Category: politics
09/12/05 04:27 - 79ºF - ID#23567
Assholes at Lafayette Square
They say "We represent the military families." No, this is absolute rubbish. You represent yourselves, your families, and your half baked politics. Just because Cindy Sheehan thinks she represents everyone, and just because the mainstream media only gives attention to those of Cindy's ilk does not mean that you indeed are representative of all military families. Next time you feel those words coming out of your mouths, just shut the hell up. It pisses off the rest of us (i.e. the vast majority of military families) when you do that.
Although the protest is supposed to be about "Bringing the Troops Home", I can't help but wonder if every Lib organization fighting any Lib cause won't take the opportunity to go down to Lafayette Square to show "solidarity" with the others, just like it has gone down in Crawford. People aren't stupid - they see it for what it is - using a dead soldier to push the broader Liberal ideology. If you're there because you want the troops home (pretending to support them, while at the same time comparing them to Nazi soldiers and basically declaring them the lowest of the low), then fine. But if you're there to tag along and start going off about Gay Rights or Abortion or anything else unrelated to bringing the troops home, you are a scumbag filthy opportunist piece of shit who needs to get their teeth kicked in. I really hope that this protest has a shred of credibility to it, unlike Crawford.
This brings me to the point where I have to talk about my desire to join a peace group. I would love to join a peace group, but the problem is you can't join one Lib group without having to support all the others - Libs bunch every little thing together under the same umbrella and attempt in vain to link them together. You can't be for peace unless you accept all of the other Liberal doctrines. If I want peace, then I'm forced to ally myself with environmentalists, pro-abortion folks, race baiters, and a slew of other types that I want no business dealing with. I don't know why it is set up in such a way, but these groups are hurting themselves by basically declaring you have to be a card carrying tin foil cap liberal before you will be welcomed. That doesn't seem quite like the way to go about getting support for your cause, especially when it affects all of us.

Permalink: Assholes_at_Lafayette_Square.html
Words: 466
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: politics
09/12/05 01:00 - 77ºF - ID#23566
Kennedy Is A Hypocrite
PS - Oh yeah, if you want some entertainment go ahead and tune in to C-SPAN over the next few days. Watch Judge Roberts run laps around those Libs intillectually!

Permalink: Kennedy_Is_A_Hypocrite.html
Words: 92
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: party
09/12/05 10:30 - ID#23565
I Know What All Of You Are Thinking
Seriously though - there are some days when my body shuts down and I am barely capable of getting out of bed. Saturday was one of those days. I wasn't even able to get on the phone and harrass my friend in Florida (He is a Notre Dame fan, I'm a Michigan fan). I spent most of the day unconscious, except for the Liverpool match. (e:Joshua) told me that (e:Theecarey) came upstairs to say hello, but I was face-down on the couch. (e:Joshua) wasn't feeling up to it either. Of course I would have liked to chill with all of the (e:peeps) but there are a few I want to single out.
(e:Ladycroft) - I know I said I was coming but I felt like garbage. I'm sorry.
(e:Alison) - I said we would chill. Sorry! I also had some A Grade nug.
(e:Terry) - He is one cool motherfucker. One of the funniest guys I've met.
(e:Paul) - It is always a pleasure. Yeah, I do suck.
(e:Matthew) - I still have that Jazz DVD! I'll stop over this week to drop it off.
(e:Jill) - Someday maybe we will meet. I have a lot of questions about the UK.
(e:Mike) - This one isn't afraid to strut his stuff. He parties HARD from where I sit.
(e:Leetee) and (e:Uncutsaniflush) - Man I really wish we could have chatted.
(e:DrChlorine) - The man's man of (e:strip)! I like chatting with you.
So there you have it, I've made my shout outs. One thing I don't regret is going and getting sloshed. I'm glad that didn't happen on Saturday. Other than that I regret not being there to enjoy the festivities with you all. It looks like everyone had an awesome time! Please keep on posting the pictures!

