Category: rant
04/08/08 11:04 - 54ºF - ID#43958
RANT RANT RANT!!!!! %$#$#%$
Someone seriously needs to get on the ball and hurry up and invent a teleporter or something, because air travel is really getting to the point that it is simply not a viable option.
A month or so ago I had to go from buffalo to louisville. Via baltimore.
Well as we approached baltimore, they told us we couldn't land, so we had to go to that flight's final destination: nashville. Ok, fine. So we get to nashville, and ask to be rebooked to louisville. 'oh no, louisville is only a 2 hour drive. it's too close. We don't fly there. We'll route you through chicago though, getting you in at 10 pm." I was originally supposed to get in around 10 am, and had a 3pm meeting, so that was no good. We said "no thanks, just pay for our rental car and we'll be all set. Well of course they wouldn't. So we said fine, we'll pay for our rental car, just give us our bags. "oh no, your bags are already on the plane to chicago." "ok, well deliver them to our hotel" "no, we don't deliver if it's weather delays." So I had to drive to louisville, and had to go to my interview in jeans.
Then last week I had to go to hartford Ct, via Philly (worst airport EVER.) Flight was, of course, cancelled. So they put me on standby on the direct flight to buffalo. (turns out "direct" to buffalo actually means "stop in rochester but don't change planes"). They tell me no one has ever NOT made that flight on standby.
Well, I guess there's a first time for everything- I don't make the flight. So they reroute me through CHARLOTTE. Hartford CT to philly to CHARLOTTE to Buffalo. landed at midnight, worked at 6am. Awesome. The whole reason I flew is b/c it's a 7hr drive and I had to work in the AM. yeah, that worked out well.
And today takes the cake.
I have an interview in albuquerque at 6am tomorrow. And one in portland OR on friday. I had a 4pm flight from buffalo to chicago. Then to ABQ, was supposed to get in at 10 or so. then thurs from ABQ to portland (via phoenix), then sat back to buffalo. Well I land in chicago and find out american has grounded 500 planes or something ridiculous like that, so my flight to ABQ is cancelled. But they've rebooked me on United, but "you'd better run!" So I book it from terminal 4 to terminal 1 at Ohare, via subterranean tunnels blah blah blah. Make it to the gate right as they're almost done boarding... "oh, we didn't know you were coming, the plane is full." "um, ok, well then what is this ticket I'm holding? why didn't you know I was coming?" "yeah... this flight's full. Go BACK to american and see if they'll reroute you."
So I go back to american. Nope, there are no flights from chicago to albuquerque tonight. That one on united was the only one.
I said "listen. I paid $500 for this ticket. You have an obligation to get me there. I HAVE to get there tonight. I don't care how you do it. Put me on a train, drive me there, get me a fucking private jet, but get me there TONIGHT." No can do. I said " you are telling me there are NO FLIGHTS out of OHARE that can get to albuquerque before 7pm TOMORROW?" "well you could go standby to denver then denver to LA, LA to ABQ, but that one is cancelled and denver is oversold."
I said you don't understand. This could cost me my career. If you don't get me there tonight, there is no point in going. You HAVE to get me there. What if I go on orbitz right now and buy whatever ticket is available on any airline? You have to pay for it." No we don't, we will just put the value of your ticket towards it, and I'm not even sure they'll do that b/c united is the only airline we have an agreement with.
I fought with then for an hour. They won.
I called New Mexico and cancelled my interview and my hotel. Had them reroute me to portland TOMORROW, so they at least have two days to fuck around to get me there before the interview. Then found out there IS a flight... out of midway airport on southwest, that would get me in at 8am. Better than nothing. But it costs $500 and american won't pay, and I already cancelled the interview.
So I went to baggage claim. 'hi, give me my bag." the guy points at the sign that says "if your flight has been cancelled, your bag has automatically been re-routed and is not available in chicago." I said believe me, if my bag was on its way to ABQ, I would be too. So he says "you want me to pull your bag?" Pull it off what I'm not sure, since by this point my plane has been on the ground 3 hours. "yes". 'ok, that will be 2 hours." 'ok, deliver to my hotel then." "no, we don't do that."
OMFG my head is about to explode.
So, now I'm in the airport doubletree. Where internet access is $9.95+tax per day. And day does not mean 24h period, but calendar day. So I checked in at 10- I get 2hr for today, and if I want to use it tomorrow, that's another day. And the $10 dinner voucher doesn't go to far when cereal and coffee for breakfast is $9.99.
I love chicago, but it's too bad ohare is a $30 cab ride from everything I want to do, and all my friends are working so I can't even see them.
I cannot believe I had to cancel my interview!!
If I don't end up getting a fellowship because I didn't go on enough interviews, I am suing american airlines for millions and millions of lost potential earnings. ;)

