12/29/09 01:53 - 12ºF - ID#50688
checking in
Always kind of a letdown.
So much buildup, and then.... back to winter.
But, I had a lovely lovely christmas, and I hope you all did too.
And, am going to start planning a vacation for Feb, so I have something to look forward to.
Here's a xmas picture dump, and some more adorable baby pix.

Love this guy. :)
(taken when we went to Foxwoods to see the Bodies Revealed exhibit).

Cloves stuck in oranges make delicious decorations/air fresheners.

Christmas Eve bedtime story. (not pictured, ridiculously cute baby bathrobe).

Present #1 - her own little chair

It was a big hit.

Trying to sit in the big girl chair.

So, my brother wrangled this present for her in a rare display of tough-guy. He had taken his car in, only to have it break down again half an hour after picking it up. When he took it back in, they said they wanted to make it right. So he pointed at the toy MINI in the showroom and said "how about one of those for my niece?". And it worked.

She's a natural.


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Words: 206
Location: Buffalo, NY
12/20/09 12:47 - 29ºF - ID#50610
lace cookies
AND, soooo super easy.
And, not very bad for you.
Sorry i don't have a pic, but they spread out super thin and crispy.
Go make some! Right now!
Lace Cookies
4 Tbsp light butter, melted
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup uncooked quick oats
1/4 cup almonds, toasted and chopped
1 Tbsp orange zest
Heat oven to 350°F. Cover three baking sheets with parchment paper and coat with cooking spray. *don't skip this step. They WILL STICK to a cookie sheet, even if you grease it. use parchment, or even better, a "Sil-Pat" baking sheet.
Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Drop 1/2 teaspoons [seriously. just a tiny little bit.] of dough 2 inches apart on prepared sheets. Bake until flattened and golden brown, about 10 minutes.
Cool completely on wire racks; carefully remove cookies from paper. Yields 1 cookie per serving.

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Words: 149
Location: Buffalo, NY
12/18/09 04:15 - 25ºF - ID#50596
My last present should arrive today, then I can wrap it.
Only thing left to do is bake some cookies this weekend.
And, bonus for the fact that I didn't set foot in a mall.

Permalink: yayyy_.html
Words: 60
Location: Buffalo, NY
12/16/09 02:46 - 24ºF - ID#50574
I have a question.
Do people in shitty neighborhoods not drink skim milk or something?
I work at a hospital.
Hospitals are very often in a shitty part of town.
I also live "downtown".
Most people shudder when I say that.
However, I live in 'the nice part' of downtown, where there are nice shops and restaurants and stuff.
However, there is no decent grocery store.
So, grocery shopping has become a big event.
So, if I only need a couple things, I don't feel like fighting traffic on the highway to go to the suburbs.
So, I sometimes stop at the gas station/mini-mart on the corner right by the hospital on the way home.
I did this a while ago. I got gas, and I ran in to get milk.
And they didn't have any skim milk. Not like they are out of it- like they don't even CARRY it.
Not only that, but all the milk they DID have had an expiration date in about 3 days. And, was super-expensive.
Today I went back b/c I needed gas, and was going to buy some cereal if they had cheerios.
First of all, the gas was super expensive. And 10c more per gallon to use a credit card. And, premium was 50c more per gallon. I thought the gas grades were usually 10c apart? like 2.79/2.89/2.99. Nope, not at the ghetto-mart. it was 2.76/3.09/3.19. plus 10 if you don't pay cash.
But second of all, I realized there were no price tags on ANYTHING.
So, I didn't buy anything.
But I asked the guy at the register "Um... is there any way to know how much things cost? I don't see price tags anywhere."
And he responded, I think seriously:
"It doesn't matter. This is Hartford. People can't [maybe he said don't] read."
I'm a little dumbfounded.

