09/28/05 05:11 - 73ºF - ID#23580
Parking Tickets!!

Permalink: Parking_Tickets_.html
Words: 7
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: morons
09/27/05 02:45 - 65ºF - ID#23579
My Response to The Beast Blog
Look what lil' ol' me did to poor innocent Uthman.
This blog entry was really quite foolish, Ed. Before going off about me being a Robertson acolyte, or attributing me to what Claybonga wrote about the Iraq war, or taking a blind shot at my own religious beliefs, you should have spent the few minutes it would have taken to read my own blog and find out how I feel about Robertson, zealous Christian assholes and the Iraq war. Everyone who regularly reads my blog knows that I think the Iraq war is wrong, and that Robertson and his ilk are a frightening bunch. They also know that I think taking the Bible literally is nonsense. You can manage to navigate Freedom Chat, so before lying to people about what I think go ahead and learn the facts.
What's even more disturbing than the shot-in-the-dark method of attacking me is this - The Beast, and Uthman in particular, use various levels of venom and "biting" humor when it wants to get a point across, but when someone calls Al Uthman a fat ass or says he would pay a price for saying the same things to someone's face you shrivel up and all of a sudden become hyper-sensitive. The really pointed way your publication approaches various subjects seems to be a point of pride, and yes it does differentiate you from the other Alternatives who are rather boring. If you can dish it out like you do, you shouldn't cry foul when one guy out of X Beast readers pipes up about one of your Editors. What's good for you is good for everyone else.
About your premise I am mad because Uthman challenges my religious beliefs - again you are horribly mistaken. Uthman isn't challenging my religious beliefs - he is challenging the beliefs of people who try to use the Bible as a science text! He isn't talking about the pros and cons of religious doctrine, he is talking about fundamentalists who use their doctrine in an attempt to describe something best left to scientific inquiry. I agree that people who use the Bible this way are awfully misguided and wrong.
So then what DOES upset me? The assumption that every person who calls themself "Christian" is a Jerry Falwell, or a religious zealot blindly doing Bush's bidding, or someone who is intellectually vacant. Learning even the smallest tidbit about modern Chrsitianity would lead you to the conclusion that "believers" are largely fragmented. There is very little unity at all among the various denominations. People who believe in a higher power aren't blindly following Bush, they aren't unified in their beliefs, and yes they do have a brain in their head. Not every person who believes in God is a Jerry Falwell, and that kind of narrow-minded thinking will turn people off to you when they might otherwise consider the things you say about social welfare, health care and other issues. When you say those kinds of things about people it shouldn't come as a surprise or a shock that someone would object.
About Uthman - Ed, you have twice failed to correctly process what I wrote, instead going for the sensationalized writing style The Beast is known for. I never overtly threatened the man. There was a condition attached which you conveniently ignore. What I wrote was, and you have it up on your own blog so you should be able to understand this - if the guy were to directly insult me in the same manner that he does when he is behind the safety of his typewriter he indeed would pay the price. It is my experience that pseudo-journalists with loud mouths fold like a cheap card table when they have to be accountable for what they say.
Anyway, is it really that upsetting and unacceptable to you that someone would take a shot at Uthman? Okay, you poor, poor, innocent publication which has never done anything to remotely upset anyone. I apologize.
PS - Yes I can co-exist with Uthman and the rest of you Beasties. I thoroughly enjoyed your beer and pizza at the last Beast Bash.

Permalink: My_Response_to_The_Beast_Blog.html
Words: 705
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
09/27/05 02:44 - 65ºF - ID#23578
Pictures Coming!

Permalink: Pictures_Coming_.html
Words: 13
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: potpourri
09/28/05 12:46 - 63ºF - ID#23577

Permalink: Carin.html
Words: 184
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: rant
09/25/05 03:35 - 62ºF - ID#23576
Anonymous Sniping = You Are A Pussy
This person bitches about Artvoice. So do I but I actually make arguments concerning what it is I'm complaining about. I'll bet that jerk works for The Beast, based on the extent to which they are intellectually cross-eyed and lacking in the guts department.

Permalink: Anonymous_Sniping_You_Are_A_Pussy.html
Words: 150
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: rape
09/23/05 02:39 - 66ºF - ID#23575
Equal Crime, Equal Time? Nope!

Look at the example of the woman rapist who had sex with a 16 year old boy and received NO prison time, and did NOT have to register as a sex offender! Equal crime, Equal time? No. Whoever said it is a man's world LIED TO YOU. Who cares about the kids? They're just boys.

Permalink: Equal_Crime_Equal_Time_Nope_.html
Words: 92
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: football
09/19/05 11:13 - 66ºF - ID#23574
Bring Your Girlfriend Day @ The Bar

Permalink: Bring_Your_Girlfriend_Day_The_Bar.html
Words: 184
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/17/05 06:03 - 72ºF - ID#23573
I Can't Make It! Sorry! =(

Permalink: I_Can_t_Make_It_Sorry_.html
Words: 77
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: politics
09/16/05 01:38 - 65ºF - ID#23572
Petty Bullshit
"The south wont vote for a Yankee but theyll take our money. Watching bushs speech it looks like he's gonna ask me and my people in the north to rebuild an area of the country that disrespects my area and wont even vote for a guy if he's from here. Screw em. I vote no. Maybe some other time."
After being called petty, he responds:
"Petty is why they wont vote for Yankees. My post is more of a vengeful post. Get it reicht"
I'm stopping it here for a minute to note how if you disagree with him he will bring up the Nazi card. Typical liberal debate strategy.
I say fine, no problem but now that you need us pardon me if I don't just jump up and throw money at them.
My response?
Nobody is obligated to vote for anyone from any particular region of the US. The argument is null and void. Clinton was a redneck, Carter was a redneck....it matters less where the person is from than who the person is and what they stand for. This "You won't vote for my guy so I refuse to help you" is some of the worst, petty political BS I've ever heard.
And if you want to know why nobody wanted anyone from Ohio, think back to Kucinich's idea to get rid of the Department of Defense and replace it with a Department of Peace. Yes! Get rid of the military! What a brilliant idea, especially now! He was and is a fringe leftist. Bring some better candidates to the table, jeez.
(After that I noted how Kucinich's idea to abolish the military and replace it with a "Department of Peace" was directly out of Howard Zinn's playbook from the short book Terrorism and War. Therefore it isn't surprising nobody would touch him with a ten foot pole)
But the bottom line is, Jesus Fucking Christ people - who cares what part of the country they are from! How can anyone be this petty!! I could slap the yellow off of that asshole's teeth.

Permalink: Petty_Bullshit.html
Words: 371
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/15/05 03:53 - 77ºF - ID#23571
If Jason Made Valentine's Candy

That looks like it's perfect V-Day candy made by a guy. After all, the romantic feel-good nonsense is what we do for the women. In the end (lol) what we look forward to the most is the boning aspect of V-Day.

Permalink: If_Jason_Made_Valentine_s_Candy.html
Words: 65
Location: Buffalo, NY
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