Category: travelin
09/15/08 05:05 - 63ºF - ID#45690
"Got my cheez-whiz, boy?"
I come to you live from the most unexotic of destinations....wait for it......Milwaukee. The occasion, the annual gathering of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. After flying from Buffalo, via some vintage aircraft of Northwest and cheap shuttling my way to my hotel, at least I'll be confortable. I drew a room at the Intercontinental dowtown. A single suite with multiple flat screen tvs, posh all mighty.
The show gets seriously going tomorrow, but I trekked the six blocks to the convention center to get the ubiquitous tote bag and name tag that says "Hey, I'm a tourist!" Every screen I pass shows today's depressiing financial news. (e:jim) writes of being able to buy a house and save fore retire. I think I had my one shot at the house and am stuck thinking of more imaginative financial wonders with a kid supposiedly off to college next year. After some tough academic sledding in recent years, I'm beginning to think it might be better for my darling daughter to go to ECC for free for two years and get used to the workload and then transfer to some place to truly set the world aflame.
Meanwhile, my jaunt today is pretty benign by estrip standards. The second plane landed in Milwaukee and I would have sworn we landed at the Boulevard Mall. The route to baggage claim is lined by an Auntie Anne's, Borders, Spencers and a Starbucks. I know that is the way of the world but the layout was too similar.
Off to a marketing meeting at the Harley Davidson Museum.

Permalink: _quot_Got_my_cheez_whiz_boy_quot_.html
Words: 273
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: random
09/08/08 10:37 - ID#45603
Stormy Monday....
Watched the Bills game yesterday from a much better perch than the previous three years. Instead of standing in the rain at the stadium, I sit in a comfy chair at my Dad's with drink and snack. Whereas I didn't get paid, I much preferred that vantage point.
Loved getting to Tropic Thunder with a gaggle of (e:strip)pers and other admirers of (e:imk2). It was a good time. I wimped out on Fugazi as I think I'm getting a little old and boring, not to mention a little too comfortable at old man bars.
Current user pic is from when I was young and boring. A college friend of mine joined on facebook and posted a gang picture of the 1984 staff of WSBU-FM. We were trying to look tough and it came out that we looked mostly silly, but there you go, a window into when my hair was a unified color of brown.
Wish the democrats would stop giving a shit about the spew coming forth from Sarah Palin. There is a pattern to convention bounces and by so much kvetching over the weekend, the Republicans are getting a little more bounce than they should. Still got to beat McCain, guys, focus.
I'll vote for the first assemblyman candidate who quits filling my mailbox with useless 9 X 13 full color, laminated piles of accusations. If there was a none of the above, I'd go for him/her just because they haven't given my mailman a chance to work on his anger issues.
Sick of the "spend a moment with Dale Volker" commericials. The attempt to paint somebody as warm and fuzzy when they are cold and crumudgeonly ain't flying past this little marketer.
My DVR was working overtime this weekend with a free HBO and Cinemax weekend. May have to connect up for the duration of Entourage.
Off to Milwaukee for work on Monday. I wish I was a little more jazzed for it. I used to travel for work all the time back in the proverbial day, but this is my first work trip in some time. Any get together that has an opening night reception at the Harley Davidson museum can't be all bad. Too bad I'm built more for Vespas, but that could be cool to look around, otherwise it's like flying to Buffalo from Buffalo.
Just walked into the Zoo break room and found a stash of Hershey's Dark Bars -- hopefully, that is an omen.

Permalink: Stormy_Monday_.html
Words: 506
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/30/08 09:18 - 72ºF - ID#45516
Michael Palin for VP & other notes
Course, it doesn't say much for my recent social life that I caught all the big speeches from Denver as they happened. Best line of the week came from Jon Stewart (no surprise) when he said "Course, the Republicans love America too, they just hate half the people living there."
Almost makes me wonder if McCain is throwing it. His folks can't be relishing the thought of debates with Obama after his speech at Mile High on Thursday. Dude worked the large crowd well. Maybe he studied McGovern too closely.
As I write this, I just got an email saying New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin just ordered an evacuation of the city. That is just awful. New Orleans was one of my favorite cities to travel to for work as there is lot to explore. You can't help but discover new sounds, new foods, even if they were centuries old. The shameful neglect ("Heck of a job, Brownie.") of the city after Katrina still has numerous sections still in ruins and if Gustav doesn't turn soon, it's gonna get it again. Say a prayer for them levees down there.
I get dispatched to Milwaukee in two weeks on Zoo bidness. I couldn't be less thrilled. It's like going to Buffalo with the lake on the wrong side. Despite the beer heritage, it isn't a trip I'm looking forward too.
Got to work on Monday so I'm going to get out tomorrow. Young son just wanted to hang today, and I can't blame him. He's been "camping it up" all summer. I'm off to a nice little leftist picnic tomorrow afternoon, and then to buy school supplies.
And now for something completely different.