Permalink: ghet_to.html
Words: 309
Location: Buffalo, NY
12/14/09 06:43 - 38ºF - ID#50553
Ok, WTF?!
So today I got an email from my dad, entitled "WTF?"
The message was a picture of an article he came across when reading one of his medical journals-
About how a surgeon I knew in med school had been murdered.
It said his body was found, stabbed to death, in his apartment, when the police responded to a call from neighbors about a fire.
I.e. someone stabbed him to death, then lit the place on fire to hide the evidence.
And just to add to the horribleness of it-
He was found 10/31.
A brief google search revealed no info newer than 11/5.
WTF have the NOPD been doing for the last month?
Also, I have no heard a peep about this from Tulane.
At least when people were murdered on the Yale campus, then sent out an email blast press release. And it was in the news daily, with udpates, or lack thereof.
Is this crime less newsworthy?
Or is Tulane just not as "worthy" of news coverage as Yale?
Dad had it right: WTF!

Permalink: Ok_WTF_.html
Words: 194
Location: Buffalo, NY
12/10/09 06:08 - 19ºF - ID#50534
yada yada (cute/gross pix)

And, what else.
Well, I went to the conference on Friday, and I gave my presentation, and (of course) it went just fine. I was able to answer all my questions. And my cutie-pie dad came all the way to the meeting, and walked around on crutches all day [he had both knees replaced a month ago] just to support me. (maybe not 'just' to support me. He might have learned some stuff too, hopefully.) And, he bought me a ridiculously overpriced super nerd present from the vendor too. (A little 3-in-1 two-point discriminator, goniometer, and penlight. Yeah, I know you're jealous.) So... that went well. Then when I got back into town friday night, we went to see a super fun swing band, and watching the couples who REALLY know how to dance made me really want to learn. They were having so much fun. So, that's on my list.
Sunday went to get a christmas tree... trekked out to a tree farm in the boonies... kneeled in the snow/mud to cut it down... drove home at about 5mph b/c we were afraid it would blow off the roof of the car... and finally put it up. And- it's now thursday and I only have half the lights up. Ack. (so, "decorate tree" is still on the list, along with "buy presents", "make cookies", "send christmas cards" and "tell mom a few things I'd like so she will stop asking". I'd better get cracking!)
Then yesterday it snowed for the first time. Only a couple inches, totally no big deal. I went to drive in to work, and OMFG it was the worst drive to work I've ever had! I don't get it! I figured after 5 years in buffalo with no trouble (in my little MINI, with NO snow tires, I only got stuck once- and that was in my own driveway during the october storm) that 2 inches of new england snow was no biggie. Well, I had ZERO traction, and my traction-control kept kicking in, so I could not get ANY speed, and was going so slow I was probably dangerous. Even though I had the gas floored. WTF?! Maybe I need snow tires. It WAS wet snow, maybe it was extra slippery? Dunno.
But so I was on call yesterday. Bad timing. I was in the OR all morning, and by the time I got out I had about 4 messages from the ER. And a message from the resident who sounded a little overwhelmed. By the time I met him in the ER it was about noon, and he was trying to handle SEVEN snowblower injuries.
"don't stick your hand in the snowblower" is not fucking rocket science!!! By the end of today the grand total of mangled hands seen was ten.
And here's the gross pic. This is how I spent about 5hr (in the OR) yesterday afternoon. [sadly, the fingers were too mangled to re-attach. And that stringy thing is a tendon. I don't have a pic, but the fingers are in another bucket, with more tendons trailing out of them like that.]
(picture removed for decency's sake)

