Category: random
12/12/08 10:34 - ID#47042
Cottonheaded ninneymuggins
Went to a Sunday morning version of my Hot yoga class and came out of it feeling good. This, in and of itself, was a major breakthrough as most of the time I'm wrecked. I found a pace and kept on at just the right clip that I was almost jazzed by the experience. I thought I had a bit of breakthrough of sorts. The euphoria lasted till Tuesday night, where with a new teacher, I was a trainwreck. The key isn't the heat, just the steady pace you keep your breath moving. I fell off the tracks about 40 minutes in and never quite got it back. Just one of those things, but the frustration can make you loopy.
It was the end of a very long day that had me in Syracuse to start. I met my counterparts from the Syracuse and Rochester Zoo to brainstorm and whatnot. I had been to Syracuse a number of times and it is always gray and overcast (kind of like the residents), but the Zoo was a little odd. It is mostly inside exhibits, impressive in a way. The buildings all link together around a courtyard that has a town square like feel to it, but reminded me if somebody used the "Old West" set from Fantasy Island. Ah well, I think the long day threw off my yoga mojo.
There is another board here that I am a liason for and they are exasperating in the extreme. By in large, I rumbling along just fine. Part of our monthly gatherings is to do a Zoo update as to what is going on. My part of that is talk about potential advertising, promotion and most importantly, corporate sponsorships. That last one is something that is tougher to get. Now, both my boss and the board chair also like to hear about prospects for sponsorships, people I'm working on to get them to try something zoo related. One of those is a meeting I have to take in January with one of the personal injury law firms. It certainly isn't my first choice, but they have money and are interested. Now this board heard that and crickets filled the room as there are a handful of lawyers from firms a little higher up on the corporate food chain. So, I got subjected to their attacks of self-righteousness. None of these folks have their companies doing anything at the Zoo. The state,city, county, and the school board are all talking money from us (or at least attempting to) and these jackasses want to give me a little shit about somebody wanting to invest in the Zoo? Puh-leeze. I felt frustation starting to enter my voice so I just stopped talking because there didn't seem to be much point.
Worst part was I had to hang out because they had their holiday party. I was in no mood to grin, so I sullenly slugged back a couple of beers with my boss, partook of what catering food I could identify and headed home. An annoying meeting/gathering that spanked my yoga time, which in turn will make whatever weekend class I get to that much more of a chore.
To quote Yosemite Sam, "I'm thinkin' but my head hurts.
On the much more pleasant side, I got invited to my brother's house christmas party on Wednesday evening after work. Without getting into too much detail, my older brother is a special needs guy and resides in a duplex with five other folks. It's a good setting, well-staffed and designed to create as normal living environs as is possible for individuals dealing with everything mental retardation, autism , to a few "isms" I'm still processing. With the staff's help, resources are pooled and this year they had a party at the Italian Village in Williamsville. I got invited last year, but a work committment kept me away. It was nice to see a genuine holiday thing, even more fun to get a peek into my brother when he isn't dependent on the family. It was the first time he'd seen me not at our parents house or at his place, so the look of pleased surprise he gave me was pretty great.
So, that was a nice place to hang my coat of this week. After plopping down for the Zoo's annual fund, City Honors graduation dues (which I hope means Daughter number one graduates), I figured as long as I was spending money that I shouldn't, what the hell. Number one son and I are going to go see the Sabres and Leafs play tonight.
"Dad, do they have pretzels bigger than my face?"
Yeah, they do. Good times

