05/31/04 10:51 - ID#22392
I guess the boys are not the only ones who took a small vacation. I am home in the falls as of right now (day 2). I will be returning to buffalo wenesday at the latest. And thus far I found out, my brother got fired from his job for throwing a plate at a co-woker, and he has no place to stay. So he is thinking of moving in with me. ummmmm. My enemies have grown in numbers. My father completed his first novel called "the muffins" which i did not know he was writing in the first place, and not only did he dedicate the book to my brother, sister and myself, we are also the the character base.It's a futuristic fantasy adventure. I watched the texas chainsaw massacer for the first time and litterally had nightmares lastnight. My families love and support is always wonderful. My aunt alean says to me "that you get over there in buffalo and you act like you don't know nobody." I don't know where my mother is. NO one knows where. I hope she's alright. So while I am on my little sabaticle I am also thinking of new things to write about. They will still be dirty, and perverted so need not worry. I am just gathering thoughts and putting them on paper. so goodnight and good fight.
Permalink: vacation.html
Words: 228
Location: Buffalo, NY
05/19/04 10:46 - ID#22391
go on girl
sad to say; but I let down my gaurd. I have been trying to build myself to be independent and strong (go on girl). I will not let a man take advantage of me! (go on girl). the next time I give my heart, or this ass will be with some one who cares about me! (go on girl!) Because it's all about me! (go on girl!) I must make him feel like he needs this ass! (go on Girl!) Mutha fucka you need me! (go on girl!!!) You can kiss my ass till i'm ready to give it up! (go on girl!) But I backslid ya'll. Under the influence of a cute face and too much Gin. I let a man break my seal. (girl?) That's right. I took off my clothes and let him touch me. This man aint about shit. He is not looking for what I am looking for. I let my self down, and I am sorry. Nah fuck that. He was beggin for this ass! (GIRL!) Yeah And I gave it to him. (GIRL?) And I gave that mutha fucka the ride of his life. I rode that dick so good that mans leggs were in the air flappin honey. He wasn't ready! He was not ready for the god of making love, he wasn't ready. Him take advantage of me; HA SIKE BITCH! I wont see him again and I don't give a shit. It was my birthday and goddamnit I had dick souffle! (oooh go on girl!) Thats right, mutha fuckas I'm back! And If you are reading this right now and you think you are ready for another piece, come find me. But believe me I will not be waiting for you. (Ooh GO ON GIRL!) YOu gone hafta search and find this good ass just like gold honey. (go on girl) yeah! now I'm gone! PROTECTION ALWAYS YA'LL!
Permalink: go_on_girl.html
Words: 318
Location: Buffalo, NY
05/08/04 12:43 - ID#22390
the bare party
I had a dream last night that i was invited to this costume party. i And was a little upset. Everyone there had on the exact same outfit as me. What are the chances of eight people in one room have the same outfit. So i did what any other person would do to a copycat. I spilled drinks on them. It didn't stain like i thought it would but i think they got the message. So this is for all you out there. The next costume party comes around. THIS TIME I am the only one to dress up like adam and eve.
Permalink: the_bare_party.html
Words: 104
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/24/04 10:26 - ID#22389
keep your hands to yourself
"i can resist everything but temptation."- oscar wilde. One of the first things we learn in school, is to keep your hands to yourself. It makes everything so much more easier. But the temptation is there, and you know nothing good will come from giving into your id. The forbidden fruit must be tasted; It's in our blood (thanks eve). Well i ran into my "fiance hurtle" again. And I tried to leap him. But he was too high off the ground and I tripped and fell to the ground. While on the ground I met someone else. Prince Albert. Now I have only heard of him through word of mouth and seeing him in photos. To met the prince in person was truly shocking. I had no warning he would be coming to see me; Though when he did let me tell you he was really excited (wink, wink). So me having little morals, did what anyone rational person would do if they had a hot guy crawling all over them and you have never played with the prince before. After everything was said and done that night a little guilt bug crawled on my shoulder. "He has a fiance." Thats right he does. Well I never liked the bitch anyway, and he was asking for it. SO should I be the one to feel like I did something wrong? If you were in the same position would you feel wrong? Hell NO! I odnt feel the slightest bit bad for what I did.I have no attatchments to anyone; therefore I have no one to explain myself to. And if any of oyu think differently. Or think that I am a bad person for what I did. KISS MY ASS! Your acceptance is not required nor desired. There is this old sayin for all of you noisy assholes who think they should have an opinion about everyone elses life."sweep around your own front door. Before you try to sweep around mine." and with that I say good night!
Permalink: keep_your_hands_to_yourself.html
Words: 342
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/15/04 11:07 - ID#22388
What do you do when you meet that special somone, and they uncover their dark past to you? SHould you hold it against them? Should you try to forget about it? my answer to that is. NO and NO. Dont dwell on the past too much. Especially if it dosen't include you. But don't forget either. Keep that stored away in a little box. That way if their ugly past rears it's head, you'll be ready for it. And if you really love that special someone. Don't keep any secrets from them. If this is the one, then their past is just as much of their buisness as it is yours. Secrets leads to deception. And then lies. And the worst thing that could happen is that they find out the ugliness from someone else. So lay it all out on the table for them. It's easier. Because then you will know if they are truly yours. If they don't like it, then it's 'see you late bye!' Boundries are forbidden in a true relationship. Dont hold back girl. Go get him! The future is yours, and you must gobble it up like a buffet.
