01/12/07 06:09 - 47ºF - ID#37662
30 More dollars you Sprinty duche bags!
Here are the facts. I need some opinion on this my peeps.
I have a social addiction, and have done well to curb it since I haven't had a phone. Ok, not so much curbing as much as hanging out with only 1 person, but that's not so bad when she's as cute as she's been. I'm gonna lay down some facts, and I want you to let me know what I should do...
1. I have been paying for phone service this month sans phone (bout 65$).
2. I have to pay the replacement fee for my phone and have finally ($50) so it's on it's way.
3. I can pay an additional fee to have it overnighted typically it's $15 bucks, but since tomorrow is the weekend it more ($30).
4. I can however pay to have my phone overnighted on Sunday and it would get here on Monday and that would cost ($15).
5. I feel like I'm going to explode if I don't have my phone back in a few hours let alone days, and well if I don't get it overnighted at all it'll get here on Thursday for "free" ($0).
6. I can't stand not having a data card in my phone, and this will be the 3rd one I bought for it and they were each about $50 after shipping so this one will make the grand total for data cards kinda high ($150).
so really is another $30 bucks all that bad to be able to chat with folks again? I da know.. you tell me.
I think I want some Chinese food. I'm going to go to Great Wall (the last place my phone was in my presence and where we were the last customers at midnight that fateful night. Where they say they didn't see any phone before I even mentioned my phone.... phone stealers! Yes, I will go there and order something yummy... then punch that dude in the fuckin' face.

Permalink: 30_More_dollars_you_Sprinty_duche_bags_.html
Words: 317
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: humanist
01/09/07 04:11 - 32ºF - ID#37613
I'm am just a rat
Aside from any issue with having anything to do with heart breakers who sleep with ex-bestfriends I have upped my level of ratttiude!
First, however, I am not going to be banding with said heart breaker, the party of the 2nd part decided that it would be bad form to join forces with me for good reason that need not be stated here (there will be no underwear airing on my laundry line). I'm sorry for any ill will that might have been caused by it, but that's all behind us now...
Ok... now recently as a part of my humanist philosophy to better humanity I agreed to donate some blood to an experiment here at work (Roswell Park Cancer Institute), but I didn't want to just sign up blindly, or be constantly harassed to be included in future experiments so I did some probing and the research sound quite fascinating.
I could go on but why not just rep the doctor who's conducting the experiment and put some text from one of my messages to the research scientists up here for you to read:
... For this particular study, an investigator is developing the methodology to look for very common damage to DNA of a particular sort that can than be used in studying some specific hypotheses regarding cancer risk.
We really appreciate your helping out...
I'll go deeper into my ideas about humanism and such latter, but check this dude out, and check out what research you can aid that might cure a disease in your great grand kids by just giving up some blood, and some time to someone like Dr. Box (::snicker::..., yeah his name is Dr. Box!).

Permalink: I_m_am_just_a_rat.html
Words: 282
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: nerd
01/09/07 04:11 - 32ºF - ID#37612
I'm am just a rat
Aside from any issue with having anything to do with heartbreakers who sleep with ex-bestfriends I have upped my level of ratttiude!
First, however, I am not going to be banding with said heartbreaker, the party of the 2nd part decided that it would be bad form to join forces with me for good reason that need not be stated here (there will be no underware airing on my laundry line). I'm sorry for any ill will that might have been caused by it, but that's all beind us now...
Ok... now recently as a part of my humanist philosphy to better humanity I agreed to donate some blood to an experiment here at work (Roswell Park Cancer Institute), but I didn't want to just sign up bliindly, or be constantly harrased to be included in future expermients so I did some probing and the resesarch sound quite facinating.
I could go on but why not just rep the doctor who's conducting the experment and put some text from one of my messages to the research scienctists up here for you to read:
... For this particular study, an investigator is developing the methodology to look for very common damage to DNA of a particular sort that can than be used in studying some specific hypotheses regarding cancer risk.
We really appreciate your helping out...
I'll go deeper into my ideas about humanism and such latter, but check this dude out, and check out what research you can aid that might cure a disease in your great grand kids by just giving up some blood, and some time to someone like Dr. Box (::snicker..., yeah his name is Dr. Box!).