Permalink: Cottonheaded_ninneymuggins.html
Words: 813
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: random
12/07/08 12:34 - 19ºF - ID#46990
The Complaint Department
While I'm at it, there is a Ice Cream topping called Mrs. Richardson. There is a variety of flavors all in the vein of parlor quality and nobody in Buffalo is carrying Strawberry anymore. The hell?
Went to early morning yoga this morning. THe 105 degree room felt really good considering how cold it is outside. To prep for class, you plop your mat down and lay down to give yourself a chance to get used to the heat. I was first one and found a space. The studio marks spaces out and it is very rarely packed. I felt the breeze of a mat going down near my left and got up to see I was surrounding where the other side of the room had room to space. Made me claustrophopic. It's too sweaty in there to be that close together people! Spread out.
People are sometimes a little too desperate to show that they are smarter or more sophisticarted than they really are. The church I go hosts a "Music Sunday" twice a year. A small orchestra comes in and the church's choir gets to show off with some really ambitious music. The place is full to the rafters for this one occasion. Some free classical music and people lose themselves. I got up a few years ago to my son to a class and came back to find a woman sitting on my belongings. A beautiful thing ruined by knuckleheads with no regard. I skipped yesterdays to go work out and felt better for it.
Thinking the genuises who planned the Bills' Toronto game weren't counting on the fact that more Dolphins fans would show up.
Our good "friends" at Time Warner never took my payment for October despite me making it. Argh!
What the hell is Sahara Grill doing selling Christmas trees? Moreever, what the hell is anybody doing buying from them? You know those were cut real fresh back in, you know, August.
Was running some errands last night and found myself in the unusual location (for me, at least) of being in the KMart on Hertel. Among the festivus chaos was a shoplifting bust. Seriously, swiping from Kmart? Ugh
Still bumming over the Friday after Thanksgiving report from Walmart and the poor bastard who died from being stamped to death in a "Black Friday" (Geez, I hate that term) mob of shoppers. Are "deals" that important that people lose their humanity? Does your holiday hinge on beating the fat bastard behind you to the HDTV specials. If that is what the season is about, I'll check out till New Year's.
Liked Cadillac Records on Saturday night (okay not a complaint, but an observation).
But, I was probably going to hell anyway.
I liked (e:jason) ' s line about being as efficient as the NYS Government lately. I feel similarly. Work has been a little static, but thanks to continued hot yoga, I have lost 12 pounds since starting in October. Today's class actually left me feeling pretty good. Onto laundry and perhaps checking in on the Bills canadian odysessy.
Stay warm, ya'all

Permalink: The_Complaint_Department.html
Words: 549
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: random
12/05/08 11:42 - 21ºF - ID#46981
Vacuous Days
My darling eldest is one bad add looking cheerleader this week. She is on the city Honors squad and took a elbow to her cheek so she is sporting both an impressive shiner and a equally impressive string of nick names. I've settled on "Left Eye" myself. One of her friends thought that displayed a lot of soul for a white guy. That made me chuckle.
Went on an esoteric music binge which my latest Ipod feel good. It absorbed Sinatra's Only the Lonely, Radiohead's In Rainbows with the Forrest Gump Soundtrack thown in for good measure. I got some weird and easily influenced taste. Good call on the Frank, (e:Joshua) . Nobody can listen to "Angel Eyes" without immediately thinking of a bar someplace with the bourbon is getting poored over the rocks.
Apartment building is full once more. The new folks on the third floor had their tv going on before 5 this morning. That I didn't need.
The facebook virus hit my account. I do apologize if a funky looking email hit your account with my picture attached. It wasn't me as I never say anthing like LOL. Supposedly it's all good now.
I'm enjoying my home pc more so now with some time passing, My office just got new pcs and I think I did like the old ones a little better. THe new ones are the intel duo core models but the whole system slowed to a crawl this week, furthering the feeling of getting nothing done.
Univera picked up the tab for another round of yoga so that has me going for another month. I may actually start seeing some progress as I can get through a class without wanting to die as much as I did when I first got cranked up. Got a little definition at the very least I'm back to pre bell's palsy form.
I'm thinking more and more that my free airline tickets should take me someplace warm, beach laden and where there is the reasonable certainty that there are umbrellas fliiating in drinks nearby. Ft. Lauderdale looks like a contender. So, does San Diego. I was thinking New Orleans too, but I've been there before. When somebody else is paying, time to explore something new.
Time to get the predecorated tree out of it's box.

Permalink: Vacuous_Days.html
Words: 450
Location: Buffalo, NY
12/03/08 01:17 - ID#46936
May get a vaca-y this year. Yea!, me!

