Category: potpourri
07/05/07 10:35 - 66ºF - ID#39920
Ugly 4th!
Been kind of feeling antisocial, again. Ugh. (e:Lilho), I'm sorry we didn't get to hang out before you left. Josh and I both got really sick at the wrong time, plus, I was feeling sort of antisocial. Sometimes I get that way. It would have been nice to sit on the porch and chat, and maybe get a cheap feel in (jk! jk! jk!). I don't think you would have had much fun anyway, seeing as I was a hacking, coughing mess. Plus I'm a lame-o. E-mail me sometime when you're bored.
(e:Ladycroft) - I saw your sticky. Again, I'm just feeling antisocial. It's not my fault, or so I am told constantly it is not my fault. We are looking for a way to properly "treat" the picture so it does not go "bad", whatever that means but you get the idea. Don't worry so much about the details surrounding your exodus to the desert. It will get done, and you are going to have such a good experience there. I especially liked the news paper with the ad for the loan that adheres to shari'a law.
(e:Jenks) - we can have that music conversation whenever you like. Assuming of course I'm not feeling antisocial. I need some new tunes. Also I want to see you not stressed out so much over some dude. Nobody is perfect, nobody is ideal. Everyone just looks to upgrade anyway. Who wants to wager that you would like him LESS if he were crazy about you? Now there is a provocative thought.
Did I mention I'm feeling antisocial? How do you get over that?

Permalink: Ugly_4th_.html
Words: 338
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: potpourri
06/18/07 08:26 - 67ºF - ID#39712
Pitts Was Cool
There seem to be very little hotels available from July 9-13 in the city proper. Is there something going on at that time I am unaware of?

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Words: 55
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: potpourri
06/16/07 09:51 - 70ºF - ID#39687
Thank You Peeps
Went with Jerry to Faherty's, with one of the bartenders being the ex's best friend, but she was really cool with me. She said I did nothing wrong to her friend so she isn't mad at me. Good.
Now, I'd like to say that I didn't go and make a whore of myself last night but yeah I did get a little mouth nookie at the bar. That's always nice.
Time to go to Pitts! Watch for us on TV on Sunday! We'll be at the US Open.
And (e:imk2) - take some freakin vitamins for that hangover!

Permalink: Thank_You_Peeps.html
Words: 120
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: music
06/15/07 10:20 - 61ºF - ID#39671
Radiohead Is Dethroned
Now some people really like the "new" Radiohead. They are more or less unaware, or uninterested, in the rock music they've made. I don't HATE them, but I can't call Radiohead my favorite band any longer.
The crown now belongs to a band from Manchester, England called Doves. I'm sure I've written about them before. Anyhow here's an Amazon link, in case you want to sample:

I can honestly say that I enjoy their entire body of work. They write some very fascinating, diverse songs. Like earlier Radiohead, I never get sick of Doves. There isn't a lot of music out there that inspires me anymore, but they always deliver. In fact, they are in studio now working on a new album, which I cannot wait to hear. I am 100% convinced of how good they are, and am fascist intolerant when it comes to divergent opinions on this.
Someone also has introduced me to a band from Athens, GA called Of Montreal. I have read about them, and a thousand other bands, in SPIN but never gave them a serious listen until recently. Having listened through two of them albums, The Sunlandic Twins

Bands have been increasingly looking to the 80's for inspiration for some reason......the glam, the synths, the artificial percussion, everything. I think introducing New Wave concepts into rock music is an appealing idea, but most bands overdo it, succumbing to the over-the-top indulgences of New Wave, and the 80's in general. Of Montreal pulls it off quite nicely, actually, for my tastes. It is candy coated, but it won't rot your teeth completely. The songs sound very pleasing to a fan of indie rock.
I'm told some of their earlier albums have been very Dance-Pop, and some of you might like that. I don't, and I won't listen to it, so you'll have to decide on your own whether or not that part of their discography is worth a damn. What I will say is that they are a very creative, motivated group. I can appreciate that.
Enjoy your weekend bitches!

