Category: nerd
10/24/06 03:51 - 36ºF - ID#22290
Children, and now iPods spread disease!
Ok, let's not get things confused I'm going to buy a mac when I get my new lappy.
I know, I know...
I'm not switching over. They make sweet hardware, it's undenyable. So, I'm not about to cheat my self out of getting some sweet gear for the love of Bill (no, not you Vycious!), or the hatrid of anything else.
None the less, the shitty attitude that most things mac bear cheese me off sooooooooo hard!
Seriously, have you ever been inside the mac store?! I'm instantly transported back to high school with everyone in their horn rimmed glasses and flakey turtlenecked sweaters looking down at me from their high fashion high horses when I say I use a PC to use my iPod! Creatons! They effin' call their helpdesk jockeys Genius'. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm! Pathetic!
I figure if you're perfect you don't really need to tell anyone, people just know, but have you seen the mac ads lately? All they can do to sell their product is bash the competitors. As if a mac has never crashed, or lost a file.
As if the add campains weren't enough I just got this crap in my email:
Dear Apple iPod Owner:
We recently discovered that a small number - less than 1% - of the Video iPods available for purchase after September 12, 2006, left our contract manufacturer carrying the Windows RavMonE.exe virus. This known virus affects only Windows computers, and up to date anti-virus software that is included with most Windows computers should detect and remove it. So far we have seen less than 25 reports concerning this problem. The iPod nano, iPod shuffle and Mac OS X are not affected, and all Video iPods now shipping are virus free. As you might imagine, we are upset at Windows for not being more hardy against such viruses, and even more upset with ourselves for not catching it....
So, it's windows' fault that a windows virus got onto apple hardware from a factory!? When will the lameness end apple? You sell computers, not cool. They are machines, not messiahs, and every once in a while someone makes something that's pretty damn good, but not perfect. your iPod.
Personally mine broke so many times between when I bought it and before the first year of ownership elapsed that I felt obligated to first buy a shuffle (for when I wanted to jog with an iPod), and then an extended service plan. Especially after my buddy Mat's ipod went kaputz and they just gave him the snob oogle, told him he wasn't good enough to be in their beautiful store, and sent him home with a $300 paperweight.
I really only used the big pod for sitting at work or driving there was no excuse for it break. It uh, broke so often that they ended up giving me a new one out of the box to replace it, and that was really nice of them even if it could have given my computer a virus... sigh.
I guess the only thing the perfect people in the world have that we don't have is the ablity fail worse than they've ever failed before. Maybe that's why we love it so much when the Lindsay Lohans of the world wear green dresses on windy days . Yeah apple you didn't fool me with this email, your crotch is showing.
PS. Always make the kids wash their hands before they hug you...they've been eating worms and touching :: eeech :: other kids all day long!

Permalink: Children_and_now_iPods_spread_disease_.html
Words: 647
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: unnerd
10/23/06 01:08 - 41ºF - ID#22289
the Most Xtreem LUnch EvER!!
Ok not really. I just had some intense fun at lunch with (e:jenks) and (e:IMK2)
If anyone ever complains about not knowing anyone fun in Buffalo they're just lazy, this place is chock full of charcters, starting with you guys...ok, and me : Þ
You estrip peoples are the funest ever! Woooh!