Permalink: I_m_am_just_a_rat.html
Words: 280
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: nerd
01/07/07 02:15 - 41ºF - ID#37576
My Zelda Like Quest
do, do do, doot, da do!
do, do do, doot, da dah, doot, da dah doot
[continue to imagine Zelda musics playing in the background]
Ok... today marks the beginning of the end of my phonelessness.
I just finished the last dungeon and now I'm heading back to IT village past the town of Allen at 901 Washington where the other 2 pieces of the TriForce of communication lay wating.
1. The TriForce of Law - And affidavit that states that I in fact did loose it and am not scamming them for a free one.
2. The TriForce of Identification - A xerox of my NYS drivers licence that proves that I am me
And lastly the sacred ...
3. TriForce of Sprint - A copy of my last bill!
With these and the force of 50 American dollars I can unlock the secrets of the universe and no longer be an caveman with a can and a string. We'll see how long it takes to come back after I send this here letter out...
Until then life remains as drab as it wanna be, unless I'm hanging out with Megan, who happens to be the bee's knees....
I'm going to SPoT to eat a sandwich and read a Chuck Palahniuk book that mysteriously appeared on my stairs days after New Years with a Joanna Newsome album in a brown paper package. Found it when (e:terry), (e:brit) and I came back to my flat to pick up a board game we tried and failed to play before karaoke this friday. I digress, should any of you (e:peeps) see this post and wanna hang, come on down to the down of town and we'll have some fancy coffee drinks...

Permalink: My_Zelda_Like_Quest.html
Words: 292
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: unnerd
01/02/07 11:04 - 34ºF - ID#37512
New Years Revloutions!
I hate new years resolutions, mostly cause they're never taken seriously, and when they are it's usually not something that should have waited a year, but... I'm feeling giddy right now so here goes.
1. I hope to start a small government in my pants by this time next year!
2. I will most certainly get a phone before the year is over.... but only gawd knows when since more disaster has stricken since last I posted...
(hence the desire to die)
3. I will live to see my self not die!
4. I will not go to the gym until all the resolution people are gone...
5. I will make more home meals since my cooking is better than just about every girls who've I've ever date (ok, Becky's quesadillias were kinda svelte but she was just a mean person so she don't count)
6. I promise to shave vycious at least once more, possibly this time with a small half-Asian girl assisting me. (cause it's funny!)
7. I promise to make my computer work, or blow it up with dyn-o-mite (yes the Jimmie Walker kind).
7. I promise to give (e:vycious) his number seven back... which he really shouldn't be that upset about not having since it's kinda lame.
8. I promise not to make resolutions that are stupid or not entertaining to at least one other person, since really they're just comic relief for the richer, thinner, more productive selves we all keep locked tidily away in the sticky oubliettes of our minds...
9. I may have a cheese sandwich in the next 10 minutes
10. I will program a bunch of stuff...
There's my tenleven revolutions.
Ok here's the sad news... Phone still gone, now debit card gone and the wait for new phone broadens, I think I've contracted some kind of stomach flu, my compys still broken, I still can't dunk a basketball, double dutch still confuses me, and I'm waiting for my liver to end up missing, but on a lighter note
Thanks sooo much for having that shindig guys... You dudes rock. Pray for me (I mean it).

Permalink: New_Years_Revloutions_.html
Words: 360
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: unnerd
12/31/06 04:32 - 43ºF - ID#37479
PSA: Stolen Phoney
So last night I was wasted, more than I think I've ever been off of beers and wings alone, but waisted none the less.
Ok I'm sure it has something to do with knowing the bartender at the bar you're drinking at... So, I got to watch the Sabers destroy the Canes' which I love to see since they ousted us from the cup run last year...
Got hungry, when to great wall where I remember receiving a text message and the next time I check... no phoney.
Sad tony.
I have insurance so I'll have a new phone in days, and my contacts are backed up at work so I can call you (yes you), but it's sad that I have no phone on new years...
very sad..
I can't wait for this party though. I have some extra surprises that I will unveil for (e:pmt) during the secret santa event.
allright you estrippers... keep on strippin!

