Category: unnerd
08/26/08 03:25 - 73ºF - ID#45462
Izzy is Pissed!
The scoop is they're doing this because of the glut of Korean players are that are killing everyone else in the league.
A lil civil rights scam anyone?
Still, who watches this sport? Really?
There was a very comical air about Izzy bringing this up in the office, and I admit I joined in on the japes with "Well, that's it. I am NOT watching that sport now!", but it's still pretty crumby.
Yeah, things like this still need to come to light if there are discriminatory elements involved. Sigh... Well Ms. Sorenstam I hope you appreciate this.
Now, lemme get this straight Izzy

Permalink: Izzy_is_Pissed_.html
Words: 116
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/25/08 02:33 - 67ºF - ID#45452
Great, More Death
Here's a very brief synopsis. A young couple, married, who had a young child between them was shot yesterday on Sanders Road in Buffalo. We likely never even saw those people in day to day passing. We live on the other side of Colvin from where it happened, even still it was awful close.
There's a lot of paranoid folks on the web site marking this as the beginning of the end for a great many things, and/or battling it out over gun laws. I called the Meggasaurus and told her about it and she was a bit shocked. I don't normally go for this, but I was even able to frighten her into being a bit more secure about things round the house, since I grew up on the east side where making sure things were locked down was a way of life. That was a little deviceive I know, but making those ladies safer is my task. Though I'd rather Meg did the things I asked her to do to be safe because she wanted to and she trusted my judgment, I'll take fear if keeps them alive another day.
So, I guess I'm just as guilty as some of the "whoa-is-the-world'ers" on the Buffalo News site. I think that murders like this aren't random, and are indicative of the life the victims lead, though unfortually in some situations that's not the case and they are innocents. This comment set me at ease a bit, as disturbing as that may seem:
msmma wrote:
When I saw the news reporting this story last night, they interviewed a neighbor who didn't want to be id'd who said that there were drug deals going on in that house all the time.
Who knows if it's true or false, but if it's true, then I don't think anyone should be surprised by this tragic outcome.
Otherwise. I'm really sorry for (e:Jim) and his late boss. I'd still be trying to get over that if I were Jim... You were brave to find him Jim.

Permalink: Great_More_Death.html
Words: 380
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: stuff
07/11/08 04:26 - 75ºF - ID#44932
Here on the crapper...

Permalink: Here_on_the_crapper_.html
Words: 101
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: family
07/10/08 11:42 - 71ºF - ID#44918
My New Picture
I've been trying to get meg to use Photoshop to touch up her digital images, but I think my zeal has turned her off to using it, but the ohter day she sent me the image that is my pic that she made with Image Ready.
I love burritos... yeah.

Permalink: My_New_Picture.html
Words: 58
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: nerd
06/11/08 09:35 - 66ºF - ID#44612
RISK! Band
I know this is a little impromptu but really how much preparation does beer and your RISK! 'A' game take to get ready?
There's only 4 extra slots, and I'll only go forward with it if at least 2 of you peeps sign up by 6:00pm. If RISK! is a bust I guess I'll be resigned to XBOX Live Wednesday.
I'm calling the blue pieces. Uh, sign up by replying to this post (Meggy you have to sign up too since other will be calling their armies colors by posting replies and it's only fair).
WARNING: I uh, get a lil silly when I play the RISK! Tonight I'll be donning the personage of the Baron, should the RISK! commence.

I'll leave you with a quote from his lordship:
"The armies of Anthonia will march on this eve, and the blood of her foes will flow in rivulets down the plastic faces of those who dare appose her. Avast! yon heritic! May Anthoinain steel hurry you to a meeting with your heathen maker!"
--Baron Clubfoot Von Bictchburg Master Sargent Domo Lord and Vassel of Our Lords Lands of the Raging Blue Solider, Her Majesty's Anthonia

Permalink: RISK_Band.html
Words: 252
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: humanist
04/28/08 09:48 - 43ºF - ID#44166
Controversy is sure to follow...
I know that my writing often strays off topic during it's course to finish line, but ultimately I hope at least that it gets there.
Might I point out the category of this posting. I know the postings I have under that banner are typically a bit numbing, I hope that this posting will enliven you all to the point of frantic scandal.
As quickly as I can.. the anecdote:
I was coming home from a busted bachelor party and had on NPR in a rare state of podlessness when I caught the headlines to what will describe this next image. Please allow your mind to wonder what this image could be of weather it exists, and what it means to you even if it does
What is that thang?

