Category: movies
04/04/06 06:08 - 40ºF - ID#23824
The shining
I finally just followed the link in an email a friend sent me months ago...
I guess there was a contest where people re-cut the trailers to famous movies to make them seem like something different- the winner was for the the Shining.
Check it out- worth it I promise.

What is with the freaky snow today??
I am in major culture shock... At Children's we're not allowed to do ANYTHING without getting approval from the Fellows, which is why people hate it so much. But overnight I went from that, to ECMC where my interns are asking me "what do you want to do, boss?" I'm not sure I remember how to make decisions on my own...
And we skin-grafted some burned hands today... For some reason that one case makes me kind of queasy. Burns in general are gross, and hands are especially bad. shudder... gives me the chills. But, he should be fine, so that's good.
People get burned in the stupidest ways... I'm coming to learn that most (serious) burns involve some majorly stupid choices. Like falling asleep with your cigarette with your oxygen on.... throwing gasoline on a fire while drunk... or a good one today- taking a hammer and chisel to the gas tank of a car that's been on its side in your backyard for six years. (he assumed that the gas would be gone after all that time, but didn't bother to check- and it exploded on him.)
And my tongue hurts... I got "a talking to" yesterday about the tongue ring... Seems someone took issue, and rather than talk to me about it, went over my head to the fucking CHAIRMAN. Not cool. But he told me that he'd never noticed it, didn't personally have a problem with it, and admitted that there is no dress code and thus he can't MAKE me take it out. Also said that I am judged by my performance, and that as long as this doesn't affect my performance, I should be ok. Said he'd like to just put in my file that we "had this conversation" and he will "leave it to my discretion" and leave it at that. So I'm not really sure what to do... No, they can't MAKE me take it out. But at the same time, surgery is an ultra-conservative old boys' club. And I don't want to rock the boat. I'd always said that the minute someone said something, i'd take it out... But now that that time has come- I don't really want to. I mean I guess I'm not that especially attached to the thing, but it's been in 9 years... would feel weird without it. So today i switched to a 'flesh colored' retainer... but it's too short and has sort of sharp edges, so it's hurting me and making it feel weird to eat.
What a bunch of BS though. Isn't it 2006 around here? Bleh.
Hmm... seems my bi-weekly thai craving is setting in. Might have to see what I can do about that, since it's been so long since I've been to the grocery story that I've been eating popcorn/toast for dinner lately.
take care peeps.
p.s. dare I admit my horrible guilty-pleasure purchase? I just bought the new Sean Paul cd. I think I should be embarrassed. But... but.... I must admit the beat makes me bop my head. I have no shame. ;)

Permalink: The_shining.html
Words: 583
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: my dad rocks
04/02/06 09:08 - 51ºF - ID#23823
home again, home again
But we managed to un-Farkle things a little bit, and Mom, Kate and I did make it to the spa this morning. I didn't have time for the mani/pedi, but that's ok since I'd have to take the nail polish off at work tomorrow anyway. So I just had a facial. They led us to the locker room to get changed, and I thought "why in the world do I need to take my bra off for a facial?", but I did anyway. But I almost forgot until the last second that i needed to be extra careful to not let Mom see any piercings. But so I went for the facial, which is basically an hour of laying there smelling incense and listening to trance-y new age music while half-falling asleep while they put about 18 different layers of lotion on your face/neck/decollatage (hehe what a great word). I'm not sure it actually does anything for my skin, but man does it feel good. Especially the little 30 seconds of neck/shoulder massage. That is nearly a sexual experience for me. I dunno... backrubs absolutely melt me. But while we were at the Spa, my dad, brother and brother-in-law went hanggliding. I didn't have time to join in. But I learned later that there wasn't enough wind, and "it was a really fun day, but.... we didn't get more than 18" off the ground."
So anyway, I'm back. Done with the CHOB. Curious to hear how the whole mess there turned out. Think I might email the guy involved, even though I probably shouldn't, because I am not good at letting go.
Here are a few pix.

The cutest dad in the world. I gave him one of those sappy tearjerker hallmark birthday cards. Cuz he deserves it. :)

Classy!! I especially like that they left out the "a" in 'You're A whale of a dad'. And I like the turd-looking palm trees.

I lit all 60 candles without burning myself, and he blew 'em all out.

The house.

Looking... southeast I think


One of the many balconies.

