Category: ramble
03/02/06 11:56 - 22ºF - ID#35893
Fat Man in a Little Coat
- I was only joking in the chat earlier- ya know, when "ya'll" were disturbed that the snow was falling heavily everywhere.. and I said that Youngstown-Lewiston is probably green and sunny.
I shouldn't be surprised, but I was right.
and I WANT SNOW. I am about to grab a trash can, head to south Buffalo and fill it to the rim with the white stuff. Then I'll go home and dump it in my yard. hehe. I would do that.. I haven't used the shovel since early December..
So if you don't love it and can't afford to leave the area, come live in my neck of the woods.
- There was a perfectly clear sky this evening with bright stars. For those who dig the cosmos, you should be standing in my yard, gazing up into the vast wonderment and mystery. (Yet not in that "I am standing in the bushes looking in your windows" kind of way..)
I was all over the place today with work, classes and errands. The snow was everywhere. It was energizing and made me excited to play in it. When was the last time you let a snowflake land on your tongue?
I even saw the tail end of a late winter sunset. Just a sliver of pink, orange and purple peeking through before darkness settled in. Anyone catch this? Anyone looking? Little things..moments in your breathe, laugh, smile, reflect..
Speaking of laughing..
I work in a school- we celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday all week by making reading books, engaging in related activities, art projects and foods (hmm, I am not *totally* nutty. Green eggs and ham were made in the classroom, not my kitchen!)
Ok, so why are my hands green? While I was on my lunch, the kiddos made "Ooblik", some funky slop made of cornstarch, green food coloring and a few other ingredients. I wasn't there for this. However, upon my return from lunch, I walked into the classroom and saw a giant bowl of green sludge sitting on a nearby table. I instantly pushed up my sleeves and submerged my hands into this unknown concoction. This stuff is so strange! I think someone posted on here not that long ago about a science experiment where the mixture is solid yet liquefies when you touch it. I must make a batch for my own amusement. As other "adults" managed to put on a pair of latex gloves to keep from staining their hands, the thought never crossed my mind. I just dove in and rand my hands through the mixture. I would grab a solid handful, then watch it turn to liquid in my hands. I had to force myself to stop playing. I was able to wash off the gook but not the intense green color.
Shortly thereafter I was set to make a presentation in my class. My classmates were curious, disturbed and amused. Nothing really surprises them.. I had fun creating all sorts of "explanations" mostly dirty, some clean and eventually the truth (to some). They joined in as well. From Leprechauns to smurfs..
The guy at the drive up Starbucks was amused. I explained that I work in a school with autistic children.. "Likely story.."
- I love Tommy Boy, Black Sheep.. anything with Chris Farley. I miss him! I was chatting with (e:decoyisryan) and he said that he was watching Tommy Boy. I was happy to find out that it is on tv. I feel a movie rental marathon coming on. I might have some of the movies already. I also need to see Office Space, Zoolander and Super Troops (all of which I have but haven't watched in awhile- rent a comedy and allow yourself a good laugh.)
- I just found out that my niece received her acceptance letter into the Cleveland Institute of Art. That is such an amazing place.. I love the atmosphere. You would be sure to find your muse in there. We made college rounds this past summer. My very first post on (e:strip) was about this little trip (complete with haiku). I fondly remember the hotel pools "chlorinated cocktail "[inlink]theecarey,1[/inlink]. She applied to a few places around the country. Her first choice is CIA. I am so happy for her. I see myself taking numerous road trips to bring her some college goodies and other much needed fare. YAY!
- Time for bed. I am so tired. I would like to stay up for (e:kwoissuper) Spin Spin Super (do you do that every Thursday?), but I can barely keep my eyes open. If I do tune in, I know my body will start grooving.. not conducive to sleep at all :) Hurray for Friday! What is the plan?? I must hammer out some of the deliverables in a class paper I have been working on. That is first. Going out is second. The paper is due very soon. I intend to do a thorough kick ass job on it!!
Later peeps