Permalink: yada_yada_cute_gross_pix_.html
Words: 594
Location: Buffalo, NY
12/03/09 07:44 - 42ºF - ID#50454
I have to give a presentation at a Regional conference tomorrow. I'm not sure how many people will be there- maybe 100 or so. I'm scared to death.
There is not much I hate more than public speaking. I am DREADING it, so I can't wait til it's over.
Also, my topic sucks, and I don't know that much about it (it's complex), so hopefully they won't ask me any hard questions. And my boss/mentor won't be there (for the first time since he founded the conference 20+ years ago, b/c his daughter won regionals in cross country so he's going to nationals with her)- which I guess is good and bad. Good b/c I don't want to do a bad job in front of him. Bad b/c if I do a good job he'll miss it. And bad b/c if he is there, people won't dare pick on us [his fellows].
My DAD is going to be there... good and bad for the same reasons. He said he'd be a plant in the audience to ask really easy questions to make me look brilliant. :D
The other good thing is that it's only a 4 minute presentation. I really shouldn't stress. But of course I do. So my goal is to run long, if anything, so there's no time for questions.
And, I'm at the very very end, so hopefully most of the audience will have left by then.
But the worst part of all...
So last night I was working on my powerpoint, so I could give a 'dress rehearsal' at work this morning.
I had finally finished, and everything was perfect.
clicked save.
No problems.
Went to quit powerpoint, and got some error like 'powerpoint has a problem and needs to quit. Please save your work and restart powerpoint." So I hit save, again. Tried to quit. Same error.
So I hit save as, and gave it a new name. then quit. No error. Phew!
Then went to transfer the file to my flash drive.
Aaaaand it's not there.
NOWHERE. I searched the entire HD. It's GONE.
An old version was there, but I lost about 50% of my presentation.
and what about all the autosave crap it does? it interrupts me to save like every 5 min. Where are those copies?
OMG I'm livid.
So, instead of getting a good night's sleep, I get to spend the night re-doing all my slides.
But on a happier note, here's a new picture of the bebe.
I cannot get over the dress. Or the legs. Or those freaking little shoes.

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Words: 440
Location: Buffalo, NY
11/30/09 07:49 - 37ºF - ID#50419
girlie stuff.
Ok, so one time this summer when I was home, my mom took me bra shopping. There's some little lingerie shop, and the woman prides herself on fitting you perfectly and finding your perfect bra. Sounds good to me!
So, I went, and tried a bunch of stuff on... she insists I'm a size X. (I have been a Y my whole life.) I mean, I know I lost weight, but still. I had a hard time believing her, but she insisted these were perfect.
So, I bought (well my mom bought me) 4 bras. At $60-80 each.
So I came back here and wore them a few times... and every day when I'd come home I'd look in the mirror and notice that really horrible thing where you're bubbling out of the top of a bra. Horrible!!
I finally decided the bras just don't fit. I mean, if I spend 5 min adjusting them and then stand perfectly still, they're ok. But as soon as I move or do anything, I come popping out of the top.
So I only wore each one a couple times. I kept the receipt. And I just never had a chance to go to the shop when I was home (b/c they're barely open on weekends).
So, this friday I went back. Took all my bras and the receipts. They said they can't take them back b/c it's been months, and b/c I've worn them. Which I guess I understand, but still, bummer. But she suggested I try them on again for Deb, and see if we can figure out what's wrong.
So, I tried them on. And, as I had predicted, they didn't fit right.
She brought out a Z. Which seemed better. But still not perfect. But so I was trying to figure out what was wrong... was it the straps? Something I could adjust? she wouldn't even consider going up a size. And she never once apologized to me... just got very accusatory. Saying things like "I can't remember all the way back to this summer, but I KNOW I would NOT have sent you out in a bra like this." And then, the icing on the cake, told me it's my fault. That I must have gained weight. Whatever happened to "the customer is always right"?
But despite that... I bought the newly recommended one. (and she didn't give me ANY sort of discount or anything.)
And put it on tonight- and it's exactly the same. Looked ok in the store, but as soon as I put a sweater on, went and put on makeup, and came back out- popping out of the top.
So, enough is enough. I'm going to keep the tags on it, and ask for my $75 back.
And I don't care what she says... my good old cotton VS secret bras that I've been wearing forever seem to fit just fine. Even if she insists they're "garbage". And my favorite, sexiest, best fitting bra ever? $12.99 at Target.
But is it just me, or is it kind of awful that she just sat there and blamed me?
I guess I should have known something was up when this (very average sized) woman told me she's a 32F.

