09/03/07 09:07 - 73ºF - ID#40919
Karma's a bitch...
So I went with a couple girlfriends, and we all just kept running into people we knew all night long, including a bunch of med students that I know. Well at one point, one of the girls (who is very cute... 24, long blonde hair, a runner [i.e. bitchin' body] etc etc) was talking to this guy... good looking, I guess, but just LOOKED cocky. Like it seeped out of his pores. At one point he said something, and I responded. I was a little off to he side so he couldn't see me. So he turned to see where this voice was coming from, and I shit you not- THE SECOND he caught a GLIMPSE of me, he turned on his heel, and started talking. I wasn't even done. It was as if I am SO REPULSIVE that I didn't even deserve to talk. I mean I know I'm not a 24yo blonde hottie, but still! No skin off my back, the guy was pretty lame anyway, but I still thought that was particularly rude.
So then on saturday my friend texted me "boat! monday!" I asked what she meant, and she "the anesthesia guy wants to take us all out on his boat!" I thought "what anesthesia guy?" but said "ok cool, sounds fun."
So we get there. And who is "anesthesia guy"? The dick from the square. Great. And THEN it just so happens that a guy my friend has a crush on just happened to be at the next table, totally randomly. So she's talking to him, leaving me semi-stranded. And then his friends show up- fuck. I know them. It's a girl who used to live downstairs from my friend, and her obnoxious loud-mouth boyfriend, who immediately proceeded to offend everyone. An example- he was making fun of his brother for going to nursing school. In front of several nurses/nursing students. He goes 'I mean, like it's not bad enough that his wife makes more money than him, now he has to go be a NURSE?" Yeah. What a winner. So I'm stranded with all these losers. We finally take our leave of them, and go down to the beach. Where one girl then took a sip of her beer and started frantically pawing at her face- she had drank a bee and it stung her lip, so she was "angelina jolie" for the rest of the afternoon.
Ok, but to get to the point... So then the jerks come back from swimming. And they're asking what everyone does. I ask "anesthesia guy" what he does- well it turns out he's a med student. Not an anesthesiologist. And he asks what I do, and I tell him... I can see his face fall a little... He asks what hospital I'm at... I tell him... He goes "oh... wow.... I'm starting my rotation there on wednesday. On vascular surgery."
I just look at him, and go "Oh really? Then I'm going to be your chief. See you at 6am!"
The look on his face was priceless.

Permalink: Karma_s_a_bitch_.html
Words: 540
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: animals
08/29/07 07:37 - 82ºF - ID#40814
Awesome ad campaign!!!!

Permalink: Awesome_ad_campaign_.html
Words: 20
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: vick
08/28/07 07:04 - 82ºF - ID#40788
stupid ass
Michael Vick's statement following his guilty plea in U.S. District Court in Richmond, Va., to a dogfighting conspiracy charge:
"For most of my life, I've been a football player, not a public speaker, so, you know, I really don't know, you know, how to say what I really want to say.
"You know, I understand it's -- it's important or not important, you know, as far as what you say but how you say things. So, you know, I take this opportunity just to speak from the heart.
"First, I want to apologize, you know, for all the things that -- that I've done and that I have allowed to happen. I want to personally apologize to commissioner Goodell, Arthur Blank, coach Bobby Petrino, my Atlanta Falcons teammates, you know, for our -- for our previous discussions that we had. And I was not honest and forthright in our discussions, and, you know, I was ashamed and totally disappointed in myself to say the least.
"I want to apologize to all the young kids out there for my immature acts and, you know, what I did was, what I did was very immature so that means I need to grow up.
"I totally ask for forgiveness and understanding as I move forward to bettering Michael Vick the person, not the football player.
"I take full responsibility for my actions. For one second will I sit right here -- not for one second will I sit right here and point the finger and try to blame anybody else for my actions or what I've done.
"I'm totally responsible, and those things just didn't have to happen. I feel like we all make mistakes. It's just I made a mistake in using bad judgment and making bad decisions. And you know, those things, you know, just can't happen.
"Dogfighting is a terrible thing, and I did reject it.
"I'm upset with myself, and, you know, through this situation I found Jesus and asked him for forgiveness and turned my life over to God. And I think that's the right thing to do as of right now.
"Like I said, for this -- for this entire situation I never pointed the finger at anybody else, I accepted responsibility for my actions of what I did and now I have to pay the consequences for it. But in a sense, I think it will help, you know, me as a person. I got a lot to think about in the next year or so.
"I offer my deepest apologies to everybody out in there in the world who was affected by this whole situation. And if I'm more disappointed with myself than anything it's because of all the young people, young kids that I've let down, who look at Michael Vick as a role model. And to have to go through this and put myself in this situation, you know, I hope that every young kid out there in the world watching this interview right now who's been following the case will use me as an example to using better judgment and making better decisions.
"Once again, I offer my deepest apologies to everyone. And I will redeem myself. I have to.
"So I got a lot of down time, a lot of time to think about my actions and what I've done and how to make Michael Vick a better person.
"Thank you.''
Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press

Permalink: stupid_ass.html
Words: 579
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: :)
08/27/07 10:01 - 72ºF - ID#40768
best email ever
"Do you know that near where I grew up called Jenks Rd? They used to take us out there in drivers ed. Its this country road that seems normal. When you drive west on it, theres a little dip that blocks your view of the road and then boom its like a roller coaster.
I think it dives like 80 feet.
The first time it scares the shit out of you but then its a fun ride. The story goes that the guy who lives in front of the hump will come out and chase you if you keep going over the hump enough times.
Anyways what I mean to say is that in some ways Jenks Rd is like you. Sometimes theres ups and sometimes theres downs, but damn if it isn't a good road."

