Category: school
11/30/10 10:11 - 55.ºF - ID#53183
in class today...

A classmate got REALLY upset and ranted about the FDA doing more harm than it's ever done good, citing an example of the FDA raiding a raw food coop in California

- blink*
Do people really believe that the FDA is bad? I'm not very interested in the topic outside of appreciating that they do recall drugs that kill you or make you fly airplanes into houses on suicide missions. In general, it feels like a "too little too late" kind of agency.
The prof was very very diplomatic in calming the ruffled feathers.

Permalink: in_class_today_.html
Words: 241
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/30/10 10:11
Category: comedy
11/30/10 06:14 - 53.ºF - ID#53180
Dykes of Hazard: It's not easy being white
I think too few people in my facebook friends list would get this - thanks, (e:peeps)!

Permalink: Dykes_of_Hazard_It_s_not_easy_being_white.html
Words: 57
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/30/10 07:08
Category: holiday
11/27/10 02:41 - 36.ºF - ID#53171
A happy thanksgiving!

Permalink: A_happy_thanksgiving_.html
Words: 43
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/28/10 12:32
Category: gas e&p
11/20/10 01:19 - 47.ºF - ID#53139
Petition to extend NYS fracking moratorium

Call Assembly Speaker Silver (212-312-1420), assembly member Robert Sweeney (631-957-2087), and Buffalo's Sam Hoyt (716-885-9630). Tell them to vote “yes†on this moratorium (A11443), as well as asking that they recommend this to their fellow assembly members, and tell them to bring this moratorium to a vote AS SOON AS THEY RETURN! We cannot wait on this! Tell Governor Paterson (518-474-8390) to support this legislation and sign it as well!
Also, don't believe the "natural gas is cleaner than coal" crap. If you only look at the moment of burning, yes, it's cleaner, but if you take into account the whole process, it could be dirtier than the entire coal extraction & burning process, according to the

We urge caution in viewing natural gas as good fuel choice for the future. Using the best available science, we conclude that natural gas is no better than coal and may in fact be worse than coal in terms of its greenhouse gas footprint when evaluated over the time course of the next several decades. Note that both the National Academy of Sciences and the Council of Scientific Society Presidents have urged great caution before proceeding with the development of diffuse natural gas from shale formations using unconventional technology.

Permalink: Petition_to_extend_NYS_fracking_moratorium.html
Words: 277
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/20/10 01:19
Category: stuff
11/19/10 08:23 - 38.ºF - ID#53133
Lampshade... Success!

(followup to (e:heidi,52761) and (e:heidi,52973))

Permalink: Lampshade_Success_.html
Words: 18
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/19/10 09:23
Category: apartments
11/16/10 10:03 - 48.ºF - ID#53113
I hate Kissling Interests
Do not rent from Kissing Interests. Do not rent at 131 Allen Street, the Aldor Apartments. Kissling is a money-grubbing evil corporation. If you are not an absolutely perfect person and tenant, you will pay lots and lots and lots of extra money. They do not repair important things like WATER LEAKING INTO YOUR APARTMENT. My apartment leaked for two years and they gave me $100 off one month's rent for it. That barely covered all the extra laundry costs I incurred. Thank goodness none of my electronics were near the windows. I cleaned the apartment thoroughly when I left - it was cleaner than when I moved in, it was clean enough for someone else to move into immediately, it was spotless, and they still took $40 out of my security deposit, and if I want to contest it, I have to hire a lawyer. I had a parking spot in a lot at 175 North and once they towed my truck without notifying me because they were repaving, not because I hadn't paid or was in violation of any lease provision. The lease does NOT say that no dogs are allowed on the premises. Nisha came to visit and I got charged $250 and was not allowed to keep her there at all. My apartment was very cute, but overpriced for the amount of space, amount of noise on Allen and the lack of maintenance. There was no way to control the heat so my windows were wide open in the middle of winter. Once a window shattered on my head while I was trying to open it. I got charged $180 AND got an eviction notice when I didn't pay within three days. They charge tenants $50/mo extra to have an air conditioner in their windows - according to the notice it's to defray extra costs, but tenants pay for electric!! Cats are allowed but only with a NONREFUNDABLE deposit. This is why the building was more than half empty for over a year. For comparison, the apartments above Colter Bay at Delaware & Allen have central air, controllable heat, are much more spacious, have modern large kitchens, allow dogs & cats with no deposit, and are fully rented, even with the same noise issues.
KISSLING INTERESTS SUCKS. Don't rent with them.

Permalink: I_hate_Kissling_Interests.html
Words: 398
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/16/10 10:03
Category: tourism
11/06/10 02:14 - 40.ºF - ID#53070
Griffis Sculpture Park

Permalink: Griffis_Sculpture_Park.html
Words: 66
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/06/10 02:14
Category: home
11/06/10 01:01 - 38.ºF - ID#53068
Blossburg Fall Festival
Jill's husband Shane, my brother Josh, his girlfriend Wendy, and my/Jill's/Shane's office manager Kelly staffed the V.I.B.E. hot dog contest registration table.

Dave & his blond son Tyson

Kelly's triplets - Emily is the one facing the camera, the boys are avoiding me.

Mikki & Kelli painted pumpkins

Hannah painted pumpkins

Dave (one of Shane's workers) & Gordy (one of Shane's relatives) waiting for the hot dog eating contest to start.

Winner's brother

Timothy Jackson (one of Shane's numerous cousins) - note Tommy Mac's face in the background!



Skynner stopped to take a call.

Jill tallied number of hot dogs each contestant ate.

Winner!! He's actually not related to any of us, he's from out of town! He and his brothers and his mom came to the contest from several counties away.

