Category: projects
10/04/13 05:28 - ID#58110
Oh yes we are from Lindbergh School
I remember before the October storm and a million budget cuts (grounds was the first thing to go) there used to be so many trees all over the place. I've noticed as more have been taken down, the ground stays saturated much longer and it looks much worse.
I need to find some people who know some more about appropriate trees than me and maybe other people who would be interested in helping fundraise or solicit for trees from nurseries around here. The best would probably be some slow-growth and deep rooted shade trees that won't heave the ground.
I took some pictures - right now it's pretty much cleared or full of dying trees everywhere but the front. I remember the Crosby side looking much more like McKinley or Argonne when I went there - a full canopy of mature maples.
I think there definitely could be smaller shade trees on the tree lawn, and much larger ones on the actual on. The back field could use some along the fenceline and soccer fields, and near the playground. It definitely would cut down on the ponding that happens even with the new drain tile.
Not really a good idea of the placement or number but the general location until I can set up something in AutoCAD or the town GIS.
Hopefully I can get this off the ground in time for spring planting. It'd be to get it back to the way it looked.
Permalink: Oh_yes_we_are_from_Lindbergh_School.html
Words: 302
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 10/04/13 05:40
Category: dancing
09/30/13 10:56 - ID#58105
Music is Art
Whatchu know about rocking a fur vest? Woof!
Nips, available at Hu's
(e:YesThatCasey) came down (soaking wet from the rain) for music is art. We all got dressed up for the big birthday celebration.
Later we headed to go dance, which was absolutely awesome, with pretty decent music. Even though it was super muddy, it was a great night for dancing.
Paul and his boxed wine
Thug lyfe
Cop stuck in the mud
My new best fraaand from ETS
Selfies getting sloppy at this point
At the end of the night we were going to go out more, and even got (e:Mike) up to drive us back to Linwood. I guess getting up at 6 that day got to me because I passed out before we did anything. Oops, sorry Mike!
The next morning Paul and I had some more food truck worthy cereal. For real, the best breakfast cereal I've had. This time we added fancy peanut butter which made it all the better.
On the way home, Linwood was starting to look like fall.
I finished up the weekend by getting some work at home done, before going out to Saigon Bangkok with Paul and Terry. The tofu pad Thai was so good.
Permalink: Music_is_Art.html
Words: 295
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 09/30/13 11:07
Category: ads
09/19/13 01:21 - ID#58082
Inked at the Museum
The second speaker was a PA from Southgate Medical Group. Her whole talk went about 25 minutes, 20 of which were her emphasizing how many people want their partner's old name removed. The remainder could be summarized in a brochure as (e:Paul) said, or something you could have learned within 2 minutes on wikipedia.
The whole thing felt like an advertisement for her clinic, so I really hope they paid to sponsor the museum rather than the other way around.
It would have been awesome if they managed to have a dermatologist, researcher, laser engineer or someone who could have delivered a little more content. Definitely was disappointing.
The price of admission also included the Body Worlds exhibit. It was short and kind of weird, like an artsy anatomy lab. I wish I had been able to take pictures. Apparently (e:Paul) says the bodies are taken from Chinese prisoners, which makes me pretty uncomfortable. It's weird to think that these people died, were plasticized and filleted up, then posed up to be fencing or whatever.
The rest of the museum was the same as always. I don't remember anything changing in my lifetime besides the temporary exhibits - I wonder when most of these were set up?
FInished up the night right by trying out Dominion, and frying up vegetables and soup. Dominion was okay, I didn't have the attention span last night - I'll have to try again. The vegetables and soup/falafels were amazing though.
Permalink: Inked_at_the_Museum.html
Words: 297
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 09/19/13 01:37
Category: bikes
09/19/13 12:22 - ID#58081
Touring dem farms
The final celebration at the Oles farm was great. The food was amazing and very fresh, and the beer and wine were unlimited which meant day drunk. This lead to an incident with a Hummer, which thank god ended quickly.
By the time we got back, (including me riding home to
Safety first - unless you wanted to pick a fight with GO guy
Local, fresh, organic candy
Chickens. Not sure if I'd like living in the house that overlooked their run
Sweet custom double bike - the owners were super weird about me asking about it for some reason
Keeping up with (e:terry) - we were able to book it up some of those hills
Oles Farm
Farmed Tilapia
Blumen für Terry
Permalink: Touring_dem_farms.html
Words: 246
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 09/19/13 01:01
Category: running
09/13/13 12:46 - ID#58070
HBD Vater und Nachtlaufen in Kenmore
Midnight is an ice cream addict- when we bring out ice cream cake and start singing happy birthday, he goes insane and starts barking along until he gets some.
HBD dad! Both he and my mom have done so much for me and my siblings, it's hard to even comprehend. It's always nice to see him so happy.
I haven't been running in a week or two, and decided to force myself to go for an easy one last night. The temperature was near perfect and it was a great way to end the day. Running in Kenmore at (and Kenilworth, my true hood (e:mike)) at night is weird. There are thousands of people in such a small area and yet I have the street to myself.
