Category: simplicity
09/10/06 11:09 - 53ºF - ID#36031
lost and found, shrooms and weetabix

A few other groceries and about $75 later, I return to Y-Town to take a much needed trek through The Fort. It was sunny, the air chilly and I needed to see and hear the crash of waves and the feel of sand pressing under my shoes. The sunset was gorgeous as always. A venture into the surrounding woods added to this repreive. Look what I found..

Vibrant! and this is just with the razr camera phone:

I came home feeling refreshed although my stomach still feels weird. Not sure what is going on. It is all in my upper abdomen-- a strange sensation-- I am aprehenisve to eat or eat much at one time or anything too advneturous. Hoping this helps, I engaged in a short bit of yoga before slipping into bed with a cup of Lavender Rooibos (red bush) tea:
It smells and tastes yummy:

ofcourse, I can't settle down for the night alone.
The Original Laptop:

I had two other pictures of the furblob, laying between myself and the laptop, but the pictures havnet come through to my email as of yet. I'll add them later.
I aim to be more energetic and enthusastic this week. Being sick earlier in the week wore me out straight through the weekend.
I'll be back to me soon.
Hope all is well..

Permalink: lost_and_found_shrooms_and_weetabix.html
Words: 273
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: simplicity
09/10/06 03:02 - 59ºF - ID#36030
fresh crisp air
at some point today... a walk along the waters edge.
aiming for balance and rejuvination-- it will just take time; but the time is right.
I love this time of year.

Permalink: fresh_crisp_air.html
Words: 37
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: ramble
09/06/06 07:45 - 70ºF - ID#36029
Today I am just super sore and a bit tired. I felt like I have been lifting weights and doing mass reps of ab crunches- -and I can say that I certainly haven't done any of that lately.
Overall I feel tons better. I kind of went through the work day in a haze. I am about to make some tea and crawl back into bed. I aim to be even better by tomorrow morning. I look forward to having my energy back. I am grateful that yesterdays agony has passed-- it really freaked me out at some point.
hmmm wonder if there is anything interesting on tv. If my eyes have the energy, I will continue with a book I am reading.
I need to clean, but I can't quite do it just yet *yawn*
(e:paul) , your office fireplace looks fantastic!! I think it will go well with Nuclear Orange or Atomic Tangerine or Armegeddon Nectarine...
I keep having these weird dreams about school. I continue to dream that I am not done yet.. that I still have more time to go. Not sure what to make of it. It really has been a crazy busy summer and a bit surreal at points too.
ah well, nothing I am up for figuring out right now.
hot red bush tea awaits..
again, Happy Birthday Timika. hahah, the post-it was from me this morning that was sent from Guest. Dont remember if I signed it. Hope you had a good day. ciao!

Permalink: checkingin.html
Words: 282
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: sick- bah
09/05/06 09:05 - 64ºF - ID#36028
You make me want to vomit
I think its a line from a late 80's movie, with River Phoenix, "A Night in the Life of Jimmy Rearden"
Warning, the following is a bit gross:
Anyway, today was a most aweful day of being sick. I woke around 5am to abdominal pains. Not able to do anything to get comfortable and resume sleep, I got out of bed and paced my apartment. No relief in sight I decided to start getting ready for work. Took a shower, brushed, flossed (I didn't do it night before, felt a little under the weather.. so I crashed kinda early) and then proceeded to projectile vomit. Yup, that was great. It wold have made for a great authentic epeep chatter sound, and yes, I actually thought that as I was spewing.
Then I stopped for a few minutes and I proceeded to get ready for work. wtf? I am horking it all out and I think I am going to work? Well it wasnt until the horkfest began again that I decided that I am calling in. I HATE THAT! especially since I *just* started this job. ugh..
So I left the required messages to the required people and even managed an email to the big boss.
And then the Perpetual Vomit Escapade began, every 10 minutes for the next 9 hours. My stomach was emptied within the first few aquaintences with the blue toilet bowl. All that attempted to come up later was just exhausting. It was bad bad bad.
fever, ab pain, constant vomiting/heaving (I was unable to stop heaving until something came up- I am surprised that my throat isn't burned.), sweat/shiver sessions and the inability to find comfort due to the ab pain. ugh.
My kitties never left my side. They watched with concern and knew something was wrong. They didn't even play all day.
Eventually was able to find the enrgy to get in touch with my doctor. He said I have a nice case of the stomach flu. Apparently I NEVER had this before, as I don't recall ever feeling this awful. bah.
So some med was prescribed. Something to help with the persistant vomiting (nothing is coming up except stomach acid), and this should aslo help with the ab pain. My orders were to begin drinking a little bit of warm flat pop after two hours of not vomiitng (I was soooo thirsty at this point!!), and later on to try to eat some bland food. I wish I had jello-- or felt up to making some.
I can go to work in the morning based on whether I can hold down food and drink and that the ab pain has ceased. So far I am able to hold down some pop. I am about to try some broth, not that I fell like eating.
I hope I am back to being well tomorrow.. I HATE to take anouther day off from work. ugh.
so here's to hoping that my ab pain ceases, because I wont get any rest otherwise-- and I still havent slept other than a minute here and there.
fun fun
this is just a snag-- no need to sweat the stuff that wont kill us-- even though for awile there I wondered :)
night all-- hope all is well with alll of you
~The Horkster