Permalink: girlie_stuff_.html
Words: 567
Location: Buffalo, NY
11/28/09 05:28 - 37ºF - ID#50398
baby videos
My sister sent me two little videos of my niece all dressed up, and WALKING! Apparently she loves these travel mugs and won't put them down.
Let's see if the videos upload.
(and I apologize that they're sideways- she sent them to me this way and I'm not sure how to rotate them).
(She reminds me of "Pearl the landlord" in those will ferrell skits)
oh! and here's a leftover pic from her birthday- first taste of birthday cake.

Permalink: baby_videos.html
Words: 100
Location: Buffalo, NY
11/22/09 02:30 - 51ºF - ID#50366
So, it was a fun day, but... it just made me realize I'm getting older. Tailgating is just not as fun as it used to be. Standing outside in a muddy field drinking shitty keg beer with a zillion drunk undergrads... yeah. not so fun anymore. It also sucks b/c I don't know everyone there anymore (obviously). Yale doesn't feel 'mine' anymore, which makes me sad.
And then we (of course) lost. It was 10-0 (Yale winning) until 3.5 min left in the game... and then harvard scored two touchdowns. Bastards. Way to go Yale... bringing it Bills-style. Boooooo! And as much as I couldn't actually care less about the football- I actually found myself getting pretty excited when it looked like we'd win, and then feeling completely let down when we didn't.
I was also really excited to show people campus etc- but it took so damn long to get out of there that we didn't even go back downtown at all.
Oh well, next time.
And on a different note, here's an example of how ridiculously gullible I am.
So my two girlfriends were driving into town on friday night. I was planning on having them stay on the foldout sofa. And my bf and I would stay in the bedroom. One of the girls is muslim.
So, here is the text conversation:
K: T can't sleep in an apt with a man she's not married to. (she's muslim).
So... I have the rattles and the wreaths... the music... and the salamander... we'll have a quickie islamic wedding before bed. Do you have a hookah?
Man! T's strict! We had to stop and pray towards mecca like 3 times on the car ride!
It's fecking cold. She made me pray with her. Can you map out which wall she has to face so we know where to start the ceremony?
Also, she said she can't cheer for Yale either b/c your mascot's a dog. (who invited this broad?!)
Now, at this point, I know she's joking around about the wedding and praying and stuff. But at the same time, I had never thought about the fact that having a man around might be an issue... I really didn't want to offend, but also didn't know if they were just teasing me...
me: LOL... I think....? Should I send C home?!
K: She called her mom to see if it's ok. We left a message. We're going to try her cell.
me: omg... are you serious?? Crap...
K: I can't believe your a doctor.
I heart you.
and I can't believe that after AP english I don't know you're from your.
me: phew. i hate you. how did you not know I'm super gullible?
K: well it's not a problem anyway. T choked from laughing so hard.
So it will just be me tonight.
Do you have any unbleached white linen? If I wrap her body in anything else she goes straight to hell.
Me: shit. I just bleached my last linen today!
C just asked me if he needs to have pants on when you get here.
[it was like 1am and he wanted to go to bed]
K: Two pairs of pants, and a towel wrapped around his waist. Do you have a chastity belt? T has a washable one if you need it. It's only been worn once. It's probably cleanish.
Seriously, where is the nearest hookah bar? she needs to pray, meditate, and do penance tomorrow.
me: I have a bong, will that work? I think Allah cuts you some slack on the weekends.
K: She's going to have to be buried with two newborn ewes to give the gods. Those are expensive. You're going to have to wash with their blood. But you're a surgeon, so it should be ok.
me: cool
Then they finally arrived.

Permalink: weekend_.html
Words: 717
Location: Buffalo, NY
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And you two make a very cute couple! :)