I'll tell you shortly, but first, answer this question in your head before proceeding. No, really answer it. Write it down in a notepad window or on paper (if you're feeling like a Flintstone, PS. The quickest way to boot notepad without touching the mouse is to hit window key + r, then type notepad and hit enter).
Think of the top 5 problems the world faces today. I'll give you some space so that my answers to this question don't spoil what you're coming up with...
Ok here are my answers to that.
1. Overpopulation : I know, I know. Until recently you all have been only ever greeted by the mug of my drooler since she popped out seven months ago since last week, so I'm guilty of the worst crime, but the absolute worse thing you can do for the planet is make a new human for the world to have to support. It's hard fact to face as a human, but it's true. I won't get into why I decided to reproduce, maybe we can talk about that in a different post or in a response, but do some research. Nothing costs the world more resources than it's smartest creature reproducing. All this creature really has to offer is it's thoughts and those have just as much of a habit of screwing things up as the do for fixing things. In a nut shell, more humans means the world needs to produce more food, shelter (not much of a problem there's tons of space.. for now) water for it's life forms. Not just any water, but clean water that we can drink (try drinking salt water when you're thirsty young Skywalker... you will die). Which brings me to the next problem.
2. Clean Water: We've heard about this for along assed time too, and though most of our planet is covered in it, there's not enough of it to satisfy the needs of humanities needs. We don't just use it to drink, we use it for every thing. None the least is growing crops to eat (and I know I'm speeding along here, but) that brings us to the next one.
3. Food: How do we currently feed 6 billion peoples every friggin day? The answer is that we don't. This is why chubby assed Sally Struthers can cry in between shots of a kid that would be much better off it the camera man would just share a bite of the sandwich you know he had that day, but food is really hard to come by for most of the worlds population. This and most of these problems really don't effect us as humans since we're Americans, and we don't have to deal with the very poor class of person who cannot even afford homes and live in the streets to be squished by the reckless rich in their sleep (thanks (e:tinypliny) for that story, which btw ends with that rich dude never even being prosecuted, but I digress), though this next issue is one that no on on the planet is free from or can disagree with (I hope, at this point) and that is ...
4. The energy crisis : Ok, fossil fuel is expensive, finite, and corrosive to the limited amount of space that we have to live in (limited in comparison to the amount of reality there is, space, infinity etc, and how much of it we can occupy without dying or bringing something that can sustain us, a space ship for instance... don't let that last bit scare you off yet though, it's going to get really good soon). However, it's uses out strip the possibility of omitting it from our lives out right. We desperately need a new way of collecting/controlling energy that's not finite or destructive and one should exist since we understand that energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed it can only change forms. We just need a form that's not worsening the next issue.
5. The Carbon debt : I know you've heard it all before, but I'll explain it quickly and shortly. A byproduct of energy is carbon which traps the suns rays and is raising the temperature of world overall by a few degrees, which to the common man means nothing until you watch this youtube video that will probably be the subject of summer blockbusters after we run out of superheros and Saturday morning cartoons. Just check out the video I've babbled enough here:
[b]Part One of Five[b/
Ok, we're finally here. Every phase of humanities existence is marked by some technological age that pushes the capiblites of humanity to change in ways that makes all other way until that point pale in comparison, we mark them in ages(Stone Age, Bronze Age, ...Industrial Age, Information Age ). Currently we are in the information age and it's coming swiftly to a close, but not without leaving behind a world in many ways better, and quite a few more worse...
Ok go read this and come back amazed. I won't pretend I can do as good a job reporting as an NPR writer:
Spain Runs Europe's First Commercial Solar Plant
Yeah, It is a solar power plant, and it's real and capable of not only producing enough energy from solar power, but a byproduct of the energy's production is clean water, which can bring water to areas of the world that were until now to expensive to aerate, which could stem world hunger or at least this corn/rice/wheat crisis that's coming from the ethanol semi solution.
II think that as this technology spreads we'll be entering the Solar Age, and possibly a second Renaissance, but I'm getting all romantic. I really want to know what you peeps think...
Well, at any rate... happy grand theft auto 4 day, and may this uncontrollable source of free energy make fighting for finite resources I mean crime, I mean a war on terror a thing of the past...

