Category: holiday
11/25/11 03:46 - ID#55602
Black Friday
I mean seriously, I know some bars were opening back up Thanksgiving Night and all, but can you imagine being the guy who has to leave dinner to put his stuff on to head off for the 10 pm shift at Target?
There is a reason that people like Thanksgiving more so than Christmas, less constant pressure. This occurred to me, thinking of the poor devil who actually had the misfortune to need an essential, underwear, or whatever at the closest Target.
I mean, I understand, Friday is a day off for most folks and it's the season and all that, Remember when the season started at the civilized hour of, say, 10? There wasn't anything wrong with that. The bulk of the "incredible" deals often resurface during the season and even during the "mystery days" of Christmas, you know, that space between Christmas and New Year's.
I guess this all stems from me seeing the inevitable news piece of some poor slob who had to line up at 2 in the morning for the deal on a flat screen at some big box retailer, only to stumble and get trampled the moment the doors open. Nobody needs a new set so badly that they need to risk safety and regard for other people that way.
And I think that is at the heart of it for me. Christmas and I have had a love hate relationship over the past few years, mostly from my own odd belief that I wasn't able to do all that I wanted for my kids only to find out we were doing fine all along. Yet, the season actually is a "Season" with displays creeping into the Halloween racks at some retailers last month, before Halloween.
It is the one time frame where people generally act the way they should all year long, provided you aren't seeing them in a retail setting.
You want to embrace it, but it can sometimes be too big to get your arms around.

Permalink: Black_Friday.html
Words: 335
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/25/11 03:46
Category: work
11/20/11 10:21 - ID#55558
Live from the effn Center
Part of the fun of this for me is watching the show get prepped as the Arena, er, Center gets itself ready for the 18,000+ visitors. Those of us in blue meet a little bit before the doors open en mass, get briefed on what might be happening and then it's showtime. I tend to be all over the building, but was dispatched to one of the corridors that faces the front of the place last night, so it was going to be little busier. And that was cool and from down on the main level, the game looks almost life size.
There is typically an hour from when the doors open to when the event starts and it is kind of cool to see people stream in. A couple of times last night, a couple of parents were bringing kids to their first game ever. And to see young eyes go wide as saucers seeing what they had previously only seen on tv was a kick. You can't help but smile watching somebody trying to soak everything in for the first time. The entertainment also comes from the little things, like how fast you make temporary friends (one guy worked for former employer of mine, to which another had some opinions of that employer's now jailed owner), to showing off your photo skills (telling a fan how to pose so we can get the picture of them, the logo on the ice and the scoreboard all in one picture), to explaining the significance of Milt Ellis to those unfamiliar (for reference, head over to for a primer on Ellis' importance). The topper for me was the beer vendor who recognized me from my days peddling cable from across the hall in the Adelphia Zone. In the intervening five years, I've at least changed places.
One of the folks in my gathering was sporting a jersey from the now-long defunct California Golden Seals, so I regaled him with the story that the Seals were the opponent for my first Sabres game, back when my eyes were wide from things other than the current bags. He told me how he knew of the team as they came with his table top hockey game as a kid. His wife looked at both of us and decided "You guys are old." She's right on that score.
A lot of my blue jacketed breathen have been doing this work since the Aud days so there isn't a huge amount of turn over, but you can see why. At only 30 some events, I'm still a newbie (hope to make the cool kids clique at some point). There is a little common-interest community going on there regardless how well or poorly the home team is playing. And why they stink at home is a bit of mystery. I think the other events are the price paid to talk hockey.

Permalink: Live_from_the_effn_Center.html
Words: 524
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/20/11 10:21
Category: music
11/13/11 10:49 - ID#55494
Sunny Afternoon

