Category: dreamscape
07/20/07 06:00 - ID#40181
Comedic Dreams
The details are fuzzy, but there is one clear scene in my dream sequence that I remember and it really cracks me up. Normally I would awake in terror and tears if I dreamt about being married. This dream left me in a fit of giggles. Emotional progress, I suppose? So the elements were bizarre, as with most dreams. My husband *cough*, was Tom Cruise (hey, I have no idea where this was coming from!) and resembled more of a younger Brad Pitt (damn, this is sounding so cliché), the dream had been going on for awhile (fuzzy) and at some point we ended up at a very busy and loud art gallery. The pieces of work were interactive, contributing to the hustle of the room. We were walking around together when Tom took a phone call and wandered off to find a quieter part of the room, about fifteen feet away, with view, sitting on a block along a wall to my right. I then proceeded to join my friends, Dana and Kate. (the latter, I don't actually know in real life) We sat on a bench along a partial wall to view a tv screen mounted on a main wall just a couple of feet in front of us (I wish I remember what we were looking at). Kate was to my left and Dana on the other side of her. Dana and I chatted, with Kate interjecting short comments occasionally. My attention was broken from them when I heard my name- I looked over and it was Tom, still on the phone where I left him, and although he called out to me, he returned to the conversation, and I could hear, "my wife carey..". Un phased, I turned my attention back to my friends. Dana was chatty and Kate sat with her arms crossed looking and acting peeved. Her comments became shorter, "you just love that don't you" with a bit of a sneer, (and some other comments that I don't recall, but were in line with that one). I was completely confused by her words (we hadn't seen each other in a few years according to my dream) and calmly declared that, "I heard my name, why wouldn't I look?".
Skip to after the event. Dana and I were trying to figure out what was wrong with Kate. Then it dawned on me that, "oh shit, that is Toms ex". (why oh WHY did my dream take this form?), I guess she was feeling rather scorned. So that part of the discussion dropped. We continued to chat about stuff, and apparently Tom and I hadn't been married for long because I said, "the Scientology thing hasn't come up. If it does, just check on me once in awhile to make sure my eyes aren't all glazed over"-followed by an impression- eyes rolled back, half closed, acting zombie like.
We cracked up over this..
More or less, end of dream.
I had plenty of other dreams, really good ones, yet I don't recall enough to say so.. yet THIS I do?! The thing is, I don't follow any celebrity crap, other than what is mentioned on (e:strip).. so who infected my brain with this? Hmmmmm?
Then humorously, ironically, I woke to a message blinking on my laptop, "marry me beautiful", somehow I think he's serious. Anyway, none of this has been on my mind, but wtf was that all about? heh
And now for Adventures in Spam Mail..
Before it was a slew of "you are sole heir to a ton of money" sort of SPAM, then a bunch of SPAM with subject line beginning with "re: blah blah blah"m trying to look real now its moved on to:
You received a greeting card from a colleage
You received a greeting card from a school mate
You received a greeting card from a partner
You received a greeting card from a classmate
You received a greeting card from a family member
You received a greeting card from a worshiper
You received a greeting card from a friend
some say, "e-card", many have different sender names, but it appears to be all the same. Not sure where it would go and I am not opening it. The first time one came through, I wasn't sure what it was, as I am sent ecards regularly, but they always say who its from- not a general, "from a friend". But I'm sure that will be next in the spam bag of tricks...

Permalink: Comedic_Dreams.html
Words: 758
Category: dreamscape
12/13/05 07:58 - ID#35837
Looking for the boy in the dark corner

Toronto, barely shows up with this camera. What would be a fabulous camera to have, so I can get more detail and distance?? Or maybe try a different technique?

I need to learn how to get back up after I wipe out on my ass. I had my camera, why not take a picture? :)

My car wins.. it is the filthiest of all of WNY.. full of trash and treasures

Home atlast, after peeling off four other layers of sweat and snow caked clothing, working on this post...

