07/13/08 11:43 - 68ºF - ID#44999
Camps, Cramps & other Bon Mots
If you are sick of reading about me whining about Bell's Palsy, then move along, folks, nothing to see. But, despite sounding like I took a hard blow to the cheek, I got the nice pronouncement that full recovery is on the horizon. For the first time, I had to go to a nerve center. The Kaleida E.R. doc wanted me to go the Kaleida neuro center within a week of my diagnosis. The Neuro center said they could see me the week before labor day. The fucking point behind that escapes me. I called the E.R. doc back to relay this and he set me with the Dent Neurological Center--who took a look and with a refreshing blast of common sense, said another week and I should have it licked. I just have to get an MRI next week to make sure I didn't blow any other fuses. So, yay no more drugs. I've spent more than I can really afford on co-pays and prescriptions the past six weeks. Not a moment too soon either. The Zoo's regular p.r. person is going on vacation middle of this week, so guess who has to media guy for the next ten days. No big deal really, but the elephants come back later this week, so MrMike spokesguy will ride again. All praises to Dr.Pumpter at the Gates ER for being a good guy.
Facebook likes to screw with you. I got an email that told me that while I'm not real cool, I am nice, and I'm been voted a good guy to get stuck in handcuffs with, while I'm not very datable, I am kissable. That's quite a collection of mixed messages.
Blew a little spare change on Itunes on old bombastic stuff like Yes, Emerson, Lake and Palmer, Asia, & Mott the Hoople (there goes that uncool thing again), and it was a trip to have the acoustic version of "Roundabout" playing this morning. I guess not hearing them in sometime made these fm staples seem kind of new in a way.
My sprint contract is up next month, pretty sure now that (e:paul) and (e:jim) have done the necessary application trouble shooting, an Iphone may have to enter the picture before the summer is gone.
Thinking of writing one of my time honored grumpy letters to the Holiday Inn on Delaware for closing their pool club. You used to be able to pay 125 and swim as much as you want between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Thankfully, their bar would bring food and drink out if you wanted. We were members for the better part of 7 summers. The hotel had some issues last year and had no pool. I'm not sure of the mind set, but the pool club members basically funded the pool operations and this year, some Rhodes Scholar decided they didn't need the pool clubbers. Not sure why they decided to kiss off found money, but I'm not sure about a lot of things these days.
It's not too hot and rainy, maybe a field trip to the taste might be a good thing.
Enjoy Sunday folks.

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Words: 646
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: fatherman
07/08/08 09:06 - 76ºF - ID#44902
Beware the angered father....
She told us that one of the idiots in the apartment building at the one end of her street stopped her on the sidewalk and invited her to his place for dinner. Darling daughter replied that "my parents wouldn't like that." (We would not). Chucklehead says "they don't have to know." Within 10 minutes we are back at the house and sure enough, along comes jerkass. My ex whispers to let her do the talking and if he says anything even remotely stupid I can throw him into the tree.
I must admit, I admire the way she dressed him down. In a polite, even, unaffected way, she told him to stay the hell away from our children, all the while the partner and I giving the bastard the stink eye. He looks at me and asks "You, the Dad?" I nod. "uh oh" He starts to go and says something stupid. I stop him worldlessly and fairly effortlessly. He meets the aformentioned tree. The Ex to him "were you not paying attention?" Me to him "I think its time you walk home now....in fact maybe you ought to run."
Being as he is nuts, I wasn't real anxious to get into an actual scrape especially after the past couple of weeks, but if being a little scary will protect my kids, that's a no-brainer.
Nice to know I can still pull it off.

Permalink: Beware_the_angered_father_.html
Words: 280
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: health
07/07/08 09:07 - 72ºF - ID#44891
The Complete Suckitude of Bell's Paulsy
This should all clear up within the next week or so, and it won't be a moment too soon. Funny thing is that after the prescriptions ran out, that is when you could start feeling things tingling and coming to life a little bit, like your internal continental shelf was starting ever so slowly to shift.
Only time I've ever need to go for a specialized followup for anything, with a trip to Dent Neurological Institute on Friday. I have to be the "media guy" next weekend at the Zoo so it would be nice to not be huffing and puffing when trying to speak.
In the interim, when I hear I joke, I've been hiding a little to cover up for the fact I can only muster 2/3s of a smile. You have to do some goofy stuff that takes considerable getting used to. I had to learn to sleep with beautian's tape keeping my right eye closed. I don't think I've been sleeping so much as passing out.
It's cut down on my new car enjoyment. I took the kids out to my folks house on Friday and it was probably the first time since the medical big fun began that all was normal. If I looked stuck up at Ted's last night eating with my sunglasses on, so be it.
The things you do. I had to do a presentation at a retailer and was paranoid enough that I nearly sent my boss in my stead. Instead, I sucked it up and gave it a go, coming back with promises of money and support for the next two years. So, maybe next time I take a cane.
Now, if I could just get the Zoo to pick up the tab.

