04/23/06 05:39 - 47ºF - ID#22271
Complications with the Moon
I'm sitting here deciding on whether this will be a post about my trip that, amazing setting besides, is getting frustrating because of the company I'm in, or to finish wrtting the first chapter of my Star Wars story (yes I write Star Wars stories, I'm a big fat nerd and I love it).
Ok, I guess this posting getting done while the events are still fresh in my mind would help. Really peeps, I just need to let off some steam, and getting some answers wouldn't hurt either. I amost had the vacation of my life and the moon had to go and throw a huge monkey wrench in it.
Really this post will be more of a series of questions. If you feel that you can do so legitimately please answer any one of them.
1. How does one deal with a girl who is in her um...cycle. Since it seems if you're too stand offish they are moody, and if you're too involved they are pushy. Ok, I know that saying that a girl could be either of those during her time to her is tantumount to suicide, and that that both of those statements are generalizations... but if you can answer that question it's a valid one.
2. I have sisters, ok, and as far as I know women know when (generally) this sort of thing is going to happen (ie every 28 days). They also must know that they can be a bit more irritable when it does..., so why the hell would any girl ever book a vacation with just friends, or even some girl friends, or whatever on or around that time? Is being in your cycle ever something that would stop you from oh say going vacation where you'll be kooked up in a room with other people that you are certainly not accustom to dealing with on a day to day basis.
3. Do you think that the way someone behaves during that time is a accurate depiction of their character? Like I said I have sisters, and they can be tough to handle around then, but things typically clear up by the time it is over. It's not to entirely different than when someone gets drunk and loses control. It just seems a lot more directed, and vindictive. I understand that they just had a rough time with their emotions because of the changes that is going on in their bodies, and after years of expiring this second hand I like to think I kinda understand, but do I? Is it them who's acting that way, or is it their condition that's making them something that they are not ....exactly?
Ok the next few questions will be more about me than my curiosities about women and their biology, and more about something I posted about before. Jenny.
4. If you had a really close friend that you dated once before end up being probably one of your best friends ever do you think that that's
a. A pathetic excuse for hoping for something more
b. Something that's normal and that happens all the time
c. the plot of a sappy romantic comedy
d. none of the above, please supply an explanation.
5. If you think that beyond knowing that your friend could never be more than a friend to you because of things that happened in the past, in the present, and because there's really no hope for a future would you on a trip where you were stuck with them for at least another week where you might have to rely on their hospitality explain to them that you could never be more than friends, or would you wait until you were safe at home and give them a call?

Permalink: Complications_with_the_Moon.html
Words: 633
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: unnerd
04/22/06 01:54 - 58ºF - ID#22270

:Here's some fun facts: anyone can say hawaiian words. it's really easy. Just never pronounce two vowels at the same time, yes the words are as choppy as they seem. So that Likelike sounds more like leaky leaky, than like like). The apostrophes I think are there to help seperate the vowels when they get too friendly. So, I didn't spell Hawai'i wrong, most Americans do though. Those tacky hawaiian shirts (which are locally know as aloha shirts), are considered bussiness causal. Oh..last one, there is a palace where the king and queen of Hawai'i once lived on the island of O'ahu ...but now their kindom is a friggin' state, a very pretty state I must say.
I still have so much fun ahead of me on this vacation. When I get back into LA we're going to Magic Mountain, and then Coachella on the weekend

Here's more pictures:
Buhddist Temple on O'ahu

This was next to a bathroom at a reststop

Permalink: Hawai_i.html
Words: 244
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: classic asp
03/28/06 07:39 - 49ºF - ID#22268
Trinary For Classic ASP
Ok there's no Trianry operator in Classic ASP. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about it's this kind of syntax that you can find in most bracketed languages. The operator uses two charcters and looks like this " ?: ". It's used like this:
var sDude = new String("Anakin");
var sMessage = new String();
sMessage = (sDude == "Anakin")?"Jedi":"Sith";
//alerts "Jedi"
But On the server VBScript dosen't have anyoperators like that which I find are quite a line saver in other languages. Trianry has been found in other places VBScript has been used like VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), and when it is supported it look like a function/language construct called IIf.
A work around for this that I've found usefull was to define a function for the trinary operation, or inline if, or immeidate if as it's been called. Like so
Function IIf(varTest, varTrue, varFalse)
If varTest Then IIf = varTrue Else IIf = varFalse
End Function
But be wary children, you must declare each parameter or you'll get an error.
I'll try to only post things that I think are hard to find answers and things that I at least have a solid work around for. Otherwise happy coding.

Permalink: Trinary_For_Classic_ASP.html
Words: 242
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: classic asp
03/28/06 07:18 - 49ºF - ID#22267
Classic ASP
Still there are a lot of programmers that program in Classic ASP, and don't have an option to change that could use a resource like I hope this journal posting will become.
I'm going to keep updating this journal everytime I find something wonky with Classic ASP that I've figured out.
Maybe I'll start a profile called William Gates where I can post these things. Ooh, or maybe I'll just start a category called Classic ASP (enknot's kinda slow sometimes kids, you're going to have to forgive him.)
First one's first is the Data Dictionary .Add Bug...yeah.