Permalink: RANT_RANT_RANT_.html
Words: 1007
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/08/08 12:39 - 58ºF - ID#43952
hawks, again
"What an amazing feeling!
Today we get to go to work and nary a coworker can talk one ounce of trash against our beloved Jayhawks.
Will you ever forget the feeling when Super Nintendo Chalmers sunk that three? I'm not going to lie: tears of joy.
I intentionally grounded myself from surgery this AM. 1.) because I think I am still drunk, 2.) because I have Luther Vandross stuck in my head and 3) because I smell like a yeti.
But a yeti that just won the NCAA championship!
Cherish this, my friends.
Rock Chalk Jayhawk!"
Bahaha. Super Nintendo Chalmers. Love it!

Permalink: hawks_again.html
Words: 126
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/08/08 12:56 - 49ºF - ID#43948
Rock Chalk Jayhawk!!
Way to go hawks!!
It was a really exciting game.
Nicely done!!

Permalink: Rock_Chalk_Jayhawk_.html
Words: 14
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/03/08 01:35 - 52ºF - ID#43886
So I got an email from my fave lil band, The National, about how tickets for their summer tours are going on sale soon.
And that they are touring with- REM and Modest Mouse.
Tickets go on sale sat, and I am never ever in the loop for that kind of thing, but I got the heads up to register for REM's fan site, and so I have access to pre-sale tickets. of course THEY went on sale yesterday and work was insane and I never got a chance to be near the computer, but nonetheless, I am now the proud owner of two tickets to the show in toronto on 6/8.
Supposedly someone can hook me up for the Police this summer, too. We'll see.

Permalink: tickets_.html
Words: 127
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/29/08 05:33 - 34ºF - ID#43825
silver lining?
So yesterday was just neverending. But I got a text in the morning asking if I wanted to go to the hockey game. I asked what happened to the friend that was supposed to go, and he said "oh no, we've been invited to D's suite".
Suite? sweet!!
So I said I'd love to go, just didn't know when I'd get off work. But then busted my butt to try to finish... but every time I thought I was done, something else would come up.
But so I finally left the hospital at about 7:32. The game started at 7:30. Everyone else had given up on waiting for me, so I had to try to meet them.
And all I can say is parking down there is a major PITA. I tried 6 lots, and was SO CRABBY I was THIS close to saying fuck it and going home. Then tried one last place, and got a spot.
Picked up my ticket at will-call, and made it to the suite about halfway through the second period. Ahh, free food! (and drink, but alas I couldn't drink b/c of work).
Oh, and pominville's gf and parents were in our suite for some reason. (so people were trying to bite their tongues and minimize the anti-candadian jokes, which was tough in a game vs. the canadiens.)
Then right as the game ended, I got called back to the ER- ugh. At least I got to stay for the game, I guess, but trying to get out of there right after the game is tough.
But so it was a pretty close/exciting game, with the sabres being up 3-1 at one point, then montreal scored with like 19 sec left to tie it up, and then we lost 4-3 in overtime.
And I guess this loss pretty much means they have no chance of making the playoffs, even if they win every game from now on.
So when the Canadiens (aka "habs" for 'habitants du canada' I guess - I didn't know that) scored, buffalo was just crushed. I guess this means it's really over.
Which frankly, is fine with me. I'm getting sick of hockey-mania. Ready for people to move on with their lives. I know, I know, it's blasphemy, but whatev.
But so all the people in the suite I guess are hockey-crazy enough that they would have bought playoff tickets, which I guess are like $1000.
But so at least one guy saw the silver lining. Right as that last goal went in and playoff dreams were shattered, he said "well, on the bright side, I guess I just saved $1000!"
And one girl there complimented me on my necklace. Said she makes some jewelry and likes working with silver and wants to learn how to do some metalsmithing. Dan said "me too", meaning he likes my necklace.
And then the convo was over. But about 5 min later, out of the blue, J asked Dan "oh yeah? you too? you want to hammer some silver?"
Took me a minute, I thought it was just kind of a weird delayed random comment. Until i realized her last name is silver.
guess you had to be there.
It's shower time.
later peeps!
p.s. the mac is still sad, sad, sad. has been in the shop since monday. They are on round 3 of parts and it's still not working. "hopefully" by monday, I'm told. I'm starting to get guardedly optimistic that I may get a whole new computer out of the deal. woot! must say the ibook is showing its age though. Might be time for a macbook air. After all, my birthday IS coming up. Hmmmm.