Permalink: PSA_Stolen_Phoney.html
Words: 160
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: unnerd
12/13/06 06:46 - 42ºF - ID#22307
Post Party Depression
When I start these I always say that it's going to be short and sweet and it's always a lie.
I had soo much fun at my party. Thank you sooo much (e:pmt) for hosting it. Thank you all sooo much for coming. I think that it was the happiest day of my life.
I was soo jazzed that I woke up at 9:00am the next day calling people cause I wanted to hang out and hear that hey had a good time.
Ok, so for me there were quite a few highlights but I'll limit my self to 3. If you were there and anything fun (or scandalous, for all you rumor mongers) happened please do tell. I need to relive these moments while they're fresh in my mind.
3. Pinata - After the bands were done and we were cutting a rug in (e:pmt)'s living room I busted out my 30ish pinata and we all pummeled it until mounds of candy and condoms showered the dance floor... minutes later on a break in the kitchen (e:paul) came in with two handfulls and one mouth full of candy and could barely mutter "there's candy everywhere in there, it's soo great!". Funniest moment of the night
2. Allison - A very cute and nerdy girl who keeps books, page makers, and highlighters for passages that she wants to remember in her purse danced with me for quite a while. I've known her for some time, but not as well as I would like to... hopfully meeting her at La Luna tonight will be worth postponing my regularly scheduled every other Wednesday.
1. Passion - A band I have admired for almost a year played and I got be a part of and sing my favorite song "Lady Fingers" on stage with, that included some of the most well respected and talented musicians in the city (Fen, Thom, Andy, ect...) and entertained the crowd at the party with all their tune (they only have one), and a stunning rendition of "We are the world". Sigh... oh man oh man, it coudlnt' get any better.
0. (e:thecarey) secretly sneaking about and cleaning up the whole affair before I could get back in the morning. (I had a cleaning crew ready to go, but us only having to replace the furniture made everything that much easier, thanks sooo much).
Ok I cheated. But Carrie deserves some accolades.
Thanks again everyone and (e:pmt). You guys are the best. And thank you all once more for making my party a success!