Permalink: The_Complete_Suckitude_of_Bell_s_Paulsy.html
Words: 382
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: animals
07/03/08 11:26 - 68ºF - ID#44847
Panda Daycare
This is for those that haven't seen the 16 baby pandas. SICHUAN , China -- One zoo in southwest China has its hands full with 16 baby pandas.
The Sichuan Wolong Panda Protection and Breed Center is dealing with the results of a breeding boom where 16 pandas have been born.
The brood includes five sets of twins.
The cubs are weighed and measured every five days (see pics)
The heaviest tips the scale at just over 24 pounds, while the lightest weighs about 11 pounds.
The pandas are due to stop suckling soon - just about the time they'll start learning to walk.
Once weaned, the panda cubs will attend panda kindergarten.
In the meantime, more little ones are expected at the centre since 38 giant pandas were artificially impregnated.

That should everybody's cute animal quotient for the day.

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Words: 171
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: random
06/27/08 01:06 - ID#44802
Surrealness and the eye of the beholder
It made up for the earlier portion of the day. In the latest in estrip illnesses, I woke up wednesda morning with my eyelid drooping a little and my chin a little paralyzed. Scared the shit out of me. I worked though it Wednesday and nothing changed, so I spent the first part of yesterday at Gates Circle, being checked over. The Bug I was fighting set the table for Bell's Paulsy. The monitoring process took about four hours in the Gates ER. Half expected to see (e:Jenks) flying by. I spent the morning strapped into a bunch of monitors, removing the stickies was fun (reminded me of the waxing scene in The 40 year old virgin). I passed all the right test, could push the doctor around and all that good crap. So, I'm rocking a nice combo of steroids and antivirals all the while vaguely looking like Popeye.
I love my job, but I think the building I work in was at fault. We spent a good chunk of May and June without airlfow as the engineer type realign things for the new Rainforest building. As a result the temp in the offices here was between 75 and 80 regularly. Our offices are over some animal exhibits so I'm sure that had to incubate something over time. As the only guy with no windows in my direct office, I guess I was the lucky one. So, proper complaints have already been filed as I am convinced it is what did me in. I relayed that to the nurse I was with and she responded that it's surprising more people weren't in the same boat.
So, a few batches of Prednizone and anti-virals in and slowly, but surely I'm feeling more me, but gads what a pain in the ass. Never slept with an eye taped shut before. It is a weird experience, but I'd like to actually get past all this stuff already. June hasn't been fun in that respect.
On the bright side, I got lovely number one daughter a gig at the Zoo, and oh, yeah, I got a bitchin new ride. Paul, any (e:strip) stickers left?

Permalink: Surrealness_and_the_eye_of_the_beholder.html
Words: 451
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: random
06/20/08 02:56 - 68ºF - ID#44731
Such a week, I gotta tell ya...
And now a word about AfterHours care. My univera premium went up in June and now I pay more money to see my doctor less. By the time I realized that I needed a little more help last thursday, I couldn't an appt till Tuesday. I took it, but went to their after hours thing in Amherst to see if there is something else I could have been doing. I explained to the PA that my over the counter stuff wasn't working. So, he replaced it with his over the counter stuff. The hell? I gave it sometime in the likely case that he knew something I didn't, but nothing changed. Went back monday to report that before the estrip/(e:ladycroft) gathering and was promptly assaulted with throat swabs and blood work, but still no change. Staggered through the rest of Monday and a career builder of presentation on Tuesday morning, to finally see the Doc and get the proper drugs. It's great to get "righted," but that can take a lot out of you. Today is the first day since Tuesday that I basically wasn't a rag doll. That is a good thing as I'm not usually one to go to sleep when it is still a little light out. What good is after hours care when they seem to be a little scared to treat anything.
Been watching a lot of the Russert-related coverage. It's interesting to see all the local people act like their office was just down the hall from Tim's. I've also gotten a kick out of Tom Brokaw saying "The Boss" on three different shows now like he just discovered Springsteen. Russert's kid has had admirable poise given the circumstances. Don't know if I'd be that together now, much less than at 22. While the local media was engaging in a round of "how I know Tim," it was interesting to see who among the national folks was genuine. For a very disingenuous business.
What the hell is the matter with the Mets anyway?
I test drove a car at Transitowne Hyundai and they never called back. That can't be good, but it is unusual for them to give up like that. I wasn't going to take the car on the terms they were talking, but to just suddenly go all quiet was a little weird.
My office finally has air conditioning, just when it doesn't need it. I had to dress for a formal fundraiser last week when it was 85 outside and 82 inside. So, not cool, but I did look pretty good despite the pending stroke. Could have sworn my suit sizzled a little when I peeled it off at the end of the night.
I'm tired of McCain and Obama already. Don't care what Michelle wore on the View, don't care that Barack is forgoing public money, don't care that that pisses McCain off. None of it matters.
Is there anything sadder than looking in the office refrigerator and seeing Wednesday's turkey sandwich staring back, after it was shunned for a company potluck and a thursday disasterous lunch at Lunetta's? Sad, really. I actually thought Lunetta's was supposed to be good, but also thought Roast Beef sandwiches to have hot gravy as opposed to the other kind. I like a two hour lunch as much as the next guy, but those folks made it painful.
On the upswing....

