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Category: going out

11/07/16 12:59 - ID#60707

Couchsurfer at the pink

I had a profile from a long time ago but I only just recently filled it out. I did a few weeks ago, and got a request last week for a couchsurfing on Thursday and Friday night.

So the first night we hosted a girl named Tina from Bavaria. She had sold all of her possesions, quit her job, and was traveling around North America as long as her money lasted.

It was kind of awkward at first, mostly because my German was somewhat rusty and her English was as well. We walked around Allentown, she wasn't really impressed by Allen Street. She did like Ethiopian.

We ran out of things to talk about quickly. As soon as (e:paul) and (e:terry) got back it was much easier, especially with (e:paul)'s German.

(e:paul) wanted to go out so we took her to the pink. I think it was a suitably weird experience for her.

At one point a random blond girl came up to us, telling us how sad that nobody at the bar wanted to get with her. She came up again later to ask Paul and the conversation went something like this:

Girl: Do you speak Estonian?
Paul: No, we're speaking German.
[girl speaks Estonian to them]
Girl: Can you translate something and tell her for me? I work for my father in St. Catherine's and he had me look up other companies. I read about something about the Schaefer company, it's very interesting. Tell her that.
[paul tells her that]
[girl turns to her and tells Tina in english]
Girl: Our children, are going to grow up as best friends.

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Words: 282
Last Modified: 11/07/16 01:23

Category: going out

03/17/16 01:53 - ID#60440

Deepfried at Underground

It's weird to see Underground so trendy and crowded. the last time I being there was with (e:Paul) after Exicison last year, when some junkie knocked a picture off the wall, and two patrons called the stressed out bartender a faggot.

It was cool seeing so many people out though. I think it may also be spring fever.

Or maybe Underground will be popular again. (E:Paul) claims that one time Underground was popular, and be won an underwear contest there.




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Words: 85
Last Modified: 03/17/16 02:37

Category: going out

02/07/16 02:16 - ID#60416

Goz Gozah and e:robert's birthday

This was a ridiculous weekend. Between Goz Gozah for (e:dianne)'s birthday and (e:Robert)'s birthday Saturday there was way too much crunkness.

The Goz Gozah drag show.
After the dancing was done, (e:paul) and I went to both Thirsty Buffalo and closed out the Pink. This was the most straight night of my life in a long time.
We hung out with Nathan after the pink at our house. He had his own theory of physics that I wasn't really ready for at 5 am - or ever really.

The next day (e:terry) and I went on a long walk around the city and to the coop. He managed to find both a knife blade and chunk of sharp glass within 500 feet of each other on Linwood. Here he is ready to shank someone.

Saturday was (e:robert)'s birthday which was another fun time.
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Words: 150
Last Modified: 02/13/16 07:07

Category: going out

08/23/15 10:29 - ID#60177

Underground buffet

I think Underground would be the last place I would eat food from. I headed there last night with (e:terry) and Patrick.

Surprisingly the place was packed and there was a drag show going on.

After Underground we went to Fugazi, where (e:robert) and company were hanging. The gay party ended up at our house after. I got way too turnt to take any pictures but (e:paul,60181) has a picture of the spankings.

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Words: 79
Last Modified: 08/24/15 12:24

Category: going out

07/26/15 10:22 - ID#60131

Mark's birthday

The quarry trip was followed up with a große feier. We cooked out and had a nice dinner, when (e:flacidness) stopped by.


Mark was having a meetup at Q to finish celebrating his birthday.
We all went down, besides (e:terry). Things got cray at the bar, where everyone started showing up - Mike, Seth, Patrick. Half the bar ended up coming over to our house, and I ended up passing out immediately with Terry.

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Words: 79
Last Modified: 07/29/15 01:59

Category: going out

02/14/15 06:17 - ID#59838

Shake it don't brake it

(e:terry) and I headed to the GoBike Valentine's celebration at Handlebar. We walked instead of riding though because we're lame.