Permalink: Post_Party_Depression.html
Words: 427
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: grody
11/30/06 11:02 - ID#22306
Shaving Vycious -
I was supposed to go to a movie today with (e:vycious) whom ever he was going to invite, whom ever I was going to invite, (e:imk2), and (e:des) today . We had some passes for Van Wilder, but um.. I uh. lost the tickets somewhere in the course of cleaning out my car. (A looser is me)
So tonight was almost like any other night that (e:vycious) would let me use his basement laundry facilities and we'd hang out and play video games while we got wasted, and then Erin came over and all hell broke loose!
(e:vycious) needed a back shaving and at first I was thought why would I shave my freinds back? Then I said to my self, why not?! Isn't that what friends, and little camcorders in your phone are for? Besides (e:vycious) is very hobbity in many ways (he's got very course wirey hairs that spring from the most uncomely of places, so he feels) and shaves on the occasion to mask his true nature from the rest of human kind...
So with Erin behind the camera we commenced to make this here video. I've transcribed just below it.
Afterwards I found out that the blades were dull and there was a loose tooth on it which made it bite quite a bit so none of the ow's are fake (sorry (e:vycious) ), and after some sincere apologizes and (e:vycious) 's review of the video he approved it's being posted since it's pretty damn funny. He's quite a sport that (e:vycious).
OOOH.... Don't forget about the 2 estrip parties that are coming up. enknot Birthday and (e:pmt)'s Xmas Bash! Details about the birthday part are in my previous post and i'll keep you all posted here.
enknot: I am now. e n k n o t, going to shave vycious' back, come and see his hairy assed back
enknot: clippers... how do I get this on? Is there a switch? I can't figure it out. Oh, here goes. Oh yes,
vycious: ow!
enknot: shut up
vycious: ow! ow ow ow!
enknot: you fuzzy son of a bitch
enknot: you hobbit bastard
vycious: ow!
enknot: why dosn't it shave?
vycious: because it's battery operated
enknot: you've got evil hobbit hair
vycious: a.. hooowwooww. I'm going to go to work tomorrow and I'm going to be bloody. ow ow!
erin: come on, be nice... [giggles]
enknot: I am being nice!
vycious: that really hurts..
enknot: Say my name bitch!
vycious: ow
enknot: Say my name
vycious: it's really hurting...
enknot: I've gotta get. I've gotta get this hair offa here dude. Otherwise it'll be on there, and you don't want that
erin: you gotta be nice though [giggles]
vycious: ow, ow.
enknot: yeah baby! Yeah! [ smacks ].
vycious: ow. ahh I'm bleeding.
enknot: He's all red..
erin: you gotta be nice though [giggle]
vycious: [gibberish] ah what are you doing to me here
enknot: I'm shaving you!
vycious: what are you doing to me here?
enknot: I'm shaving you
vycious: you're like mangling me!
erin: you're shaving against the grain dude
enknot: Oh, sorry.
vycious: I thought you said your dad was beautician
enknot: Yeah, it doesn't mean I'm genetically good at this shit dude
enknot: Look at that it's like a mound of hair
vycious: ahhh easy!
enknot: It's really him. I didn't just find some bum off the street
vycious: I'm not a bum!
enknot: Shut up bitch!
vycious: ahh!
enknot: That was an action shoot
enknot: Say my name
vycious: you are hurting me
enknot: Say my name
vycious: you are really hurting me

Permalink: Shaving_Vycious_.html
Words: 612
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: fun!
11/30/06 08:42 - ID#22305
Party Party Party! My BDay Party Dec 9th
There will be a Party of estrippian porportions! December 9th, 2006 at your favorite mansion, the (e:strip) mansion!
There will be 2 Bands and a DJ or 2. There will be no cover but some shot for sale (to cover the entertaiment and venue), there will be merriment and a noodle haired estripper who's nearly 30!... me!
The bands include
1. The Chezch Mates and
2. Passion
and no other than DJ Twist who plays the craziest dance music, and possibly an 80's set by Fen!
You can hear the passion album for free at

Lastly there will be a twister room if I can secure 4 twister boards in enough time and ensure (e:pmt) that it won't get too crazy (yeeeeeah) and a other fun games (like killer, and mumball!)
Wear something nerdy, or some pajammies, or your birthday suit since it's my birthday.
Hmm if you have any game suggestions comment me up...

Permalink: Party_Party_Party_My_BDay_Party_Dec_9th.html
Words: 179
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: holiday
11/27/06 08:41 - ID#22304
Black Friday
I must at some point in text describe the night, perhaps do a transcription of the vocals on the interview and the quitter video...
All in all I had a great time, I stayed up with Matt and Thomas until sometime the next afternoon, and came home with a new video card for my compy (eventhough I haven't played games on my computer in over a month!).
Next post will be about my party at (e:pmt)'s on December 9th. It'll be my birthday and the beginning of my last year as a 20 something, happiness and sadness all at the same time. I hope to see you there. Till then check out these silly videos and images
I topped it all off with a movie with (e:jenks) (Bond... James Bond). What a great weekend
Best Buy... 4:00 am day after thanksgiving. These Zombies are full of turkey

Permalink: Black_Friday.html
Words: 176
Location: Buffalo, NY
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If you can't stand the thought of life without the data card, buy it.
And if it was me, I'd spend the extra $15 to get the phone by Monday, but not $30 to get the phone earlier.
But then, I don't know how much "extra cash" you have lying around haha...