Category: potpourri
02/21/06 01:44 - 25ºF - ID#35886
just be yourself
Is it so bad that you have to remind me to laugh??? These were loud and frequent laugh tracks.
Maybe networks would do well to apply them to a show that really needs them, like Fox News?
- insert laughter here*
Ok so my plan for Tuesday:
(now,this is all contingent upon my getting to sleep well before 5am)
- Read four, no ,five chapters in my text book. If I am truly inspired, six chapters. Although it took me roughly two hours to get through one chapter, but I was beat. I have a giant project to work on as well. Reading first, though. Earlier, (e:ladycroft) and I met up to tackle some of our school work. Even with two sources of caffeine at my side, my face could have dropped into the book in my lap. Passing out would not have been delightful..I have a lovely vision of stabbing myself with the pen that I jot notes with in the book.
Staying up till 6-7 am these past few days is not conducive to successful use of mental energy. Friday was chill.,talked w/ pals.. dodged an Ex/stalker a few times. Not sure what that is about. But it has to stop.*shiver* . Saturday was another story. Ran all day, stayed up all night. Invited to do many things.. pulled in many different directions. Screwed up some plans by not paying attention to time, sorry (e:pyrcedgrrl), I will make it up to you! Good times though.. had a little gathering at my place with (e:pyrcedgrrl), (e:kangarooboi) and (e:ladycroft). Beers, Tequila Rose (evil stuff) and munchies.. and a large pile of Play Girl. haha.
Later still, waited for music files to transfer. Great stuff! Thank you thank you :)
Sunday..more running around, dinner w/ mom, step dad, niece in Wilson then I ended the night with an excursion to OPM lounge. Met up with (e:mrdt). Again, nice to have met you. BTW (e:Paul), I will show up at your door one night when we head out there.. you must go with us sometime! (e:ladycroft) and I had fun.. as always.
So yeh, I get home and it takes me a couple of hours to go to sleep.
- Hiking. Three or four times a week I go to Fort Niagara or the gorge .. but after looking at the pictures in (e:ajay) post [inlink]ajay,438[/inlink], I am inclined to find somewhere else. A new view.. Suggestions???? Please !!
- Laundry. I have a ton to wash and put away. Timika saw the giant mound of clean clothes. She also tried to steal my coin collection that is in the washer. HAHA. You know I am kidding! That was the strangest/confusing conversation.. I know I didn't know what I was talking about. I kept screwing up everything I was trying to say. I told (e:kangarooboi) to make himself at home, help himself to whatever, that I am not a great hostess and that "your house is my house"
- Research/write on a topic that I have been thinking about.. but which one. Hmm..
- pilates. Denise Austin is a bitch. She is kicking my ass. I have moved on to "pilates for dummies". seriously. Then in a few weeks.. I can kick hers :)
- And then a bunch of other random stuff is on my list. I always find something amusing to do. .and sometimes amusing things keep me from getting things done.
On that note..
I really need to go to bed, so I can get up relatively early. The (e:chat) was a bit risque earlier. Myself, (e:paul), (e:ladycroft), (e:codypomeray), (e:mrdt), (e:jenks), (e:imk2), (e:Salvatore) and (e:decoyisryan).. jeez, did I forget anyone? Anyway, the chat got busy as it often does.. then we delved into the fun stuff. It certainly did not help in my pursuit to become sleepy.
I am going to watch sci fi channel till I fall asleep. Ooh, the X-Files are on, yay.
Sweet dreams, friends..

Permalink: just_be_yourself.html
Words: 725
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: sunday fun
02/19/06 10:30 - 21ºF - ID#35885
play time
Come out and play!!
(e:ladycroft), (e:imk2), (e:mrdt), (e:kangarooboi), (e:paul).. who else?? come ooOOoooooon....

Permalink: play_time.html
Words: 35
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: snow
02/19/06 05:22 - 19ºF - ID#35884
blizzard fun
First.. my enormous mushroom omelete from The Original Pancake House. (e:ladycroft) and I grabbed some food.. oy, that is some meal..

I have been wondering where all the snow is at..
Ladycroft is hording it in Hamburg!!!!

