07/06/04 08:01 - ID#22404
Thanks to jill i am inlove with tilly and the wall. I have been searching all day for a sight where I could listen to their songs and I did.

thats the link to it. I think everyone should try it out. and the website is sooo cute. It even has a "register to vote" link! Thank you jill!
Permalink: TILLY_AND_THE_WALL_.html
Words: 65
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/06/04 03:13 - ID#22403
hokay, so here is something that a lot of people seem to have; the ability to determine weather or not someone is gay by looking at them alone. A alam goes of in their heads called "gaydar". I don't have that. Whenever I see any guy gaydar goes off in my head. Which gets me into trouble. So I found a book called "GAYDAR" by; donald F. Reuter. I've read the whole thing and I will qoute some of the things it said and maybe it will help repair my baydar.
1. Straight girls are their bestfriends.
2. Things that would make him say "awwww".
- card stores especially around christmas
- plush pets
-in front of a window of a real pet store.
3. Things that make him go "eewwww".
- bugs
- roadkill
- flatulence
- female genitalia
4. words a gay man would use.
- divine, dandy, precious, delightful, enchanting.
5. the gayest sounding words end in "ous"
ex.- fabulous, marvelous, stupendous, pendulous
5. three "regular guy" jobs we wish were gay;
- fireman (sleeping arrangements, and that pole)
- forest ranger (bear lovers)
- gym teacher (duh!)
6. What gay men would have as body art
- navel ring
- prince albert
- tattoo above his butt
- a chain or vine like tattoo above his biceps.
7. Finally the music:
- Donna summer
- bette midler
- Aretha franklin
- Whitney Houston
- Eartha Kitt
- Sara Vaughn
- Peggy Lee
- Grace Jones (which I don't understand personally)
- Madonna (duh!)
- Vouge by: Madonna
- Love Shack By: the b52's
- Free your Mind By: envouge
- Groove is in the heart by: DEE-LITE
I hope this has helped you as much as it has helped me. If a guy you are not certain about carry more than two of these traits chances are he's gay. Thank you and good luck finding him.
Permalink: gaydar.html
Words: 322
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/26/04 12:03 - ID#22402
yup yup yup
I am in the middle of the divinci code now and I LOVE IT! I also would like to read the clinton book, so if boxerboi reads it before me write about it please. Late night lastnight led to wierd night night, which led to tired day. I thought of something creative that I have to give myself snaps for. When I was at the pink lastnight Tron said "one mans trash is another mans treasure". And I replied with "just like one mans penis is another mans pleasure". We all laughed and I thought of it right on the spot. I hope no one famous said that. My next entire will be about GAYDAR. Something that I lack and I hope will help me and help all of you who are not sue if the guy you are diggin is gay. I would have wrote it tonight, but I forgot my notes. So it will be up next time. Anywho keep safe all. And remeber love.
Permalink: yup_yup_yup.html
Words: 167
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/22/04 03:46 - ID#22401
me against you
Foolishly enough I dreamed. i just wondered what It would be like with him. I let my fantasy actually take me into absurd actions. You and i are different. You prance your falming shit around and draw his attention. Now I am invisible. I had his spotlight before; and I became his star for one night. What I didn't know is once you are his star, the spotlight searches for another star to shine on. And mine is dimmed completly out of the light. Now I am just being paranoid right? No. He lives up to his reputation that is rumored. i should have know better. And that is not the first time I've told myself that. When will I learn. So what do I do? DO I confront him and ask him if he is slepping with me, then why is he slobbering over you? No. I finish what I am doing, leave, and let it happen. me against you? You win.
Permalink: me_against_you.html
Words: 163
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/17/04 09:43 - ID#22400
the "never have I ever" game
The first time I ever played that game, i played with some friends of mine and a girl I just met. The deal was If you picked up a certain card You had to say something that you have never done, It didn't have to be sexual, but they were. Anyway so after you say something you have never done, the other people playing the game has to drink IF they've done it. I felt like a slut. Because my friends were conservative prudes. And the girl stranger was a VIRGIN! So ofcourse fate had it that she would always pick up the never have I ever card and make me look like a whore! Thank you girl I got mighty drunk that night. And thank you trisha and springfaerie, it's nice to know that people are reading what you write. And also I find there is a lot of things I have never done now that i've read you guys journal. And I say we should tackle them together! Even the GIANT pumkin! Thank you again, peace and love.