Permalink: Fat_Man_in_a_Little_Coat.html
Words: 861
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: silliness
03/01/06 11:11 - 23ºF - ID#35892
You want some of this?
I love that.
Returning home after a dental appointment, I decided to watch a few minutes of tv before tackling a class assignment. ESPN showed coverage from the Worlds Strongest Man competition. In the Hercules Hold, the competitors held 353 lb pillars with each hand. The pillars were tall and heavy. The men wrapped their hands around a handle attached to a chain that led to the pillars. They competed in how long they could keep the pillars from falling away from them. Over 700 hundred pounds in their hands. OY. Commentary on their height and hand size were noted. Smaller hands were not advantageous. This prompted me to look down at my hands. My mutant baby pinky can't wrap itself around a #2 pencil.. A ten year old boy has a longer pinky finger than me. I checked. (The kiddo I work with is fascinated with my anomaly.)
My dental appointment was quick. It was a routine cleaning and since I have a mild OCD with keeping my teeth clean and flossed, there was minimal scraping. My cutie oral surgeon poked his head in to say hello. Dr. Cutie makes me smile.. Then Dr. Wife checked the hygienist's work. After, I was sent home with another toothbrush and tooth floss. What, no stickers?? :)
One word:
Lentils. Ok, two more.. Curry Ginger Lentils.
I made another wonderful potion, I mean, dish using (red) lentils, fresh ginger, curry, red pepper and olive oil. I added asparagus and naked shrimp to the side. YUM! ;) (where is that "spell" check?.. )
I am looking for a gym or facility that offers swimming. Preferably a structured swim, perhaps to include strength/resistance exercises. I do not want free swim, as I will just play.. Any suggestions?
My dreams are weird. They are usually full of adventure and craziness; fun stuff for the most part. I do not recall the details of my dreams from last night, but what I do remember is that I thought the content was odd, for me. I dreamt about potato chips. More specifically, Lays Classic. Mounds of them. Also some pastries and candybars. How freakin' odd. Although I havent chomped on anything like that lately, I am not omitting any particular food. However, maybe my brain does not know that and is in some sort of "food mourning"? No idea.. but I never dream of food.
hehe.. McDonalds Shamrock shakes are out. I am all over that.. I plan to have one on the weekend. They don't really taste like anything, but I get one every year. Its green.. its fun.. gotta have one (maybe two..)
On other fronts..
- Golf course may go up in (North) Lewiston. 250 acres bought by the Seneca's as a strategic business plan... Hopefully it will be open to the public :) In the meantime, I'll go to the driving range. Or join the Niagara County Country Club *swings hair back* j/k
- Harry Potter, Goblet of Fire is due to come out on DVD soon.. Next Tuesday (unless they meant yesterday..) OOoOOoooOh I can't wait! I *still* need to read the book that came out over summer. Not that I have had much opportunity to read fun stuff..
- Snow in the forecast.. maybe, just maybe.. there will be XC skiing in my future?? And snowmen! And snowball wars! If so.. come join me! (Throwing snowballs at myself isn't as amusing..)
Time for bed..
Be good..Play nice

Permalink: You_want_some_of_this_.html
Words: 621
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: reflection
02/27/06 09:27 - 22ºF - ID#35891
Capture the moment
Walking around the hotel, making our way through the crowds, we observed people of all ages and mental states. Whether at the hotel to party or to contemplate art (or both), people were evidently enjoying themselves. I partially stripped, threw on some pajamas and hopped in bed with (e:robin). Nice to met you :)
Pleasantly, I saw a handful of people I know. However, my hellos were short as I was drawn to the unknown. Strangers were the most intriguing, to look at and to talk to. We found ourselves engaging in many interesting conversations. I enjoy talking to people, transcending boundaries and personal space :)
I did not have anything to drink before or during this viewing. I enjoyed my calm, clear, peaceful affect while mingling with the others.
I have put my camera away for now. It will be available for certain moments.. but I am cutting back on snapping a picture for the sake of "preserving a memory". Especially when it ends up being the same picture over and over! Funny, that I realized that some of my memories of late are actually strengthened by not having the camera attached to me; I was in the moment and not in the camera lens.
The camera will be ready and willing for original-interesting moments and my nature-life journeys. Atleast that is the plan, haha.
Reflecting back on the weekend, I think my fondest memory was looking out the window of hotel room 845. The view of Buffalo from the eighth floor of the hotel was amazing.The snow was falling, covering the street, building, cars and people.. the image was ageless and enchanting. Thanks for sharing the moment, (e:matthew)..
Two vodka-sodas w/ lime at Pink and 1/2 turkey on wheat w/ french fries (Vehichles for Ketchup) at Jims, rounded out the night.
Onto other news..
- Back to work after a few days off. I enjoyed the time to myself but it is always good to get back.. even if I am already looking forward to the weekend. I stayed up super late most days of this past week. Having to get to sleep at a reasonable hour and waking up about the time I went to bed at least a few days this week, was a challenge. I set my alarm extra early to get up and exercise-stretch. It worked out to my advantage and I will continue to do this. Usually I roll out of bed and into my car (well, pit stop at the bathroom for toothbrushing!).
- I hear movement in the apartment next to me. I think my neighbor is beginning to move in. Maybe I will see more of him this weekend. Apparently he is 25-26 years old.. I will post more on that development later.
- Mardi Gras festivities tomorrow.. Who is doing what? Not sure what my plans are. Most likely a quiet night in front of the lap top and school books. I am up for something.. but not drinking (much or any). I go to work early in the morning.. Good conversation maybe? Good food? Glass of wine? ..
- I made an amazing grilled portebello mushroom for dinner tonight-- it was topped w/ a spinkling of sharp cheddar, balsamic vinegar and garlic. My creations are endless and amazingly satisfying. I am on a roll..
- Online D&D just rolled out.. I must refrain from looking into it!!
Alright everyone, be good, be healthy, stay warm!