Permalink: Such_a_week_I_gotta_tell_ya_.html
Words: 626
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/17/08 03:17 - 58ºF - ID#44692
Courtroom drama
"Sir, I made two mistakes. The first one was I rear-ended the other driver. I admit it was my mistake. There was a little damage, but not much.
“When the other driver got out of his car, I noticed that he was a dwarf.
“He came up to my car, looked up at me and said, ‘I am not happy!’â€
That’s when I made my second mistake.
That’s when I said, “Then which one are you?â€
“That’s when the fight started.â€

Permalink: Courtroom_drama.html
Words: 121
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: work
06/11/08 09:07 - 75ºF - ID#44622
Not a stellar stretch
It all went down hill from there. Put a bid in on a Elantra only to have it sold out from under me.
The aforementioned Starbucks dumping which I'm handling with a fair amount of dignity and good taste (Bitch).
Sunday, number one son and I set out with some friends in front of the old Jimmy Mac's to watch the parade. Good as always to (e:Paul) and (e:Terry). We got caught up in a candy blitzkreig. My man made out like a bandit. His mom and sister were marchers in the parade so we set off for Bidwell like well the rest of you. All hail Comfort Zone, by the way. After a bit of revelry, his mom and I walked him back to grandma's house. By this point, my spinal column is screaming so I retreated to my humble little abode.
Only to wake on Monday (my day off?!?!) with this congested head/fever combo that is only now disappearing. At the Doctor this morning, he praised me for losing 15 pounds since he saw me in March. Wonder how not eating for the past three days figured into that equation.
Not a stellar stretch, indeed....

Permalink: Not_a_stellar_stretch.html
Words: 367
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/07/08 08:16 - 76ºF - ID#44581
A dozen dates in, I thought I was on to something. We clicked on a number of levels. Things were great, looking for more windows to see each other. Caught a breather in a full saturday just now and met for coffee, where I just got dumped.
"I'm going back to my old boyfriend"
This after long stories about how great the connection is, on all the right levels.
And I get dumped in the Williamsville Starbucks. Was almost happy there for a second. Should have known.
This really sucks. Dumped at a suburban Starbucks. My karma must reek.

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Words: 102
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/05/08 08:32 - 64ºF - ID#44551
The Corporate Challenge
The prep work for the thing started yesterday morning, when a village of tents got erected. As the regular morning walkers watched. a tent city worthy of the most accomplished migrant workers was erected. On the bright side, I got to park in the Zoo lot this morning. If you are thinking of the park at all today, forget it. The police basically shut down access to cars. By 2, bikes will be a moot point.
Walking down the path to an open Zoo door, I watched minions placing the corporate placards out and about. Given that amount of folks loitering surrounding my work area, I think I'll head to the square.
On the bright side, the Hellenic Festival starts tomorrow, two doors down. I can go and buy Souvlaki and the little Greek beignets, bring them back to my apartment deck and have them still be warm. Temptation thy name is coated in feta...

Permalink: The_Corporate_Challenge.html
Words: 256
Location: Buffalo, NY
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I know you said the plasy is pretty much done with, I wish you luck with that. I'll be honest the only reason I Heard of it is because of a Wrestling Commentator got it. In his case he had another attack years later. I don't know if there are different kinds or if some are more serious. But hopefully you won't get another one.
In terms of face book I don't belong so I can't say so much except that the stuck in handcuffs with someone seems like a very odd comment. On a side note I see you are back on myspace, unless that is some one who has a hold of your account. So you are a nice guy who is kissable but not dating material and it would be good to be in handcuffs so does that mean some one or lots of people want to have a one night stand or a booty call that has to do with handcuffs? Maybe you should e-mail the person back and see if that is what they mean.