Permalink: home_again_home_again.html
Words: 393
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: ahh, wireless
04/01/06 06:04 - 43ºF - ID#23822
Greetings from Duck!
So I'm in Duck, NC- part of the Outer Banks, for my Dad's 60th bday. It's awesome. I'm doing NOTHING. Eating, drinking, taking jacuzzi baths, and laying on my stomach reading the book of Vice Dos and Don'ts that my sister gave me. (I'm sure most of you have not checked out the Vice link that I have on the right, but I swear it really is some funny shit.) And the book is endorsed by David Cross, which is all I need. Unfortunately, in typical fashion, my family did not get our act together, (we refer to ourselves as the Farkles when we go on vacation, since we always screw SOMEthing up) so it looks like spa time AND hanggliding will probably not happen. Which is a bummer (but maybe a bit of a relief because i'm kind of a chicken shit and was a little nervous about going hanggliding), but this two days of nothing is so perfect...
We're staying at this resort thing that has a main hotel, but then also these guest houses. We have this four bedroom, 4 bathroom house... Every bath has a jacuzzi tub (except mine of course, I seem to have gotten the handicapped room). Lots of balconies... It would be such an awesome party house. I wish I was here for a month. But, I am not here as a party house. But there are not many people I would rather spend time with than my family. We are very good at amusing ourselves/each other. We are sitting around shooting Nerf darts at each other, and my brother is pleading with my sister to let him drop a deuce in HER bathroom, since he wants to take a bath in HIS bathroom. Good stuff...
And speaking of good stuff.... the drama at work is getting out of hand.
The short version is [scandalous rumors that are not verified and could get people in trouble deleted]
The thing is, this is all rumor. I have no idea what actually happened, and probably never will. And now i'm torn between trying to find a way to get in touch with him (he has my number but I don't have his) to play the 'i'm here if you need a friend' sympathetic role, or to just take this as a sign and be glad that I 'got out while I could'. All a major bummer. Because somehow I doubt he's going to call me now... out of embarrassment if nothing else. Oh well...
What do I care, I'm at a beach house.
But it's back to ECMC on monday. Boohoohoo. I hate it there.
Ok peeps, enjoy your weekend. Maybe I'll have some pix when I get back... Now i'm off to eat and drink, yet again.

Permalink: Greetings_from_Duck_.html
Words: 589
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: drama
03/30/06 02:03 - 61ºF - ID#23821
Just a quick little anecdote.
Just in case I had any doubt that I do, in fact, live in a soap opera...
So there's a girl I barely know at work... but her nickname is barbie because she's tall and blond and wears lots of makeup, etc, you know the type. (and I keep an eye on her b/c apparently she used to date one of my (numerous) work crushes. haha.) The other day I heard her make some comment about 'well, maybe that's ok if you're single, with no kids...', which I thought was odd since she is (as far as I know) single, with no kids.
But then I noticed she's starting wearing her scrub top untucked...
So this morning I asked a friend what the deal is...
She is pregnant.
and single.
Not by my crush (phew).
But by a guy who slept with her twice and now refuses to even talk to her.
wooo-ee, scandal at the CHOB!!
Think I will sit back and watch this unfold...

Permalink: 100.html
Words: 176
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: pimpname
03/29/06 08:35 - 40ºF - ID#23820
i am easily amused

I am Reverend Doctor Alexis Rockefeller.
I just realized I will be estrip-less this weekend.
Whatever will I do!!
(Sit in a spa is the answer. I guess I can handle that...)