Permalink: the_quot_never_have_I_ever_quot_game.html
Words: 179
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/16/04 05:56 - ID#22399
the "spot"
Now i don't know why I didn't bring this up earlier, seeing that it is a very important part of sex to me. And thats touching me on my spot. The spot is the part of the body, that when it is touched in a sexual environment, it heightens the sensation and it makes you hornier than when you began. Tuesday morning i woke up next to a naked man (always a good thing). And during our sexual escapade, he ignored my spot. Now my spot cliche as it might sound is my neck. If someone sucks, kiss or bites my neck while we are fooling around it just sends me over the top. But as i was saying, we would make out you know kiss, kiss , tounge. I would leave his mouth and commence neck sucking mode. He dosen't get what I want him to do. I suck your neck you suck mine. So I would stretch my neck a little in his face thinking maybe that would catchhi attention. NOPE! So finially I broke down and told him to bite and suck my damn neck. Without the "damn". Then everything after that was peachy king. He gave me a nick name which I wasn't sure should feed my ego, or take it as an insult. Someone asked me my name at the bar, I told him "tk" (i don't know why I didn't use my fake one). anyway way he says back "like t.k.o.?" i say no just "tk" Then the bartender who I slept with added "once you take him home then it's ...... T.K.OOOOOOOOOHHHHH." Yeah fuck you thats what I said. I thought that was completly an asshole thing to shout out at a bar in front of 30 homos. Yeah he's kinda an asshole. I went home with him anyway. hey a mans gotta do right. he wants me to call him. I didn't before and it's not lookimg to good right now either. sorry.
Permalink: the_quot_spot_quot_.html
Words: 332
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/14/04 05:28 - ID#22398
things I have never done
I consider myself a person who has done lots of things sexually. But when I sat down and really thought about it there are a lot of things I have not yet done.
1. sex in a car
2. I don't swallow
3. Never even taken a shot in the mouth.
4. never taken a shot anywhere near the face
5. never had sex in the shower
6. never had a threesome with a boy and a girl
7. ummmm sex in a public place, and a blowjob on the porch does not count.
8. never tossed the salad
9. never sucked toes
10. never taken double penetration (yeeouch!)
And thats about it. I plan to some day in the near future tackle all of these missions so i can have more to talk about. Untill then peace and love always.
Permalink: things_I_have_never_done.html
Words: 130
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/10/04 10:10 - ID#22397
oh pink tonight! i will be there to join robin and liz. and ofcourse give robin a birthday shot!
Permalink: tonight_.html
Words: 19
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/10/04 10:05 - ID#22396
new vow
Well since my "fought vs. fucked" Entrie I have slept with two more people, if you've been keeping up (ha ha). So that makes 4 sexual partners since I moved to buffalo. And I have not lived here a whole year yet. I thought of this new plan of attack; which is I am only to have sex with people I am attracted to. Not people who are there and the situation causes for such an occasion. If I would have thought of this plan earlier, I would have only had sex with two people and I would feel a lot better. I don't regret any of it, because I feel everything happens for a reason, but I do wish that two of these boys whould have wanted more than just sex from me. The virgin I would consider being with, but he lives in california for the school year and long distance relationships rarely works out. can you dig it? So I am turning over a new leaf now. No more beer goggle butt buddies, and no more kinky straight boys whose fresh out of a hetero relationship. But thats another topic. Peace be with you all and remeber love.
Permalink: new_vow.html
Words: 199
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/06/04 07:10 - ID#22395
the virgin flower
Virginity is something that most people prize. It is also something that some people want to get rid of as soon as possible. I remember my virgin snatcher. WE were at my "boyfriends" house and and my "boyfriend" had fallen asleep. I use qoutations because he really wasn't my boyfriend but everyone thatought he was and he acted the role every now and then but nothing was set in stone. Anywayhe had fallen asleep and our mutual friend was over. He and I started fooling around on the top bunk and my "boyfriend" was on the bottom bunk. He told me he wanted to *gulp* put it in me. I was nervous but willing to try. YOu can only do so much with foreplay and blowjobs. So he did it. Safety first always and it was on. I screamed so loud he had to cover my mouth with his hand for the first minute or two. Luckily my "boyfriend" is a very hard sleeper. From the day on I did it reguarly. With MY "boyfriend" and his friend. But I remember thinking, ' my virginity is gone.' I still talk to my cherry popper when I see him. I popped someones cherry last night. After a long night of drinking and dancing. I took someone home with me. Which ofcourse really never happens. He told me he was a virgin while we fooled around on my bed but he wanted me to, and I qoute "fuck me, fuck me" And I wondered why would he want to give his virginity up so easy to someone he just met. So I was truly a little reluctant at first seeing that I may never hangout with him again, and he goes to school in california. I did it anyway and to be honest he didn't seem like a rookie to me. He moved really fast, too fast for my taste. He was taking all the pleasure out of it for me. We finished went to sleep and the next afternoon he went home. I never got his number, I am totally sick of one night stands. And I can't really say If I would do him again. Thats too bad. Oh and he was a horrible kisser. Too much tounge, yuck.
Permalink: the_virgin_flower.html
Words: 380
Location: Buffalo, NY
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