Permalink: Sunny_Afternoon.html
Words: 13
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/13/11 10:49
Category: music
11/13/11 10:34 - ID#55493
Met the New Boss
No small feat that. This occured to me as Number one Son and I plopped into a pair of seats at Kleinhans to hear the Buffalo Philharmonic perform the music of the Who. Always loved the Who, especially the early 70s records. There are a lot of symphonic elements to the recordings so it wasn't much of a stretch for a six piece rockband to join the orchestra. I was always curious how they staged these pop shows, keeping the rock band and the orchestra on the same page. The only guy who really had to work hard was the sound man to insure a decent mix between the two groups of musicians.
While mimicking parts originally done on synthesizers wasn't a whole lot of heavy lifting for the BPO, it was still kind of fun. It was a hits show to be sure. While the lead singer was a little smarmy, he had some good pipes for the music. He wasn't going to make anybody for Roger Daltrey, but he acquitted himself well. It was a kick to hear a guy a few rows behind me shouting out obscure Who tunes. And if they would have played "The Punk versus the Godfather" that would have been something. I remember tales of a BPO conductor some years ago stopping a show to admonish a coughing audience. The rules were lessened for us philistines.
But it was fun and it got some people to Kleinhans to hear some music, maybe even arouse a little curiosity about the orchestra and that is the cool part.
It's great to see the acoustically perfect place host a greater variety of shows, but it was also good to expose some folks to the main tenants too.

Permalink: Met_the_New_Boss.html
Words: 353
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/13/11 10:41
Category: rnadom
11/04/11 01:22 - ID#55441
Long Month this week
I heartily agree with (e:Paul) 's assessment of the Connecticut Street Sandwich Company. I snuck over there a couple of days ago and the burger, chips and milkshake hit the spot. My stomach made yummy sounds all the way back to the Zoo.
Missed (e:ladycroft) 's shower because of work. In the midst of what would have been a four day weekend, I got yanked into my moonlighting gig at the Arena downtown. While working a hockey game is fun and my bank account needed it, I'm sorry to miss out on seeing the parents to be and other estrippers that it has been too long between visits.
On the upside, with a new bank pushing the old bank out of the Arena, I was able to turn in my tomato colored, flame retardant blazer for an equally ugly, but more practical fleece pullover thing. It is a different flavor of dorky, but a little more practical as it is cold in that place. The new hockey owner is doing something to make sure the ice is up to snuff, but that has lowered the temperature in the place. So, if you are going to something there, be prepared.
Halloween sort of came and went for me. We had the usual throng of folks at the Zoo so I was sort of spent by the time the revelary actually came. I did notice that now that number one is 13, I can't get away with the "Dad needs to inspect for safety" con. He just gave me a few kit kat bars to make me go away.
Working with aweber software for our electronic newsletter is the epitome of a love hate relationship.
Went out briefly with this woman I really liked in the first part of the fall. We had great times getting out, escaping parenthood but all the sudden messages stopped getting returned. I understand not going anywhere, not ready, not right time, but hell, to say nothing? That is just rude. Over 40 is too old to be that impolite.
Has anybody ever needed a head start to a left turn? Does that extra second make any sense?
New cupcake place has opened on Parkside, along with the new Spot on Hertel, perhaps Paul should snag too.

Permalink: Long_Month_this_week.html
Words: 394
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/04/11 01:22
Category: random
10/30/11 12:09 - ID#55408
“Usher, this man’s annoying me…â€
I was grateful to trade in the polyester blazer from the previous bank for blatantly blue, almost azure, of the new bank’s pullover, an infintely more practical change.
While the drinkers still astound me, it was a treat to watch a couple of different sets of parents bring little kids to their first games. The kids in both cases were old enough to know where they were and what they were about, but young enough to be unable to hid the joy of being there. You have to be made of stone not to find that heartwarming. You know at least a few folks weren’t sarcastic in their wave appreciation.
The new daiquiris come in some pretty interesting colors.
The pizza did look pretty good, from a distance, but I’m not sure what will make it artisian, hopefully that is a step from, well, bad.
Hopefully, the guys who came in Sabres costumes get a little better next time out.
Hope everybody had fun at the 24 Halloween party and (E:Ladycroft)'s baby shower. Work and reasons domestic got in the way of both for me, but I still have two days left of this long weekend, so we're gonna make the best out of it.