Permalink: Michael_Palin_for_VP_amp_other_notes.html
Words: 477
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: random
08/26/08 04:58 - ID#45463
The Whole Mishagas
The Hoyt nonsense seems to be falling by the wayside. I'm reluctant to wade in too much as our kids hang together, but the timing of the revelation smacks of typical New York State power politicking. Given that the assembly was in the middle of budget debates and a primary election for Hoyt, I can't help but wonder if the blogger got a little extra help to notariety from entitles that Hoyt has pissed off along the way in the hopes of getting the easier to beat Kavanaugh on the November ballot.
Redesigned my manga. It's little more accurate and mood representative.

And so it goes...

Permalink: The_Whole_Mishagas.html
Words: 195
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/20/08 03:32 - 73ºF - ID#45380
My Manga

Permalink: My_Manga.html
Words: 9
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/18/08 10:49 - 75ºF - ID#45358
Train Brawl after TATS

Permalink: Train_Brawl_after_TATS.html
Words: 24
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: random
08/17/08 04:37 - 74ºF - ID#45352
A kidney stone of a summer....
The beaches were perpetually closed. We seem to have flown in Seattle's weather. For every sunny day, we have three rainy ones. This ratio may screw my getting a raise as the Zoo is behind enough on attendance (thanks to the weather), we're scrambling to make up although the rainforest exhibit is going to be pretty cool so that should help offset the numbers somewhat. Just got a feeling that with my luck, another screwing with my pants on isn't too far away. Try to get to the Canadian beaches and the customs Nazis all think they are in the army now. Sadly, absolutely nobody is safer for all those shenanigans. Pity too, "Hidden Beach" was a nice oasis away from everything. This all got more complex with the Bell's, I wound up hiding a lot during late June and July waiting for normalcy which has only recently returned. can't help but feel a little gipped.
Ah, well. It sort of stinks. I paid a good deal to the Bike Shop opposite Spot back in April and have only recently been able to take a turn.
Haven't made it to the drive-in yet. Got to squeeze one of those in soon.
There are other things to start thinking about. I've been extra broke because school is starting, rounding up supplies, becoming almost a crack dealer for composition notebooks, the cheap black and white high ("Dude, they're three for a buck at big lots!").
I am getting a kick out of my son's musical maturation. He's at the age where the kiddie stuff is being left behind and you start picking what is yours. I got him an Ipod shuffle and he asked that we load it up with Queen and the Beatles. I remember those days. Growing up in the burbs in the 70s, everybody had a copy of Hotel California, Rumors, Frampton Comes Alive, Running on Empty. You don't know how they got there, they just appeared in your collection. Before too long, your own true tastes allowed admittance to Led Zeppelin ll and lV, Born to Run, Dark Side of the Moon, etc. It's cool to see that despite changing technology, that still happens as he asked for some of my Ramones and David Bowie. Finding what does it for you can be a lifelong journey.
The Michael Phelps thing is pretty cool, but it gets a little distorted somewhat. No argument here in terms of his talent, abilities, etc, but swimming is the only event that affords that many chances. It's incredible, for sure, but I guess I wonder if the metals get a little defused in meaning in that every other time in the pool a medal is on the line. The only thing that comes close is the track and field where some folks do get numerous opportunities. I guess it is cool, but Natalie Coughlin got six or seven medals and will wind up being confined to the shadows. Phelps' relay partners get praise from him (I think he is a very classy dude), but afterthought status is already settling in somewhat for guys who reeled in three or four medals. I'm not poo-poohing, just something that occured to me. Still fun to watch and all, it's just the little things I think about while watching Bob Costas try to control Bela Karolyi.
Wordscraper on facebook is a hoot, just saying
Went looking at new phones yesterday. My phone activity doesn't merit paying 70.00 a month for an Iphone when I'm currently paying 30. As a sprint customer, I looked into an Instinct and the costs there are the same, so I took the best bargain and did nothing. Bought a copy of Madden instead.

Permalink: A_kidney_stone_of_a_summer_.html
Words: 666
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: traffic
08/12/08 10:08 - 69ºF - ID#45319
Cops is filmed on Delaware Ave.
Pulled over a little beyond Nottingham is said road hog. Laughed all the way to the park. Made my day.