Permalink: Classic_ASP.html
Words: 111
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: unnerd
03/07/06 09:08 - 23ºF - ID#22266
Nails...Nine of em'
I've seen shows in gyms and auditoriums before, but nothing that has ever sounded that good....
My friend Andy Blake (a very very good local photographer) took some really close pics of the hate machine him self, and if he let's me I'll post some to this journal.
Yes, today was quite awesome in many ways, but I have the worst work guilt. I'm like married to that job.
I figure I'll just go in a little early and catch up what I missed today...
later peeps

Permalink: Nails_Nine_of_em_.html
Words: 117
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: unnerd
03/07/06 08:45 - 25ºF - ID#22265
Of course I said yes foolish! We have really close to the front tickets and we might be getting some floor tickets from a scalper.
He has a photo pass so he'll get floor no problem. If ever there was a reason to have a hobby it is to take sweet pictures ( (e:mat) ) so that you can get free tickets to sweet shows.
I never played hoOKy in school....hmm, ok once in like 12 years of schooling. I was such a nerd...ssssigh. This isn't exactly hooky (I have a few days to call off with), but it sure feels fun
I'll try and get some pics of the ReZonator and put em up here for ya'll to see. Hey if anyone want to come with send and email and we'll see what we can do.

Permalink: Hookey.html
Words: 157
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: nerd
03/06/06 08:45 - 20ºF - ID#22264
The Hacker's Karma Curse
Anyway I have this network at home that I'm teaching my self networky stuff with at my own pace, and I've come into a bit of anomaly. An anomaly that I'm going to blame on bad karma, and not the sweet Radiohead kind either.
Now, I'm not the most honest person in the world. I've done things on the slide from time to time in my life. I'd like to think that anyone who'll tell you that they have never done anything dishonest is probably lying to you...to get you in bed, or to buy a lot of magazines you'll never read. Yeah. And I don't think a little wi-fi theft is outside the realms of reasonabitlty. I figure your broadcast it, you want people to pick it up, right? Well my neighbor broadcasts, and though he wanted to have me (and the other house tenants) pitch in to use his network, he also wanted to dictate what we could do on said network. So naturally, I said bully to that and got my own connection. But then I got my lappy and discovered the joys of bedside web browsing at the expense of my neighborly neighbor without paying a cent. (Insert sheepish grin) (Bad Karma: 1pt, Good Karma: Ziltch).
Ok, I'm going to stack the logs upon which I will burn now.
Jenny gave me a wireless router when last I visited her. I bought an antenna from new egg to broaden the signal, but they didn't work together so I exchanged them, 60 bucks, and a lil white lie at CompUSA for a new SUPASWEET Router and now the anomaly!(Incase you were still keeping count; Bad Karma: 3pts, Good Karma: Goose Egg).
My whole house (3 aptartments) shares one internet connection and thats why I'm using a router at all. It's nice to share files and an internet bill and not have to worry about big brother making sure all the porn you look at is nice healty clean porn. I've even secured our network so that we can make private transactions wirelessly and so that we're the only one's using the net work (Bad Karma: 3pts, Good Karma: one measly lil point), but there's something fishy going on.
I've uploaded a snapshot of the DHPC table from my router and yes there are more computers on it than I currently think should be on it, but this could just be a lack of experince or something, but it's pretty clear that 1 Muja Compy, 1 Downstairs Compy, 1 Upstairs compy, and 1 Enknot Lappy dose not equal 7 connections. Alas, I will learn, or maybe catch the hacker in the act...

Permalink: The_Hacker_s_Karma_Curse.html
Words: 480
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: all squishy inside
03/03/06 12:25 - 22ºF - ID#22263
Hugs and Drugs
Sorta makes me feel like you internet people aren't just funny numbers inside my lil lappy impersonating shapes that look like people. If you guys keep it up I might put my guard down.
Ok, I'll let something out.
There's this Jenny. She's like a drug, no better, no worse. She's my dopamine.
She's funny, and cute, and we talk everyday, and we've dated, so this isn't that story, but I think I have a problem.
I haven't left my house for social activity since...well since I impersonated Bob, and that company party thing was kind of a flop. Lots of nice pork chops to eat but mostly it was people who gave going out up a long time ago and somehow forgot why for a night. I escaped before I had to dance with the lady in the tight bell bottoms..., but that's another story.
About this Jenny, but before I digress, I have gone out lately, just not often enough. Mardi Gras was too cold and the energy was way too low. That's right I saw no boobies, it's was a sad time...so back to digressing.
She's great and I always have her, and so I have this excuse for failing (there's always jenny...), and I've been doing terribly at meeting other people.
Oh there's Erika, who's cute and has a million friends, and there's Colleen who I met a bar and mostly likes me because of my hair (which by the way is kinda lame), but my problem hasn't been missing a lady lately, not really. I don't think.
Jenny's a really good friend. She was a shitty girl friend, broke my heart on valentines day even called me up this valentines day to rub it in, ok she must have forgotten or just didn't remember, but she's always there. I guess that means a lot to an over aged bachelor. Even if she is 3000 miles away in the other red state...