Permalink: I_Know_What_All_Of_You_Are_Thinking.html
Words: 431
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: potpourri
09/09/05 11:30 - 63ºF - ID#23564
I'm Wearing A Mullet And A Smile
Here are my choices for a haircut:
A) Cut it into a Mullet
B) Cut it into a Euro Mohawk
C) Fade it up like usual
D) Let (e:Lilho) decide

Permalink: I_m_Wearing_A_Mullet_And_A_Smile.html
Words: 75
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: comedy
09/08/05 03:16 - ID#23563
Rant Becomes A Commercial!
Maybe I can turn my suburbanite rant into a funny "commercial" to be used during Larson vs. Larson breaks.
Suburban Guy - "OMG! Fags! Time to duct tape my ass like in the frat days!"
Suburban Girl - "OMG! Black ppl! I'm attracted though...better not tell dad!"
Suburban Guy - "Quick baby let's just hurry into Cozumel....."
Announcer - "Do you want to hang out in the city and be trendy without having to deal with blacks, gays and anyone who doesn't look or act like you? Are you bored with Brennan's and Caputi's? Are you looking for that lovely blonde with Fake Louie? Do what I do and hurry that booty over to Cozumel!"
Suburban Girl - "Thank God, there are actually normal people here. Hold my bag?"
Suburban Guy - "Hold on, I gotta pop my collar real quick like."
Suburban Girl - "OMG look at that girl's hair! Someone got a Flow-Bee! LOL"
Suburban Guy - "Jesus, shut up! I just took a bump and you're killing my buzz!"
"Cozumel. Why bring the city home when we bring home to the city?"
I know, it needs work. It's a start though.

Permalink: Rant_Becomes_A_Commercial_.html
Words: 201
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: potpourri
09/08/05 02:18 - 71ºF - ID#23562
I'm an Idiot

Permalink: I_m_an_Idiot.html
Words: 93
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: rant
09/07/05 03:52 - 78ºF - ID#23561
Surrounded by Suburbanites
I thought about this when reading (e:Paul) discuss the yuppie-isation of Elmwood. The more I think about this the more pissed off I get. When I moved here almost 5 years ago Elmwood was a very different place. I came here and the local business owners on the block made a point to say hello and welcome to the 700 block. For the first time I felt a sense of community and I loved it. Looking at Elmwood now I see it as a playground for suburbanites when they get bored of the ho-hum of suburban existence. I see greedy assholes who want to take advantage of the neighborhood in order to fill their pockets. I'm surrounded by suburbanites now and my neighborhood feels about a million times less cool.
First of all, I have new neighbors next door to me who love to get drunk and start shouting vulgar insults and whatnot to random people on the street from the safety of their third floor balcony. Only an A Grade suburbanite pussy starts doing ridiculous shit like this. Ask (e:Ladycroft), she can testify, I'm beyond sick and tired of these sackless, pussified morons and their trashy girlfriends. I can't wait until the day they try to fuck with me and I make them put up or shut up. In fact I'm looking forward to it eagerly. It would be such a joy for me to bludgeon their faces with brass knucks. Someone needs to teach them a lesson their lazy fucked up parents couldn't be bothered to teach. It reminds me of the day I was walking down the street when two suburbanite cockless bastards drove by and said "You suck, Moulds!" (I was wearing my Moulds jersey, it was game day). I started hurrying my pace and sure enough these pansified pencildicks scooted off down the street.
Secondly, I used to look out over my porch and see such a varied mix of people. The diversity of the neighborhood is what made Elmwood so great. Lately I look over my porch and I see suburbanites infesting my neighborhood as far as the eye can see like cockroaches. Instead of punks, white and blue collar types, grad students, etc...I see bottled blondes and their juiced-up guido boyfriends strolling the hood. Everybody is the same. Jesus Christ, you are making my neighborhood so much less interesting and fun. You are draining the soul and the buzz out of Elmwood. You are turning it into Amherst South which is the most stomach-churning outcome possible. Aren't there people in the 'burbs who sell cocaine as well? I've always said it is the people in the neighborhood who make it great and you are ruining it for everyone else.
Thirdly, I want to re-hash my beef with Brodo. When they came into the neighborhood I thought "Hey, it's nice that there isn't an ugly empty area there now" - little did I know what was to come next. We had the debacle on my birthday where they blatantly disrespected and embarrassed (e:Joshua) and I. We felt like we weren't welcome at a restaurant across the street! I've spoken with other neighborhood residents who feel the same way about that particular establishment. Then came the parking scandal where I went totally apeshit. Now as you may know because of Brodo's incessant bitching and whining about "not being able to give all of their customers a parking space" the lot next to Globe Market is totally off limits to anyone but customers of a few shops, even during the overnight hours when the stores aren't open. I parked there for 4 years, then Brodo came and all of a sudden I can't park there overnight, even during the winter when you can't park on the street at all? Hello you greedy penny-pinching cocksuckers, your customers take up nearly every spot in the lots, on Elmwood and far up Cleveland. You don't even realize it is a neighborhood and a community, do you? You think of it only as a vehicle to exploit our neighborhood's uniqueness for your profit. I noticed there is a Brodo in Williamsville now - THAT is where it belongs, not Elmwood! Keep your fucking pretentious "stomp on your neighbors" attitude in the suburbs where it belongs!!
Lastly, has anyone been to Faherty's lately? That used to be my #1 favorite bar until some idiot decided to turn it into an establishment that is no more than Chippewa-worthy. Now it looks like Brink's. Yippie-kai-yai-fucking-yay. What was wrong with Faherty's pre-bastardization? Absolutely nothing! It was a great neighborhood bar with cool people, good music and good drink! Somewhere along the timeline someone thought it would be brilliant to put up some plasmas and re-do the interior so the suburbanites don't feel like they are dirty by sitting down. Fuck those assholes! Nice job contributing to the yuppie-isation of Elmwood. I'll bet a dollar Baha Men are in the fucking jukebox now.
So thank you everyone involved for turning Elmwood into a suburban miasma of filth and pretentiousness. I hope those dollars are worth it! #@^#@#$%$#