Permalink: past_present_future_.html
Words: 196
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/07/04 12:20 - ID#22387
the thin line between work and pleasure
There is always this line drawn, seperating buisness and pleasure. The line should never be crossed you're told. But you can't help to curiously gaze at the pleasure side and see wahts over there. Then you start hanging out with co-workers to make tighter friendships. And then it happens. You begin to fall for one; and thats when things get a little spicy. NOw I have had a few experiences hoping the line. have fooled around and even had sex with co-workers. And then it's a toss up about how you would act together in the workplace.A couple turned out bad, and others turned out to be enjoyable. I always like to think I make the right decisions, and I have been in this situations many times. And when you become so experienced in something, and you look closely enough, you can see the foreshadowing before your curiosity gets the best of you, and trouble is started. This will probably not be forever (nothing is), so I think I will walk the path I have taken so many times before. Wish me luck.
Permalink: the_thin_line_between_work_and_pleasure.html
Words: 184
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/07/04 12:12 - ID#22386
all lets dig it baby!
I am a little late with updating about ho's party. Maybe I am still trying to recover. I haven't had a drink since then. But thats going to change tonight. anywho I had the best time there I've had since camping. Everyone were in good spirits and everything. We came up with really kooky ways to entertain ourselves. I don't think we still got the plural for octopus, but we did figure out that the plural for black man is gang. CLever huh? You see thats what enibriated minds think of. MIX cd was awsome. and now back to real life. love all
Permalink: all_lets_dig_it_baby_.html
Words: 103
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/28/04 01:57 - ID#22385
I am a proud African American male. I love being a guy because boy's seem to have more boundries than females. And I love to hurtle those boundries. And the hurtle I seem to take on the most is the "straight boy" hurtle. You see I run this track and field kind of life. I am always on the go. I think it was matthew s. who put it "well you're a traveling man tk." And yes I am. These hurtles that I leap come with all kinds of baggage. I mean girlfriends, Fiance's even WIFES! But they look so good and when I see theam looking at me, looking at them from a distance and then its "on your mark, get set, GO!" and then I'm off. And I'm thinkin I'ma comin to getcha. My first hurtle on this run is a nice one. He's giving me the flirty eye's and the pretty teeth. We playin pool and he can't stop looking at me. "what whose on the phone? you FIANCE!?" and he's leaped. My next one starts by buying me drinks,now he's rubbing up on me and feeding me tons of compliments and he's dancing with me "your so beautiful" he say's. "i live with my wife!" he adds. He's leaped. The next one's a real looker. He even had an accent. But theres something else in the running for this hurtle. But I make it there first and it's the same old bullshit just with a texan slur. I like it. This one wants me and the other runner. A little too much for me to handle right now. LEAPED! Sorry boys this track star is a on a mission for the prize at the finish line. If I run this relay again, we will meet again. Untill then. BITE MY DUST!
Permalink: Hurtles.html
Words: 306
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/26/04 03:10 - ID#22384
different dress
i don't want to make a big deal of this, but i must say how i feel. I'm obsessed with the way you wear your hair, and the way you prance in those heels.
But for some reason when wer'e together all we do is fight. I try to stay strong and stay away. But I can't because of what you are wearing tonight.
With those form fitting shirts, and thos fancy pants. And the way you look at me when wer'e holding hands.
You say we can't be together becaye the tension is too tight. But if you didn't want me to fall again, you shouldn't have wore that tonight.
We dance to a beat of a different drum, and I try to do wahts best. But if you didn't want this to go beyound tonight. Then you should have worn a different dress.
Permalink: different_dress.html
Words: 145
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/26/04 02:58 - ID#22383
determination and stalking
Everyone see's people they think are attractive. Theres a lot of people out there and one is sure to catc your eye. So what the hell, go talk to them; see what they're all about. If they don't seen interested ,don't give up soeasy they could be playing hard to get. BUT if they ignore you, or tell you straight up "no". Back the fuck off! There is nothing more annoying than someone who dosen't get the hint when you are obviously shunning them off. We know your desperate and HANDa isn't working as well anymore. But thats your problem. I will tell you the difference between determination and stalking.
If you ask someone for there phone number and they tell you no. So you give them your number just incase they have a change of heart. That's determinantion.
If you see a hot piece of ass walking down the street, you follow them and then beep at them but they are ignoring you to the point where they reach their destinantion and you sit outside beeping your horn for 15 damn minuets. Yeah thats stalking.
A hot young thing catches your eye at the bar and you want to get to "know" them but you see the vibes aren't mutual. So oyu decide to buy them a drink to see where it goes. Thats determinantion.
And lastly you follow your dream hottie down the street and trying to get their attention but you know they have better things to do than stop and talk to some asshole beeping and hollering from their car; and then you go to the extreme and show up at their job for another shot because their subtle rejection just wasn't enough. Congradulations, you are a class A stalker. Now this is not a stab at the lonely hearts of the world, because I am one of them. But I know my boundries, and you should too. It's common sense.
Permalink: determination_and_stalking.html
Words: 347
Location: Buffalo, NY
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