Permalink: the_Most_Xtreem_LUnch_EvER_.html
Words: 63
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: unnerd
10/13/06 10:24 - 37ºF - ID#22288
If a tree has invaded your home
So I'm at work cause it was cold at my house. Cause uh, the heat is not working, and neither is the electricity. Heat! Woo!
I guess I'm not the only one who needs to touch a computer every day. Sheesh if computers could reproduce we'd have a serious population problem. This six billion humans crap would be a cake walk, we'd have cyborg babies coming out of our ears. Just check out this exchange:
- chicoschica 09:34 what's it like there?
- enknot 09:35 it's like a really dead ghosttown
- enknot 09:36 oh gawd, it's friday the 13th
- chicoschica 09:36 uh yeah
- enknot 09:36 SNORT! How neerdy buffalo
- enknot 09:34 I need breakfast I had no power or heat at my house so I hadda go, so don't feel guildty
- leetee 09:39 we have the freakies power outage. part of the house has power, part doesn't
- leetee 09:40 the fridge and the computer are on extention cords.
- leetee 09:40 no heat, though
- enknot 09:41 sweet you got the bare nessisites working!
- enknot 09:41 the fridge and the compy!
- leetee 09:41 lo.
- leetee 09:41 hahaha
- leetee 09:41 yeah
Last night the furious foozeball action was out of control. Segway: Why do American insist on calling table football foozeball? It's football, not soccer, and it's on a table, so it should be called... oh damn that argument. I've got better things to talk about.
So, during tablefootball, (e:vycious) and I verses Dan, a tree in Dans backyard bit it. It sounded like a glacier splitting into...or um a tree splitting in two, which is, uh what it was. Yeah. Some cars had been there just moments before, but were gone by the time the tree feel (lucky them too).
(e:vycious) went to work today too. Says when he called his boss excuse for not calling him and telling him not to come in was that his boss had little girls to protect from the aborious invaders that were loittering where the glass windows used to be. Pussy. I'da kicked those trees' asses' and...eeeeh, yeah. So, he had to wait an hour for a train to come and carry him home after being locked outside of work for a 1/2 hour.
Ooh here's some pics from last night near my car, and some from this morning too.
Those thick white streaks are mutant monster snowflakes!

Baumschieber: the new sensation in automotive excellence

Ok... just found out Jim's is open. I need a hogie. LOADED!!!!
This site is so googley. I'm going to try and get this page logged by typing some keywords here: Buffalo, Friday 13th, Snowstorm, Picutures, trees, blizzard. New York.
There we go....

Permalink: If_a_tree_has_invaded_your_home.html
Words: 441
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: unnerd
10/12/06 08:15 - 33ºF - ID#22287
The karma police let me slide....
Ok a tree almost dragged my car to hell with it, but luckily I'm lazy...or maybe the karma police had a full day too and let me slide cause they didn't wanna fill out the paperwork
I drove to work this morning. That's stupid because I'm walking distance from work. Like seriously, I'm only 15 minutes on foot, but I knew we were moving today, my team that is, so I wanted to have the car close incase we wanted to port a bunch of breakables.
Really though I was just being lazy. Our old office in the Cell and Virus building was really close to the free parking; Ok, the neighborhood parking. MMmmmm, I should prolly leave the neighbor part off cause the other day there was police tape around the bodega where I sometimes get breakfast juice. Prolly a shooting or something, but I'm huge black dude who dresses kinda shabbily and don't compete with any local dealers, so I think they think I belong there and am harmless so they don't eff with me.
Any who, I get to work late since last night was a blast, sorry if you didn't make it out. La Luna was offa da chain and I dance with lotsa cuties but I got too drunk to be charming and ended up only dancing with them on the dance floor (nudge nudge wink...ahh you get it). I think I told one girl that 'I might puke' while I was dancing with her. That ended that kinda fast. My ill success is biting me in the butt today since all I wanna do is snuggle on the couch with someone while sipping hot chocolate.... I even almost called my ex. Spooky and sad at the same time. I gotta kick my game up a notch... winter is long and cold...
Right, so today at work. The whole gang, sans Zhang, went to lunch at Aldrich's and we had the bitchiest old waitress ever! We wanted to use our cards and split the bill and she got all pissy. She only refilled our drinks once, after we'd finished and were parched, and she brought me my appetizer with my meal, even though I canceled it to make our order simple for her. I got this cruddy sandwich on this crumbly bread and then Kiddy points out that it's snowing. Meanwhile, everyone is eating delicious burgers that I decided was "unhealthy" and all that ends up being edible on my plate is fried potato products... yuck.
I wasn't even going to tip the waitress but when she came back and took my plate she saw that there were 2 of the 3 potato pancakes still on it and I didn't want em, so she took em off the bill. That was sweet of her. I was going to pay for them.
The Cell and Virus Building and our new office on Washington is juuuust about as far apart a two buildings can be from each other on campus. So I had to walk through the snow to get to my car and drive back home which was lame, but when I got home I noticed that there was tree where my car had previously been.
We were releasing the new external site today and we... ok, I've been paranoid about it for a while. It's been done behind a firewall for days while. I get back to my desk and I have a zillion messages telling me to push it live, soI have to say at work till it gets publihsed. Anything can go wrong, and a few things do, but in about an hour and a half the new site was up and running and I felt like I just won the Special Olympics but there was no one to celebrate with. Ok Paul was very congratulatory and chicoschika just have me an (e:highfive), I rewarded my self by having breakfast for dinner and I'm prolly just gonna head to ((e:vycious))'s for some Hexic in a minute.
I guess my bad karma had been abated by that measly 3 dolla tip I left that woman, but not so much that I didn't have to walk through the slush, or end up playing video games instead of making... out, but I so what. Really the external has been a group effort and I don't deserve all the credit or reward even if I am the one to give me the reward. Even Paul had something to do with it (he did the flashy banner and the RPCI external is running SurebertCom which makes JavaScripting it very very easy. Thanks Paul)
My phones camera stinks in the dark and it's already dark (more sadness), but I'll try and get a pic of the fallen solider so's you guys will belive my tall tell on my way to hang out with the Hobbit.
If any of you (e:strip)pers wanna hang out tonight, maybe go bowling or something lemme know. I'd like to do something fun and exciting weather or not I deserve it...
NEXT ISSUE The hot girl vs. the Pink VD machine.... Sad, but true!