Is that sunshine?

random crap in my car..

no snow, not a flake.. just sunshine in good ole Y-Town.

home :)

moi :)


Permalink: blizzard_fun.html
Words: 98
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: day 5
02/17/06 04:30 - 25ºF - ID#35883
Yes, it is Friday-updated
But that turned out perfectly fine..
My phone rang about 6:30 this morning. I was informed that the school I work in would be closed. No work for me.. YAY!!
Niagara county school and most, if not all in Erie county were closed due the crazy winds and potential disaster if it snowed/rained on top of all that.
Whatever the reason.. I was excited to find out that my weeked started unexpectedly early.
After I hung up the phone I turned on the news. There is something about seeing it on the tv, that is exciting. It reminds me of the occasional "snow day" we would get as a kid.. I just couldn't go back to sleep right away!!! I then called my neice to let her know that her school was closed as well. Then I snuggled back under my covers and drifted off to sleep.
I love my work schedule.. I love that there is the possibilty of snow days (paid) and that I have time off from work every couple of months (paid). I feel spoiled, because I know this wont be the case after I move on from my position..
or will it? Anything is possible if I want it..
I enjoy, seek certain levels of responsibility in life..yet others, I dread. I mean, who really likes paying bills? It wouldnt be dreadful if my income was better, and it will..Casual roomates aren't my thing.. so that isn't an option.Yet, I do alright with what I have. My bills are always paid..yet I live sparingly, overall. I would prefer to not live pay check to pay check. But that too will change. How? when? not sure.. but it will.
And I whatever I do, I want it with lots of time off to do what I please :)
Does this mean I am not ready to 'grow up' ?
I think I have a party to go to shortly.. I doubt it has been cancelled. It starts early and I plan to be there for only a little while..
Anyone up for doing something after 9PM??????
I am open to anything
UPDATE: the party was canecelled. I got the phone call at 6:15. Weird how I had a feeling.. yet who cancels parties???
I am too late to join the peeps heading out to KB for tubing. Unless I left this very minute.
SO I am now very free to do something....
Carey :)

Permalink: Yes_it_is_Friday_updated.html
Words: 417
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: simplicity
02/16/06 11:23 - 53ºF - ID#35882
Murphys Oil Soap
11pm. It is freaky warm outside.
I get out of class and the temp is much warmer than when I went in.
I drive through the light rain.
I go down Lewiston Hill and I watch the lightning. [[So cool.The hill has an amazing view. It overlooks many towns in US and Canada along with the Niagara River,Lake Ontario, Toronto.. There is a house that has all of this as their view from the backyard. I would immensely enjoy (and love) the opportunity to go in their house some evening.. just to look at the view.]]
There is no place to stop on the hill..all I can do is catch a glimpse on my descent.
I pull in the driveway. I decide to check the mail box. I look up at the sky and see clouds framing the bright waning moon.
On the ground.. wet grass. Nothing that resembles winter.
Memories of bonfires.. and thoughts of adventures yet to come.
The air smells good. It is so warm. I want to go for a walk around town, but I only walk back up the driveway and go inside.
Inside, the lingering smell of murphys oil soap, from hardwood floors washed two nights ago.
I hear the wind picking up as I get ready for bed.
Sweet dreams :)

Permalink: Murphys_Oil_Soap.html
Words: 225
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: party
02/15/06 09:28 - 37ºF - ID#35881
motorcycle tubing
Friday is supposed to be wicked windy, cold and snowy. Not like I will see it in Youngstown. I am sure it will be sunny and warm, with a light breeze.
But, I am not sure if it is a go, this Friday. I have a house party on the lake to attend. Atleast, I think I do. Sometimes I can be persuaded otherwise.. However, i want to go for a couple of hours.. ha, this reminds me:
My friend gave me directions to her house. Well, she doesn't live there.. its more of a party-summer house right on the lake; they live in Buffalo. I was there before they built this really cool house. When she showed me the lot a few years ago, I couldn't imagine that it would turn out as cool as it has a gorgeous view! It was just a shack before it was torn down.
Anyhow, she handed out directions to everyone, except for me. People asked in a puzzled tone of voice, "whats this about, 'turn at the motorcycle with the blow up doll on it". Heh... the party is in Wilson. I think on Harwood. Hardwood.. Harding?something that sounds like that. Doll on a motorcylce, sure.. thats sounding kind of normal to me. So, we explained..
There is a little store nearby.. and in the lot there is a motorcyle suspended up high, with a female mannequin sitting on it. There is no reason why.. it just is. The immediate area is quite a lil fishing hot spot. I have been looking at this motorcycle for years.. I pretty much forgot about it. Whoever owns the store property will dress this doll... at halloween it is in costume, but it is primarily dressed in the Wilson football team-er- school colors--cheerleader outfit. I wonder if she is dressed for this cold weather?
So getting back to the tubing, I have never done it. It seems like it would be fun. Although the last few times I went sledding, I flipped, skidded down the remainder of the hill face first.. sometimes doing backwards somersaults (sp)..aching and not laughing as much as I normally would when I wipe out..
but hey, I'll try just about anything once...