Permalink: You_make_me_want_to_vomit.html
Words: 560
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: music
09/03/06 11:27 - 59ºF - ID#36027
get your sexy on
Baby I'm your slave
I'll let you whip me if I misbehave"
I've had that running through my head all day....
Ive just jumped on the pop tune bandwagon. forgive me, but right now "it just does something" for me..
I havent listened to the radio much this past year. It usually annoys me to no end as there is little that I want to hear from the airwaves. I also hate commercials. And I have an iPod, I use that all of the time in my car, so yeh, the radio is generally useless to me.
except this afternoon as I had a bunch of places to stop at and it was more aggrivating to keep messing with the pod than to either keep the radio off or just tune in and hope for some decent music.
Curious about new songs- I tuned into some local channel.
I am totally digging this song by Justin Timberlake: Sexy Back
here are the lyrics, video and check my user sound.
maybe I will hate it in a week, but again, right now it is doing something for me.
I like how he sounds.. i like the way the whole song sounds..
I just found the video..
video on you tube:

I'm bringing sexy back
Them other boys don't know how to act
I think it's special, what's behind your back?
So turn around and I'll pick up the slack
(Take it to the bridge)
Dirty babe, you see these shackles
Baby I'm your slave
I'll let you whip me if I misbehave
It's just that no one makes me feel this way
(Take it to the chorus)
Come here girl, go ahead be gone with it
Come to the back, go ahead be gone with it
VIP, go ahead be gone with it
Drinks on me, go ahead be gone with it
You see what you working with, go ahead be gone with it
Look at those hips, go ahead be gone with it
You make me smile, go ahead be gone with it
Come here child, go ahead be gone with it
Get your sexy on, go ahead be gone with it (7x)
Get your sexy on.
I'm bringing sexy back
them motherf***ers don't know how to act
Come let me make up for the things you lack
Cause you're burning up, I've got to get it fast
(Take it to the bridge)
Dirty babe, you see these shackles
Baby I'm your slave
I'll let you whip me if I misbehave
It's just that no one makes me feel this way
(Take it to the chorus)
Come here girl, go ahead be gone with it
Come to the back, go ahead be gone with it
VIP, go ahead be gone with it
Drinks on me, go ahead be gone with it
You see what you working with, go ahead be gone with it
Look at those hips, go ahead be gone with it
You make me smile, go ahead be gone with it
Come here child, go ahead be gone with it
Get your sexy on, go ahead be gone with it (7x)
Get your sexy on.
I'm bringing sexy back
Them motherf***ers watch how I attack
If that's your girl, better watch your back
Cause you're burning up for me, and that's a fact
Come here girl, go ahead be gone with it
Come to the back, go ahead be gone with it
VIP, go ahead be gone with it
Drinks on me, go ahead be gone with it
You see what you working with, go ahead be gone with it
Look at those hips, go ahead be gone with it
You make me smile, go ahead be gone with it
Come here child, go ahead be gone with it
Get your sexy on, go ahead be gone with it (7x)
Get your sexy on.
good night..
as visions of last nights non english speaking hot foreign boys dancing in my head. I was hoping that they were party favors. But alas, it was entertaining anyways. Thanks Timika-- usually you have glow sticks, but Foreign boys work too. *high five*
hahahaha I was just looking through all of (e:metalpeter) 's pics that he posted to web shots. I snagged some of them for myself as I saw something that cracked me up... (whether true or not, hehe)
what is holding the attention of these fellas?