Permalink: silver_lining_.html
Words: 665
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/23/08 11:46 - 28ºF - ID#43768
sad, sad, sad mac
The bad news... (and the reason I didn't get back to anyone)-
After I posted that I left the computer... came back later- the screen was dark. Fine, I figured, it went to sleep. Wiggled the mouse. Nothing. Hit the keyboard. Nothing. Then noticed the glowing white "sleep" light wasn't on.
Then noticed that the printer, light, speakers, etc (i.e. everything else plugged in to the power strip) was also off.
Then I noticed the burning smell.
I think my computer is dead. Like dead, fried, dead.
Thank god for applecare, and thank god for backups.
But unfortunately today is easter and the apple store is closed, so who knows when I will get a chance to take it in.
ok, time for breakfast!

Permalink: sad_sad_sad_mac.html
Words: 158
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/22/08 04:04 - 30ºF - ID#43759
free tix/ geiger counter
- I have two tickets available (free!) to "Aces and Blades". It's a benefit (not sure for what) put on by the Sabres. "business formal" attire at the Adam's Mark. TONIGHT. I think it's a casino night- possibly even with sabres players as dealers. Tix are $100 apiece. I have two FOR FREE. let me know ASAP if you want them!!!***
Hey paul, is there anyway to upload an .avi video?
So, my mom has been having some thyroid issues. No big deal, but they finally got her levels under control enough, and it was time to go ahead with the radioactive iodine treatment. Which is a no-big-deal, common procedure. She just swallows a pill and the radioactive iodine goes to the thyroid and knocks it down a notch.
but since it's radioactive, it's a big health issue, blah blah.
They gave her a zillion warnings- like not to touch anyone, to wash her sheets every day- and rinse them twice. They told her that if she blows her nose, she has to flush the kleenex down the toilet- and then flush again. Because her "radioactive waste" can't go in the landfill. (but apparently it's perfectly fine to contaminate the water).
But she has been assured that the dose in the pill is safe and won't harm her or make her have mutant babies or anything like that. Yet somehow her dirty kleenex is a major health hazard that can't even go in a landfill. Eh, whatever. health policy.
I've had patients who had radiation ask for doctors' notes to cross the border back to canada, b/c they set off all SORTS of alarms.
But paul, you would be so jealous... somehow my dad got a geiger counter (not sure where) and brought it home and chased her around the house with it. haha. He took a video, but I can't seem to post it.
so instead, here's something along the same theme.

Permalink: free_tix_geiger_counter.html
Words: 324
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/15/08 11:55 - 33ºF - ID#43677
to answer your question
That said, was it in poor taste? yes.
It was infected. And it got visibly, significantly worse over the matter of a few hours, which puts necrotizing fasciitis (i.e. "flesh-eating backteria") high on the list, and the only way to stop the spread of the infection is to remove the source. The leg was pretty dead, and we will probably have to go back and take more later, but we watch and see.
It's amazing though... he was starting to go downhill and look REALLY sick- but as soon as the leg was off, his heart rate went down and his blood pressure went up- all while he was under anesthesia. Kinda cool, I think we actually saved his life.
And jbeatty- all "parts" removed during surgery (even non-human parts like bullets etc) get sent to pathology. Or, the horrible joke I've heard too many times "ok here you go- send that to the kitchen!"
ha, ha, ha.
Oh, and did you know you can get herpes in your EYE to the point that you have to have the eye REMOVED? This poor guy can't catch a break.

Permalink: to_answer_your_question.html
Words: 261
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/13/08 08:23 - 39ºF - ID#43655
"what what (in the butt)"
I especially like the burning cross, for added drama.

Permalink: _quot_what_what_in_the_butt_quot_.html
Words: 28
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/12/08 08:46 - 29ºF - ID#43643
no comment

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Words: 2
Location: Buffalo, NY
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Your story reminds me of "Planes, Trains, Automobiles"...
Good luck dealing with the airlines. I got stuck in Chicago (aside: I think Chicago is a shitty airport) last year on the way to India.
Luckily I've never had an experience such as yours. Hope you can get to Portland and chill out with some herbs... ;)
Wow, if that was hodown there probably would have been a shooting.