peeps have a sweet Milk day, enjoy some human excellence and make some of your own as well, cause that's what today's about really.

Permalink: Milk_Day.html
Words: 710
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: humanist
01/13/07 05:17 - 29ºF - ID#37673
My Internet Appendage
This one's really nerdy, but a least it's not whiny!
Me and (e:paul) were talking about the internet (picture that!) and he made a point that got me thinking. I didn't own [myfullname].com, and that was stupid for too many reasons.
A. I'm a web worker.
B. I'm a nerd
C. People will find you online no matter how badly you want them not to. What they find may be up to you depending on how much you've done about it before they get there.
Ok C sounded a little paranoid, but with good reason. Our latest scandal not withstanding. One time I had a crush on a girl and I posted it here and then she emailed me a link to my own effin' journal confronting me about it.... yeah.
On the flip side of "C" I've been having these philosophical epiphanies of late, normally to do with chemicals that aren't native to my brain, but epiphanies none the less. The way I've come to these ideas tend to make me question their validity until I discuss them with people in the real world who are not under the influence of such chemicals. Much to my delight they hold a considerable amount of water. Tell me what you think...
I've come to a conclusion that the internet is the single greatest invention that human beings have created since the beginning of time. Which is not to say that there are not other great ones that we've invented in the past, or that there won't be greater ones one the future, but right now the information super highway is the bees knees.
Allow me to expand upon that idea (so I don't just sound like a webby fanboy).
If you view intelligence as a biological tool, like gills, teeth, or arms it's got some unique qualities that as a result set human beings apart from every other creature on the planet, epically since we have such a well developed intelligence (en mass not per individual, as well all know that some of us are a bit defunct in that category).
The best thing about intelligence is the fact that with it we can create artificial organisms that modify our base abilities and attributes and allow us to become more than we are at birth. The telephone and the network that supports telephonic communication for instance is an artificial organism (else wise known as a device), that allows us to communicate in ways we never could. So to does the airplane, automobile, microwave oven, nintendo wii (ok maybe not the later as much...), etc. But more than our ability to create and expand our capabilities in our world we have the ability to benefit from the intelligence of past and current members of our species (or population) from outside of our physiology because of these devices.
If the very first frogs as we know them's legs allowed them swim and hop where before they could only swim, the only way they were able to pass his new found abilities on to his offspring is by reproducing and hoping that the offspring will inherit those traits. Sometimes the traits aren't even passed, sometimes they are to no effect, and sometimes to detrimental effect. Not passing traits at times is for the best since I've seen images of frogs who's eyes grew inside their mouths instead of on top of their heads (here's an article). Ok maybe that'd be better than the current configuration, but my point is that there's very little way for future frogs to benefit from any new development that a frog can come up with in it's lifetime.
Intelligence on the other hand can be recorded and improved upon, such that none of the time and energy of creating anything that has been created by intelligence need ever be spent again. This applies not only by our offspring, but by other members of the current generation. So now our lives will benefit the lives of others, even if we don't reproduce.
This phenomenon It has it's down falls too. Should a development occur in a life form that would endanger it, hopefully it would die before it got a chance to reproduce and spread that trait. We have other technologies that help us simulate this "natural selection" like markets and such but it doesn't always work, but I digress.
The ability to pass our created abilities makes us super organisms, or um.... humans. We've been doing this for centuries and as a result we advance at an exponential rate compared to the other organisms we share the planet with.
Now fast forward to the current time and this here internet thing.
All it really is is a collection of creations, albeit abstract creations, but even the most abstract creation on the internet has some concrete equivalents (ie. you and I having this here (e:community) my (e:peeps)), and/or aid in the creation of other more complex creations at an accelerated rate. It catalogs and stores our creations in an organized manner that allows for efficient recall of creations beyond the creators ability to organize and store. If anything is on the web for just a day sometimes, it may never go away for better or for worse.
I have more of this dribble to expound but I should probably break this one off here. If this were a turd it'd be snaking out of the bowl by now, but I promise to return to this topic (weather or not you're interested since you're clearly not the only one who can or will read this... he he he).
Wrapping this post up. I figured I should by my names URL and point it someplace that would at least better describe me, and aid the process of accelerating humans.
PS. On a warm and fuzzy tip. This here internet may be around well after your great grandkids are long gone... and what you do here will be all that is left of many of us. Leave as much as you can behind for them to see since they will find you too.
--this is forever.

Permalink: My_Internet_Appendage.html
Words: 1029
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/12/07 06:09 - 47ºF - ID#37662
30 More dollars you Sprinty duche bags!
Here are the facts. I need some opinion on this my peeps.
I have a social addiction, and have done well to curb it since I haven't had a phone. Ok, not so much curbing as much as hanging out with only 1 person, but that's not so bad when she's as cute as she's been. I'm gonna lay down some facts, and I want you to let me know what I should do...
1. I have been paying for phone service this month sans phone (bout 65$).
2. I have to pay the replacement fee for my phone and have finally ($50) so it's on it's way.
3. I can pay an additional fee to have it overnighted typically it's $15 bucks, but since tomorrow is the weekend it more ($30).
4. I can however pay to have my phone overnighted on Sunday and it would get here on Monday and that would cost ($15).
5. I feel like I'm going to explode if I don't have my phone back in a few hours let alone days, and well if I don't get it overnighted at all it'll get here on Thursday for "free" ($0).
6. I can't stand not having a data card in my phone, and this will be the 3rd one I bought for it and they were each about $50 after shipping so this one will make the grand total for data cards kinda high ($150).
so really is another $30 bucks all that bad to be able to chat with folks again? I da know.. you tell me.
I think I want some Chinese food. I'm going to go to Great Wall (the last place my phone was in my presence and where we were the last customers at midnight that fateful night. Where they say they didn't see any phone before I even mentioned my phone.... phone stealers! Yes, I will go there and order something yummy... then punch that dude in the fuckin' face.

Permalink: 30_More_dollars_you_Sprinty_duche_bags_.html
Words: 317
Location: Buffalo, NY
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