03/15/06 12:23 - 32ºF - ID#23810
not much....
But, I'm too tired to form complete sentences and coherent thoughts.
So I just leave you with a new user sound.
"Worked up (so sexual)" by the Faint.
(how can you not love a song about strippers?)
Check it out.
P.s. so mad I can't make it to st. matty's day!

Permalink: not_much_.html
Words: 72
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: work
03/10/06 08:28 - 37ºF - ID#23809
Lone Star (warning- kinda gross.)
But then at work today things were put into perspective a little...
Kids, be glad you do not have Hirschsprung's Disease. It is a disease where you colon doesn't have enough nerve cells, so basically you can't shit, and it all just builds up forever. To the point that you have to have your colon removed. (usually as a baby.)
Now, after you take out someone's colon, the shit has to go somewhere, right? Well there are pretty much two options. 1: an ostomy. But shitting in a bag isn't always so socially acceptable. Especially as a kid/teenager. 2: sewing the small intestine to the anus.
We just did the latter on a baby. Well she had an ostomy for a year, and today we took the ostomy down and did the "pull-through".
But to get to the point of this story... as you can imagine, it is kind of hard to sew something to a puckered up little asshole. So some sadistic fuck invented a retractor called the Lone Star. (sick pun, no?) Basically it's like an 8" ring with notches around the edges. And then there are the other parts. Basically SHARP little hooks attached to rubber bands. And you put the SHARP HOOKS in the asshole, and then hook the rubber bands into the notches, in 8 different spots around in a circle, effectively stretched this poor little baby's asshole to about 1.5" wide.
But i must say, it worked brilliantly, and the operation went without a hitch, and now she won't have to shit in a bag anymore. And if we're lucky, she'll even have control of her sphincter tone and won't just shit herself all the time.
Isn't my job great.... ;)
Ok, time for green curry, wine, tv, and some soul-searching... Hopefully not too much crying...
But before I go (since I'm sure you were all holding your breath)- my cupid results.
not sure if i like this, but sadly it's probably fairly accurate-
(but nonetheless I think I will go change my answers to get something I like more.) (but (e:Twisted), at least I'm in good company. You're the closest to me I've seen...)
The Sonnet
Deliberate Gentle Love Dreamer (DGLDf)
Romantic, hopeful, and composed. You are the Sonnet. Get it? Composed?
Sonnets want Love and have high ideals about it. They're conscientious people, caring & careful. You yourself have deep convictions, and you devote a lot of thought to romance and what it should be. This will frighten away most potential mates, but that's okay, because you're very choosy with your affections anyway. You'd absolutely refuse to date someone dumber than you, for instance.
Your exact opposite:
Genghis Khunt
Random Brutal Sex Master
Lovers who share your idealized perspective, or who are at least willing to totally throw themselves into a relationship, will be very, very happy with you. And you with them. You're already selfless and compassionate, and with the right partner, there's no doubt you can be sensual, even adventurously so.
You probably have lots of female friends, and they have a special soft spot for you. Babies do, too, at the tippy-top of their baby skulls.
ALWAYS AVOID: The 5-Night Stand, The False Messiah, The Hornivore, The Last Man on Earth
CONSIDER: The Loverboy

Permalink: Lone_Star_warning_kinda_gross_.html
Words: 581
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: meep
03/09/06 12:20 - 53ºF - ID#23808
I just can't seem to get my mind around anything. Can't focus, can't concentrate, don't want to DO anything that I should do...
All I want to do is sleep and lounge around...
And it's not that i'm depressed, I don't think... I'm just... scatterbrained.
My thoughts are all over. Not sure what's right or wrong, what I can or can't do...
I feel like my mind is racing all over, but not really going anywhere...
People are in and out of my life, and I'm not sure if I'm happy about that... In fact I'm pretty sure I'm NOT happy about it.
I have so many good things going on right now, but there's still so much more that I want... And I don't even know if it's reasonable of me... I'm distracted all the time...
I don't know how to act... what to think... if I should talk or not talk.... act or not act... make a move or not... I wish people would just answer my questions and help me out... don't play games, my ass.
I hate feeling all jumbled up like this. Throw me a bone people, please... just a little guidance through this minefield... I feel like everything I do is stepping on SOMEone's toes, or else if I worry about everyone else, i'm not true to myself and MY desires/needs...
And, I'm eating too much and getting fat, and I just found out I have a cavity! I almost cried!! Well not quite, but I am quite dismayed!
nobody likes me, everybody hates me, i guess i'll go eat worms...
[that's a children's song before anyone gets too worried.]