Permalink: Capture_the_moment.html
Words: 597
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: food
02/25/06 05:11 - 35ºF - ID#35890
I like mine hot and steamy
so what I came up with last night..
Eggplant strips soaked in seasoned egg beaters.
Followed by dipping the strips in crushed up Wasa (fiber rye) crackers.
Then baked at 400 degrees.
(try drizzling hot sauce on it!)
I was made aware that Off the Wall makes "eggplant chicken wings". Sounded good, but I wanted to make a healthier version. I prefer my food to be naked, but the wasa crackers worked out pretty well. I also made naked eggplant strips, brushed with grapeseed oil and garlic.
Next: Lentils.
I am a big fan of the lentil. I have a ton of lentil recipes saved for the times when I want something that my mind has been unable to come up with a plan on its own. I own an obscene amount of lentils.
I love all veggies, I sneak them into everything I can. I also like easy foods, things that will tatse great for a few days. Ideally, I look to make things that allow me to throw everything together to create a super nutritious filling fun meal.
Forward to: Thee Lentil Intrigue
- One giant pot.
- 2 bags of lentils
- Lots of veggies diced/chopped/shredded- (spinach, onion, leek, cauliflower, broccoli, green pepper, carrot, cabbage, anything else I could find..)
- tomato puree and crushed tomatos for base (and water)
- olive oil
- fresh seasonings (garlic, basil, crushed black pepper)
- pinch of Morton Lite salt
I suppose this would be suitable for vegans.
Add hot sauce or chili peppers for a Lentle Inferno ((e:ladycrofts) favorite, haha)
Yes, that is a variety of veggies, but the combination and amount of each compliments each other. The primary taste and texture is lentil. yum yum
I have a bag of red lentils I have been meaning to do something with.. that will be next time. Just not sure what..
Also made hummus.. I am always trying to complicate it and add stuff that doenst belong. It always turns out good, though. I tried using unsweetened apple sauce as the moist base. Then I added olive oil for flavor. It was just an expirement, and it tastes fine. I add so much cumin that it would mask anything I mix in there!
I need to make a trip to the coop for a few items that I have not found at other grocers.
I have a gigantic project due in class! I love the material and the deliverables required.. but time is ticking. I will get it done as usual and with success.. but I still fret.
Very shortly, I will be going for a walk. When I return, by six or so, then I am spending a few hours on it.
If I don't, I will not allow myself to go out tonight. It is imperative that I get through some of the logisitics of the project. There are other people invloved, all of whom I need to get in touch with. I am not even to the writing stage of this project. Tonights plan is to dive in and hammer out as much as possible. There is also a presentation that I have to prepare for. I do whatever I have to do to succeed.
Otherwise, I will see some of you out later.