ahhhh, yup yup.. I think I understand now ;) (thanks for that one Peter, all the rest were of one girls butt, haha)

random blow pop picture in the infamous unibomber hoody. Yes my lips were blue, no I wasnt doing anything with a smurf.

or was I??

Permalink: get_your_sexy_on.html
Words: 812
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: work
09/01/06 06:10 - 68ºF - ID#36026
first impressions
We havent had much opportunity to chat- get to know each other etc. We had a short convo on cameras (Cannon Elph) and music (we equally despise country). Thats about it.
The guy who's position I have taken over had not yet packed up his stuff and moved out of the office- another reason why we havent had opportunity to get to know each other. So all week I have been plotting a way to give her an inaccurate impression of me. I thought about how I could decorate my little office area with soemthing obnoxious--but not offensive (I leave that level of evil for my close friends!) but I wasnt sure what.
I visted a classroom teacher earlier today who was telling me that someone had given her a bag stuffed with beanie babies. She brought them into the classroom thinking that perhaps the kiddos might like to play with them. Well, I want to play!!! I am not terribly fond of them, but I do like a funky stuffed animal once in awhile (such as my beloved stuffed turtle, "Bob", Mad Cow- (e:theecarey,250) and just a couple of others). I began to pick through the pile to see what I could steal for myself. I liked this crab and bat- so I took them. As I proceeded back to my office, I realized that placing Bean Babie stuffed animals all over my side of the office might be just the level of silliness that would be appropriate to allow someone to "get to know me". So I went back to the classroom and scooped up the other 30 Beanie Babies.
I waited for the girl to leave for the day, and the guy was just finishing cleaning out his stuff--perfect--so then I lined the stuffed animals along my desk and a few other places. I was giggling the whole time. This is almost as good as Trolls ala Mimi style of Drew Carey.
I would actually like a few more-- So come Tuesday morning (no work due to holiday on Monday), I'll be curious as to what she thinks and says to others.. I let the big boss in on what I was scheming. If I find a few more obnoxious things to add to the collection.. I most certainly will-- but I'd have to sneak in before anyone comes in. I am sure many people in that unit will be wondering what is wrong with the new girl :)
hehe first impressions are so much fun ;)

Permalink: first_impressions.html
Words: 428
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: silliness
08/30/06 11:38 - 57ºF - ID#36025
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
(e:mrmike) knows this to be true.
he found me walking around in circles on Elmwood Ave.
who knew Mad Cow was soo cute?

I've wanted Mad Cow for a long time. Stupid disease cost me 7$
You can buy all sorts of diseases at New World Record.
um, lets not touch that one, huh? haha
I enjoyed my little walk to the strip. My brain needed it.
I think this one is upside down.

And I merrily walked my way back with Mad Cow in a bag.