Brothers & Gordy

First place guy, second place Bryan "Big Sushi" Kinat (another of Shane's relatives), and third place Gordy

Blossburg's Top Dog. He got a trophy, a shirt, a medal, and $50.

Parents of one of my high school classmates eating leftover hot dogs.

I used to co-coach the Battle of the Books club with my friend Robin, an English teacher at the high school.

Sue makes filipino food and people are very intrigued.

We had a country/rock band.

Shane's cousin Michael is the drummer.

My high school classmate Annie's son Jarrod cooked baked potatoes for the Boy Scout troup.

Jarrod & his Boy Scout pals.

My dad trying out pies. Jackie coordinated the pie-baking contest...

That my mom & aunt took second & first prizes (respectively).

Yet another cute kid.

More pix at

More info at

Next V.I.B.E. project that I'll be photographing: Light Up the Holidays contest.

Permalink: Blossburg_Fall_Festival.html
Words: 384
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/06/10 01:19
Category: home
11/05/10 11:58 - 38.ºF - ID#53062
9 minute video about the Pittsburgh protest against the Marcellus shale producers conference Wednesday. The conference featured Karl Rove as the keynote speaker, telling the gas companies that now we'll see an era of "sensible regulation". That's what Rove called the banking regulations before the banks took down the global economy.
The video includes several minutes of Gasland filmmaker Josh Fox. He's saying civil disobedience is going to be necessary to protect our homes, water, cities and forests. One person on a email list I manage called this "inspirational"... I'm sitting at my kitchen table crying because we're so fucked. The PA governorship is now held by Tom Corbett, who raised nearly $1M from oil & gas companies during his campaign. Thanks, Supreme Court, for Citizens United. Fuck you very much. The PA House, which passed severance tax legislation in the last session, is now held by Republicans, who are virulently anti-tax and pro-gas drilling, mostly unconcerned about the environmental and community impacts. The PA Senate was already held by anti-tax Republicans. PA Dept. of Environmental Protection already doesn't have sufficient staff to monitor gas wells and other gas infrastructure. With the US House turning Republican, it's really unlikely the FRAC Act will pass. The FRAC Act would make hydraulic fracturing subject to the Safe Drinking Water Act and give the US EPA authority to regulate fracing, eliminating the "Halliburton Loophole". Oh yeah, and Obama just came out for expansion of natural gas drilling as a concession to the new House majority.
The gas companies evidently think/hope we'll all move so they'll have unfettered access to our lands. Us pesky water-drinkers.

Permalink: No_FRACK_.html
Words: 282
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/05/10 12:27
Category: pets
11/05/10 12:49 - 42.ºF - ID#53060
Vet for China?
In other news, I'm working too much (regular work + this crazy research assistant position I took on for almost no money), have too many school responsibilities, an ethics exam Saturday, but my laundry's done... except for the two sets of sheets, blanket, and quilt that China's puked on this week. *sigh*
Ten things I like about my new apartment
1. I can have a kitchen table AND a couch!
2. Full-size freezers fit frozen pizzas.
3. Temperature control means not being so energy wasteful and preventing heatstroke by having windows open during sub-freezing temperatures. The furnace had a gas leak, but the property management took care of it. They also replaced the hot water heater promptly when it sprung a leak. The water was just warm before but now it gets HOT!
4. I have a full-size tub! Actually, the whole bathroom is full-sized. The bathroom is really cute and I got adorable towels with whales on them.

5. I have two walk-in closets.
6. It's quiet. I knew it would be quiet, but it's quieter than my bedroom at Uncle Dudley's in Pa. There you can hear the highway noise. It took me a bit to get used to.
7. I have a lovely east-facing double window in my kitchen that allows all the prisms to make beautiful rainbows.
8. The downstairs neighbors are Peter & Heidi.

9. My living room is big enough that my bike lives in it as well as the couch.
10. Nisha can come visit again!

Permalink: Vet_for_China_.html
Words: 331
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/05/10 12:51
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Appeal to authority is always a logical fallacy, regardless of whether it is Glenn Beck, Noam Chomsky, the Cookie Monster, or whoever else. Your classmate made a bad argument worse (Died waiting for drug trials? Ridiculous, and comparable to people claiming if only GWB weren't President, Michael J. Fox would be cured).
I, for one, am thankful that the FDA exists. I'm glad I have clean water and safe food. I can go through life and feel satisfied, without having ever eaten unpasteurized Brie. That's an agency I like in general.
It is reminiscent of another bullshit "threat" Mother Jones wrote about earlier this year - the idea that soldiers are lining up to wage war against the Obama administration.
The cover had a mean-looking soldier, with AGE OF TREASON next to him. He's not alone! Watch out! But what did the STORY say? It was about the Oath Keepers, another thing MJ said was a "big deal" among people they don't understand or communicate with. The story was meant to scare gullible progressives into thinking that there was violence afoot, and the cover was meant to blur the distinction between regular American soldiers and the Oath Keepers.
Not only were they dead wrong on the threat and the importance of Oath Keepers to hard core conservatives, the only violence from soldiers was at Fort Hood, the kind of violence Mother Jones types want to pretend isn't a threat.
So, yes. I advise you guys take anything Mother Jones says about people they hate with two giant, heaping spoonfuls of salt.
(e:jbeatty) - I thought her argument was stuipd, too. And you're right... I don't think I really meant that the FDA is too little, too late. Thanks for your input.
However, the FDA is only as good as the people who run its offices. If they are non-scientifically inclined, then decisions that pass through them are bound to be stilted and ridiculous. What it probably needs is a rotating non-biased external scientific advisory expert body/panel that assesses key issues before major decisions are set in motion.