12/01/08 09:47 - 34ºF - ID#46912
Is it really that bad to extend that super-quality a little by hitting the snooze button for like an hour?
It probably is. So I'm always looking for ways to mess with my future waking self. Sometimes I'll make the alarm clock fast by strange numbers ( 5 or 10 minutes is too easy, needs to be 9 or 23!)
So I got the idea of putting a lamp on a timer to assist in the getting the fuck up procedure.
I got this little baby:

Its easier to set and doesn't make a whirring sound like the mechanical timer I used before it. It even has a random feature so the lamp goes off sometime between 6:00 and 6:30 for maximum fuckery.
This morning I was in that awesome dream twilight. In the dream I was chilling in a misty forest and I looked up at the sky and the dream froze, cracked, and then fell into little pieces.
It as the fucking lamp going off at 6:01.
That was a horrible way to start the day ( and I was in a rotten mood most of the day) so I'm only going to give the random feature one more chance.
Also, I've been thinking a lot, and I think the best way to get up is to get up exactly when the alarm goes off. Every morning.
I will try that eventually

Permalink: WAKE_UP.html
Words: 256
11/19/08 10:19 - 29ºF - ID#46765
My cousin broke up with his girlfriend and I guess she gave me this old book. (Thanks Sara!)

Its an old Atlas from the mid 1930s.
So its kinda interesting to see buffalo from a little while back.
The Rockpile used to be a reservoir?? I didn't know that

Up elmwood:

Buffalo was a pretty happening city in 1935.
I keep finding cool stuff on this map. Should I put more up? Waterfront, downtown, Black Rock, 1st Ward?
Up next: Map of Rochester. Smaller city -> more detailed map. The Rochester map shows every little shop and shows how much got wiped out when 490/The Inner Loop got put in.

Permalink: OLD_MAPS.html
Words: 121
11/10/08 10:17 - 37ºF - ID#46638
stay inside
This apartment has radiant heat and I think its the best thing since indoor plumbing. THE BEST.
4-day week this week thanks to the first day of gun hunting in Michigan on Friday. Gotta love the Uncle Generous.

Permalink: stay_inside.html
Words: 54
11/05/08 12:04 - 52ºF - ID#46539

Permalink: BLACK_PRESIDENT.html
Words: 12
11/02/08 10:26 - ID#46481
It was good to see people again and to meet people I hadn't yet. Of course I missed everyone who weren't there.
Its not that I want to talk about this but I want to be able to look back and read about it at some point.
Friday was a pisser at work. It was choppin day. Something like 35 people got it.
I came in late and guys I work with said people were getting fired. I thought they were joking and got mad and told them to stop goofing around. I didn't believe them until a guy from the next lab down came in with a plastic bag and started cleaning out his desk drawers.
I started out pretty cool but five minutes later I was just as bad as the other guys: my heart was racing and my palms were sweaty. How pathetic.
Our manager came down to our lab and we thought that was it. I don't know if he was nervous or what but it took him a while to say he was done in our building meaning they had fired everyone on the fire list.
I don't know how to explain it but it just makes you dumb to be fired or think you will be. Even if it is not personal or you saw it coming. Its like someone is poking a finger in your brain: you just are dumb.
We went outside and took a walk just to try to get our shit straight.
So its like the other shoe dropping. At least we have a reasonable expectation that whatever was going to happen did.
Anyways that should be enough to remember stuff by.

Permalink: halloweenis.html
Words: 305
10/29/08 09:40 - 36ºF - ID#46410
It just kind of got away from me there. Plus a portion of the gap between posts was from not having internet access while I moved into a different apartment.
Anways how is everybody? I've been pretty faithful in reading back posts several months and you all seem just as amazing as you've ever been.
I'm trying to avoid talking about work and/or overly dorky pursuits. Seriously though I'll think of something else to talk about eventually
I'm really thinking about a Buffalo Halloween visit.

Permalink: NOODLES.html
Words: 96
07/10/08 09:46 - 74ºF - ID#44924
Since then I've been trying to talk myself out of it, but have been pretty unpersuasive.
In August I'm going down to Biloxi MS with my cousin. We are visiting a friend who had been in Japan in the Air Force until recently.
(e:Fellyconnelly) & (e:lauren), he used to live in the front apartment of your complex. We had a lot of fun times playing cards and going there after the bars closed and cooking potatoes and other junk.
One time I sat on the step and watched the ants while my cousin exchanged life stories & philosophy with a street-dude for maybe an hour.
Anyways we will be in New Orleans too and it will be good to get some real damn food down there.
(e:drew) is there going to be a rematch this Jan again?

Permalink: excursions.html
Words: 164
06/01/08 10:44 - 53ºF - ID#44511
time or something
The houses are close on this street and the driveways are thunderous canyons of sound.
What else to say? Work is fine. It is not hard in a physical sense or hard in the sense that anyone actually has to deliver it seems. Maybe the only thing to complain about is that its not challenging. It is pretty sweet to be a nobody though, not have to return phone calls or emails or go to meetings.
I finally wormed my way into an electro-chemistry class. That shit is magic to me, mathe-frickin-magic.
Buffalo is a good place to visit, certainly better than Rochester. I think that last time I was around might have been New Year's. The next time I'll be through is two weekends from now, going to my cousins house near Erie.
I think at the very least I'll drive up Elmwood to see how its doing.

Permalink: time_or_something.html
Words: 186
04/28/08 11:30 - 41ºF - ID#44178
bike seats
Its really awesome to be riding it again.
I've seen bike seats before with lady parts cut out but did you know they have them with prostate parts cut out too?
Thats awesome because I would put the prostate on my top-ten list of glands in the pelval region.

Permalink: bike_seats.html
Words: 60
04/10/08 11:03 - 47ºF - ID#43978
broken brains
I got out of bed and it was like only part of my head knew it was awake and the rest was still dreaming.
IT was really cool though I had a hard time not falling over in the shower.
It was the wierdest fucking thing! I got to work and it was very much like Peter Gibbons being hypnotized in Office Space.
Everything seemed so easy and relaxed.
Anyways, I hope its not a brain tumor or something.

Permalink: broken_brains.html
Words: 99
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It's so dark in the morning 6:30am when the alarm goes off that I just don't want to get up.
You'd think that if you have to be up at 5:30, just set the alarm for 5:30, and get up then. instead mine goes off at 4:30, and I snooze. I'd probably do better to just sleep soundly for that last hour... But there is just something about the alarm going off and being able to think "nope, not quite yet". And I have gotten really good at falling deeply back to sleep in those 9 minute intervals. :)