Permalink: Surrounded_by_Suburbanites.html
Words: 864
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: potpourri
09/07/05 11:04 - ID#23560
Quick Shorts
Left Bank has really good food. I had a great time there. Highly recommended!
The Bills cut Drew Haddad. That sucks, I thought he did a great job during the preseason. I hope another team saw him and signs him soon.
I saw a construction guy with a Bills hardhat on today. I could be wrong about this, but I don't think they are made to wear on the job.
Today I spilled hot coffee all over my genitals while driving to work. Ouch!
Yes, there are people who have the flawed perception that Gov't can answer all of our problems. We don't need huge Gov't, we need SMART Gov't.
Peep Delta! I read that they're selling planes off and cutting flights. They'll go bankrupt anyway because fuel is fucking expensive (not to mention pension costs).
It's become clear to me that the USA has to take a hard look at the role of corporations in our society. More on this one later when I have time.
I've been introduced to the world of Port wine. You only drink a little of it, so I think it would make a good nightcap every now and then.
My spirits are lifting slowly. It is a real struggle for me. I have to find something which gives me a sense of purpose and meaning, so I'm not so bored or unhappy.

Permalink: Quick_Shorts.html
Words: 269
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: politics
09/06/05 11:43 - 60ºF - ID#23559
Larson vs. Larson - Coming Soon!
I was thinking it could be a weekly program that we record from our apartment, where we address global, national and local issues that we deem important enough to talk about. We could invite guests from any and all parts of the political spectrum to come over and join the debate. We could also have an e-mail address and IM name for the show so anyone can chime in with their comments and questions. We would read some of the e-mails and answer them as a segment of the show. I was also thinking we could make use of some of (e:DrChlorine)'s "commercials" and play them during breaks as well. Maybe we could have some call-ins, depending on the timing, using Skype or something similar.
Obviously nobody here is a professional pundit or politico. Nobody is going to know everything about everything. I think that we could put together a very fun and informative show nevertheless. Josh's abrasiveness, combined with my unique and hilarious sense of humor injected into politics - and with the help of in-house guests and e-mail reaction could turn out to be something that people can enjoy, especially if they are sick of the same old same old.
So who wants to be a guest on Larson vs. Larson? If I could put up audio in various formats would anybody want to check it out?

Permalink: Larson_vs_Larson_Coming_Soon_.html
Words: 321
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: myspace
09/06/05 10:33 - 60ºF - ID#23558
Fake MySpace Contacts
Lately though I have been getting a ton of fake contacts. By fake contacts I mean two messages in two days from girls who want to get to know me. They always say the same thing, "Hey I am new here and want to get to know new people...." and then they always end with "contact me at my e-mail address!!!!" when it is perfectly easy to contact people via MySpace messaging. Basically I think there are a bunch of scumbags out there who are trying to farm e-mail addresses and take advantage of horny men like myself. Luckily I am smart enough to not write back.
The thing is I really have no clue why any woman would want to talk to me after reading my MySpace profile. I make special efforts to be obnoxious, filthy and undesirable. Have any of you read my MySpace profile? That's how I know for sure that the contacts are fake.

Permalink: Fake_MySpace_Contacts.html
Words: 232
Location: Buffalo, NY
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