Permalink: Bovine_Spongiform_Encephalopathy.html
Words: 101
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: work
08/29/06 07:33 - 67ºF - ID#36024
of organization and reanimation
well, I am working on that :)
I went to Target to buy a calander-planner-lleather-thingy. I never cared for these things before. I pretty much have everything I need to know stuffed in my head: phone numbers, birthdays, doctor appointments and other dead lines and details. If I ever write anything down, it is for back-up purposes only. Besides, planners always seemed way too complicated and unneccessary for me.
I'll be issued a PDA er palm pilot contraption.
I'd prefer to use my Pocket PC when I eventually get around to purchasing one. I am so lazy when it comes to shopping..
So I figured a more complicated planner will work for various reasons-- as in, I will actually need to use all of the sections that are in it. I'm sure I will adjust along the way. Its red.
I need to figure out how my schedule will go.. There seems to be all sorts of crazy meetings all over the place. Some really late..
I am trying to absorb all the information that is thrown at me-- wanting to have known it all by yesterday. I know bettter.. but still, I just want to know already how to do stuff. I'll learn, I'll learn..
Need to go shopping for professional attire. I have a few things.. much of it will work, but not for too much longer. Yuck, shopping..
HA! It was (and is) really cool to veg out to a novel. My fave are psychological thrillers with a little bit of fantasy- surreal- weird shit added to the mix. Book I am reading now has to do with a genius who worked for a privately funded genetics company- -working on phasing out genes associated with sickness, replacing them with genes attributed to superior health and repair. This scientist is obsessed with staying young. Experiments on white mice demonstated success and then some. Mice that were physically harmed or developed disease, quickly regenerated back to health. Some mice that were killed, didn't stay dead for long. This was not expected on behalf of the research scientists. Consequences maninfested in extreme behavior. An otherwise docile white mouse became excessively violent after this reanimation. It became vicious and sought to kill/harm other mice and anyone who got it their way. OK, forward to youth obsessed genius scientist who is a bit psychologically off kilter as is, and decided to experiment on himself. Later-- he dies-- but not for long. He is already a violent person, and his consequential actions much like the reanimated mice follow suit-- but to a much more vicious and insane degree. bal blah blah
There is a lot going on in this book.. its fun. I am happy when I can use my imagination and wrap my mind around crazyish ideas. Its so much more enjoyable at this point then heavy theory based information that I have been stuffing my head with for so long-- and its been a couple of years since I have read a generally mindless brain candy novel. I spent the entire evening last night reading. I went to bed way too late becasue I could not put the book down. When I am done posting, I will return to the book and most likely finish it tonight.
After this little mental vacation, it is back to working on projects previosly started. I need to get organized better on that as well; make a plan to fully commit myself to a set amount of hours per week on other ventures.
alright.. going to go read.
ps (e:pyrcedgrrl) you suck. You havent answered any of my texts. :P
later tators..

Permalink: of_organization_and_reanimation.html
Words: 627
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: birthdays
08/28/06 02:21 - 69ºF - ID#36023
Is there something special on the 28th??

Have a great day..
check my User sound-- got a little Frank Sinatra Birthday song for you!
Enjoy your day!

Permalink: Is_there_something_special_on_the_28th_.html
Words: 28
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: party
08/27/06 11:06 - 75ºF - ID#36022
you just had to be there
the punch kicked my ass. It was sooooooooo good, and those who had it know what I am talking about. It tasted nice but it was oh so bad. The fruit was delish, vodka soaked and evil. (that may have been my doing.. ) I think it needs to be the official and essential estrip party drink. It went fast..
I'm sure a few pics will surface from someone. Its been awhile since I have taken my camera anywhere with me. I just havent wanted to in quite some time. Now that I have more freedom as to how I spend my free time, I will be getting out to photogragh various things. I should begin looking for another camera, as my current one is unreliable. I am not even sure where to begin looking. I prefer my next camera to have options. I am into photography and would like the picture quality to reflect that. I prefer digitial..
Had a great time talking to quite a few (e:peeps). It is always a good time!!! Had some very interesting conversations with some non epeeps as well. It really was a lot of fun. I can't even describe it. There was just so much going on, so much room to wander around in.. good conversations, gorgeous night, etc.
You just had to be there.
Finally crawled into bed shortly before 7am. shhhhh birdies.
Later on.. Elmwood festival for sustenance. Artichokes smothered in cheese layered ontop of flat bread and a small pile of ribs, (which I have never had) and two bottles of water did the job. Where were the ribs from? fat bobs? fat joes? fat somebodies smoke house... i think.
well, getting ready for bed here... If I have the mental energy, I will curl up in bed to a NON SCHOOL book. seriously, not having any school work is kinda freaking me out at random pioints throughout the day. I get these little mental twitches, thinking that I have to get focused on a project..
then I realize that I don't. very cool..
good night.. hope everyone feels well today and got home safe.

Permalink: you_just_had_to_be_there.html
Words: 361
Location: Youngstown, NY
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