Category: pix
07/24/07 11:42 - 67ºF - ID#40233
how times have changed...
And, I included a picture of the WORST SHOES EVER.
I don't care how comfortable they are- they should not be allowed in public. Crocs are bad enough (but I love 'em).

Ok, there are supposed to be a bunch more pix (the scary old ads), but for some reason they won't upload. And then I had to go before I got to figure it out, so my post is sort of incomplete.
To answer questions- I don't know when those shoes first came out, but I saw a guy at work yesterday wearing them, and they were just horrible, so I had to come home and look them up.
Anyway... I have some funny pix, if I can ever get them to work...

Permalink: how_times_have_changed_.html
Words: 139
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/22/07 08:00 - 79ºF - ID#40211
How I spent my saturday night...

Permalink: How_I_spent_my_saturday_night_.html
Words: 20
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/20/07 11:49 - 64ºF - ID#40186
So yesterday I had a patient with 16 tattoos. I didn't see all of them, but some were pretty cool. And the newest ones were only 2 weeks old.
One was a quote, almost looked hand-written. On his right side, over the bottom of his ribs.
But the words were a little freaky...
It said:
When I was going up the stairs, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today, I wish, I wish he'd go away.
But then I googled it, and it's a quote from a movie. Phew!

And then he had another one on his belly... cute little pink lips, like a lipstick kiss, and the words "Art of Suduction"
Yes, Suduction.
with a U.
I googled that too, just to see if it's a band or something... some pop culture reference that I'm missing...
But sadly, I think it's just a typo.
I mean, if you are going to have something permanently marked into your skin with a needle, wouldn't you at least make sure it's spelled right?! How embarrassing...

Permalink: tattoos.html
Words: 193
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: boys
07/17/07 07:19 - 74ºF - ID#40148
I think that's kind of low.
Maybe it was overdue... maybe it's for the best... maybe I'll see that someday.
But for now I'm pretty sad, and just keep hoping I can 'work things out'. Why I want a guy who doesn't want me is beyond me, but I am beyond rational thought when it comes to this guy.
He has this thing where he doesn't like to go out on weeknights (unless it's me going to his house) since it's "too far" [it's a 24 minute drive]. I think that's stupid, but since I want to see him, I usually make the drive. he has not made the drive downtown ONCE in the 2 1/2 months we've been 'seeing each other', if I can call it that. But at the same time, he's taken me to his parents' several times. It's mixed messages if you ask me. he says one thing, then acts another way, and I just don't know where I stand.
But last night I was going to meet some friends out for a drink. So I sent him a text. I said something like "i know it's a weeknight, but i'm meeting people out and we'd love to have you if you're interested." he said 'awww, thanks'. Eventually I said 'ok, i'm leaving now. Talk to you soon. have a good night. And we'll be at cozumel if you change your mind.'
His reply 'thank god! no more texting!'
I said "that was mean"
and hour later got "haha - lighten up"
sent him a message later, something someone said... he replied "pls don't blow up my cell"
I said fuck you. but then we joked and went back and forth for a bit.
I spent some time with my friends, and it was nice. Both of them had their boyfriends stop by at one point. And it just made me think "THAT is how it's supposed to be." It reminded me what it's like when the guy actually LIKES the girl, and acts interested.
So when I got home I went to turn off the lights and saw that he was on IM.
Sent him a message saying goodnight. And I said 'i'm going to bed a little drunk, and jealous of my friends that have guys that are excited about them."
Maybe that was bitchy, maybe I shouldn't have said it, but I don't think it's unreasonable. he didn't reply.
So then this morning I got this:
"I got some overall fucked-up IMs from you last night and I think it's better we keep things at a friends angle for now - that is just too much."
And I think that's it.
I replied, but he hasn't said a word since.
I'm kind of heartbroken.

Permalink: booo.html
Words: 469
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/16/07 06:19 - 74ºF - ID#40129
Red sky in the morning...
The camera doesn't do it justice but the sky was amazing this morning.

Permalink: Red_sky_in_the_morning_.html
Words: 18
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/15/07 09:15 - 69ºF - ID#40117
Bon Voyage!
We'll miss you.
But remember, we're all just a click away!
Have a GREAT, GREAT time, and keep us posted!
Not goodbye, but arrivederci!
[which literally means until we see each other again]

Permalink: Bon_Voyage_.html
Words: 36
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: nerd
07/11/07 02:20 - 70ºF - ID#40052
iphone coolness
I just found out that if you type in 'thai' it brings up a list of all the thai restaurants, with their phone numbers, web pages, and driving directions. And not just ones with 'thai' in the name, which is the part that I think is cool. Tim Horton's will find them all, obviously- but I think that smart search is cool- almost like a mini-yellow pages. It's not flawless, but it's a lot cooler than I originally thought. :)

Permalink: iphone_coolness.html
Words: 160
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: :(
07/10/07 09:57 - 83ºF - ID#40044
I am sick of people disappointing me.
I put in all this effort... only to find out that they're just laughing at me.
I feel like I'm in fucking high school again.
I fucking hate it.
fair weather friends, I guess.
Fuck 'em.
Better off without.