Permalink: i_am_easily_amused.html
Words: 42
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: :)
03/28/06 06:13 - 51ºF - ID#23819
Music and musing...
I worked last night, didn't get much sleep, ran home, changed, and went straight to the dentist to get my tooth drilled. Not my favorite way to start the day.
But then I came back downtown with (e:ladycroft) and (e:nejifer) for some Spot yumminess. And it was just so nice out... I hope this weather is just a hint of what's to come... Everyone was out and about, and so many dogs! And we lucked into a meeting with the ever elusive (e:Jason), and wandered up elmwood. After everyone left for class, I went and played with Vance, a VERY adorable 8 week old lab/pit bull puppy. Then wandered through New World... I've never really gone in there before. Cool place. Made me realize I haven't bought a physical CD in a LONG time. Looks like Matisyahu has a new one. But I didn't want to spend $18 on it. And I was so excited to come brag to (e:Joshua) about my amazing find in the $2 bin: The Doves- Affinity!!!
Except... it's not the REAL Doves. It's some crappy band. Oh well. I guess that's why it was in the $2 bin. But I bought a bunch of random shit, including a little purse/bag/thing made entirely of orange zippers. And presents for friends for no reason. I love doing that. "i saw this and I thought of you and I had to get it."
Then I drove home with the windows down and the sunroof open... At home found my bulbs peeking out of the dirt, and my neighbor grilling out.
MAN I can't wait for summer!!!
But so after my CD was disappointing I went shopping at itunes, and was sucked into the new Death Cab video CD. It's just Plans, but with videos. And for some masochistic reason I just have to see the video for "Someday you will be loved". The song itself makes me cry my eyes out (e:jenks,3) - wonder what the video will do.
I also have a new band to put in heavy rotation- The Editors. Just bought the album, haven't listened to it all yet, but I'm likin' what I'm hearin' so far. Better than those silly Arctic Monkeys. (just kidding. I guess I should give them another shot, but my first impression was 'I don't see what the big deal is.')
Hmm.... now to see if I'm energized enought to deal with my work crap.
Enjoy the rest of the lovely day, peeparoos!
Ok, so I checked it out. It's been a few months, but that song STILL makes me cry. And the video, which features a heart being smashed with a hammer, and eaten by rats (among other things), is not much better. But I know they're right... someday I WILL be loved. :)
Ok, and I put up a new song. Banquet, by Bloc Party. Another of my current fave bands. Especially good for car dancing if you ask me. :)
And I made a new smart playlist in itunes - "type MPEG, type NOT protected, size <5mb". Now I have 3578 songs to choose from as user sounds. You lucky peeps! Just you wait! ;)

Permalink: Music_and_musing_.html
Words: 535
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/26/06 09:02 - 43ºF - ID#23818
pix and stuff
I'm sad. I think I am getting in trouble at work, since I am always so fucking tired that I can't motivate to study. Not to mention that when I DO have a day off, I want to spend it doing stuff I like (i.e. with friends), not boring stuff like studying and paying bills.
So today I went on strike and spent the whole daying lying on the couch, watching tv, napping, and willing my phone to ring. (It did not). (another reason I'm sad).
But so then I came to say hi to peeps. And chatted with Paul, and I guess I am now the official Picfeeder spokesperson.
So here's a demo, check it out. (it's some totally random pix of mine.)

I'll try to put up some more (e:strip) related pix sometime.
But it really is easy...
Share your pix with us, everyone!

Permalink: pix_and_stuff.html
Words: 163
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: insanity
03/26/06 12:52 - 33ºF - ID#23817
21 Days...
No wonder I'm losing my mind....
And I took care of a 6yr old kid tonight in a bad car accident, and he had this HUGE cut on his head, down to bone, through his eyebrow. And I got to play plastic surgeon- looked pretty fanfuckingtastic when I was done, if I say so myself. But I could not only see the skull, but the BREAK in the skull at the bottom of the cut. At least I couldn't see brain. Mom was holding up amazingly well- I don't think I could see that and keep my shit together. I hope he does well... We have to let the meds wear off and see how he wakes up. It's sad.
And (e:imk2) asked why women are such catty bitches... (short answer: i have no clue, but sadly it's true). I ask- why are we blubbering idiots around boys? There's a guy at work I've mentioned before... one of my many work crushes... who has started flirting with me lately. At least, I think he's flirting with me. But I just simply do not trust my intuition anymore- I'm not sure I'm not imagining the whole thing. (but I don't think it's normal to work nipples, g-spot, and 'the last time i got laid' into a co-worker conversation, is it?) But I find myself thinking "wait a minute... a real live guy, that I have no connection with online, who has caught my eye in the past, is now flirting with me?!" That so does not happen in my world! And I have turned into a total idiot. I find myself lingering in places where I might run into him FAR longer than necessary... When I do see him I can barely talk, and I turn 8000 shades of red. I mean what is it? I am an (arguably) intelligent, mature woman. And I am reduced to a 12 year old child...
And for what? For all I know it's all in my head. And it's not just him... Just about any guy that talks to me or pays attention to me, turns me to mush. Ok, not any guy. But any guy that I could possibly be attracted to, that talks to me.
Ahh... I guess that's what crushes are. Totally irrational... But it's a fun little diversion at least. If I have to spend a month straight in the hospital, it's nice to have a friendly face to bump into in the stairwell once in a while....
Ok peeps. I hope you are having more fun on this saturday night than I am... And I hope to get to see you all again one of these weeks...
Don't let the bedbugs bite,
UPDATE- Car accident boy is doing really well this morning. Still needs his skull fixed, but he woke up and acted normal. Yay. :)

Permalink: 21_Days_.html
Words: 510
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: david
03/23/06 08:42 - 34ºF - ID#23816
But anway, so I just found this in the artvoice online-

Go David!
And in honor, I have changed my user sound (again). It's Blacks and Tans. Not my fave jackdaw song, but the only one I have in mp3 format. I know Irish rock isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I'd say they're worth checking out anyway- the shows are a lot of fun.