Permalink: I_like_mine_hot_and_steamy.html
Words: 588
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: sex
02/24/06 04:48 - 28ºF - ID#35889
I am dreaming of you
give it a whirl. It is endlessly amusing:

Some of you took it a step further and plugged in your middle and last names. Funny stuff!
Because of that, I had to do a few more..
(lastname)- A person who falls into an outhouse and dies --I expected something more pretensious sounding.. haha
Carey.(and middle name and last name)- A person who has the ability to be invisible --That would be good old fashioned evil fun!
Carey(last name)- Sexually stunning -- duh ;)
On that note. I recalled quite suddenly and fondly of my dream last night. I think it falls in with the dream theme of (e:strip) as of late. Yes, kiddos, sex. I have some good ones, but I know the basis to this one. (e:kwhoissuper) is working on reestablishing a foreskin of the sort. [inlink]kwhoissuper,4[/inlink]. He has promised to post pics of the process. In the meantime, my delightfully imaginative mind has come up with some fine images. Multiple ones. I dreampt that I was in view of numerous uncircumsized penises (and a few that were). And then I wondered (in my dream) if the guys were from (e:strip).. I wasn't looking at their faces, otherwise I would have figured that out. haha. Well, I could still figure that out, but I need ya'll to drop your drawers ;)
I am not sure what I am up to tonight.
In general, in life.. I am seeking out newness, change, something different... something I can sick my teeth into..quality.. something that will excite exciting.
I am pretty good at figuring this out. It is a part of who I am. I want change, I seek it, it happens. We are accountable for much of what we want and do.
"The strangest secret in the world is that you become what you think about." -Earl Nightingale
So I am bound to be a nympho? I am a lady, but I check that at the door, if you know what I mean..ha. Really though..self fullfilling prophecy is strong stuff. It all begins in your mind..
Although, the newness, excitement and all that jazz that comes from external sources, people, situations would be just fine.
Time for chow.
Later, peeps
Take care, be good.. be safe :)

Permalink: I_am_dreaming_of_you.html
Words: 408
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: funny
02/24/06 01:25 - 28ºF - ID#35888
Your name, defined
Amuse yourself like I did:

CAREY:-- pretensiously academian
THEE CAREY Banshee-like
It changes every time, but I am delerious and easily amused..and don't care. Go there.. you know you want to :)
ok, now I am really off to bed.

Permalink: Your_name_defined.html
Words: 125
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: nature
02/23/06 12:04 - 36ºF - ID#35887
It seemed like a great idea
It was a perfect day to go for a bike ride.
Too bad I did it the day before, when it was feeling sub zero and windy.
Yesterday I biked inside (among other stuff) as I was crunched for time.
I go hiking, jogging, walking any time of year and in any weather. It can be cold, it can even be freezing.. that doesn't stop me (although warm and snuggly is nicer). So to hit up a super cold and windy day is not unusual. However, I never tried bike riding in the super cold for the fun of it. Let me tell you that this was painful! Damn, the effects of cold and wind is exacerbated when you hop on a bike and take off like a banshee. Can't I just take spinning classes like everyone else? haha. It was biting at my face!
I was well layered-- three shirts, two thick sweaters, gloves, scarf, hat, hood-- but the air still hit my face. Ow!
I amused myself by riding around the village, then made my way into the Fort.. the lake always draws me in. This little jaunt towards the lake heightened the cold windy feel. When I arrived at the hill that goes down to the beach, I ditched the bike. I continued on by foot.
There is a lot of ice and snow on the beach and in the water. I took some pictures.. (*looking for camera*)
Then I walked up and down the hill about ten times. Maybe it was ten. Whatever, I was looking for the steepest part and going as fast as I could. Good stuff- It built up some much needed heat.
Yesterday I wake up with a tiny cold sore. I am not particularly stressed over anything and I haven't been making out with anyone (have I? hmm, nope, not lately) Soo, I blame this little unwelcome guest on severe cold, wind and sun beating the hell out of my face. Its tiny. I'll sport it. I should be in a commercial.
Ahh, found my camera.. I left it in my car..seems another mild day out there.
What to do, what to do? I think I will go outside and play.. I'll dig out my basketball. Perfect.
Chilly pics.. enjoy :)

My camera froze, otherwise I know there would be more, including ones of me in my aweful assortment of layers to stay warm. Yeh, I was smokin' ..
Take care,