Permalink: Radiohead_Is_Dethroned.html
Words: 485
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: potpourri
06/07/07 11:19 - 60ºF - ID#39565
On Being Sick
The one odd thing about it is that since I've been sick I haven't felt even a little stressed out or depressed. Weird. It's like my body is saying "Hey man, we've got more serious shit to think about."
Recently I had a run-in with an asshole on the street, and it might be a bit presumptuous for me to call him an eco-fascist but it certainly seemed that way. Lord knows how I hate eco-fascists. It sort of went like this:
I went to Willie's to pick up some beverages and some snacks, and on the way back home my foot got caught on a plastic bag from Dollar General, which is most definitely not on my block. I tried to get the bag off my foot, but before I could get a hold of it it flew of my foot and went down the street a few steps. Some guy saw this, and said something to the effect of "Hey, you know there's a trash bin right here." If I don't like eco-fascists, I really don't like the ones who misplace their vitriol.
Of course, this prompted me to walk side by side with him to the trash bin, all the while being "lectured" by this fuckhead while I give him nasty looks like "Do you even know what the fuck you're talking about?"
I really really wanted to be a smart ass to him and say one of the following:
"Why don't you say that to the guy who went to DOLLAR GENERAL which is not between my apartment and Wilson Farms?"
"Didn't you see me try to pick up this bag that ain't even mine?"
"Why don't you mind your own damn business, shithead?"
"*Drops Bag* There you go, there's another one for you to pick up."
"*Punch in the head* Fuck off, jerk!"
Of course, I ended up just looking at him like he was (and is) and idiot, and went home to eat my snackies and drink my Diet soda.
Some people..........

Permalink: On_Being_Sick.html
Words: 394
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: potpourri
05/30/07 12:50 - 78ºF - ID#39453
Missed Post-its
Oh, for the record, nothing seems to catch my eye when I have new post-its. Is there a notification I am not seeing? It's probably easier to reach me by clicking on the e-mail icon and e-mailing me instead. I check that all the time.
Anyhoo -
(e:Guest) - Does this mean that if I come to the party, I'll have a great weekend, as compared to the shitty weekend if I do not?
(e:MastermindKG) - Where have you been? You disappeared on us. Now, to answer your question - YES, always, who doesn't? Hahaha.
(e:Ladycroft) - I am not doing ANYTHING in that regard, at MC or anywhere else now, believe it or not. Thanks for the compliments, things are good, I have my days though. I can't write much more about it without divulging things I don't want to be made public. Maybe some other time I'll tell you about it.
(e:Jenks) - After 2 and a half months - yikes! Thanks for your support! What I write on here reflects only the moments when I want to vent lately. It's been enough time, and some fellow peeps (not to mention Josh) have slapped sense into me when I needed it. I'm good.

Permalink: Missed_Post_its.html
Words: 263
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: potpourri
05/22/07 09:47 - 57ºF - ID#39373
I Know Why I Don't Get Dates!
From The Sun Online:

And Selena is not alone. In a recent study, sociologist Diane Felmee found only a third of women said looks were the first thing that attracted them to a man. Most preferred a sense of humour or financial and career success.
Researchers at Newcastle University also believe ugly men exist as a way of repairing our gene pool. Women would rather date men with good genes, who can fight disease easily, than a classically beautiful man.
So, shit, I guess it's time to get that sock full of quarters out, to ask Josh to smash me in the face with it, to find some legal/illegal way of getting a BMW, and maybe to stock up on some Zicam in case she gets a tickle in her throat that ain't STD related.
I was out yesterday at Cecelia's with my bff Jer-Bear. He met a new girl through a friend of his, and I met her for the first time yesterday. Decent enough girl, seems down to earth, I guess. She brought up the age thing somehow, her being 23 and Jerry being 29. I'm not sure if it's really a hangup for her or not. Certainly dating a girl who is under 25 is a no-no in my rule book, for many good reasons but if I met a girl who I thought had potential I wouldn't say "Man, you're great and all but you just need a couple of more years." Hell no! She could very well ripen up by then and your appetite for her could be ruined! If I allowed what someone else thought to affect my decisions all the time, I would probably have had a lot less fun and far less experience in life.
He seems to like her, thinking she may have potential. She brought a cute little friend with her so she wouldn't be alone. The thing is I'm not a great wingman like Josh. I don't have the patience to talk bullshit and pretend like I have to put my best face forward. No, I don't have to do that. I like me. I like my cynical sense of humor. I like to make fun of things. I like all the bad jokes I come up with in the struggle to come through with a few good ones. If someone isn't down with me, it ain't worth wasting any time or energy worrying about them. They're irrelevant, and probably too square for my tastes anyway. Josh is a lot better at dealing with this. He can talk BS for hours and does so every night!
Birthday comes up in a few weeks, as someone reminded me during dinner. No, I am not celebrating. If Josh wants to celebrate he can. It comes on a Friday this year. The last year has been both good and bad, but I just want to move forward. I don't like celebrating, but a few years back I do recall getting a little striptease/lap dance from my girlfriend at the time, which was GREEEAAATT, and which I've come to find is not something a lot of girls like to do for their men. Let's just put it this way - I don't recall a single gift she ever got me, but I sure as hell do remember that night, the images being permanently burned into memory. This ain't gonna be as nice.