Permalink: Cops_is_filmed_on_Delaware_Ave_.html
Words: 181
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: random
08/08/08 02:15 - 65ºF - ID#45278
Week's end
I would really like to get excited about the Olympics beyond the opening ceremonies, but I just can't. While it was/is interesting to see what a show the Chinese will put on, the nature of the environment makes it tough. There was a piece on this morning's news were an "Air Quality" minister snapped at a journalist that "Nobody can be certain what causes the air to appear that way, that the appearance is not indicative of quality." My inner bullshit detector redlined. I saw another piece about one of the inland reservoirs was diverted from needed farmers to make sure the Beijing flowers look nice for tv. It's a mystical, amazing place and I want to see it again, but the folks in charge need to work on their people skills.
Brett Favre should have taken the money and gone away.
I'm enjoying a few days off with the youngins, but between number one son going to Zoo camp and Eldest child working at concessions, Monday will be my first completely free Zoo day since June. I think I'll be at the beach (anybody else want to come along?).
Why is Pfizer spamming me so often?
I want to go to a Bisons game, but they really suck this year with Cleveland bolting for the door. Hard to get pumped to go see really bad baseball, when you know from the getgo that it is really going to be bad.
Finally, in our sports report, the Bills asked if I'd come back to usher this year. I would have thought telling them no would have been more fun, but no. The union represents the arena and standing around lost whatever little charm it had. Think I'll try one job for the time being. It was nice to run into one of the Bills hostess folk at a recent Zoo fundraiser who was sorry to see me not come back. Told her somebody else has to break up the fights this year.
Kids have been in residence and while I grumble about the regularity of the August vacation, it's been pretty great. The prodigal daughters were rummaging through my kitchen concocting food and referred to when I was at the house and doing the shopping as "the good old days." Made me smile (well, I wanted to, but still can't all the way).
The Paris Hilton ad is the best political commercial since we've established the nominees, of whom I'm very weary, along with their cheerleaders, O'reilly and Olbermann.
Darling eldest child told me she was organizing a car wash next week at the Elmwood Jesus church. She and her cheerleading squad from City Honors were going to meet with "Pastor Drew." This is indeed a small neighborhood.
Tru-teas is heading to Hertel. Paul, perhaps you should register while the getting is good.
My recent round of media appearances caught up with me. I met somebody at Shakespeare in the Park last night (pre-flood) who said they did a google search on the coverage and that lead them to where I mentioned whoring myself out for the elephants. Told her to hang on as next month I whore myself out for the Rainforest exhibit. Actually, I'll just be doing a lot of billboards, and making other people create commercials. Good times. My dad was giving me some lip last week about how it had been three days since he'd last seen me on tv, when he opened his paper last friday only to see my son staring at him.
Coolest aspect to that was that my older brother recognized my voice from the tv. I know that doesn't sound remarkable, but he is autistic and has a number of other factors that he deals with on a daily basis. Sometimes, my siblings and I are pronouns, but he locked right in on me on Channel 4. I think that was mostly because he has a thing for the weekend weather girl, but the smirk of recognition from him over the weekend was pretty cool.
Hope the recently non-journaling estrippers are doing alright.
Enjoy the soggy weekend, ya'all

Permalink: Week_s_end.html
Words: 693
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: work
08/01/08 04:01 - ID#45217
Cannoli Ice Cream & Event-a-pause
I'm still whipped from the experience as whenever there is events, my office and the development folks are the principle "roadies" so from about 7AM till party time we were tossing and dressing up tables, tents, running supplies and whatnot. It's nice to know I can still do that, but damn it catches up with you. By the time the night was done, I must have walked 20 miles in stuff related to the gathering. For a work day that started a little before 7AM, rolling it at 11PM was a little weird. Woke up yesterday feeling like somebody beat me up while I was sleeping.
The ice cream, you ask, was the offering by Perry's at the big Zoo party on Wednesday night, but our Finance Director appropriated at tub on Thursday. Vanilla Ice Cream with chocolate chips and crushed cannoli shells all blended together. Three great tastes.....yada, yada, yada.
Tried to hang out at the Square last night, but had to be a parent and rescue a rideless child (my own), but I'm not sure I would have lasted through Spirit of the West anyway as my knees were calling me names, none of them terribly kind ones.
Number one Son wound up on the front page of the paper. Saw the electronic version, but it was nice photo op.
Can hardly wait till Sunday, a day off, a free morning, before a week with the youngins. One has work, the youngest has camp, and the middle child, has to babysit, all hail a week of kid centered relaxation after a zoo event heavy schedule. My lovely son decided he wanted to see the elephants on Sunday, this is after I spent all Saturday with them and talking about them incessantly. Got to love going to work when you don't have to.
Love the job, love the pending day off.

Permalink: Cannoli_Ice_Cream_amp_Event_a_pause.html
Words: 373
Location: Buffalo, NY
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Financially, starting off at a community college is a good idea. As you said, she will be able to get a grasp of the work load and be able to explore her academic interests. The first couple of years is getting the required basics out of the ways anyways, so why pay more if you/she doesn't have to.
Hey, they don’t make you wear those stupid “Cheese Head†hats while your’re there, do they? ;-)