Permalink: Attaboy_.html
Words: 274
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/22/06 11:43 - 32ºF - ID#23815
Reading (e:twisted)'s post... makes me jealous. I haven't been to a show in so long... And I love music... I may not always get to stay as current as I'd like, but so much music is so significant to me... Can pull up profound emotions/sensations/memories... Or just makes me shake my ass. I love that. Both versions.
I have been listening to Cake lately. I love Cake. But hadn't listened to them in ages. That is one of the perils of the ipod... I have ripped in all my CDs, plus all the stuff i've bought/downloaded over the last couple years, and now it's almost like I have too much music. I'll want to listen to something, and I get overwhelmed scrolling through, and end up listening to the same '4 star' playlist over and over. Of course, I have only assigned stars to a few hundred songs, so I'm missing out on so much. Like Cake. It was chosen for me the other day. (specifically, the song "love you madly". Hmm.)
So... I think some of my drama may be resolving. Which makes me feel better. Somewhat. Still not great. I have tried to be true to myself, and have TRIED to hurt as few people as possible, as little as possible. And I have at least tried to be honest with everyone involved, as hard as that can be. Blah... Like I said, not thrilled with things, but at least I don't feel like i have an ulcer anymore, so that's good. It's all such new territory to me....
And that got me thinking again about the nature of a blog/journal. On the one hand it's a great place to put your thoughts out there, but on the other hand, as these people go from being just peeps online, to actual friends, it becomes a little harder to post your deep dark secrets etc. But, I decided that I think that the benefits of the 'community' here far outweigh the sacrifices.
I never would have thought of myself a the type to have a journal/blog. I tried to keep a paper journal for a while in college.... but it ended up just being a stupid list of who i had a crush on at the moment. (hmm, come to think of it, I guess not much has changed.) But I don't really fancy myself much of a writer.
But I have a friend from high school, one of the few people from my class that I keep in touch with, and she is a great writer. And she kept a blog for a while. And that was the first one I ever read... So I was thinking that I probably owe this whole journal to her... Well, among other things...
So, this is a little shoutout to my friend E. You're the best. :)
Though if she'll ever see this remains to be seen. Not sure I'm ready to invite the outside world into "my" estrip...
Ok, I'm suddenly deliriously tired, so I'm off to bed...
night peeps!
update- seems i was wrong about being wrong about the beer tasting. maybe it WAS tonight after all. I will get to the bottom of this. But bottom line- sounds like fun, and if it is indeed a monthly thing, we should go next time.

Permalink: shoutout.html
Words: 589
Location: Buffalo, NY
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proceed to the 3-bay sink, which is filled with ice and water, and take an enormous gravity bong-hit from the 3 liter bottle, meanwhile your saute pan heating up is getting way two hot.
Fire the fish. add fat to the pan and watch it start to burn and flare up. remove pan from heat. add the fish to pan --- hot fat flies from the pan to hand instantly killing nerves and sending cold messages to the brain.
Suck it up like a man and get back to work. no time for the hospital, not with orders up. ice it gradually... remember it everytime you look at your hand... respect the fire.
regarding the burns...i remeber when my daughters father was at the ICU at ECMC for months, which was and might still be on the same floor as the burn unit, and a man got free from the burn unit and ran down the hall and started scraming at all the people in the ICU waiting unit..."THEY"RE KILLING ME HERE, PLEASE HELP HELP HELP....." and was pleading with anyone who would listen, until the nurses or orderlies caught up to him and hauled him away. it was so disturbing. like a scene out of a movie, because i can gurantee you, everyone who was standing there, wondered if they're really torturing this man, even if our rational minds told us otherwise.
sorry for the grammar and the mispellings, i'm a little drunk,....well a lot of drunk...i know, i know, it's only 9pm but i've been drinking since 5pm and have been rechecking this comment for the last 20 min.