Permalink: best_email_ever.html
Words: 137
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: :(
08/26/07 07:31 - 73ºF - ID#40742
It's been a shitty day, peeps.

Permalink: It_s_been_a_shitty_day_peeps_.html
Words: 14
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/25/07 01:30 - 79ºF - ID#40725
computer for sale
I bought a new computer in... february?
And the old one has been sitting on my desk next to it since then. I don't use it. I just keep thinking maybe someday I'll want some of the old info/apps off of it.
But it's been 6months now. And I haven't wanted anything.
AND the new line of imacs just came out, which I'm sure made this one devalue like crazy.
So it's time to get off my butt and sell it.
And I don't know where to start. Craigslist? ebay?
But I figured I'd ask here first...
It's in perfect shape. I even have the original box, install CDs and all that stuff. Even the receipt!
iMac G5.
Bought 10/26/04. Paid ~$2200
20" monitor
1.8ghz G5 processor
512mb RAM (upgradable)
160GB hard drive
built-in wireless/bluetooth
24x CD burner
8x DVD burner
It does not have a built-in iSight camera- but I have an external one I can include if you want it.
and it has AppleCare on it, which is still valid.
There is nothing wrong with it. It is not unacceptably slow or anything. And I take good care of my stuff, so it's not scuffed up or anything.
I only upgraded b/c 1: i had a credit at the apple store and 2: I wanted the intel processor.
I will restore the hard drive to the way it came. But I can also upgrade to OS 10.4 if you want.
I'm asking $600, which is about where they're going for on ebay.

Permalink: computer_for_sale.html
Words: 256
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/25/07 10:51 - 75ºF - ID#40721
Random giggle...
I'm not working today. Which means I can sleep in. Which means I can stay out late the night before.
So, I was looking for something to do. Started calling friends.
One girl said "I'm at the casino with the king of the douchebags".
Then later I got a message that said "uhhhhh. The douchebaggery has begun!"
In the meantime I was talking to a (cute!) friend, and we were trying to figure out what to do, but we are both very indecisive, so it was super painful. We finally decided that we should at least eat. But he didn't really feel like eating in. But I really didn't feel like your usual take-out fare- pizza/wings/subs. So we finally had a brilliant idea: WEGMAN'S! So he picked me up, and we went to wegman's. And it was fun.
But to get back to my story...
So one friend made the douchebag comment. Which I mentioned to the other guy. He said "www.hotchickswithdouchebags.com" I figured he was joking. But, it's a real site. Sort of funny, but sort of taking a somewhat funny idea WAY too far. It's mostly a bunch of people posting pictures like this:

and making fun of them. Apparently there's a whole new 'douchebag' vocablulary that I was unaware of. Including the obvious ('bag) and the derivative ('baguette), and then going on into scrote, scrotology, scrotologist, grieco, bleeth, lobster, etc etc.
But anyway, so I told her about it, and her reply, which I think is priceless:
You mean www.snootyfox.com?
aaaah, hahaha.

Permalink: Random_giggle_.html
Words: 267
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/21/07 11:18 - 60ºF - ID#40653
let's try again

Permalink: let_s_try_again.html
Words: 26
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: pix
08/19/07 07:08 - 72ºF - ID#40625
my weekend...
I've been spending a good bit of my time working with a dog rescue. Unfortunately, I have been asked not to post about it. But sometimes I do anyway. And this is one of those times.
So yesterday there was a meet-up, bbq type deal outside of Lockport. Lots of people, lots of dogs, lots of beer... it was a lot of fun. And I took a lot of pictures. (and (e:ajay)- you would be proud of me. I was very well-behaved. I promise.)
Here are a few.

An unexpected visitor. I'm not sure I would have had the nerve to hold it, I must say.

Blue eyes on dogs are amazing. (particularly THIS dog- the other eye is brown.)

My fave pic of the evening: a "vicious pit bull" giving kisses and more kisses as people laugh their heads off.

"I'm not sleeping! I swear" (snore, drool, snore)

Ahhhh, to be a puppy.

Permalink: my_weekend_.html
Words: 166
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: pix
08/17/07 09:06 - 71ºF - ID#40600
freaky weather!

Permalink: freaky_weather_.html
Words: 120
Location: Buffalo, NY
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That is an awesome story.
God jason, haven't you ever heard of Daddy?
I don't want to go to surgery cause I heard that some people don't actually get put under and feel every bit of pain as they are being ripped apart. These people are so messed up they need years of counseling after. What a nightmare (except you are awake, but can't scream)
Did the 24 y/o actually give that fuckhead the time of day? God, I hope not. That kind of behavior needs to be discouraged but it is usually rewarded. What can I say? That's how we're wired I guess.
Oh, and I don't think you're any less of a man if your girlfriend or wife makes more money than you. The resentment from the male, the lack of respect from the female, in this sense are both pretty much par for the course, and I think that's a shame. I don't even know how girls can think of being with such a hater. Even in my worst moods I would never humiliate my girlfriend by speaking that way in public.