Permalink: motorcycle_tubing.html
Words: 428
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: silliness
02/14/06 10:41 - 33ºF - ID#35880
dirty laundry
at any given time, my butt can be semi exposed. I take care to wear longish shirts and sweaters, as I am bound to be in some twister championship worthy move.
But this counter climbing venture did not have me in any crazy position. I was just reaching. But apparently my shirt went up.. and my undies showed anyways.
Yeh, they were my "laundry day" underwear.
You know, the worst possible option.. big and ugly. Think, red and black zebra print. How did I end up w/ something like that anyways? Even the material is icky and scratchy.
But yeh, they are the kind that you don't toss even though you never ever wear them. So they end up in the "laundry day" drawer.
When at home, there are some crazy clothing combinations I come up with as it comes closer to the dreaded laundry day. All of your favorite clothes are in a dirty smelly heap.. and the clean choices are always passed over, until now.
Do you have a designated "laundry day outfit" ?
Do you have "laundry day undies"?
How much spare change do you have floating in the bottom of your washer? Sure.. I launder money, har har.
I did a lot of laundry this evening. My undies choices are now cute, cuter and cutest :)
- My cookie monster valentines were a hit. I think the staff enjoyed them more than the kids. My cookies turned out fabulous. I think I am more capable of cooking/baking than I let on..
- I sent out a few cards. I ended up in the card aisle the other day (non v-day related) and ended up reading through the funny cards. I found myself wanting to send a bunch of random cards.. not that I am a Hallmark supporter. But occasionally I find a funny one that I want to share.
- Spent time w/ my step dad and neice earlier. I hadn't seen them lately.. It was very nice to be around them, catching up on life.
- Received a call from someone I dated well over a year ago. I saw the ID and thought, wtf? I am kind of flattered, yet I know I was not a nice person back then.. (things have since changed) I don't know why the call. Coincidental on the day? I didn't pick up and they didn't leave a message.. which is a good thing. Odd.
- It feels later in the week than what it is. Its been very busy these past two days.. with work and some family stuff.. then the Great Laundry Fiasco.
- My new neighbor moves in soon. I hope they are cool..
- I fully intended to go XC skiing after work today.. I get home and more than half of the snow is melted. There wasn't much to begin with, but I figured the trails would have enough to take the skiis out on. Not by 5pm.. it warmed up enough to melt down to the grass.. It is supposed to snow this weekend.. so maybe, finally, then..
- I am done procrastinating... off to read a business case. Later :)

Permalink: dirty_laundry.html
Words: 564
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: day 2
02/13/06 11:44 - 26ºF - ID#35879
"Me like Coookies.. Me like you"
Remember those days?
I bought a box of old school Valentines. They are Cookie Monster valentines. I loooove Cookie Monster. I forgot how cool I think he is.
The kiddos will have fun with some Valentines Day activities-- a dance, card exchange, special snacks and art stuff. Or, I hope they have fun. Some of the Autistic kids I work with find group activities highly aversive. Me too. .ha..
Anyway, we were encouraged to bring something in. I made cookies for work, bought the Valentines for the kiddos and some extra candy for staff and the kids.
If I was efficiently motivated, I would take a picture of the Cookie Monster valentines. I don't know why I dig him so much. Easily amused, I guess.