Permalink: Woo_Hoo_.html
Words: 61
Location: Buffalo, NY
11/28/08 10:07 - 34ºF - ID#46878
"Doctor, it hurts when I do this..."
Further causing what's left of my mind to whirl was the fact that my folks are dealing with a little bit of health issues. My mom is dealing with another round of prednizone to combat vascular arteritis. I think I'm close on the spelling. It beat her up last fall and this is a decidely lesser battle, but still. I had to tell my Dad to mind his manners. Mom might get a little roid rage. He has issues as well. His doctor has him set for a round at Roswell in January to have a biopsy done to make sure he isn't dragging a form of lymphoma around.
I've gotten to be pretty good at rolling with the punches, but holy crap. The cherry on the cake of all this is that my sisters are sniping again. They are 9 years apart and Manhattan ain't big enough for both of them. The elder one has been out of work for sometime and the younger one has been subtly rubbing her face in it with new husband, slowly prospering career. They go in waves and I wouldn't care but we are getting way to old for this shit. Our elder brother is a special needs guy and at some point, it's up to the three of us to see to his needs. When I get that call, I'll take the ex-wife before these two lunatics. I love em dearly, but there are times when I want to slap the nostrils clean off them. Unnecessary pitiness, imagined competitions, the way they can place each other on edge are exhausting me. They can't do visits home without coating it in shenanigans. All of this with no real reason. I don't know what to do about it. It's like they are competing to see who the parents favorite is.
Makes me look forward to the estrip gathering for some agendaless good times.
The folks things aren't something I'm getting to rattled out, just haven't had a whole lot of return on anything Roswell lately (except for this community of ours), so I think I'm owed. Mom's thing doesn't seem to be too big a deal. It's just the second go round in the same turf. They said it could come back. The holiday was a little shrouded because of the absent friends. You put it all together and it does make your brain hurt. Everybody is a little whipped after the service today so I told the kids to stay home and get a good nights sleep in their regular beds. I ran to the late Yoga class to blow off steam. Literally, I got back to my car and fogged the windows without the aid of a good woman (You know any?)
So, for once, home on the couch on a Friday doesn't seem so bad. I am finally enjoying the new pc I bought on Monday. It took five days to qwell my vista fear, but that too shall pass. After all, there is Guinness in the fridge.
It will all be okay.

Permalink: _quot_Doctor_it_hurts_when_I_do_this_quot_.html
Words: 647
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: holiday
11/26/08 10:01 - 34ºF - ID#46847
To the holiday!!

Permalink: To_the_holiday_.html
Words: 2
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: random
11/23/08 09:49 - 31ºF - ID#46815
Life, making other plans, yada yada yada
Thought I was reasonably footloose and fancyfree yesterday, so I took Number One Son to go see "Bolt" yesterday at the Market Arcade. I would have preferred the new Bond flick but whatever, Bolt was okay but all the good lines are in the commercials. We ran a couple of errands and arrived at his house at 5:30 or so. I was planning on coming back here and checking on the Lasertron outting. Instead, it got decided on the spur of the moment that we needed to go hang out with an older cousin. Last night was the night picked to gather to eat drink be merry and distract our cousin. He lost his wife earlier in the week. The funeral is Friday, last night wound up being the informal get together for family. Just wish I would have known a little more in advance. There is a small circle of folk who I was looking forward to seeing, others who I had to introduce myself too (Oh, right, the nice white boy XXXX married) and some fools. One of the latter decided it was a good time to give me some flak about what kind of father would let number one son quit Tae Kwon Do. Grrrr. I hate when people especially ones who have no business passing out parenting advice decide to start in for the sake of starting in. Pisses me off to have to stand there, pretending to take things gracefully, when I had a perfectly fine invitation to go shoot stuff from a lovely soul (thanks again, (e:imk)). Apparently, giving my son a voice in his own world makes me an unfit parent. This same jerk was the one who decided that if I was any kind of man the ex wouldn't be gay. Christ on a bike. got home a little after 9, too late to make the shenanigans.
As usual, I would have preferred to be firing lasers with ya'all.
Got up this morning with an eye toward sponging off the folks and doing laundry for free and watching the Bills game with the old man. My folks both got health news (nothing serious, just annoying) and I thought it would be a good idea to have the kids come out. Instead they were booked till 2. Not wanting to be in Clarence all night, I ran downtown stairs and the laundry there was booked. Screw it, packed up the soap, the clothes, the ipod and headed for the laundramat. Got it all done in short order, picked up the youngins and broke bread over a good old starchfest in the burbs that perked everybody up.
The weekend was like a weekday of running around, just no work involved. That will change tomorrow with an educational video shoot at the Zoo. I have to take a guy in a bear suit through the Rainforest. That alone sounds like an old Letterman bit.
Blew off morning yoga to extend the coffee and blanket stuff in front of Charles Osgood, so back on the bike tomorrow night. I was beside myself on the last class. My balance for stuff is shaky at best, but I can start to do the on one foot stuff with some ease and actually held one on the poses for the entire time frame. Nearly made an unmanly noise of surprise.
Bumming over the pistol packing good time last night but the beautiful thing about estrip. There is always next time.....