Permalink: scattered.html
Words: 289
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: hotel
03/07/06 12:53 - 31ºF - ID#23807
ok, i'll weigh in.
Oh, I am so sick of this topic, but I can't let this one go by.
ANCHOR businesses? THRIVING business section?
Correct me if I am wrong, but the shops in question are a clothing store, a video store, a head shop, and something else... tattoo parlor?
Now, I will readily admit I have never been in any of those. For several reasons. 1- I am too busy, and don't go ANYwhere (i've been here almost two years and haven't seen the freaking FALLS yet). 2- I'm not currently in the market for tattoos or bongs (though I don't have a problem with either). 3- the stores are rundown and unappealing and don't make me WANT to go in. And if these stores are so "thriving", why don't they fix themselves up? i.e. try not to look like shitholes. (blah blah blah, I don't want to hear about mobius). Appearances aren't everything, but they do not LOOK like "successful" businesses, they look like "barely scraping by off college students' beer money" businesses. You get the feeling they are only there b/c it is the cheapest real estate in town. Not exactly what I look for in a business to patronize. If I want to go clothes shopping, I can walk just a few blocks down elmwood and go to any of the numerous attractive, interesting, local stores down there.
Frankly, I personally (and by "I" I mean myself and any family/friends that may visit me) would be much more likely to patronize a hotel/retail building on that corner than what is there right now. And if you think that makes me some corporate sellout snob who wants to see elmwood yuppified and turned into williamsville, well you're simply wrong.
And finally- if those crappy buildings (again, I don't want to hear about the how fact that they're crappy is Mobius' fault) are the "anchors" of this end of the elmwood strip, then god help us, we are in DIRE need of a makeover. I'm not saying a monster hotel is the answer. And I support local businesses and don't want to see them put replaced with Gap and Blockbuster. And Dragonfire I'm sorry your house is in danger. But we all say we want what is "good" for the neighborhood. And good for the NEIGHBORHOOD (increased pedestrian traffic, more money spent, better word of mouth, etc) may not be the same as what is good for YOU (status quo, cheap rent, crappy buildings.) If we want things to change and improve, we have to at least CONSIDER, well- change and improvement, rather than just screaming 'no hotel no hotel i won't stay in it thus no one will thus it is bad!'
phew. ok. i hope that is all i have to say on this matter.

Permalink: ok_i_ll_weigh_in_.html
Words: 515
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/06/06 10:04 - 27ºF - ID#23806
headphones, anyone?
So my old ipod headphones died. So I wanted new ones. Not total pieces of crap, but not like $400 things either. So I decided to order two pairs with the thought that I'd try them out, and send one back. So I got some from Shure, and some Sonys. Both sound fine, but the Shures are way more comfortable. (and way more expensive too. oh well.) So I put the sonys on the shelf, and put 'send back headphones' on my to-do list. Finally went to do it today- I had to have done it within 2 weeks. (they were shipped 1/21). And I needed an RMA number. And there was a 10% restocking fee. Doh, my procrastination bites me in the ass again.
Ok, the point of this stupid boring post is that I have a set of half-decent headphones sitting here if anyone is interested....

Permalink: headphones_anyone_.html
Words: 149
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/05/06 04:14 - 32ºF - ID#23805
bunnies and kittens and rainbows and...
Just felt like putting up a quick post that is
NOT about the hotel
NOT about politics, and
NOT bitching about work or boys...
It's a beautiful day out (or so I hear?)
Spring is (technically) only a few weeks away...
St. Paddy's day is coming...
Lotsa good stuff.
Cheers to friends- old, new, and yet to be... :)