Permalink: Controversy_is_sure_to_follow_.html
Words: 1130
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: nerd
02/19/08 02:20 - 18ºF - ID#43393
What the cow!
(e:terry) and I were talking about this stuff just the other day. We made wolves in to puppies and look at what we're doing to the friggin' cows
buff assed cow

Permalink: What_the_cow_.html
Words: 72
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: unnerd
02/14/08 05:02 - 28ºF - ID#43329
My service and duty as a freind
Click the image to visit the site --

I think this page is purely information and completely unbiased, though since I've only been on it for a few minutes, could be talking from my neither regions. Tell me what you think. Please.
I was talking to (e:terry) yeterday about my taxes and we both remarked that taxes and I think the reality of politics should be taught in what ever grade you can earliest learn it in. Ok here's a little bit of snark for all you lovas' of the snark out there: I figured they don't cause the Feds love it when anybody who should get a return don't because they're too ignorant to understand tax law... I'm just sayin.

Permalink: My_service_and_duty_as_a_freind.html
Words: 208
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: nerd
02/11/08 11:18 - 4ºF - ID#43285
Porn just lets me down...
Yeah Porn industry way to give into BuRay.
Ok so we're on the brink of Sony actually winning one of it's many failed attempts at buying a starndard. Not scince the day so of the walkman has a Sony format been so widely accepted. (e:pmt) I'm sorry for stearing you down such a faulty path. You'd have been so much happier with a PS3, and you'd have had your BluRay by now.
This issue has me perplexed and dismayed for many many reasons.
Tax season is upon us and the possiblity of the Big Assed TV (which will be refered to as BATVHD) is skullking in the rafters, but why would nerd of my ilk want a big assed TV?
I'm rather social. It used to be an odd thing for me to miss an (e:strip) social event or any such event in the past (I just missed MGMT in toronto this weekend and I'm not even sad about it anymore, it's just a matter of course with is kinda pathetic), but things have changed. I have a bundle of joy and a bunch of women who need me to love and entertain them constantly. So, being the realist I'd like to consider my self I thought, "well Tony... you're not leaving the damn house anytime soon, " an attitued of defeat that I think is at the core of this perplexing delima. The social parts of me are crying out for relase lately and I fear I will do something irrespsoible if I don't find a decent outlet soon.
The Meggasaurs and I were talking about it this weekend, and it was easy to get her to agree with me on many parts of my argument. We has a few tussles about me not wanting her to buy me anything for Xmas or my birthday since I was saving up for the BATVHD (something about me being selfish for not wanting to let someone else buy my stuff, I get it I don't buy it, I digress). So, have support for the boob tube but I don't think that this TV wil really make me any happier. So she's down for the TV and for the PS3, but I don't' want that many nintnedos in my life. Especially when I'd rather hang out with peeps, and the nintendo that was supposed be like hanging out while playing nintendo dosn't really cut it. (I mean both of my white boxes of nerdiness. The XBOX w/ Live especially, but you have to invite people over to play Wii... and while it's cool if it happens to be there isn't not very cool if that's the point of a visit)
Eventually everyones gonna have to have a BATVHD but by that time they'll be reasonalby afforadable. I've been considering selling all my stupid nintendos (I have this love hate relationship with videogames), but with the HD Star Wars Animated series, and the Force Unleashed game just around the corner all this seems silly until you consider this amazing tid bit of information...
((e:mrdeadlier) sit down before you read this) I think I'm over StarWars.
::crickets chirpin::
Yeah (e:mrdealier) and I were talking about it and even he's having troubles staying excited for next big thing coming for the Lucas camp... so that game, Force Unleashed, which will be released on a silmiar device that plays more quitely, has decenty customer support, wont' eat your disks, and isn't owned by a company doing dumb things to compete that aren't effective (Yahoo! Seriosuly?) anyway.
So what does a nerd like me do? Tell you what. If I could work out more often, and go out and do thing I won't have done any of this, but I've made my bed, now I have got to sleep in it.
On a positive note I have about 70billion games I haven't even started playing or that I'm not even half way through. (I just got star #52 in Mario Galaxy... exciting news, I know), and the Meggiebyte got out and did some Meg stuff this weekend finally (she took some photo's round town while I stat with the girls on Sunday, I told her to call you (e:jim) ... well, after the fact, but I told her and she'll go again I'm sure).
So porn, which by the way has become so avaliable on the web that maybe I shouldn't have had any faith in them picking HDDVD. What more is I should have just not had faith in either porn or Sony to stand on any moral highgrounds since now you can get your porn in BluRay too.. Moral of our story here... even when you'd like to get excited about porn you just end up with a bigger mess on your hands than you'll ever feel comfortable with, so just avoid it and go hang out with real people.
OK something cool did happend this weekend. I saw an inconvient truth, which unlike 2 girls one cup gives me hope for humanity. Not because I think Al Gore can stop global warmiing as easily as he intevented these here internets, but because a person like him can exsist. It makes me feel like I'm living in an Asimov novle, and pretty darn proud to be a human. Even if we're all gonna die in storms big enough to turn cows into milkshakes.
PS this post is not spell checked because I wrote it in Safari on PC, silly but true.