Permalink: boo.html
Words: 47
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/07/07 07:04 - 79ºF - ID#39992
ahhh, summer
So friday night I met up with a girlfriend and we had pizza and wine at trattoria aroma- yum- and then heard that people were at stillwater so we headed there. But as usual, it was a weird/lame scene. That place has potential to be so cool, but the 1: music and 2: crowd just kills it. I usually the describe the scene as 50-something moms thinking they're "wild" for dancing to some band's cover of Superfreak.
But last night we gave it another shot... and the crowd seemed a little better, but the band was just playing beach boys and the beatles. Nothing wrong with that, but not really what I want to hear out at a bar... I dunno...
So we moved to the Snooty Fox. I'd never been there before, but frankly it's just another variation on a theme- as is that whole little area (mothers, scarlett, stillwater, snooty fox, prespa)... Sort of the latest see-and-be-seen kind of place. Who knows, maybe I'm just jealous, but I am just not into the girls that hang out at places like that. They all strike me as golddigging bimbos, who just want to show off their $400 Prada purses or whatever. Yuck. So, it was kind of a mixed night. Felt good to get out and socialize and spend time with some friends, and it was flattering to be flirted-with, but in the end wasn't all that fun, and I found myself wishing I were just hanging out, chilling, drinking beers, talking, watching movies and being comfortable, rather than standing there all made-up in uncomfortable shoes and wondering if I looked too fat/old for the place. YUCK.
I keep bitching about how I need to get out more, meet new people, broaden my horizons... but then I do- and realize that actually I'm pretty happy with how things are, and that I'd rather spend time with the people I already know and care about, then spread myself thin with superficial people that don't care about me.
But so then I slept in this morning (just about my favorite thing in the world, and I only get to do it a couple times a month), and then went 'yachting', which was nice. Even though I did little more than sit and drink beer, I am still WIPED OUT. I guess the sun will do that to you... But it was fun. We actually put up the sails and tooled around for a while, even went out past the breakwater, but it was a little rough out there today- much more pleasant when we were sheltered from the waves.
So here are a few pix. I must say, as far as camera phones go, the iphone camera isn't too bad, I don't think- except that I've noticed if you're not holding things totally still, instead of blurring, it just bends and distorts, which is a little odd.

That's the 'Dirty Dinghy', as it is affectionately called, with the yellow sail cover. Notice the 'bent' skyway in the background.

It's (I think) a 22' Tanzer, and thus has a decent sized "below". I like the way the head is under the bed, and you (would) have to pull out part of the mattress to use it. But, it wasn't an issue, since the head doesn't work. Now 3 people and 3 12-packs of beer and no toilet unfortunately is more of a problem for me than it is for the boys. Oy.

Now that's what I call multi-tasking. Drinking beer, talking on the phone, AND steering with your leg.

Proof that I was in fact on the boat. (nice hair, and my teeth look like dentures, but whatever. ;))

And finally a cute little family of ducks back at the dock.
Yay. I love summer.
Wish I didn't have to work tomorrow. :(
P.S. Isn't IE practically outdated by now??
I went to the ATT Wireless website to update my account info, and it wouldn't take my changes. I thought maybe it was a browser thing, so I switched from safari to firefox. Still didn't work. So I sent them an email, and got this reply:
"After reading your email, I have reviewed your concerns. Unfortunatly [sic],
website changes are not compatible with Safari or Firefox. If you do not
have Internet Explorer, you log on to your online account and request
any changes via email or contact customer service directly"
WTF. Get with the program, guys.

Permalink: ahhh_summer.html
Words: 789
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/05/07 11:22 - 69ºF - ID#39921
And does everyone know about this free music on bidwell on tuesdays?
I didn't... But ended up going on tues... it was nice... drank some wine, hung out, then went to heenan's/mcgarrett's/whatever-the-hell that place is called now... and hung out with some friends. One friend of mine (who i may or may not have a bit of history with) was there, but forgot to tell me (when he invited me) that he was on a date- then proceeded to ignore his date most of the time and pay attention to me. I like the attention, but I felt kind of bad for her, and while she put on a nice face, i'm sure she HATES me now... oh well. it was a fun night anyway. Nice to get out for a bit.
Then yesterday went to a barbecue, which was nice. :) we had salmon and pork tenderloin... which was delicious, don't get me wrong, but yeah, I kinda think the 4th is all about burgers and dogs. Went for a lovely boat ride on the lake... very nice. Then gave up on fireworks since it was rainy and foggy and watched horror movies instead. (dead silence, I think it was called. about a murdering ghost and her ventriloquist dummy. it was ok.)
Now back to work... might get some 'yachting' in this weekend, which I look forward to. ("yachting" = sitting on the boat drinking beers and hanging out, as opposed to "sailing" which means paying attention and actually trying to go somewhere).

Permalink: 4th.html
Words: 270
Location: Buffalo, NY
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