Permalink: I_Know_Why_I_Don_t_Get_Dates_.html
Words: 606
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: economy
04/12/07 08:41 - 45ºF - ID#38858
Citibank Bringing Jobs to Buffalo?

What is really interesting is what it says here:
"Meanwhile thousands of posts in New York City will be shifted to Buffalo in upstate New York near the Canadian border, although almost 60pc of the cuts will take place outside the US."
Oooh, you mean we get to take jobs from NYC? THOUSANDS? Really? I think it's fantastic. Wait for the local government to fuck it up.........

Permalink: Citibank_Bringing_Jobs_to_Buffalo_.html
Words: 110
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: medicine
04/09/07 08:41 - 29ºF - ID#38817
Doc Wouldn't Give Me My Pills
Well, I knew it was time to get back on the pills, as I now have my insurance and money to take care of myself. I went to the Doc and what did he tell me? Just go back to your counseling and get whatever you need there. Huh? I thought you were my Doctor! Why am I here paying you money to tell me to go elsewhere to get help?
I'm so frustrated.
What I do know is that for me, depression and getting blasted go hand in hand. I don't want to go backwards. I hate waking up, hands shaking, overwhelmed with anxiety. It's just brutal. It's distracting, heavily so, and debilitating.
I guess it's time to get rid of this Doc and find someone better.

Permalink: Doc_Wouldn_t_Give_Me_My_Pills.html
Words: 134
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: potpourri
04/04/07 01:55 - 37ºF - ID#38745
Is This The End Of The World?
We have heard from people who are scaring the death out of us, telling us the end of the world is nigh unless we change our polluting ways, sermonizing in ways reminiscent of the Book of Revelation.
Chew on this - what if we were TRULY helpless?
I listen to Coast to Coast AM fairly frequently. There was a guy on the other night called Ed Dames, a military man who claims to have been part of a clandestine CIA program dealing with Remote Viewing. With a lot of effort, these Remote Viewers claim to be able to do many fantastic things. Locating people, bombs, lost artifacts, and to some extent telling us about the natural world are among their alleged gifts (think of reasons why our gov't would want to have this kind of asset).
Anyhoo, this guy is a polarizing figure because of what he says, and believe me it ain't good. I'll cut to the chase - he said that very, very soon our Sun is going to go through a solar cycle of epic proportions, with the result being a barren earth, and the human race being cut by at least half, if not more, because of the poor food supply. Put as bluntly as he put it - we are dead in 50 years.
Now what do you make of it? Put aside the shaky foundation behind the claims for a moment (I am also skeptical of Remote Viewing) and imagine that this were true. How would it change the way you think about your fellow man? How would it affect your attitude towards life?
I was reminded of the dream I had where I had a vision of our sun going bonkers, bubbling and blowing up. I remember thinking, man what have we been doing here all this time? We make war, we fuck each other mercilessly, and what was it all for?
The point Dames made, and I agree, is that you have to squeeze every little bit of joy and happiness out of life. Even if the world doesn't end, this is still ultimately true. So why go about things being bitter, insufferable or down on life? You're wasting your fucking time.

Permalink: Is_This_The_End_Of_The_World_.html
Words: 398
Location: Buffalo, NY
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