Permalink: Porn_just_lets_me_down_.html
Words: 964
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: nerd
02/06/08 09:47 - 31ºF - ID#43210
What do you nerds think of this computer

Permalink: What_do_you_nerds_think_of_this_computer.html
Words: 4
Location: Buffalo, NY
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I'm not necessarily against this primarily because they should be able to make these rules and sink or swim based on their decisions. The responsibility of the management is to ensure the LPGA's financial solvency, and I'm certain that's the primary motivation.
Another angle is the prize money discrepancy, and whether that is "fair" or not, but that is another argument for another time. I think that the LPGA is looking to promote their best players, right or wrong, and are looking after the bottom line.
I really don't agree that American athletes give the country they work in the finger when it comes to language. Freddie Adu is going to have to learn Portuguese. Athletes who play in Europe or Asia or South America all have to learn the local dialect as a matter of practicality, if not survival, if they can't get by with English.
Kind of a cold justification I guess but it will be interesting to see what comes of it. A lot of people are going to learn from this, and if it really is illegal I wonder what damages would be like.
Yes it is good for international players to learn English but you can't make them, that is illegal. Hey I got an idea why don't American Players learn Korean, oh yeah they would say "Fuck You". Americans (a lot of them) would never learn to speak some other language and often think when they travel everyone should know how they speak but won't learn how to talk the language of the country they are going to.
I don't watch golf but there are some hot Ladies like Michelle Wie and that Pak girl so I don't know how much interviews do play a role. But in a lot of sports when you give your interview the drink you have and the hat and the clothing is all people who sponsor you and some times the sport so keeping people listening and watching it is an important aspect but it isn't the most important.
- Z
Really though, How dumb is this idea? A giant market opens up, and they rush to alienate it. Baseball, Basketball, and ice hockey have made bank by becoming international. (Football is trying, but has a long way to go). And golf thinks they can do better?