Permalink: Hugs_and_Drugs.html
Words: 339
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/24/06 08:23 - 26ºF - ID#22262
Breaking the mold
It's a little patheic, but it's more fun this way!
so if you see me at the company party...call me Bob!!!

Permalink: Breaking_the_mold.html
Words: 50
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/14/06 10:47 - 21ºF - ID#22261
I post posties!
My phone is dead...
It died last night in a puddle....
All the people in my phone, are drowned.
A moment of silence please...sigh
I wil miss you ...phone.

Permalink: I_post_posties_.html
Words: 36
Location: Buffalo, NY
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Ok, just one thing. If you're thinking of doing anything that could include her, broach it like this. "Hey, I'm thinking of taking a walk along the beach, you want to come along?" The critical points being: 1) you have provided a ready-made plan, and 2) you're not making her acceptance of the plan responsible for whether or not you go.
Just trust me on this, because even the smallest nuances can be magnified for some women during their "special time." If you instead said "Do you feel like taking a walk on the beach?" then she has to figure out how she feels, which is something she really just needs to be distracted from right now. She may also interpret that as, if she doesn't feel like going, she might be preventing you from going (if you were looking for something to do together). And then she might feel on the hook for figuring out what to do instead, which she may not be capable of doing right now.
So asking her point blank what she wants might seem like the safest thing, but in fact, that's the worst thing. From her point of view, she's on this great vacation but her decision-making faculties are temporarily impaired so she can't get herself to the distractions she so desperately needs. Plus, she may be ruining your vacation in the process. I'm sure she wouldn't do that if she could help it.
Minimally, you have to take complete responsibility for having fun yourself. No looking to her to figure it out or even to help figure it out until she's through this. But once you figure out some fun stuff to do, definitely include her in a super-non-demanding way. Here's one more example: "Hey, I'm getting hungry. Do you feel like anything in particular? We could check out that fish shack by the beach." That extra self-sufficiency for your own needs plus some proactive consideration for her needs makes all the difference in this situation. Think of it as the price you pay in return for the fairer gender's greater burden as procreator of the species. That seems fair.
Whoa, all of that just to barely cover question #1. And it's probably too late for that one now anyway. Still, it would be good to establish your willingness to take some responsibility as "cruise director" now before you have to rely on her hospitality (as mentioned in question #5). That also seems fair, since she will probably have to be cruise director then.
I guess the only other thing to say is, good luck and have fun!
4. d, life is pretty funny, you never know where it will take you. you may want a lover to be a good friend but you may also find that once sex is introduced into the friendship equation other emotions may kick in and take the relationship to higher or lower ground (better or worse).
5. wait to you get home. I say don't rock the boat when your sitting in it.
I think want society forgets is that, it is out of the women’s control (the hormone fluctuations that is) and that the response that you see from a women during the cycle is pre-cycle. This because as you may know her body is doing things and feeling ways that it normally does not feel or do the other 23 days of the month. Things like bloating, fatigue, general body discomfort, bowel disruption, etc, etc… Then there’s the actual cycle it self. Most of the time all of this other stuff is gone by then (mood, bloating, fatigue, general body discomfort, bowel disruption. etc, etc). Now you move into the pain aspect. Some women get debilitating pain and some get nothing at all.
There are drugs like pain killers and mood suppressants that help ease the spikes in mood. There is also birth control pills/shot/etc that really regulate hormone levels. Some women swear by them and some don’t. And finally there is the ultimate biological answer to this… get pregnant. After all this is our body’s way of dealing with the fact we are not pregnant. Those mood swings/ body discomfort/ hormone levels that are bouncing all over the place are made as extra for the pregnancy.
Think of it in terms of shifting gears in a car. Most of the time she is running around at 30 MPH and in 3rd. Then every so often (every 28 days give or take) her body wants to do 80 MPH and she is still in 3rd. Well, if you have ever driven a car in 3rd at 80 mph you know what is going on. The engine is all over the place and it is high and loud. Now if she was pregnant (the clutch), she would be able to shift into 4th or even 5th and the engine would smooth out and run more efficiently. Now without that pregnancy she is going to run around in 80 mph in 3rd.
So, to answer your question, how do we deal with the cycle? We just do because we have to.
Now, to even question a women’s character because she is having her cycle is wrong. The cycle shouldn’t mean anything? Does a females character different before her very first one, or her very last later in life? Her cycle may influence SOME small parts of her character, but should not be the basis for the entire character.
I don’t feel that I can answer your questions about Jenny, because I don’t know her.
Hope this helps…