Permalink: _Usher_this_man_s_annoying_me_.html
Words: 237
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 10/30/11 12:09
Category: random
10/22/11 11:36 - ID#55350
Where Buffalo Roams
A lot of folks here don't venture beyond their own self-inflicted boarders a lot and you need to play tourist in your own backyard now and again. There is a lot happening, but sometimes you have to be curious enough to go get lost. It's been on my mind a lot as we try to find the right mix to get folks to come see what we've been up to at my place of employ.
Wanderlust is in invaluable thing. My folks still live in the house that I grew up, but that neighborhood is shifting and the bulk of the landed immigrants are younger than me and more than once I've heard the comment about "Coming all the way out from the city." Like to get to Clarence from where I reside in the city, you had to stop in Cheektowaga for rest and provisions before completing the journey.
The key to seeing the big picture is to know some things and not care about others, and to occasionally try something new for the heck of it. Stride into Gigi's on the east side and you know what evil, what torture, what torment you'll face? A breakfast that will make you wonder where it's been all your life. I don't know how many trips I've taken down Niagara Street on various missions over the years, but had to remind myself to go explore Squaw Island on a early September afternoon. It was a left turn worth taking.
Between Buffalo: Unscripted and the National Preservationist Gathering, there is a upshot of feeling that we do indeed have some pretty good stuff around in these parts. What I take away is the feeling that people are looking around a little more, which hopefully means less of "I haven't been there (zoo, museum, fill in attraction here) in years." And, you know, hopefully, you start with the Zoo, just sayin."
So, I hope the preservationist conference attendees go back to their homes and talk about what they found, but hopefully the resounding energy of discovery can translate into somebody from Hamburg curious to see the evolution of Canalside or at least lunch at the Niagara Cafe, or gasp, even a little christmas shopping on Elmwood or Hertel. And then maybe dinner in Blackrock!

Permalink: Where_Buffalo_Roams.html
Words: 512
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 10/22/11 11:36
Category: random
10/08/11 06:07 - ID#55268
"You Never Give Me Your Money"
As I write this, the Sabres are 2-0, the Bills 3-1 and it is 75 degrees on an October day in Buffalo. I can't help but wonder if some other Rust Belt city lost a bet.
I'm beginning to think that people watching the people occupying Wall Street might have a complete grasp as to why the original occupiers (occupiees?) showed up in the first place.
And speaking of capitalism faux paws (intentional), I can't fathom the logic in some "entity" chasing the Whole Hog Food truck away from the Bidwell Farmers Market last saturday. If it was a market-eer, maybe they would be some of your Kale for their awesome breakfast sandwich if you weren't sticking the cops on them. If it was another restaurant, then shame on you. Make good food and people will come to your place. There are plenty of stationary competitors too. Do good work and people will come. People are buying from these rolling merchants because the stuff is good quality. That might be a key, doncha know?
Back to the Wall street stuff for a moment, Peter King is quoted about not wanted to give the movement legitimacy. Well, Congressman, people are upset and making their voices known. Ain't that a good thing? Isn't that what a democracy is supposed to be about? People need heard. When the main republican leadership is and has been nothing more than to take down the President, the democrats mealymouth their way around so it isn't clear what they stand for and the executive branch spends a lot of time just trying to be liked, and none of them are representin', yo, people are going to get ticked.
On more mundane matters, I'm curious to see the new films on Paul McCartney and George Harrison, despite both having mixed reviews. Always liked the music of both guys and the possibility of learning a little more is intriguing, but not enough to sign up, even temporarily, for either pay channel they were getting shown on. I've always been a more "trust the art, not the artist" guy, so I've never really had a handle on those who fling themselves on the cars or things like that, but seeing what might have gone into building a portion of my life's soundtrack is a curious thing.

Permalink: _You_Never_Give_Me_Your_Money_.html
Words: 430
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 10/08/11 06:07
Category: random
09/30/11 04:38 - ID#55219
New Office Decor
Every once in awhile, you get to let your inner child run amuck at work. It was an awful day for it and the wet look is not one of my better ones, but what the hey? It was pretty cool.

But, they did make me give back.

Permalink: New_Office_Decor.html
Words: 61
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 09/30/11 04:38
Category: random
09/24/11 09:55 - ID#55189
Tom Waits and the Cookie Monster

Permalink: Tom_Waits_and_the_Cookie_Monster.html
Words: 8
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 09/24/11 09:55
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