Permalink: _quot_Me_like_Coookies_Me_like_you_quot_.html
Words: 142
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: potpourri
02/12/06 11:38 - 20ºF - ID#35878
super size
Those girls frighten me.
Can they naturally do that? These girls are huge. HUGE! Their deep voices kinda make me think that there are some hormone popping involved at the very least.
All that muscle is not attractive on anyone.. girls or guys. Rock hard bodies like that?? Hmm, not my thing. A little soft on me is good, a little soft on you is good. Extremes.. no good.
I am pretty active although a bit (too) soft. But hey, I kinda like it that way. Yet, I have stalled on the post back injury gain, therefore the "Operation Winter Fluff Removal© " has officially commenced... watch for changes. OK, enough about that...
Anyway, I watched in fascination at their determination, super human strength and the process of elimination during competitions. But I still wonder, why? and How?
Then, another show came on right after; "Wild Child" -- a show on feral that were abandoned and left to fend for themselves or were entirely isolated. The effects on their language and cognitive development and whether they could gain language skills after the "window of opportunity" has passed. Interesting.. i couldn't stop watching.
Then, another show.. "Wolf Boy" or something like that.. a show about a rare genetic disorder that manifests through excessive facial hair (other parts of body can have added hair, but it is primarily in the face.. where it is entirely covered). very neat. TLC showed pictures of people with this from over the centuries. Not suprisingly these people found their niche in the carnival/circus arena.
I want to touch their face. Is their hair soft or coarse?
I forced myself away from the tv. I don't watch much tv..pretty much for this reason. I get sucked right into it.. all these shows tonight were an hour long each. If I didn't force myself away, i would have watched the next show.. something called "man with exploding arms"? I think?
So yeh, the tv just collects dust for the most part.
I'd much rather be bowling :)
Incase you missed the pics: [inlink]theecarey,101[/inlink]
The weekend came and went.. Monday is coming up close. Yikes!!
Catch ya'll later!

Permalink: super_size.html
Words: 407
Location: Youngstown, NY
Category: friday
02/12/06 12:21 - 21ºF - ID#35877
we need more titles with the word BALLS!
- went to Voelkers for beer and bowling. (e:theecarey) (moi), (e:imk2), (e:jenks), (e:ladycroft) and a few others..
- I hadn't been there before. It has a non conventional set up.. a few different rooms for bowling, pool and darts.. then the large circular bar area and a food area a few rooms away. Beer selection was minimal. I started with bottled Guinness draught then moved on to some draft something or other. Food did not look appetizing, although at 4am, I am sure it is delish.
- The "little guy" who pounced on me before I could even get in the door was slightly endearing. He wasn't necessarily little or young.. but somehow that moniker worked for him, and for the rest of us, as that was what he was called since. I give him credit for trying as hard as he did with all of us, not that he got anywhere.
- Apparently I came in just after the group declared they (we) were virgins about to enter the convent (Little guy was the catalyst for this declaration and I walked in and played right into it w/o knowing the story.. funny shite).. and this was our last night of freedom before resigning from the world. Somehow, if this were true, I would not be spending my time w/ a group of ladies :) ALthough, some of the pictures I would have to wonder..
(Ladycrofts picture post) [inlink]ladycroft,192[/inlink]
(Jenks picture post) [inlink]jenks,63[/inlink]

We're gonna take them bitches, I mean pins down! die MF die!

I almost slide into a split before the pins do

Alex and moi!


Jen, Alex, Carey, Timika

Somehow I missed the memo on wearing a cleavage bearing shirt.
(e:strip)per innocence..

not so innocent..

I've got balls?!? .. who knew? haha, and my mutant fingers can't quite make it into gang symbols and sexual gestures.. I try!

Opium lounge had some killer beats.. just what I like..just what makes me happy.
oh and it smelled yummy in there :) Techno, house, the main room, and in the back/side room.. dark wave, industrial, goth core. Nice!

Alex made me grab her ass. Or maybe Timika made me grab Alex's ass. Whatever the *real* story, here's the picture:

(e:PMT) where were you?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??! It was so fun!

I was getting very hot in there..I kept taking off the layers..
good stuff: dancing, jumping, longing for glow sticks...

Well, that was a pretty quick post. Details will be kept to ourselves ;)
Off to read, watch tv and nibble on some pita and Zatter green. Yum.
Later, peeps :)

Permalink: we_need_more_titles_with_the_word_BALLS_.html
Words: 476
Location: Youngstown, NY
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(e:mike).. I can't imagine trying it for the first time in public, omg..
Did you get that Denise Austin vid @ Sam's? I ran in for cat litter (sad that Tidy Cat is almost the same price as the generic one now!!) and I saw the vids @ the door. I was going to grab one to try out on my afternoons/midnights alone @ work, but I was in a rush and there were SOOO many to choose from!!