I thought I had more pics in another file.. Oh well, maybe I will find them later :)
Now more for your reading pleasure.. (what I had debated on posting...)
I normally sleep pretty well. Occasionally I get insomnia. What happens is that I end up with a lot of energy to where I either don't need or just can't sleep. During this episode I will sleep half as much or less than my regular 8-10 hours. And the sleep is poor with a lot of tossing and turning. Although I am sleep deprived, I end up being energetic all day and this will continue until I eventually crash. It is usually a two week deal. Then boing! boing! boing! My energy levels rise some more, and that's just fun. I end up very talkative and a bit more obnoxious than usual. I write a lot during these times as well.
Not that there is any evidence of that here. :)
I have entertained the idea of doing some "serious" writing. I can pound out a ton of pages pretty damn quickly, whether forming an entry or writing a school paper. I write as I think, so I run with it. To work on a story would be a unique challenge. I have characters and story lines in my head. I have a creative, delicious and detail oriented imagination. I imagine using times like these to crank out a ton of material then make use of other times in the logistical part of the story development. However, I get overwhelmed thinking about it and I dismiss the idea. Really, it is just another form of procrastination and possibly selling myself short. I get pulled in so many different directions then I take no direction, which really gets me nowhere. *kicks myself in the ass*
Alright, so I had been debating on posting this. Not sure why, other than after a slew of lengthy really personal entries (even though they barely touched the tip of the iceberg), I feel suddenly shy.
I attribute the content of the following dream to the relationship-gender entry. [inlink]theecarey,57[/inlink]I had started that entry earlier in the evening of which it was posted. The opening paragraph was written prior to the heated political-personal posts, even. I had started jotting down a few random thoughts and then would go do something else, then I'd jot down a few more thoughts and stop for awhile. When I settled down for the evening, I decided to write and see where it would take me. I can start off with a thought and end up in another direction. I eventually wrapped it up a little after 4am. Then I played on the game site, until about 6am. I slept lightly but comfortably even though my dreams had an atypical element. Usually they are replete with sexual situations, horror-adventure theme or occasional work dreams where my non verbal kiddos begin to talk.
Apparently my mind is trying to process through something because the elements involved have created a theme these past few nights. I write to get it out of my head and to see what my brain is telling me, perhaps. Thinking about the subject matter all day and then posting about it, it is no surprise that it was pulled into the dream.
I dreamt that I was trying to get to, what I perceive, the boyfriend, because it did not feel like 'just a friend". I was walking through a neighborhood, looking for his house. I was in a community where the houses and yards were close to each other. All of the houses were white. The side walks were very clean and tidy, although they had different styles in appearance. Each segment of the side walk had its own detail. The sun was shining; it seemed a pleasant day.
As I walked through this community I sensed that people were watching me, yet there was no resistance from anyone. They were curious about my strangeness. I just kept walking, observing the different homes. I focused in on their porches for some reason, which were close to the sidewalks. Although not in a hurried or anxious state of mind, I knew I had to pretty much stay on course. However, I had to get to him and I was concerned that I wouldn't find his house.
I had the challenge of navigating these winding maze-like sidewalks. I could see across the paths and yards, but for some reason, I couldn't just cut through all of it, not that there was anything visible stopping me.
At some point I came to a clearing that appeared to be all concrete; it was an entanglement of all the different sidewalks. On the other side of this concrete cluster, was his house, which was not far away at all. I could easily hop to one sidewalk to another if I wanted to. I could choose the sidewalk yet for some reason I took the longer more complicated route. I liken it to following the well known yellow brick road. I just stayed on course. The sidewalks were not linear, so by following one, I stepped over others.
I could see his house for it was so very close. I just kept walking until I felt it was time to go in, because at that point I did step over the last few pieces of the sidewalk, because right then and there I knew it was time to go to him.