The beer and chocolate fountain were delicious. Valentines were made for Paul. We saw Terry's employee Kelly there - she's a hardcore winter biker like I used to be ;(!




On the way home, we walked by the hostel where they were having a 110th birthday party for the building, complete with pinata.

One of the coop house girls had these cute dog gloves.



Inexplicable art.



Afterwards we we're supposed to meet (e:paul) for bear night but it turned out to be the wrong night. Instead we stopped at Fugazi and went home.
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Last Modified: 02/15/15 02:30

Category: going out

12/21/14 02:40 - ID#59677

Bachelor party

(e:terry) and I headed out to Kallie's brother Curt's bachelor party at Big Orbit Gallery. I talked a bunch with a country bro and we got to watch two drunk people fall in slow motion.

I think we were up until 5, at some point (e:yesthatcasey) and (e:masumi) got a nice tap on the window.



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Words: 60
Last Modified: 12/22/14 11:16

Category: going out

11/29/14 01:29 - ID#59627

New Skateland Buffalo sucks - Thanksgiving Eve

Thanksgiving eve, we went out with Jeremy to the Well Rounded People's roller skating party, and then to the Give Thanks and Rave event at Milkie's.

The roller skating was great. The music was good and we saw tons of people there. (e:paul) and I were entranced by a long haired, roller skating Jesus - I wish I were a tenth as good as he was. He could skate backwards, on one leg, on two wheels, in spirals and every combination at 10x the speed of everyone else. It was really magical to watch.

(e:terry) is still the best skater I know - by the end could skate backwards. Maybe we can practice ice skating this winter.

My take on the event was soured by a fucking ridiculous old man who checked out lockers for Skateland (you can read about the conversation at (e:paul,59625)). I walked into the conversation a little after (e:paul) did - exactly in time to hear him refer to lesbians as "cats fighting for a rose on a silk blanket" and gay men as "two dogs fighting". Almost glad I wasn't around to here his suggestion about sending gays to an island. I had to walkout because I couldn't even process what i was hearing.

I found it disgusting as Skateland's unsprayed shoes that anyone thinks that way and it makes me never want to go there again. Even if you think that, why do you ever think this is okay to say to your customers?

Anyway, after we headed home to sterilize ourselves from the roller rink, it was off to Milkie's (with the bear costume). The music for the most part was good - a lot of drum and bass and hardcore. Lindsay even joined us for a bit. The sound wasn't too loud and we got a ton of dancing in.

We left just in time to leave the death metal EDM and get some Lloyd's. All in all a good night.









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Words: 362
Last Modified: 12/01/14 12:20

Category: going out

11/16/14 04:37 - ID#59585

Night out in Rochester

last night we headed out for a tour of the night people with Masumi. After a Lebanese dinner, complete with Casio midi music, we went out. we started at a hipster bar for a drink before moving on to a bear bar. Then we ended up at Tilt, Rochester's Marcella's. They all seemed nicer than the Buffalo equivalents but maybe it was because we were playing tourist.

At Tilt we got a whole bunch more dancing in.












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Words: 110
Last Modified: 11/16/14 04:51

Category: going out

11/09/14 05:08 - ID#59552

Attic party

On Friday, (e:terry) went out to Dreamland's nonprofit fundraiser, and then a house party for someone named Corey Dodge. (e:Paul) was too sick to come :(

First, we met up with (e:yesthatcasey) at Dreamland. Terry and I went to go steal some nachos from Founding Father's, and ran into (e:robert) who joined us.

The attic of the party was an amazing dance floor - definitely something I think we can do here. Really, we just have to stop people from falling through the floor. Plywood up.






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Words: 108
Last Modified: 11/09/14 08:59



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Never send a man to do a grandma's job...

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yes thank you!
Well, since 2018 I am living in France, I have finished my second master of science,...

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Nice to hear from you!! Hope everything is going great....

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Hello from the east coast! It took me so long to see this, it might as well have arrived in a lette...