Permalink: bunnies_and_kittens_and_rainbows_and_.html
Words: 62
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: girls!
03/03/06 08:58 - 24ºF - ID#23804
New attitude-revised
And I've decided that: guys who don't appreciate me can just go suck it.
As you may have noticed, I've been doing a lot of "why don't guys ever like me, poor me, wah wah wah" bullshit.
Well, no more!
I just got a message from a friend that maybe snapped me back into perspective. It said "You are the most remarkable person I have met in years".
Wow! I'm a little blown away.
And it made me think- "fuck yeah, I AM pretty remarkable!"
I know it's not "nice" to brag, but when I think about it- I kick ass. I won't list my accomplishments, but they're there, and I know it.
I'm happy with who I am.
And if some stupid boy doesn't like me because my hair is the wrong color or my waist is the wrong size, then fuck him.
I don't need that in my life.
That's why I finally managed to cut off the deadbeat ex.
I want to surround myself only with good friends who care about me and are there for me.
And they know I will do the same for them.
I've kinda liked this guy, that I barely know, for a little while now... So I gathered up all my courage and asked him out. And he said 'yes, but not now'. And then never followed up, despite numerous opportunities. So I danced around on eggshells for a while, not wanting to appear pushy or over-eager, but always wondering "ok, well when then?" So then today I asked again. And granted I haven't given him much time, but so far, nothing.
I guess that's a hint?
But no hard feelings. Maybe someday he'll realize what he missed out on.
And if so, I'll be glad to go out with him. But I'm not going to sit and pine.
So I just got out of a nice long hot steamy shower, and I am going to get cute, and I am going to go out with my girls and rock the house.
They always say attractiveness is all about self-esteem and attitude, no? So then I am off the charts tonight!
So, my advice to any awesome ladies that have deadbeat guys (or girls) stringing them along- get rid of 'em. You deserve better than that. If they take you for granted but can't see how great you are, and appreciate you, then maybe they'll figure it out when all of the sudden you're not there anymore.
And to any guys out there who are taking their friends/girlfriends/crushes/etc for granted- Stop it. That's shitty. Realize what you've got. And let him/her know that s/he matters to you.
In the words of the immortal Stewart Smalley-
I'm good enough,
I'm smart enough,
and doggone it-
people like me!
(e:jenks), out!

Permalink: New_attitude_revised.html
Words: 484
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: boys, what else
03/03/06 01:41 - 20ºF - ID#23803
Work crush #3, or is it #4...
I may have found someone date-able in the hospital! Most of the guys are either married, jerks, or egomaniacs. Or more often, some combo of the three... But there's one guy I've noticed for a while... Cute, smart, single (as far as I know)... I'm actually a little intimidated by him, which I don't feel all that often. So I try to "flirt" with him in my idiotic way- make up reasons to wander through the ICU, ask him about patients... He chats back, seemingly willingly, but I'm not sure he notices me at all... But so this morning I had to stop in the ICU on my way out, so I was in "real" clothes, and I'm not imagining it, he definitely did a double take. And said "my my, don't you look nice." (I just thought- haha, you should see me after I haven't been working for 30hrs!) But so that's encouraging. Guess I will keep trying to chat him up. Not sure I have a chance- after all I heard the last resident he "doinked" was this girl we call Anesthesia Barbie. And I am not Barbie.
But so I'm not sure what to do next. Guys don't hit on me in my world. So waiting for him to do something is probably pointless... But last time I tried to take action and ask someone out didn't exactly work either. I don't think. Oh well. Need to not obsess and just go with it.
Bigger decision of the moment- what to do tonight!! Tomorrow might be my only day off for the month of march, so I feel like I need to make tonight count. Any suggestions?
time for lunch...
Oh, and PS-
I don't know if it's just me, but every time I see this pic on the wall at work:

I cannot help but think of this:

Permalink: Work_crush_3_or_is_it_4_.html
Words: 318
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/02/06 05:01 - 25ºF - ID#23802
beautiful peeps
But on thursdays we have Grand Rounds and conference in the morning, and we have to actually wear real clothes (i.e. not scrubs.) So when we get back to the hospital, everyone is always surprised to see us looking "normal". So we were walking by, and everyone was commenting on how he looked so good... (which he did). But it's like the rest of us were totally invisible. And he was in front of me, and had already turned the corner, when I saw at least three nurses start whispering and fanning themselves and I heard one say "don't you even TELL me you weren't thinking the same thing!" Then we walk into our call room- there is a fucking PRESENT in there for him. One of the nurses had this wrapped up package of snacks with a little lovey-dovey note in it saying "i heard you had a rough night, here are some snacks. Love, Strawberry" (She has strawberry-blonde hair.) I don't know if it's true or not, but there are certainly rumors that he sleeps with people (nurses etc) in the call room. So when we saw this, we asked "well, did you...?" and he said "NO! And I wouldn't!" I said "why not, she's cute..." and he said "yeah, for her age". Which is probably like 4 years older than him. Nice, huh?
But it just made me think- as much as we may say looks don't matter- yeah they do. And like it or not, life is just easier for beautiful people. Not that my life is so difficult, and I'm not unhappy about how I look, but I don't make people swoon when I walk by, and I don't get goody bags from strange men on my pillow every night. Must be nice...