I walked the path along the house. There were flowers and other nice stuff. I walked up the driveway (which looked like a larger version of the sidewalks) to a side walk that went along the front of the house. As I approached the house, I came face to face with his mother. She stood on the sidewalk and seemed to be expecting me and was not exactly welcoming but not hostile either. She made an attempt to keep me from going in, but it was passive, overall. This had surprised me as I was expecting more resistance.I do not recall the words exchanged. I do remember that I was not skittish or intimidated. I was right where I needed to be and knew that she didn't have the power to stop me from entering her house. It was really her house and he lived in the basement. (This was pulled directly from my post. I have never actually dated someone who lived in their mothers' basement. I had included it in my post because I have a friend who always asks "does he live in his moms basement, does he want your car and does he want to move in with you", which always cracks me up, which I think it is because of the way she says it, like she is talking from past experience and is a bit cynical- funny how it manifested in my dream)
Ok, so I pretty much dismissed her, saying that "this is where I belong and you can't stop me". So I walked past her and opened the door. This door opened into a vestibule. To the left was the entrance to the house and to my right, the stair case that descended to the basement. Once on the staircase, it took the form of the stairs I had going to the basement of the house growing up. The layout of the basement followed this as well.
I could see, but it was kind of dark. The sunlight from outside lit the staircase, but once I got to the bottom of the stairs and entered the room in which he lived, it was much, much darker. I knew he was in there somewhere and had to find him. I proceeded to enter the dark basement room. I called out. No answer at first. I continued into this darkness, determined, scared yet comfortable; like what I was doing was taken in stride. I didn't have to go much farther when I saw some illumination coming from the far side of the room. It had the glow of a tv (I didn't actually see the tv, just assumed) which faced a bed that was in the farthest possible corner, in which he lay, propped up on pillows. The room was very dark other than the faint illumination. Details of the room could not be observed, but I was not concerned with that. All I cared about was finding him. He seemed melancholy, inquiring why it took me so long to get there. I said that I knew that he knew that I was coming and that I was giving him extra time to be ready for my arrival and that the little extra exercise on my part couldn't hurt (hah where did that come from-must be my recent increase in activity).
Then it cut to talking about all sorts of stuff, gaining understanding and catching up on other things. We were also laughing and teasing each other and playing with a black and white kitty (it wasn't my Joe cat in my dream, but a beloved kitty that I had in the past, who died from leukemia complications. Not sure how or why she made it in my dream).
Then I came to the surface of consciousness and rolled back over to go into another dream; but that one eludes me. This had been the second dream in the same night that had similar elements I am not sure why this one along with its detail stayed with me as strongly as it did/does and that it actually played itself out.
The face of the individual changed between two people that I know. Someone I know now and someone I knew from a long long time ago. Not sure who any of the people were, and I did not recognize the "mother" figure. It was so detailed and I remembered it well enough upon waking that I typed it out. It took me awhile to decide whether I would post it. So now, a few day later, here it is.
Any ideas?
I kept the temperature in the apartment lowered significantly these past few days. I had mentioned in a previous post that I really can not afford to heat the apartment. The bill I just received is higher than it has ever been in my entire apartment renting life. Craziness! Anyone else experience this? I pulled a little electric heater into my bedroom, which helps a lot. It has a remote, so I can turn it on until the bite of chill is gone. The mound of blankets takes care of the rest. When not in my room, I wear a few extra layers. If I have friends over, I will turn up the heat and toss more logs into the fireplace, not a big deal at all. I prefer them warm and comfortable. Or we can try a more creative option and all pile up in my room!!! I figure if I can conserve a majority of the time, the bill won't be so bad next time. I made sure the storms were in and will put plastic on a few of the windows. Also make sure my curtains are closed most of the time.
On a positive note, the lowered heat has my wine collection chilled perfectly. I am enjoying the remainder of the bottle of Four Emu shiraz.
And the kitties are getting their winter coat.
And going out in the cold won't be as much of a difference; which is good because I have been XC skiing 4-5 times a week. So no more whining that it is too cold to go outside! Oh yeah!

Permalink: Looking_for_the_boy_in_the_dark_corner.html
Words: 2080
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