Permalink: The_karma_police_let_me_slide_.html
Words: 869
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: unnerd
09/10/06 12:00 - 59ºF - ID#22286
Ratatat on a Plane

Permalink: Ratatat_on_a_Plane.html
Words: 3
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: nerd?
08/18/06 12:24 - 70ºF - ID#22285
snakes on a mutha fuckin' plane

Permalink: snakes_on_a_mutha_fuckin_plane.html
Words: 3
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: unnerd
08/13/06 01:56 - 73ºF - ID#22284
Anything But Clothes Party!
I haven't posted any thing for a while, but my reasons for not posting are more because I have too much to do than nothing to post about; which in the long run is kind rude since if I were to post about these things in a timely fashion you peeps might even be able to join me in my crazy Buffaloinan escapades, but I digress...
Anything But Clothes 2006.
Let us not mince words. This is a naked party. My friend Rebecca, one of Buffalo's own Strip Teasers put me onto it, and I now share my wealth of knowledge with you my (e:peeps). Apparently this party has been going on since as far back as 2003, and it's annual, and it's exactly what you'd imagine. People show up in very little to nothing on, as long as what ever the little is isn't clothes.
I wore a Victoria Secret bag as a mini skirt w/ a trash bag top. Some other girl had on doilies and tea bags, some dude was dressed as a tin foil robot, some guy only had metal signs on, my friend Jenny wore some table mats duct taped together for a top and a beach towel. We were all wasted, except for Jenny who couldn't quite grasp why it was sooooo much fun to be out dancing in some backyard on Elmwood with your gibblets off in the breeze for her blasted sobriety, but I think she still had fun. Fen of Knife Crazy was spinning some sweet old school 80's soul/dance tracks and we sweat away a few pounds inside our plastic bags and tinfoil.
I cannot say that I didn't have any anxiety about going to a naked party. Earlier in the night my friend R-E-L (I refused to spell her name Arial, because it is not pronuced that way. It is produced like you see it R-E-L and she frustrates when you say it any other way), who, pound for pound, is the most fun and attractive girl I know in Buffalo right now, was hipping me to the party since she'd been there before. She was rather non pulsed about going to a naked party, and or knowing naked partying people. She knew about the party because her recently ex-boyfriend used to date Rebecca. She'd remarked, "Oh, that's those naked people. They always end up naked at the end of the night". Which didn't do anything to cure my anxiety, but informing my friends about it and having them pressure me into going worked just fine, thank goodness, cause it was quite fun. I have some pictures, but they are in Jenny's camera, I'll put em' up if they're not to hideous.
Speaking of how fun and attractive she is, she's usually at the Midnight Mass, which is a rolling bar that start at 12am Sunday Night/Monday Morning every week. Pretty much a replica of the Critical Mass that some kinda national cycling pests association sponsors, but with booze on Sunday nights. I've been to a few and they're kinda awesome. We meet at the Essex Street Pub and commence to getting hammered until everyone shows up and then head down to Holly Farms to buy more beers and such. The trip leader then picks a far flung place for us to trek to and we're off! Drinking, and smoking and rabble rousing, and stopping traffic w/ our 75+ cyclists girth of moving obstruction. It's kinda, no, its mega fun, but I can't party that hard anymore. I've gotta come to, and do some stuff that lasts, and/or improves me.
The crush is over. I found some not so cool stuff out about her, and I just don't have a crush anymore. I guess it was fun while it lasted, but that short spat w/ luv just didn't satisfy. I need a real bay-bay.
On the upside I reconnected with this really awesome girl from a tiny ways back and we went on a few dates. I really really like her, but looks like she's leaving buffalo.... sigh. So if you have any spare cute (not hot) girls that like slightly nerdy ex-rockstars with noodle hair lemme know. I need one.
PS. There's still Dodgeball every monday at the YMCA on Delaware every Monday at 8:00 call me if you're interested, or just show up.
PPS. ...and there's Buffalo Kickball every sunday at 2:00 @ LaSalle Park. We want more teams under the Buffalo KickBall Umbrella, though right now it's just pick up games so everyone's welcome in any number. If your were to bring a team you'd only need about 9 peeps to make a whole team, so if you (e:peeps) and/or non-epeeps wanna come down and enjoy some kball by all means get there and make your presence known, and/or freind that profile on myspace so that you can be updated on the goings on .
Next week we travel to Toronto to play the Toronto Kick ball League (they have several teams).... soon, we'll take on Brooklyn kickball, and after that...THE WHURL!