Permalink: It_seemed_like_a_great_idea.html
Words: 430
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: potpourri
02/21/06 01:44 - 25ºF - ID#35886
just be yourself
Is it so bad that you have to remind me to laugh??? These were loud and frequent laugh tracks.
Maybe networks would do well to apply them to a show that really needs them, like Fox News?
- insert laughter here*
Ok so my plan for Tuesday:
(now,this is all contingent upon my getting to sleep well before 5am)
- Read four, no ,five chapters in my text book. If I am truly inspired, six chapters. Although it took me roughly two hours to get through one chapter, but I was beat. I have a giant project to work on as well. Reading first, though. Earlier, (e:ladycroft) and I met up to tackle some of our school work. Even with two sources of caffeine at my side, my face could have dropped into the book in my lap. Passing out would not have been delightful..I have a lovely vision of stabbing myself with the pen that I jot notes with in the book.
Staying up till 6-7 am these past few days is not conducive to successful use of mental energy. Friday was chill.,talked w/ pals.. dodged an Ex/stalker a few times. Not sure what that is about. But it has to stop.*shiver* . Saturday was another story. Ran all day, stayed up all night. Invited to do many things.. pulled in many different directions. Screwed up some plans by not paying attention to time, sorry (e:pyrcedgrrl), I will make it up to you! Good times though.. had a little gathering at my place with (e:pyrcedgrrl), (e:kangarooboi) and (e:ladycroft). Beers, Tequila Rose (evil stuff) and munchies.. and a large pile of Play Girl. haha.
Later still, waited for music files to transfer. Great stuff! Thank you thank you :)
Sunday..more running around, dinner w/ mom, step dad, niece in Wilson then I ended the night with an excursion to OPM lounge. Met up with (e:mrdt). Again, nice to have met you. BTW (e:Paul), I will show up at your door one night when we head out there.. you must go with us sometime! (e:ladycroft) and I had fun.. as always.
So yeh, I get home and it takes me a couple of hours to go to sleep.
- Hiking. Three or four times a week I go to Fort Niagara or the gorge .. but after looking at the pictures in (e:ajay) post [inlink]ajay,438[/inlink], I am inclined to find somewhere else. A new view.. Suggestions???? Please !!
- Laundry. I have a ton to wash and put away. Timika saw the giant mound of clean clothes. She also tried to steal my coin collection that is in the washer. HAHA. You know I am kidding! That was the strangest/confusing conversation.. I know I didn't know what I was talking about. I kept screwing up everything I was trying to say. I told (e:kangarooboi) to make himself at home, help himself to whatever, that I am not a great hostess and that "your house is my house"
- Research/write on a topic that I have been thinking about.. but which one. Hmm..
- pilates. Denise Austin is a bitch. She is kicking my ass. I have moved on to "pilates for dummies". seriously. Then in a few weeks.. I can kick hers :)
- And then a bunch of other random stuff is on my list. I always find something amusing to do. .and sometimes amusing things keep me from getting things done.
On that note..
I really need to go to bed, so I can get up relatively early. The (e:chat) was a bit risque earlier. Myself, (e:paul), (e:ladycroft), (e:codypomeray), (e:mrdt), (e:jenks), (e:imk2), (e:Salvatore) and (e:decoyisryan).. jeez, did I forget anyone? Anyway, the chat got busy as it often does.. then we delved into the fun stuff. It certainly did not help in my pursuit to become sleepy.
I am going to watch sci fi channel till I fall asleep. Ooh, the X-Files are on, yay.
Sweet dreams, friends..

Permalink: just_be_yourself.html
Words: 725
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: sunday fun
02/19/06 10:30 - 21ºF - ID#35885
play time
Come out and play!!
(e:ladycroft), (e:imk2), (e:mrdt), (e:kangarooboi), (e:paul).. who else?? come ooOOoooooon....

Permalink: play_time.html
Words: 35
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: snow
02/19/06 05:22 - 19ºF - ID#35884
blizzard fun
First.. my enormous mushroom omelete from The Original Pancake House. (e:ladycroft) and I grabbed some food.. oy, that is some meal..

I have been wondering where all the snow is at..
Ladycroft is hording it in Hamburg!!!!

Is that sunshine?

random crap in my car..

no snow, not a flake.. just sunshine in good ole Y-Town.

home :)

moi :)


Permalink: blizzard_fun.html
Words: 98
Location: Youngstown, NY
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