Sometimes I feel like I'm using every free second I have outside of work. Don't get me wrong, I love it - but it's nice to be going nowhere at all.
Permalink: HBD_Vater_und_Nachtlaufen_in_Kenmore.html
Words: 189
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 09/13/13 03:07
Category: beer
09/13/13 12:32 - ID#58069
Beer Club
Beer inspired selfies
Permalink: Beer_Club.html
Words: 58
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 09/13/13 12:53
Category: camping
09/10/13 04:28 - ID#58063
Getting scrody in Landrus, PA
Went to Marco's deli in Kenmore with my brother, and got to the campsite Friday night. Heidi and Dianne were super awesome since the tents and camp were already set up, so all that was left to do was drink around the fire.
The next day we went on a hike to try and find a trail to some ruins. Apparently it was a company coal town way back when, but all that is left now is some foundation ruins and some unmaintained roads.
Some sort of masonry
Snakes hiding out
Das Wasser ist scrotzig! - it smelled so sulfury
It was a pretty beautiful place.
Casey lumberjacking out
Saturday night was great, even though I was an early victim to day drinking. Huge fire, drunk German lessons, and a freezing late night swim. Definitely slept well that night.
Before heading out, we hiked to go swim in Sand Run Falls. We got lost-ish and almost fell victim to the mountain people (saved by 4G), it was a pretty nice hike. I thought it was crazy enough to go in the water the night before, but Paul, Terry and I forced ourselves to go in again.
On the way home, we stopped at Yorkholo Brewing Company in Mansfield, which was kind of reminded me of Geneseo. Paul and I found a creepy decrepit phone booth.
The goat cheese pierogi and black bean burger were pretty good, despite some mishaps (I may have accidentally eaten bacon, oops).
It's sad that this is one of the last few weekends of the summer. I really wish there was a time to go camping longer - can't wait until next summer.
Permalink: Getting_scrody_in_Landrus_PA.html
Words: 332
Last Modified: 09/12/13 12:09
09/04/13 01:05 - ID#58051
Parasail surfing
Permalink: Parasail_surfing.html
Words: 32
Last Modified: 09/04/13 01:05
Category: bikes
09/04/13 01:02 - ID#58050
People Powered Commuting
Less than two months in of driving to work, I realized more than ever how much I hate driving. It's so wasteful for me to push my 170lb self around with a 3000lb car at 28mpg for an hour a day. I hate the aggression everyone gets in with each other, how isolated you are from other people and how easy it is to speed by and not even see what's going on around you. I hate how much space they take up and how much noise and pollution they generate. I wish Buffalo had a real 24x7 transit system, and hope that the bike culture keeps growing like it is.
Since I dislike it so much, I figured why not do something about it? It seemed hypocritical not to try just because the ride seemed long. So now that I can shower at work, I rode down. It was really nice to get out when few other people were. It took about 1hr for 16 miles and was without incident, besides yelling at a lady to pick up her dog's poop.
On the way home was a little bit different. It took 1hr 03min for 16 miles, but felt so much tougher. There was a headwind off the lake, a lot more traffic downtown, and even a minor road rage incident. This woman was upset after she tried to left turn at a stop sign while texting her lap, where apparently I surprised her coming from the opposite direction with the right of way. She caught up to me at a light, and I started yelling back at her for texting and not paying attention to the road. Of course while she is doing this, she has the nerve to look down in her lap to text and tell me it's not illegal while she's stopped. We parted with a few choice words before it escalated. I seriously need to watch my road rage but she deserved it.
I was pretty wiped after all that, but I am going to try to bike at least every other day. I can probably drop the hammer a little more as I get used to it so it'll get better. Finished the day with some 90 cent cones from Anderson's with Emily and Carrie. (4 of them to be exact)
Day one: 32 miles, 1080 calories, 2 hr ride time
Lessons learned:
Eat more, I felt so sluggish on the ride home
Watch out for crazy middle aged ladies
Leave earlier for home
Getting into work
Poorly tagged inspirational quote on the Rt. 5 overpass
Riding through Larkinville
Permalink: People_Powered_Commuting.html
Words: 491
Last Modified: 09/04/13 01:11
Category: outdoors
09/04/13 12:57 - ID#58049
Zoar Valley and Hoarding
All of it makes me just remember this video .
Thankfully we made tons of progress on clearing it this weekend.
Later Saturday, I headed down to (e:Paul) and (e:Terry)'s, to find Paul working on (e:Mike)'s unicorn bike. I have to say, that's one of the most awesome birthday presents I've ever seen. I took some pics with my newish lens that I'll have to put up later.
We ended up going out to Zoar Valley. I can't remember the last time, if ever, I was there. It ended up being a great day for a hike, and quick swim in the creek before we headed back for Mike's party. Can't wait to go back sometime!
Chillaxin' after climbing a bit.
Permalink: Zoar_Valley_and_Hoarding.html
Words: 199
Last Modified: 09/04/13 12:58
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