Permalink: Anything_But_Clothes_Party_.html
Words: 852
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: unnerd
07/09/06 06:36 - ID#22283

Words: 16
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: unnerd
06/27/06 05:04 - ID#22282
I have a crush
After dodgeballing this monday (and every monday in case you find your self bored) Andy, Jenny, Kim Schuster and I went for a scoop since it's just down the block. Waiting in the rain chilled air covered in sweat didn't seem so appealing so we went to a tiny mom and pop down the street... Oh right my crush.
Aside from my longstanding Jenny soap opera (which will continue as she accompanies me to my cousin Tina's wedding in a few weeks) I have a dodgeball crush... OK it's prolly not so accurate to call this a dodgeball crush. I've known this girl for quite a few years but, shes really good people, and cuter than hell. I probably shouldn't work myself up over this and just ask her out, but its kind fun to get worked up over a crush. It's been so long since I've had one, but that's a story for a different post.
Here's a pic of a packed out Coldstone. I'm still not convinced they aren't selling crack. Place looks like a soup kitchen...
Here's the icecream store...
there's someone in line who should be jogging, but I wont' say who

oh you crule (e:peeps)! it was me... I should have been jogging!

Permalink: I_have_a_crush.html
Words: 231
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: unnerd
06/20/06 03:45 - 73ºF - ID#22281
Everthing In Its Right Place
Ok... it's kinda grindy, but it's great quality considering it was recorded on my phone.... yeah. Radiohead was great.
Gather Tracking Number: 0871240001150903551
This is for anyone who'd come back to listen to the song above again. Here's a special treat. The set list they played was totatly fan oriented (no radio releases), and they played a few new songs, one of which I captured most of. Have a listen, or get it on Gather.
Completley New Radiohead Song!
(e:paul) if/when you get any flack for this just take it down right away.
Gather Tracking Number: 0062759001150903879

Permalink: Everthing_In_Its_Right_Place.html
Words: 114
Location: Buffalo, NY
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