Permalink: beautiful_peeps.html
Words: 360
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: mahdi grah
03/01/06 07:41 - 26ºF - ID#23801
Throw me something Mister!
Oh. Right. It's ash wed.
One of these years I'll remember.
Yet another perk of atheism- I do/eat/drink whatever the hell I want for the next 40 days, and don't feel guilty about it. ;P
So... When I first moved here I dated this guy for like a minute. Nothing really came of it. But he is, I guess, a "tit man" if you will... And the few times I've talked to/seen him since then, there are always boob comments. Well yesterday he saw my message on myspace inviting people to come out. And he took me up on it. Which is cool, he's a pretty good guy and I hadn't seen him in a long time. But I sort of meant "if you're out with your friends, come say hi to me and my friends." But instead he said "ok... well i'm leaving now, will be at your place soon." Oh.... ok? Not sure what his intentions were, but given the... traditions... of mardi gras, I imagine he thought his chances at seeing tits (mine or otherwise) were higher. In any case, he came over, we had a couple beers, then met (e:ladycroft) et al out. It was fun. Voice of reason made me come home by midnight-ish, rather than stay out late like I wanted to. But in any case, he brought me home and we watched some simpsons and listened to music. Then he said "let's put you to bed." And then "I can't drive home." So he put me to bed. And then joined me. And we slept. And spooned a little. And that was it. And it was perfect. Just what I needed. No awkward moment of having to tell him to stop... (though I'm not sure if I'm impressed or insulted that he didn't make any moves,- I mean hell, I was drunk and he was in my bed. ha). And I found myself thinking- regardless of sex/relationships/drama/bullshit- it just feels so damn good to be in someone's arms. Even (especially?) when totally platonic. A hug... a hand on yours... simple human contact. So lovely. And one of those things that you can forget so easily... until reminded of what you're missing.
So that was my mardi gras... but it got me thinking back to New Orleans... what a neat city. Dirty and poor and fucked up, no doubt, and not a place I could spend my life, but I'm so glad to have had a few years down there. It's really like nowhere else. And Buffalo's mardi gras is supposedly the 3rd biggest in the country- well it still doesn't hold a candle. (No offense, buffalo.) Mardi gras is crazy down there. It's 2 weeks of parties. But the focus is the parades. Yeah there's bourbon street and tits, but that part is gross. The parades are the shit. 3-4 a night for two weeks. Being in a parade is a big deal. Most of them are a big "society" thing, with balls and all. But there are a few you can buy your way into. Our last year a few of my friends joined a krewe- aside from dues, they had to buy their own throws (beads)- $1000 each. In plastic beads. Per person. And there are, I dunno, 20 people per float? And 40 floats in some of the big parades. And these floats are no joke... they spend ALL YEAR building them.
It's amazing to me how crazy people will go over worthless plastic trinkets. People joke that that is why new orleans is sinking- because everyone's attics are full of beads. Oh, and paying money for beads is a sure sign of being a tourist. You can get PLENTY on your own. Even without flashing. Just yell 'throw me something mister" as they roll by, and you'll do just fine. And if you get shitty beads (small/short), you throw them at the tubas.
And fat tuesday itself- the final parades, Rex and Zulu, start at 8:30am. I only made it once. And the zulu coconut is the most coveted of all mardi gras throws... They take their religion seriously down there. At midnight the party is OVER. Lent has begun. Cops ride down Bourbon street on horseback and break things up. It's amazing.
And one other random bit of trivia- new orleans judges the success of mardi gras by the tons of trash generated. It's so nonstop crowded in the quarter that they can't really clean up for days at a time... you are wading through piss/vomit/beer and crushed plastic cups... yeah, sexy. You need a dedicated pair of shoes you are willing to part with.
Ah, waxing nostalgic...
Here are some old (and new) pix. I wish I had more, but it's hard to carry a camera around.

My house in New Orleans. It was awesome. Huge, and falling apart. 6 fireplaces, chandeliers, a balcony... 2" roaches, I mean "palmetto bugs" (like that makes them "cute" or something).

The court of one of the parades. They always reminded me a little of the KKK and were kind of scary.

See what I mean? Kind of scary.

This guy is a "flambeau". They are guys, usually black, who march with the parades, sweating their balls off, carrying these huge propane torches. You are supposed throw change to them.

One of the floats- "Cirrhosis: Bacchus's Less Attractive Brother"

Yeah, that's about what it feels like.

One parade. No flashing. I swear.

About the closest I have come to flashing.

Some poor unsuspecting boy at Coles got his ass grabbed by (e:kaerains)

Timika and Craig, who looks very evil. (he's not an (e:strip)per- I almost feel like I need to black his eyes out of the pic or something!)

Name that bathroom!
'Night kids!

Permalink: Throw_me_something_Mister_.html
Words: 1005
Location: Buffalo, NY
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