Permalink: Life_making_other_plans_yada_yada_yada.html
Words: 584
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: tv
11/19/08 11:25 - ID#46754
MNF is better on the couch

That was from the hockey game, but that was also my post for football days and nights. To the left were season ticket holders and pretty consistent in their attendence. To the right was a few season ticket types, walk ups, opposing fan types. Since it was the end zone, they were the last seats sold. Never a dull moment. When ESPN came to town last year, it was for a game with the Cowboys, which brought out the inner asshole in some Bills fans. The fights were clear cut. It's the near fights that put people on edge. The bulk of the stadium is fine, but something about the end zones and near end zones that. Something about somebody wearing the wrong team colors turns the joint into Lord of the Flies.
Game still sucked, but seeing the suckitude from the comforts of home is preferred.

Permalink: MNF_is_better_on_the_couch.html
Words: 262
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: potpourri
11/16/08 11:26 - ID#46710
Restaurant at the End of the Universe
Well, on thursday night, I was dispatched to an affair run by the Buffalo Partnership. Various companies were exhibiting services and the partnership invited companies involved with the partnership and ones they like. So, I got to take my life in my hands and take the 190 after dark to the Grand Island Bridge (not an easy fit) and meander back twenty years down Whitehaven road to the Holiday Inn resort & Hotel that is on the river. It wasn't promising. After you cross the main boulevard on the island, it is full of nothing, light, structures, which was made all the more eerie by the damp evening. I half expected a fog horn in the distance. You're driving and you get to the point where you are sure you took a wrong turn, only off in the distance is the strangely comforting holiday inn neon green light.
I park and schlep my to the conference room where this little party is encounced. After necogiating my way past the check in nazis (who rightly noted that I wasn't Dr. Donna, nothing slips past the partnership crew), I got a drink and set about meandering. The food looked like what if White Castle served beef on weck. Not a wonderful concept, but keeping myself on a coca cola diet seemed the prudent coarse. I saw a couple former colleagues from my Adelphia. One noted that I looked a little thinner. Stories I could have told. The other was a little too amped up about selling tires.
After chatting a little with one of the folks from a magazine I buy advertising in, I was pounced on by a printing salesman. The guy looked like somebody called central casting and said "give us the greasiest, most uncouth, poorly suited, hygenically impaired stereotype and we'll let him talk to the public." Now, in my work, I have perfected the insincere, I really am listening, smile. It looks like I'm there for you, but in reality, I'm mentally out back having a drink.
I had to call upon those skills while this putz complained about how his newspapers publish the zoo press releases, but we don't send him any printing business. While he's making this complaint, I'm mentally noting that I'm not sure if that was a moustache he's sporting or if the nose hair is running amuck, because you can't tell where one stops and the other begins.
I pretend to rifle through my swag bag looking for a card or something and blessedly an announcement breaks up his ethical complaint for me to slip to the bar. A conversation gets started up by a woman from the presenting organization who knows a little too much about my family. Turns out she is a Clarence resident who knows my folks. Turns out she also played a role in my Mom getting squeezed out of the town planning board. Turns out if she was on fire, my mom might write a note to the fire department about coming to put that out....when they had a minute. And so it goes...
By this point, I've filled two hours and done the deed. I even got a potential sponsor for something at the Zoo. The whole exercise makes me feel like I need a shower. I get to my car and place a call for good food from Mr. Pizza who fucks up the order but even with delay, my takeout and I are home for 30 Rock, along with a new collection of pens, flashlights, candies, folders and whatnot.
Had to laugh, because there was a company there who did nothing but sell promo crap that the other 19 booths were foisting on people.
First believable word I heard all night was from the Mr. Pizza guy who offered a pop for the messed up order.
Sometimes you just have those days...
Not good, not bad, just ripe for a scene in a workplace sitcom.

Permalink: Restaurant_at_the_End_of_the_Universe.html
Words: 744
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: potpourri
11/09/08 09:36 - 35ºF - ID#46620
Radio Days

Another questionable fashion choice. 1984 was a kidney stone for such things.
Oh yeah, My eldest needed a baby pic for her senior page in the City Honors yearbook, so this is what is going in, apparently. Brace yourselves for a window into my decay.

She's the clean shaven one....

Permalink: Radio_Days.html
Words: 175
Location: Buffalo, NY
Author Info
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In terms of the Zoo and the Personal injury Firm I wonder if it would be funny to get them to pay for the Hyange (sorry I can't spell) or some other animal that will eats it own young, maybe they would find that funny, HA. On a positive note maybe if some idiot jumps into pet a Polar bear and gets ripped to pieces that would be one law firm that couldn't represent him, HA. I'm Joking around. I can see why with how those firms are thought about or precieved that people would object to having a firm like that work with a zoo. But the point is they just need to say why they think it might be a bad idea and leave it at that they don't have to jump all over you about it. Hey times are tough and like you said zoos get less funding now you have to get it where you can (within reason of course).